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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1416272465' post='2608658'] Does it matter? [/quote] To an obsessive such as myself? Why, yes indeedy! TBH, I find the corporate ins and outs far more interesting than the products. So when Fender keep a lid on things it drives me bonkers.
  2. [quote name='sharkboy' timestamp='1416253836' post='2608387'] Maybe it's the old rebel in me, but corporate events just seem like a sell-out too far [/quote] Having been on both ends of the 'corporate event gig' I'd have to say it depends on the corporate event. Christmas parties for small to medium sized companies can be a total hoot. For one thing, most of the punters are decidedly up for it and they aren't paying for the alcohol. Even at so-called 'industry awards nights', the dance floor can end up looking like something out of 'Caligula' with punters stage-diving onto tables while others are bumping uglies upstairs in the gallery. Frankly, some of the best audiences I've played to have been substance-crazed worker drones off the leash with the spouse safely parked back home. OK, some events are a bit dinner / dance with plump matrons in posh frocks and the paternal boss earwigging convos. But the [i]other[/i] kind of corporate gig puts the average club gig well in the shade. The pay's good, too.
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1416170303' post='2607616'] I thought we weren't allowed to do that? [/quote] The code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1416089921' post='2606866'] I know I'd rather sell something to, for example, iCastle, than to, for example, Bob from Gumtree. [/quote] That Bob from Gumtree is a time-wasting tyre kicker and smells of cheap after-shave. Avoid.
  5. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1415838696' post='2604459'] Exactly how do you sell a new band to a prospective bass player in an ad anyway?? [/quote] [b]Bass Player wanted[/b] Age / gender immaterial. Paying gigs booked every week up to 2016. Guitarist will turn volume down on request / drummer is never late and sets up in ten minutes flat / singer welcomes critical input. Play whatever you think best suits the song, we don't mind.
  6. I had three thoughts in quick succession [quote name='blue' timestamp='1415812884' post='2604041'] [i]"We are looking for a “Bad Ass Rockin Bass Player” in the Milwaukee area. We have almost 3 sets of material, and want to play out soon. The format is mostly 80's metal. We are not concerned with playing dance music. We are focusing on playing the music we like. [/i][/quote] Thought: Deluded [quote name='blue' timestamp='1415812884' post='2604041'][i]This band is a blast to be in, and everyone has an equal say! [/i][/quote] Thought: No, it will be deeply frustrating. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1415812884' post='2604041'][i]Give me a call and let's set something before you say no. You have to experience the good time that this band has to offer!!! I can't justify the fun in a phone conversation"[/i] [/quote] Thought: Way too desperate and possibly more interested in slipping auditionees a roofie.
  7. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1415807164' post='2603976'] Back to recruitment. I've looked at join my band, party sounds. Depressing stuff... [/quote] Indeed so. The percentage of viable bands / musos is shockingly low. It's even worse if one is looking for anything outside the typical 'drums / bass / guitar / vocalist' thing. Keys or Brass? Vanishingly rare. Fiddle or pedal steel? Forget it.
  8. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1415474697' post='2600788'] And in the bin it went. [/quote] There is an ineffable [i]tristesse[/i] about this post that makes me want to stare at fallen autumn leaves. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  9. Muse bassist Chris Wolstenholme is the great-nephew of the late Kenneth Wolstenholme the BBC football commentator at the 1966 World Cup Final who said: "There are some people on the pitch...they think it's all over ...it is now!" In 2006 a promotional competition for the BBC's 40th Anniversary '1966' DVD offered Chris Wolstenholme as the first prize.
  10. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1415457331' post='2600558'] Another case of a top line, pro bassist being chased off by the lesser mortals of BC, he is not the first. Damned shame. [/quote]
  11. Happy days ahead, whatever you're doing. Have a good time
  12. Fact is, there is much that could be done to enhance FS. The option to have the background to one's sales post appear in a kind of tasteful Paisley pattern springs to mind, as might an iPhone search app that scours new posts and sends a tiny but pleasing electrical shock to one's prostate when a matching item appears. But there is little to beat the BC marketplace as a cheap, simple means of advertising a bass-related item. Everything else is a mere refinement which does nothing to address the unpredictable tides of supply and demand.
  13. I am eagerly anticipating Mr Lee joining Mr Wilko Johnson in a cheery rendition of 'Boris The Spider'.
  14. Bought a pedal from Dan. A [i]very[/i] fair price, clear comms, great packaging and a lightning-fast delivery. As many have discovered, Dan is a splendid chap and a credit to our BC community. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. Nick sold me three pedals. They arrived safely packed; all in their boxes and in absolutely mint condition. Fantastic value, smooth transaction and a very nice man too.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415053789' post='2596269'] Not if you're already in 'Basses for Sale' and you have your search section set to 'this forum', which I believe it defaults to? [/quote] Quite so. But once one is in the 'Search Results' the default forum in the search box sneakily becomes 'all forums', thus necessitating a swift about-face to the 'For Sale' section before recommencing one's quest. This is one of the charming idiosyncrasies of the forum, along with the prof filter's inability to deal with the adjective 'sw*nky'. One wonders if the anti-swearing machine were programmed by Mr Derek Nimmo in his persona of The Reverend Mervyn Noote, chaplain to the bishop of St Ogg's [size=3][b]Bishop[/b]: Ah ha! You [i]finally[/i] got it to say c**tybollocks! Well done, Noote![/size]
  17. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1415027277' post='2595799'] Hmmm, looks that way, or moved. It was a pinned thread from a few months ago by Billy Apple. He said that the Doc was recovering and planning to get the backlog cleared up. Sean (BA) offered to help by collating all outstanding order info via PM to help make sure that nothing was missed. [/quote] I understand that around the middle of this year Mr Apple did indeed collate as many outstanding BC member orders as could be found at the time. He then passed the information on to the Doc for his attention.
  18. Taken away by a nice man from Bristol who's going to stick some Celestions in it. Good for another forty years, I reckon. Thanks to everyone who's contributed to this thread and the one over in FS. It's been a slice.
  19. How one's mileage may vary. About twenty or so transactions on BC in the last year and every one of them went off fine. Couple of people didn't read the 'collection only' caveat on one ad but no biggies. Everyone else was the soul of politeness and good humour. By contrast I sold one item off Gumtree. Four responders, of whom one rudely demanded additional photos then went to the great beyond never to be heard of again; two wanted to see it 'immediately' then dicked around on times. When I mailed these last two today to say it had gone, one of them had a whiny little pop at me, saying 'it's really [i]unfair[/i] you sold it!' So, the final twat-score is [b]Gumtree[/b] 3:0 [b]BassChat [/b] [color=#ffffff][b].[/b][/color]
  20. Clarinettist 'Acker' Bilk died today 02/11/14. Older BC-ers will recall his pleasant, vibrato-laden style, the quality of which Mr Bilk ascribed to having two teeth bashed out when a child and losing half a finger in a sledging accident. Mr Bilk's was the generation shunted aside by the Beatles and the Stones; no one would call his music 'challenging'. Yet Mr Bilk never lost his pleasant charm and enjoyed modest commercial success long after his early 1960's peak. Mr Bilk enjoyed a close association with that school of British jazzers who were the last to trouble the popular music charts with their hummable tunes. While the mainstream of British jazz hurled itself into the abyss of self-regarding, unlistenable tripe from which it has never climbed Mr Bilk continued to fill seaside theatres and town halls around the country. Polite, cheerful and unassuming he was among the last of his kind. Here's 'Acker' Bilk's rather lovely #1 USA hit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jzx664u5DA
  21. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1414925635' post='2594632'] in that case please feel free to pass on my views to Mr Daltrey if you ever see him. [/quote] In the very unlikely event that I encounter Mr Daltrey I shall try to work your views into the conversation. Somewhere between Wilko, Hendrix at Monterey and Shel Talmy I'll let him know that someone on the internet is thinking about him
  22. Cyclical thing, I reckon. A few months ago we were knee-deep in 70's Fenders. Myself, I'm hanging on for the short-scale 'surge'.
  23. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1414885218' post='2594451'] I think you'll find that the world has always been in a sh*t state. [/quote] My summary of Mr Daltrey's observation in no way reflects my personal perception of such global conditions as may obtain either to the detriment or to the benefit of all (or some) peoples or individuals*. [size=2]* Errors and omissions excepted; alternative perceptions may be substituted if display items are unavailable at time of purchase; transient ghastliness not included; no remorse, no retreat, no refunds. [/size]
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