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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1419382777' post='2639510'] Go easy on us, Skanks, old lad. [/quote] It is my place neither to go easy nor to go hard. The fact is that I was present on the occasion when Mr Wooten expressed his incredulous disbelief at the efficaciousness of the product. Offered the choice of a wedge of cash or a small calibre bullet through the eardrum my old pal Vic chose the sensible option of [i]appearing [/i]to validate the cable while leaving sufficient wiggle-room for later on. It was the right thing to do.
  2. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1419379128' post='2639477'] Victor Wooten appears on their site and is quoted as saying "Incredible". [/quote] [b]Incredible[/b] (adjective) synonyms: unbelievable, hard to believe, scarcely credible, unconvincing, far-fetched, strained, laboured, implausible, improbable, highly unlikely, not in the least likely, questionable, dubious, doubtful, inconceivable, impossible, absurd, preposterous
  3. Far from being 'bullsh*t' or 'a fraud', I find these items invariably work as described. If I can afford the very best (as indeed I can) I will always take advantage of improved tonal quality and enhanced audio rapport. It's my experience that detractors of this kind of product are invariably poor people or bitter cheapskates or uninformed hobbyists. In a way, I feel sorry for them.
  4. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1419350514' post='2639032'] the Behaviour Guide [/quote] Requests to see the Behaviour Guide should be addressed in the first instance to Mr A J C Taylor (RN, Ret'd) at BassChat Towers, PO Box 174, Northampton. [size=3]BC's most venerable lady member scrutinising rule 518(iv): Thou shalt not diss tribute bands[/size]
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1419202890' post='2637637'] Hey, that's me your talking about.[/quote] Not at all, dear chap. The guilty know who they are. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1419202890' post='2637637']However, I don't have any chest hair, and that check out girl at Walgreen's really likes me. [/quote] Walgreen's sounds so impossibly exotic to the ear. Sod's law, it's probably like Spar, only with a smaller range of tea-bags and better looking customers. [size=3][b]Spar, Bridport UK[/b]: The rain falls hard on a humdrum town and Heaven knows I'm miserable now[/size]. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419194689' post='2637506'] "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The nostalgia circuit is big business but that doesn't make it relevant.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Most of the people that go to these shows are old farts who are still desperately trying to convince that themselves they are still young & relevant. "[/font][/color] [/quote] No more so than the 'I'm really down with the kids music' middle-aged men who pretend to like any old sh*t if it might make the teenage supermarket check-out girl see past the ear hair and the grey chest wig. It is a tragic thing to observe, somewhat akin to Dad-dancing or wearing over-tight blue jeans. The problem is that many of these types can't bear to see themselves as 'Clarksons' well on their way to being worm food. The idea of dignified maturity entirely eludes them. So - anyway - they trumpet their love of 'ground-breaking new music', blissfully unaware that the target audience of 20 year-olds looks at them and thinks 'Who is that silly old c**t?' This denial of reality leads the wrinkly hipster into the hilariously unsustainable argument that today's music is [i]really great[/i] and that the unlimited availability of paint-by-numbers bedroom Mac recordings [i]is a good thing[/i]. It really is very depressing to see such widespread cognitive dissonance simply because people can't handle the concept of mortality. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  7. [b]Local Man to World:[/b] 'Stones, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Al Green, Carole King and Laura Nyro - a lot of those artists' material is mediocre. [b]World to Local Man:[/b] 'You need to have a word with yourself, sunshine.' [b]Local Man to World: [/b]'But ...s[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ince the 90's there have been more genres more artists pushing the bounds of what can be done but there are no more global superstars, music is better for that'[/font][/color] [b]World to Local Man: [/b]'Sure. Who wants a few people with the talent to make themselves global superstars at a time when there were only two TV channels, one music mag and no f**king internet when you can have ten thousand Nicki Minaj's, four hundred and eighty Mumford and Sons and eighty six Ramones knock-offs, some of them possibly being Christian Punks who sing songs about 'God's Leather Jacket Of Love' or somesuch crap. Oh, yes. Life on Planet Earth has been [i]immeasurably [/i]improved by the endless conveyor belt of clone X-Factor pop stars, faux rebels and gurning sex-queen wannabes who infest our TV screens, music charts and - er - blog things. I mean, when I heard that Taylor Swift was pulling her music off Spotify I thought 'Christ! What a time to be alive!' The old days? Pah! Who - living back then in the 60's and 70's - could ever have been satisfied listening to a new Stones, John Martyn, James Brown or Joni Mitchell album knowing they would have to wait a whole, unendurable [i]40 years[/i] before they could sample the delights of One Direction or Lily Allen or Ed Sheeran or that plain, plump Scotchwoman who sings light opera. [b]Local Man to World[/b]: Yes, but there are... [b]World To Local Man[/b]: No, no, no. Too late, sunshine. [i]You[/i] started this. [b]Local Man to World[/b]: ... [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]more genres more artists[/font][/color] [b]World To Local Man: [/b]Yes, indeed. The 'Quantity Over Quality' argument. More is better. Fifty trillion flies can't be wrong - so let's all eat sh*t. [b]Local Man to World: [/b]I think you're misrepresenting my argument... [b]World To Local Man[/b]: Look at me. In the eye. Right now. [i]Is this the face of a man that cares?[/i] Problem is you're stuck in a very cold and lonely place my friend when you dismiss out of hand those who are - by common agreement - some of the most talented artists of the last 50 years. And is music today better because there are tens of thousands of sh*t-arse numpties on YouTube churning out poorly executed, note for note copies of Motown and West Coast pop and Blue-Eyed Soul and Nick Drake? And then coming up with some idiotic sub-genre to describe it? "If you had to label us - and we [i]hate[/i] labels - I suppose you'd have to call us TeaPot. Well, Speed TeaPot. In fact, Melodic Speed TeaPotStep, as it happens.' And every last one of these sorry motherf**kers than says something like: 'Well, no, Wendy, I'm not the new ([i]insert obvious influence here[/i]). I'm the old Me. Well, yes, I suppose there might be traces of ([i]obvious influence[/i]) in my repertoire but - you know - I'm very much my own man'. [b]Local Man To World[/b]: If I could just get a word in... [b]World to Local Man[/b]: Not a prayer, matey. You laid out this f**king minefield, now you can go and play hopscotch in it. [i]'CeeLo is measurably better than Wilson Pickett'.[/i] [color=#ff0000][size=3][b]BANG![/b][/size][/color] Oh, that's a shame, there goes your left leg. I bet that f**king hurts. '[i]It's so great that we live in a time when there are literally[/i] hundreds[i] of Celtic Speed Metal acts that all sound [/i]so[i] different'[/i]. [color=#ff0000][size=3][b]BANG! [/b][/size][/color]That's your right arm gone. If you can hear me through the agonising pain, try heading towards that barn, it looks clear over there. [b]Local Man To World[/b]: There's no point in continuing this discussion if you're going to take that attitude.... [b]World To Local Man[/b]: Fair enough. Let's agree that pop music has quite obviously [i]never[/i] been in better health. That the 'mediocre' work of James Brown and Aretha Franklin isn't worth the steam off my piss. That we all welcome with unconfined joy the prospect of further thousands more hipster-bearded, floppy-haired youths in thigh-hugging jeans and weasel-featured women with surgically enhanced 'cushion' lips and gigantic arses exuding baleful, deluded inadequacy while trying to squeeze our every last penny out of us while they go on on chat shows and and say "You know, Jonathan, that Russell Brand has got his head screwed on". Let us agree that Rihanna is the ne plus ultra of interpretative balladry and a pioneer of trenchant social observation. No, everything's just handy and dandy. Don't mind me. [b]Local Man To World[/b]: I won't [b]World To Local Man[/b]: Right, then [b]Local Man to World[/b]: Right [b]World To Local Man[/b]: Right
  8. FWIW, my parents lived in Ferndown, East Dorset until quite recently. Though the biggest conurbation in East Dorset, conveniently situated and with a useful little town centre it is also to a certain extent God's Waiting Room. There may be towns with an older median age but not many. Beige is the new black in Ferndown. The houses aren't particularly cheap, the housing stock is mostly cosy little 1950's bungalows and there's no local music scene to speak of apart from Hits From The Blitz acts at the local Barrington theatre. That said, the gentle doziness is quite attractive, the local schools seem to get a good write-up and there's something of a community feeling. Ferndown is also the home of BC-er Jackie Moon who kindly purchased a 4x10 from me a few months ago, so it's got that going for it as well.
  9. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1418336241' post='2629407'] there are innocent young individuals who read this forum and may be influenced by such bo**ocks. [/quote] A lost cause, I'm afraid. Amidst the thronging multitudes of paunchy, elderly BassChatters there may be a [i]few[/i] innocent young individuals*. But they'll have been exposed to so many bollocks-filled threads here that their world view is already irredeemably tainted. And if - perhaps - the puir wee tots can be led to believe that Musicman production methods kill dolphins, well, it adds to the gaiety of nations. [size=3]*The BassChat frequent user sub-group is about 85% men aged 45 years or older. Ironically, Milty is one of the increasingly rare 'young' BC-ers. Though he's not particularly innocent[/size]. [size=3]And he's not getting any younger.[/size] [color=#ffffff][size=3].[/size][/color]
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1418312802' post='2629077'] Please say that it wasn't 2ft of the good, expensive internet! [/quote] You see. This is why we can't have [i]nice[/i] things. And please don't drop jam on the floor. That's how you get ants.
  11. [quote name='savasalpai' timestamp='1418303534' post='2628949'] i hope you will help me with simple english thanx [/quote] [list=1] [*]Have some lessons and learn to read music [*]Get the sheet music (or tabs) for the bass-lines to some songs you know [*]Press 'play' on your musical reproduction device of choice and play along with these songs. [*]Play the correct notes in the correct order and in time with the music [*]Congratulations. You are now a bass player. [/list]
  12. Apparently those Axiom 22's are very popular in the 'audiophile' community. And they're even bigger suckers for 'tonal voodoo' than us bassplayers - there's [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/pair-of-Goodmans-axiom-22-in-excellent-condition-/261681796299?pt=UK_AudioVideoElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_HiFiSpeakers&hash=item3ced7354cb"]a pair of these bad boys[/url] on the bay for £1500 in the Hi-Fi category. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1417987147' post='2625816'] I don't think Flea really had the authority to command a custom made bass when he was still playing MMs. [/quote] How so? Mr Flea is the very embodiment of authority. [size=3][b]Flea to World[/b]: Behold my authority! Now someone do me a custom bass, pronto.[/size] [size=3].[/size]
  14. [quote name='Lynottfan' timestamp='1417977282' post='2625695'] I have never had a problem with how EB do things to be honest, I do appreciate the frustration from the OP though, as I have always wanted an all white ala Larry Graham style (board and all etc) Stingray, sadly no. [/quote] Change your name by deed poll to Larry Graham, phone 'em up and say 'Larry here. I need another one of them white jobs. Here's my new address to send it. Yes, Cheltenham's totally rad.' Happy to help, no need to thank me.
  15. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1417973008' post='2625625'] You were correct about the first reply being sarcastic, it just wasn't meant in a nasty way in the slightest. [/quote] NOI, KB, but at the time I didn't read it as remotely sarcastic. If the OP had got that suggestion on a movie props forum it might have been questionable but if he asks a bunch of bass players where to get a dummy rig he's bound to get the obvious suggestion to use (or buy) a real one. Probably cheaper than a three week rent for the duration of the shoot. Even at an unlikely £30 a day you're looking at £600. Anyway, f**k it. Our work here is done.
  16. [quote name='Karl Derrick' timestamp='1417969100' post='2625569'] I chose to withdraw so as to avoid confrontation. It was clearly a bad idea to ask here. Thanks to everyone who took the question seriously. Karl [/quote] As I said earlier, a prop house may also be a good place to start, most of us here working with functioning rigs and never having needed to source dummy rigs with which to make films. Nevertheless pretty much everybody chipped in some useful suggestions along with the usual cheerful BC banter. Please excuse those of us who were unable to supply [i]precisely[/i] the information you required and to convey it with the gravitas the project clearly demands. And if you do source a dummy rig off the back of one of the suggestions here you might drop a thank you to the individual concerned.
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1417967311' post='2625538'] It's ruined the thread for me. [/quote] Me too. I had all sorts of helpful suggestions lined up. For one thing it's incredibly unlikely that a girlie bassist would be playing on her own. She'd be in a band, because bands fall over themselves to hire girlies who look like actresses and play bass. Tina Weymouth for one and Seashell for another Also, practising in a ballroom would be silly. The acoustic environment would be atrocious. And no waif-like ingenue would ever be humping a full Marshall rig around. More like one of the MB combos and hardly anyone plays one of those. No, the mise-en-scene is fatally flawed. Assuming we're talking Mike Leigh gloomy-slice-of-life movies, what's really needed is a plump, bald, bad-tempered middle-aged man in a flat up a tower block with a Sue Ryder bass and an SS 1x10 practice amp. I'm free.
  18. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1417966229' post='2625517'] Two seconds on Google reveals that Marshall actually make facades for stage use. [/quote] No use if they're shooting in 3D. Or from the side in 2D. Or one of those slow tracking shots when they sort of go round the actor in a semi-circle at a distance to indicate the sense of isolation and all-pervading grimness that characterises the Bass Player's Inner Self. [quote name='Karl Derrick' timestamp='1417966199' post='2625516'] Most directors don't really care what bass playing audience members (or any else) thinks about their choice of equipment [/quote] Yet [i]equipment[/i] is the node upon which the bass player constructs his or her emotional landscape. If there isn't a scene where the heroine wrestles with GAS and posts the question 'What's the best bass for metal?' on BassChat I shall write a letter to the Daily Mail's film critic.
  19. It being the case that we bass players rarely use dummy stacks we are possibly not best placed to advise. The OP might seek out the services of a film or theatrical prop hire company such as [url="http://www.prophire-backdrophire.com/"]this one[/url] . Google reveals a plenitude of such operations and I am sure at least one may meet the requirements. That said, it may be relevant to consider the brand of dummy stack in the light of the character and their chosen musical genre. Movie-going bass players might blow an impertinent raspberry were the heroine be seen to be slapping away through a dummy Marshall valve head and an 8x12 stack. Detail is everything.
  20. The OP has my sympathies. The mates' band with a dodgy player who everyone loves and nobody wants to upset. I have been there but never for long.
  21. Longtime Stones' collaborator and Keith Richards' 'best mate in the world' dropped off the twig today aged 70. Best known for the seminal sax solo in Brown Sugar, Keys also worked with Buddy Holly, Bobby Vee, Lennon, Clapton and many others. A true wild man and subject of many a rock and roll legend, Keys spent the last while battling cirrhosis. We shall not see his like again. Obit [url="https://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/rolling-stones-saxophonist-bobby-keys-dead-at-70-20141202"]here[/url]
  22. John Cale's version of Jonathan Richman's 'Pablo Picasso'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXtBsikiY50
  23. [quote name='99ster' timestamp='1184339322' post='31359'] Just had my vintage 1965 Ampeg B-15 restored by Steve Rowse [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url] - highly recommended for valve amps. [/quote] [quote name='stingrayfan' timestamp='1257763004' post='649474'] I'd recommend [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk"]Steve Rowse in Godalming[/url] - bit closer to you and as he works from home, he's a lot more reasonable. Done 4 or 5 amps of mine. [/quote] [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1257766109' post='649519'] He's the daddy! [/quote] [quote name='99ster' timestamp='1259363560' post='667848'] ...of the daddies! [/quote] [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1282850130' post='937475'] +1 to the above. Popped down to Steve today to get my ailing Hartke looked at and whilst there he had a look at my ailing Warwick too, all sorted, will get a chance to give them a good cranking next week. Top bloke at a good price and served a monster cup/mug/flagon of tea to go with my supplied HobNobs which he was grateful for! [/quote] After a brief hiatus Steve Rowse has moved from Godalming and is opening his new workshop in the Bath / Bristol / Somerset area during December 2014. Contact details [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/wp/?page_id=28"]here[/url] He does lovely work; I've got a Bassman, a Princeton, an SS practise amp and a Copicat already lined up for servicing
  24. Fairly extensive [url="http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/nov/27/acdcs-brian-johnson-if-theres-a-bad-parenting-issue-the-us-moral-majority-blames-rocknroll-you-cant-fix-stupid"]Guardian interview with Angus and Brian Robertson[/url] - apparently Malcolm's dementia started [i]before[/i] the Black Ice tour. He had to relearn his guitar parts, sometimes on a daily basis.
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