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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Thing is, Mr Noel Gallagher demolishes bands, industries, paradigms etc in one sentence whereas Mr Sleafordmod takes about a thousand words to achieve more or less the same effect. And it's in The Guardian which is arguably the [i]least[/i] Rock'N'Roll of the national press, though none of them are much good. Praise be that ponce Peter Paphides no longer pollutes their pages with his pretentious, preening puffery. Anyway, entering into the spirit of the age: 'If I wanted to watch a shouty f***ing chav with a microphone and a computer I'd go down our local f***ing minicab office. Sleaford f***ing Mods? I f***ing sh*t 'em'.
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1425830968' post='2711182'] Did you forget to add a smilie or is this deliberately provocative?? [/quote] I don't do 'deliberately provocative'. That's Bilbo's gig. No, just observing the growing tendency here to seize on the minutest possible infraction and turn it into an international cause celebre. The fact is, the OP is at liberty to title his thread any which way he chooses without having to justify it to anyone, least of all those who may be out looking for wrongs to right. And I say that in the nicest way possible.
  3. Ah, yes. This is the BassChat I know and hate. Where people rag on someone for a perceived offence then 'challenge' them to justify themselves then 'challenge' their justifications ad inf. Bogus social 'concern' mostly designed to make the poster feel better about themselves at someone else's expense. It's a thing that weak, defeated people do from their keyboards because they're so insignificant no one notices them in real life. There's more of it on BC than there used to be, but that's just a measure of the declining quality of membership and an associated rise in self-interested cause-ist vigilantism. I think the OP's been more than restrained in his responses. All credit to him.
  4. [quote name='mikhay77' timestamp='1425512167' post='2708191'] Yeh he doesnt seem to take on work at the mo. Just struggling. Dying art I suppose! [/quote] From his contact page: [quote] Please understand that I am on my own here….doing all the work ... looking after my 83 year old Mum, doing the shopping and washing etc [i]Contact is temporarily disabled to family commitments.[/i] [/quote] Sounds like he's got problems familiar to many of us of a certain age. @ OP - I should have checked John's site before I recommended him. Sorry about that.
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1425510555' post='2708173'] Exept, I did not die. And I have you're gumtree name.[/quote] My gumtree name (if there is such a thing) is randomjoebollocks53. PM me sometime and we can quote Swinburne to each other. [i]And in other news...[/i] This 'Will sell to quickest payer' thing could easily be misconstrued as seller's hyperbole similar to 'First to see will buy'. Throw in some stuff like 'drives superb', 'shabby chic' and 'plays like buttah' and there's every chance people might come round just to slap the seller in the chops. And rightly so. It's funny, because I've been unloading all sorts of stuff on Gumtree recently. The non-musical stuff attracts pleasant, reliable people who pay the asking price, arrive on time and depart with the goods. The musical gear often pulls in drab, hopeless teen f**ktards who open with 'Knock of fifty quid M8 and I'll hav it' then get tearful when you say 'Thanks but no thanks'.
  6. One time a guy mailed me asking if he can come by and look at something I was selling - no confo he'd buy, just wanted to eyeball the merchandise. I said fine, when do you want to do it? No reply. A week goes by, the guy mails me back saying can he swing by the following weekend? Too late, says I. Gone Says he: 'I'm really disappointed by your actions which are incredibly unfair and my girlfriend agrees with me'. So I told him not to be a big f*cking cry-baby and to f*ck off and die and that's why I had to open a new Gumtree account.
  7. It has been alleged that popular beat combo AC/DC currently tune a quarter tone flat to accommodate Mr Brian Johnson's advancing years. Frankly, I'd see that as something of a triumph given the loveable Geordie's spectacular yelpiness.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1425389005' post='2706760'] random joe bollocks ([b]no disrespect)[/b] [/quote] A superfluous disclaimer in my opinion. Were anyone to designate me as a 'random joe bollocks' I should feel sufficiently respected as to change my BassChat username to match. In any event, I find the idea of a two-piece band with an offstage 'secret player' rather enchanting. Why stop there? One might profitably add keys, percussion, horns and a full orchestra. People would like it and - as my old friend and mentor the Marquis De Vauvenargues once observed - '[i]The art of pleasing is the art of deception[/i]'. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425414898' post='2707150'] Good advice. [i]Ars longa vita brevis[/i]. [/quote] [i]Sic transit Gloria Gaynor[/i]
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1425393530' post='2706844'] contrary to popular belief it is no longer the 60s or 70s [/quote] In my head it's still the 70's. Any date after 1979 just looks [i]wrong[/i]. As for BEAD, the only argument against it is the absence of the G and I never use [i]that[/i] one except for jaunty faux-Disco octave climbs, which is to say, seldom if ever these days, the demand for Disco being seemingly restricted in the main to those professional engagements where weasel-featured children slide across the dance-floor on their knees and fat wallflowers weep into their Bacardi Breezers. If that's the sort of gig someone wants to play with their ugly five-string talent-crutch, far be it from me to cast aspersions; just don't expect me to like it. [i]De mortuis nil nisi bonum.[/i] [i].[/i]
  11. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1425384250' post='2706690'] I really like reading stuff like this, I find it fascinating, whether correct or not. [/quote] As do I. The issues and history surrounding 'standard' concert pitch are entirely fascinating. The various shifts over time are a reflection of musical evolution and of human reactions to sound. I am glad that the OP started this thread even though it now appears he may not be of like mind. Which is a shame. So while I might explore the comedic possibilities deriving from history I certainly wouldn't draw a line to denote an impermeable boundary between sense and nonsense. Life's much too interesting and unpredictable for a hobbyist forum to be laying down the law about what is - in part - a matter of perception and therefore far from being a measurable absolute
  12. [quote name='juliusmonk' timestamp='1425342951' post='2706457'] That's exactly what happened, or so I have been told [/quote] Quite so. It is also a fact that the circular Gathering Chamber at Himmler's Wewelsburg Castle (pictured above) was acoustically tuned to A432. When his latterday Teutonic SS Knights met in conclave they would chant the old Germanic song [i]Nie Werde Dich Aufgeben[/i]. The overtones thus created are claimed to induce a hallucinatory beserker rage. Those possessed of a strong mind and iron self-control can hear a reproduction [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"]here[/url]
  13. [quote name='Mr Arkadin' timestamp='1425336058' post='2706410'] Told you the Nazis would figure in there somewhere, they always do. [/quote] The International Conference which established A440 took place in London in May 1939. Coincidence? Or prescient knowledge of the impending cataclysm? Enigma intercepts suggested that Nazi Germany would adopt A432 as a mystic 'bolster' for its ambitions. The USA had established A440 as standard in 1935. British support for 440hz in 1939 paved the way for lend-lease, D-Day and eventual victory over the tyrant. Upon such small hinges does the door of fate turn. [size=3][b]Dateline 1940:[/b] Goebbels hums 432hz during an orchestral 'indoctrination ritual'.[/size] Concert pitch provoked sharp divisions of opinion among the Nazi elite. Goebbels and Himmler favoured A432, whereas Goering instructed the Luftwaffe to pursue experiments with A444. By contrast the Kriegsmarine followed Donitz's lead and equipped U-Boats with transmitters keyed to A448. The army's insistence on A436 compounded an intolerable clash between the services; the outcome was confusion, incompatibility, irredeemable defeat in the cauldron of Stalingrad and the eventual dismemberment of the Thousand Year Reich. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1425332321' post='2706367'] And the French A442. Debussy not the charabanc, Skank. [/quote] Nice work, sir. Just the ticket. Some may scoff at the mystical power of A432 but it is a matter of record that the shadowy [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schiller_Institute"]Schiller Institute[/url] has long promoted A432 under the nomenclatural guise of the '[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche#1989:_Musical_interests_and_Verdi_tuning_initiative"]Verdi tuning[/url]', claiming that the great Italian composer favoured A432 as the most natural frequency. Few realise that The Schiller Institute is closely tied to Mr [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche"]Lyndon Larouche[/url], a political thinker, private intelligence contractor and convicted criminal whose organisation was alleged to have links to the FBI, the US Intelligence community, Soviet Russia (as it was) and Neo-Nazi groups including the KKK. Mr Larouche's view of modern music is somewhat jaded: "[i]Rock was not an accidental thing. This was done by people who set out in a deliberate way to subvert the United States. It was done by British intelligence[/i]." He also wrote that the Beatles were "[i]a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division specifications[/i]." Against this background the casual observer may wonder whether the Verdi tuning initiative draws in any way upon the musicological aspects of Himmler's SS [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahnenerbe"]Ahnenerbe[/url] project - notably the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahnenerbe#Institutes"][i]Institut fur Indogermanisch-deutsche Musik[/i][/url]. Either way, the A432 Verdi tuning excited sufficient interest as to attract the support of numerous operatic luminaries including Pavarotti and Domingo.
  15. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1425328185' post='2706283'] Gott in Himmel Skank, es tut mir leid. Aber, ich denke das A443 ist zwischen Newnham Bridge und Worcester, nicht war? [/quote] Quite so. Back in 1933 I took a charabanc trip out that way with my old pal Sir Edward Elgar. He was getting on in years by then and viewed every missed opportunity as his last. At one point we sped past the B4204 junction to Martley. 'Oh,' he said wistfully. 'I'd rather wanted to visit Martley Court. I suppose it's too late now'. 'Don't worry,' I quipped. 'You may be Elgar now but you'll be Bach one day.' How we laughed.
  16. The article cited by m'learned friend above notes [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_pitch#Current_concert_pitches"]the regional variations[/url] in concert pitch even within Europe. This was brought home to me most forcibly during the Rosenkavalier sessions of 1956 when Von Karajan pulled me up over my use of A440. 'Mein Herr!' cried the old Nazi, brandishing his baton. 'I am accustomed to A443 rather than your Anglo-American A440. Please be so good as to oblige me by tuning [i]up[/i] to the German standard.' 'Of course, Maestro,' I replied. 'Deutschland uber alles, I suppose?' We later became the firmest of friends and no man wept more at his funeral than I.
  17. The whole sorry saga of Mr Townshend's engagement with the 1275 is recounted in the linked page above. Seems the poor old thing underwent an 'enforced transformation' requiring a repair which left it with necks out of parallel. Of course, it may be possible that Mr T was striving to effect an [i]homage[/i] to the custom twin neck constructed by Mr Paul Bigsby for Mr Grady Martin (who played on - among many other hits - Miss Brenda Lee's 'Rocking Around The Christmas Tree'). But i doubt it. [size=3][b]Bigsby[/b]: It's meant to look like that[/size]
  18. I used to run a Mag 300 2x10 combo on top of a Hartke 4x10. Sounded fine, never had a problem apart from the stupid push buttons splitting and falling out. Even then, an email to Ashdown and they'd bang a few replacements off to me for the cost of postage.
  19. If you don't mind an hour's drive there's [url="http://www.chambonino.com/"]John Chambers[/url] in Nottingham. Did some work for me one time and it was good stuff.
  20. http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/gear/guitar/gibsoneds1275.html Full history of Townshend's double neck dalliance in link above, including the same image as in the very first post in the thread. More interesting, perhaps, is the band's flirtation with dandyish psychedelic clothes. The brocade jacket and frilly ruff thing didn't last long. Apparently Jeremy Clarkson owns one of Keith Moon's more famous kits.
  21. [quote]Does the younger generations know their band member favorites and how they might all be different as individual personalities within a band?[/quote] Well, the interview questions are different. [i]Then[/i] Q: When do you think you'll get married and what sort of wife are you looking for? A: Not for a few years yet, Derek, but she'll have to be able to cook my favourite - steak and kidney pie! [i]Now[/i] Q: Which undeveloped country do you feel most embraces the key tenets of universal human rights? A: I was talking to Nelson Mandela about this shortly before he died. I took part in the graveside vuvuzuela salute, you know. Unforgettable. And who may we identify for introducing politics, conscience and intellectual depth into Pop? Step forward those lovable mop-tops.
  22. Here's a better image of a 1275 being played by some bloke whose name eludes me
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1425062765' post='2703604'] I've been in quite a few bands but you weren't in any of them (afaik?), maybe I've just been lucky, lol [/quote] Not [i]that[/i] lucky. Remember that band you were in one time with a lady singer who had - er- stubble that you used to wonder about and you got the hump in rehearsal when she asked you to simplify your lines a bit and there was a big shouting match between the two of you and halfway through you realised that you had a half-lob and it all ended up in a hotel room and when she whipped 'em off you realised 'she' was a 'he' but it didn't matter anyway by that stage. Well, that was xilldx. I've never been in a band with you.
  24. A common denominator between all the bands I've been in is me. As it presumably is for anyone who's been in more than one band. Anyway, the culprits are - as ever - easy to spot. It's the singists. Evil bastards and rotten to the core, every manjack of them spawned from Satan's hindquarters with a music stand in one hand and a bad attitude in the other. Prancing around with a supercilious grin on their faces and crying: 'Look at me, I'm the Queen Of The Spring! I'm lovely' and booking Sunday gigs in Harvester restaurants and you say 'But we play metal!' and they say 'So I might have lied to the manager and said we're a childrens' party band, we can set up just by the pit that's got all the coloured balls in it. Do you know the chords to "The Runaway Train" ?' The solution is easy. Dump the idea of singers and just do surf instrumentals. Happy to help, no need to thank me.
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