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  1. k
  2. As long as you don't let anyone see you it's all good, right. Thanks.
  3. They're stainless. I have a different brand(I can't remember what kind right now) on my fretted and have used many different brands of rounds and never had this experience. I'm wondering if LowRoiders are more of a half-round than they let on to.
  4. I just bought some Dr LowRiders to put on my fretless cause the good reviews I read, but didn't read anything about people have issues with them feeling like they grab at your fingers when you slide, especially doing vibrato. I bought some half-rounds and took them off pretty quick because of this issue and the fact I wasn't to big on the sound. I a using fast fret, but dosen't really seem to fix the issue. Any ideas on how to remedy the problem or will they get smoother over time?
  5. Thanks for the input guys. I will check out the website. The nut, relief and measurements are definitely more along the lines of what I'm looking for. Will try it out and see how it fits with mine, Andy . I am all about the mwah-hawm.
  6. I've found all kinds of videos and info about doing a standard string height, neck relief and intonation setup for fretted basses, but have not been able to find any really clear info on setting up a fretless. I'm wondering if the set process is the same as far as height measurements are done the same, but instead of measuring off a fret, I just measure from the finger board at the same location. If it's done different, does anyone know of a good website or video that covers this? I have only seen guys say that your best bet is to get the action as low as you can without buzz, but I'm more interest from technical viewpoint.
  7. I'm with you on that one Steve, I also just discovered that ebonol isn't much of a conductor for oil (as I saw Howie also said) , so looks like it's back to the shop.
  8. Thanks for the responses guys. All good information. I will take the advice of trying and oiling it up first and see if this helps. If not, I will take it back to the store. This is when I'm happy I don't buy over the interweb. I hear you on the lineless, bassman7755, that's in the future budget.
  9. It's about 8 months old. I've had rounds, tapes, and half-rounds all on it just experimenting, but over half of the playing I've done has been with rounds. I play about every other day for 1-3 hours, so it gets a bit of use. This seems to me if it gets worse, it may cause some "fret" buzz. I could see this being an issue simply from being a lower end and lower priced bass, but mostly wondering if some of this is normal. If not, wanna find a fix early on.
  10. Is it normal for fret lines to start standing out and give a slight fretted characteristic on a fretless bass? I notice it when I slide up or down the board slowly. Could I epoxy and sand the board down to fix this? Does it get worse, or is a little of this normal? It's a Squier J bass.
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