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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Never bought from him online but a few years ago I assisted a friend in the purchase of a guitar from Richard when he had the shop in Leamington and before he went to Stratford. He was - as they say - a bit 'passionate' but his stock was good, prices were keen and he had no objection to us working through half his acoustics over several hours. At the time he was offering a free six-month check / set-up on shop purchases which suggested to me that he stood by his word.
  2. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1427227875' post='2727657'] I don't give a monkey's about John Hall. I should imagine most CEO's of these companies are 'orrible [/quote] The late Mr Bill Schulz of Fender was widely respected as a nice guy. People say only the kindest things about Mr Chris Martin. Mr Paul Reed Smith is regarded as loopy but loveable, though possibly not so by Gibson CEO Mr Henry Juskiewicz. That said, Juskiewicz is the subject of negative comments on the lines of 'total c**t' so his opinion of Mr Smith may be discounted. Mr Jim Marshall was universally admired. Mr Hartley Peavey is loved as only a crusty but honest old curmudgeon may be. Mr Larry Hartke garners favourable reviews; encomiums are lifted to Mr Mark Gooday of Ashdown; many believe a statue should be erected to cuddly Dick Jennings of Vox; had not Mr Bob Behringer unexpectedly died mid-gig there is little doubt he would have won a prize for International Friendship. Colloquy has it that nice guys finish last and that the succesful businessman must naturally be a shark. This is a patent falsehood born of misapprehension and a faulty socialist educational system that prizes poverty above achievement. For confirmation, we may example Mr Leo Fender. Pernickety? Maybe. Would he have your back in a grisly bar room fight? Undoubtedly.
  3. I had a mapleglo Ibby faker about 35 years ago. Played nice, sounded good to my youthful ears. It was lovely but I really needed the money (£100) and it had to go. That's why I sold my Rickenfaker. Love to buy a real one but I can't until John Hall is either dead or otherwise no longer involved with the company. Bummer, eh?
  4. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1427155584' post='2726647'] What has become apparent in this thread is there is some sort of a pecking order with 'newbies' at the bottom of the heap, and the ' good posters' at the top. What a load of claptrap. [/quote] With all respect I do not recognise this 'pecking order' of which you speak nor have I seen evidence of such in this thread. Seems to me the main preoccupations over the last six pages have been: (i) the sudden and - for some - mysterious departures of a number of forum regulars who have contributed much to the gaiety of the forum (ii) a perception that aggressive or disputatious posting is on the increase I mention this not to argue or to chide but to relieve you of any unnecessary misapprehensions. BassChat welcomes newbs; on the vanishingly infrequent occasions when someone has had a pop at a newb the offender has usually been pulled up by other members before the mods even have a chance to react. Enjoy your time here and don't worry about pecking orders; they don't exist.
  5. .[quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1427143169' post='2726449'] ...here's my diplomatic response for the delicate of opinion [/quote] Outstanding post. Thank you.
  6. What's nice about this thread is it's brought lots of old faces out of the woodwork (so to speak). Can't think of anything else. Edit for: Apart from the Rick Parfait gag. That was good. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  7. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1427137792' post='2726324'] I quite agree! No need for anyone to wade in and point out that a thread on a particular subject was started by Bassfart in 2009. [/quote] I remember bassfart. Outstanding forum member brought low by a tendency for posting 'Google it, ffs, you f***ing f***!' if ever a newb asked about string gauges. Now over on Finnbass where he heads up a cadre of BC émigrés currently plotting a 'Bay Of Pigs' style counter-revolution. Apparently fanatical hordes of disaffected bassists will swarm into navy-surplus landing craft and putter their way ashore, only to be mown down in a hail of sarcasm. They don't know about the last bit, of course. That's not in the plan.
  8. Funky blues? Maybe re-purpose some Albert Collins or some Albert King (Stax period)? Often overlooked these days is Johnny Guitar Watson. Tina Turner's cover of Steamy Windows. 'Why did you do it' by Stretch.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427051866' post='2725148'] ....But, they do have an awful lot of posts and not all of them posted glib one liners in OT to get there.[/quote] Indeed so. In the last couple of months or so a surprising number of established members have 'disappeared'. Of these, five of them were responsible for a combined total of 79,628 posts. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427051866' post='2725148'] I'm also pretty sure they didn't just drift away... [/quote] To my certain knowledge several 'lifers' have left expressing general reservations about forum moderation and one instance in particular. Of course, this sort of attrition happens on forums all the time but BC seems suddenly to have hit a bad patch after quite a stable period. One hopes that this trend will change direction. On the other hand, the influx of new members has included some diamond types. While it may be invidious to single out individuals, I would like to tip my hat to Blue who not only posts some classic wisdom but somehow seems to be in the same time zone as the rest of us despite being umpteen thousand miles away.
  10. We're losing our touch on BC. A few years ago, if some attention-seeking nutter newb had popped up here causing a fuss and rowing with people in a desperate attempt to punt a 20 year-old bee-in-the-bonnet grudge we'd have given him a slap and sent him on his way. Nowadays we gather round and dab these peoples' temples with eau de cologne and sing Kumbayah and reassure them that 'It's OK, everybody's entitled to their opinion' because BC is where everybody's view matters. Face facts: a 'Septic' poser who's not been here long enough to wipe his arse has managed to get us to take him remotely seriously for 7 whole pages. And I say that bowing to no man in my disdain for RIC Corporation This is what 13 years of socialism gets you. An inability to know when someone's having you over.
  11. Lock it. Lock it now, for pity's sake.
  12. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashville_number_system"]Nashville number system[/url]. Not the only non-traditional notation but bloody useful when transposing.
  13. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1426617586' post='2719921'] Shocked! How do we know? [/quote] Good question. As of 18:44 I can't find anything at all about this on the web.
  14. NOI to the OP, but when people delete the details from their sales ads it reduces the usefulness of this bit of the forum for research purposes. @ Locking Mod: Any chance we could sticky something about this that could impede the practise of deletion?
  15. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1426255244' post='2716218'] See this post on RickResource: [url="http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=194687&p=209286&hilit=government+hall#p209286"]http://www.rickresou...nt+hall#p209286[/url] [/quote] A sad tale. The victim of Mr Hall's 'aggressive-aggressive' stance on that occasion was / is a member here, IIRC. I have read a number of threads in which Mr Hall has participated. His demeanour, debating style and 'flexible' approach to factual analysis convinces me that he is the sort of person who would never be welcome in my home.
  16. Very kind of you to post the heads-up, Sir. Were I still a resident of Banbury I'd probably swing by and chivvy them down to a sensible price. Doubtless someone will pick it up and be very happy.
  17. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1426179184' post='2715342'] However, if you are anything like me at my first gig, your eyes will be glued to the fretboard most of the time anyway. This is OK. The audience eye contact thing can wait till your next gig. [/quote] Wise words.
  18. Couple of tips to add to the sensible suggestions above. Try to get to the venue before it fills up with punters. Drop your gear and before you do anything else walk round the room / stage a couple of times. Say to yourself 'This is [i]my[/i] space and I own it.' Then set up and find a comfy place to perch while your [s]victims[/s] audience walk in. It's possible to spend the gig standing sideways to the punters or looking at the drummer. But it's equally possible to look [i]at[/i] the audience, but angle your gaze just slightly over their heads. That way you don't have to make eye contact but [i]they[/i] still think you're looking at them. Fact is, you'll really enjoy yourself. Enjoy your gig
  19. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1426158094' post='2714987'] I'm going to guess that he has to go after [i]somebody[/i] in order to demonstrate that he is protecting his trademarks [/quote] This is precisely the case and in most instances is a prudent move by any copyright or trademark holder. The fact that it appears to have had almost no impact whatever on the 'Faker makers seems to elude Mr Hall and his Mouseketeers. [i]Who's the leader of the club That's made for you and me R-I-C-K-Y M-O-U-S-E[/i] [i]Ricky Mouse, Ricky Mouse Forever let us hold our banner high High, high, high[/i] [i]We'll do things and we'll go places All around the world We'll go marching[/i] [i]Ricky Mouse, Ricky Mouse[/i] [i]Who's the leader of the club[/i] [i]That's made for you and me R-I-C-K-Y M-O-U-S-E[/i] [i](copyright: Hall / Wessel)[/i]
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1426119413' post='2714760'] Well, strike Lemmy, Macca, Geddy, Squire and Foxton from the list of - er - music and there's not much left, tbh. [/quote] Erratum - The above should have read something like '[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Well, strike Lemmy, Macca, Geddy, Squire and Foxton from the list of [u][i]popular[/i][/u] music [u][i]performed on Rickenbackers[/i][/u] and there's not much left, tbh'[/font] But in some bizarre way I seem to have blown my sh*t the f**k up and created the unfortunate impression that I am at variance with m'learned friend Mr Chris_B, may he prosper and flourish. Anyway, I am more or less of the mind that (i) very little of any interest has been performed on the Rickenbacker which could not as easily have been performed on anything else and (ii) that - with the exception of the Lemster and the Fish - the named individuals have in later years mostly performed the 'Rickenbacker' songs on instruments by different manufacturers with no detriment to the outcome. In any case, it will all look the same in a hundred years time and no one will care.
  21. Well, strike Lemmy, Macca, Geddy, Squire and Foxton from the list of - er - music and there's not much left, tbh. So if ChrisB doesn't like the 'Head, Wings, Rush, Yes and the Jam (he's actually more of a gangster rap fan - booyaka!) then he's probably safely in the right. Entirely feasible.
  22. Never used one, but a 1x12 open-backed ply cab loaded with a V30 [i]for less than the price of a V30[/i] seems more than fair. I suppose the handle looks a bit flimsy but I can't see much else to go wrong. NB - add 10 euro for shipping (?) and allow for currency variations and foreign exchange fees
  23. Well, no one else has posted it so I suppose I'll have to. Best 'Back of a Moving Vehicle' promo video ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDCs7ijNUVM
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