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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1417035991' post='2616541'] Yeah, me too. I just bathe the whole place in the glorious light of my charisma and make sounds such as would be heard in heaven. [/quote] In my case, not so much the latter. But that doesn't really matter since my band role is principally that of Gusset Moistener.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1417030416' post='2616434'] Yes, or tune to the inevitable crappy back-stage piano, with hilarious results. I think quite a lot of music from the 60s/70s is unique because of this! And you'd see even quite big name bands who would come on stage and tune up for five minutes. Not like now, when even the smallest pub-gig is expected to flow like a Harvey Goldsmith production. [/quote] Quite so. And a bit depressing in a way.
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1417030848' post='2616447'] How about movement on stage..? Left foot in, left foot out, Shadows style..? [...] Maybe everyone on stage should carry a permanent smile? [...] How about a little bow at the end of each number..? [/quote] You entirely forgot to mention giving a little wave to the audience from time to time. Not everyone in the band all at the same time, mind, for obvious reasons. Anyway, I lied earlier when I said I look like a sack of sh*t. This was to make everyone else feel a bit better about themselves. I actually look quite [i]fabulous[/i] on-stage; a total eye-magnet, if you like. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  4. [quote name='dazzyroots' timestamp='1417005797' post='2615956'] 1. How long have you been playing your instrument? [i]40 years[/i] 2. Do you use an electronic tuner? If yes which model? [i]Korg, Snark[/i] 3. Do you tune by ear or electronic tuner? [i]Get it in the range electronically then sweeten by ear[/i] 4. If by ear how do you go about? [i]Listen[/i] 5. Are you always 100% happy with your tuning? [i]Yes[/i] 6. Why are you not happy with your tuning? [i]NA[/i] 7. What disturbs you about the electronic tuner [i]Nothing[/i] 8. Do you know how to tune by ear? [i]See above[/i] 9. What is your preferred tuning method? [i]Electronic > Ear[/i] [/quote] Of course, in a band context there's always the old-school option which is to let the guitarist tune to whatever he or she likes then tune to him / her by ear.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1416965033' post='2615647'] Wow! that is extreme. [/quote] You think? I've told this one before but you weren't here then, Blue, so any excuse... I once auditioned a drummer. Guy in his thirties, long hair, bit of a stick insect, t-shirt, jeans, boots, etc. Great player, backing vox, the lot. His follow-up email afterwards said something on the lines of 'I've really got something to offer'. Opening the image attachments I recoiled in horror at three pictures of him naked but for a ladies G-string, the last pic being aimed straight up what one might call the Mersey Tunnel. He did not look cool.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1416958288' post='2615595'] it's cool to look like this? [/quote] Well, no. Not really. There's a British (and for all I know, American) expression which is 'Looking like a sack of sh*t tied up in the middle'. This is my daily resting state but in the event of some giggity action I will dress myself to convey the impression that looking like a sack of sh*t tied up in the middle is a calculated artistic decision rather than a lack of awareness or taste. It's a bit like relicing, really. To look convincingly badly dressed you have to start off looking good then fine tune. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  7. Wide net, narrow mesh. By this I mean explore every communicational avenue - social media, print media, band sites, instrument forums, work colleagues and personal friends who might know someone, shops (including supermarkets and newsagents). Get the message [i]everywhere[/i] but make it as bland and as simple as possible - e.g. gigging band looking for singer. The idea is to generate lots of interest rather than use the ad as a filter. When the responses come in filter out the really obvious no-hopers but keep an open mind about the majority. For myself I'd rather have a series of hilarious auditions and be doing something than wait around for the perfect candidate. It'll be a compromise in the end, anyway. Good luck!
  8. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1416912959' post='2614876'] Yes. Frightening. BY the time she's my age I'll most likely be dead. [/quote] I have that autumnal thought more and more often these days. Still, best not to dwell...
  9. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1416930378' post='2615162'] Yes![/quote] Well, f*ck-a-doodle-doo! That's a [i]supernatural[/i] level of coincidence! So - did [i]you[/i] think the action was too high?
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1416857730' post='2614413'] It's just part of my latest exhibition entitled 'Just imagine how bashed about your nice new bass guitar would have been when you received it if hadn't beed sent in a cardboard box'. It's my attempt to show how man and the cardboard box co-exist, how we take for granted and often overlook the humble cardboard box. [/quote] That's a very profound point. Here we go buying basses for £250 or £2500 or £25000 and they all ship in pretty much the same kind of cardboard box. And we don't give it a second's thought.
  11. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1416855413' post='2614360'] Keep it and cherish it. [/quote] Quite so. And if you add 'Withdrawn' to the title of the thread the nice mods will come along and lock it
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1416856455' post='2614378'] Read my post again and look at the serial number on the box in the photo. [/quote] No comprende, chief. You've got a Tanglewood box with the same serial number on it. Is it part of a Tanglewood box collection? Wossit all mean? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=3]Now finish building my Death Star[/size][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=3]or go the way of Grand Moff Tarkin[/size][/font]
  14. [font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=3]I mean that in a good way, obviously[/size][/font]
  15. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1416699828' post='2612829'] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Given that you weren't actually giving advice I have withheld your free joke. You may appeal this decision but you will lose.[/color][/font] [/quote] [size=3][font=courier new,courier,monospace]The force is strong with this one[/font][/size]
  16. I remember you! Glad you've found your way back.
  17. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1416693102' post='2612773'] Skank, I think he was referring to the "Frills, gussets, elastic" that you're into... [/quote] Oh, [i]that[/i]. You can shim a gusset, you know.
  18. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1416691747' post='2612755'] Skank It is only now that I am focusing on your interests. Are you interested in these on others or is this a personal picadilo that you favour for yourself? [/quote] Just that there's a small school of thought that suggests that shims (though not whole pocket shims which I suppose aren't really shims as we usually think of them) improve 'tonal voodoo' by necessitating a sharper break angle over the saddles on 'vintage Fender-type bridges and similar. Others believe that a bit of back angle changes the geometry and 'improves' playability. Nash Guitars claim to shim all their necks (with a plectrum) for similar reasons. So, to shim or not to shim? Some of mine are shimmed, others aren't but only for practical reasons of set-up rather than any great tonal enhancement. Either way, it looks like a very nice bass for not a whole lot of money. Enjoy!
  19. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1416690808' post='2612739'] I have to say that it seems blatantly obvious to me that this is a genuine Tanglewood Overwater. [/quote] Quite so. Like I said above - the previous seller of [i]exactly the same actual bass[/i] the OP has just bought (presumably from someone else) explained in his sale thread why he had the neck shimmed in the first place. Though God only knows why. Don't Tanglewood Overwaters have height adjustable bridges?
  20. The answer is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/245885-overwater-by-tangelwood-aspiration-elite-4-string-fretless/"]here[/url] on an older sale thread on BassChat which advertises what seems to be exactly the bass you have just bought. At the time the seller said in his ad: [quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It’s in excellent condition, no dings or scratchy pots, but has a couple of issues which I’ll point out below.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]There is a flaw in the fretboard which I took as being a factory filled knot - it does not affect playing in the slightest. The other issue is the pretty big wooden shim under the heel. This was put in by a local luthier, because I wanted the action lower, and although it looks ugly, did not affect the tone of the bass at all. I could have sent it back to Chris at Overwater, but decided against it because of the time and hassle.[/font][/color] [/quote] Looking at the pics - there's the knot, there's the shim. By weird coincidence it's the same bass you've just bought. So now you know!
  21. i) Mates' band and do the vocals yourself. Power beckons... ii) Covers band for the work.
  22. [quote][i]Flea, who’s a drummer in bass players’ clothing [/i][/quote] ... and it took a blogger named Starshine Roshell from Santa Barbara to nail this fact down into eight words. We should give thanks.
  23. Singer Jimmy Ruffin just passed away having been seriously ill for some time and resident for the last few months in a Las Vegas ICU. The less famous brother of Temptations singer David Ruffin, Jimmy nevertheless made his mark with one of Motown's most achingly beautiful singles. He subsequent enjoyed modest success and devoted the last twenty years of his life to anti-drug advocacy in the wake of his brother's death from an overdose in 1991. Ruffin had been working on a new album for some time which remains unreleased. Anyway, here's the big one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQU4sIn96M4
  24. Note of caution: lowering the action with strings at normal tension is no problem. Raising it back up again can sometimes cause the steel bridge plate to bow in the middle - as I found to my cost. The steel plate can sometimes bow just from being under normal tension for a few years. If so, flatten it back, drill a hole in the body and insert a round-headed screw so that it supports the centre of the plate just in front of the intonation screw slot.
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