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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1411825280' post='2563096'] Thought Be Lucky was ok though [/quote] Indeed, and better than some of the post-peak tracks. Thing is, there'll never be another Baba O'Riley or Real Me because they've already been done. There'll never be another classic-period Who because 50% of the band is dead. What we're left with is an approximation that delivers the old stuff with competence and brio while falling short of the epic when it comes to new songs. Perhaps 'Less Than Epic' is Townsend's preferred direction. If nothing else the new song reveals that The Grumpiest Man In Rock has come up with a new chord progression to supplement the old A / G / Dsus chestnut. For this much at least we should be grateful.
  2. Four years and eleven months? Got to be a record. IIRC the P went over the side not long after. Or did it?
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1411699192' post='2562053'] People will have a visual of who they're interacting with. Is it weird? [/quote] Not at all, albeit a rare practice round here. I like the idea, though. It could catch on. Skank
  4. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1411658894' post='2561659'] I always thought it was Malcolm who basically managed the band certainly within the band he had the main input. [/quote] Indeed. Not only this but - the band being something of a 'Trigger's Broom' - it leaves Angus as the sole member to have enjoyed uninterrupted employment status. Such audible differences as should transpire may be difficult to detect; but circumstances may have given Mr Brian Johnson another shot at lyric writing, his word-smithery having been deemed surplus to requirements during the execution of the Black Ice album. It is rumoured that there may soon be a taster-play of a single from the new opus. Ears will be cocked for deviations from norm in the R.Gtr department.
  5. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1411647655' post='2561503'] Lots of items I see start much too high (almost rrp) so I'm not surprised there are lots of price drops. [/quote] Indeed. I recently saw a s/h item advertised for £60 with no indication as to whether this included shipping costs. The same item is available from retailers new for £69 with free shipping. No contest.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1411586996' post='2561001'] My thought exactly, so why would this person continually ask for dates and venues for the past 3 years. [/quote] Ah ha! The more we hear, the more we learn. I can see how that might grate. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1411586996' post='2561001'] I won't call her out on it. I'll stick to the; [i]"Oh yeah, were playing at Moe's Irish Pup Saturday night from 9-1a."[/i] [/quote] Next time you might try: [i]"Oh yeah, were playing at Moe's Irish Pup Saturday night. I'll swing by and pick you up about 7:30. Our drummer's single and he really wants to meet you".[/i] That should force the issue - one way or the other
  7. Entirely splendid, Mr D. I hope the young shaver's gratitude extends to taking on your household chores for the foreseeable etc.
  8. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1411506722' post='2560277'] Look out for the bargain 'broken' valve amp and get it rebuilt to taste. Carlsbro 100 ebay yesterday £136. Seems a fair price for 100W transformers, etc. Sound City amps still appear for little money, can be made into good Hiwatt clones. [/quote] Attention people! Be advised that BassChatting amp bloke [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/1121-mr-foxen/"]Mr Foxen[/url] performs his magic on old Carlsboros and other under-appreciated golden oldies. PM him for info.
  9. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1411506939' post='2560279'] I have to admit that i have never been approached by a random person in Starbucks asking me anything on any subject. I guess that could be annoying if they approach you , while not really interested. [/quote] I think it's more the sort of dialogue that goes along the lines of: " 'Hi, how are you, today?' ... 'I'd like a Frappacino please?' ... 'Looking [i]good[/i]! Are you having a [i]great[/i] day?'... 'Tolerably so; just been to a funeral' ... 'Brilliant! Was there a good turn-out? And do you want chocolate on that?' ... 'Well, yes. I mean - yes, there was a good turn-out and no, I don't want chocolate.' ... 'Amazing! Here's your Latte!' ... 'I asked for a Frappacino' ... 'Ha ha! I'm [i]sure[/i] you said a latte. Ha ha ha! Why don't you have a Latte anyway? OUCH! WHAT THE ...? SECURITY!!!' " That sort of thing.
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1411503731' post='2560242'] Having spent years teaching intercultural communication at a European university, I should have spotted it myself. [/quote] Intercultural communications, eh? How interesting ([i]glances at watch, jingles coins in pocket[/i]). Now that was just a dramatised example but my meaning is clear: We English are basically a bit odd.
  11. I have received a PM in respect of my post about 'cultural differences': [quote]Skank, you fathead. I have no idea what you're on about. Give us some examples or cease your drivelling[/quote] No sooner said than done:
  12. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1411500733' post='2560184'] Patronizing, to me, would be the person asking you about your job and you know instinctively he/she has know interest in your job or hearing about it. [/quote] I may have identified the nub of the problem; it is that the OP and many of the respondents are culturally cross-purposed. In the UK it is entirely normal and expected that two strangers upon meeting will ask questions of each other without the slightest interest in the other's answer. On such occasions it is a facet of the British character that one only hears what oneself is saying; what the other person says is a sort of blurred mumbling. We are not remotely interested in the other person - [i]and everybody knows this[/i]. Consequently, an absence of interest is regarded as perfectly normal. Were another party to express fervent curiosity or to deploy penetrating follow-up questions we would most of us edge warily towards the door. It's like the 'sitting on the subway and avoiding each others' eyes' thing that we Brits do so well, yet which attracts bafflement from the Continental races, accustomed as they are to splitting a bottle of wine with their fellow passngers and - perhaps - swapping items of livestock, goats, chickens, etc. It has been my experience that other members of the Anglosphere conduct social intercourse in very different ways from the inhabitants of the Mother Country. For example, Australians wait politely for the end of one's sentence whereas Brits talk over each other as a matter of course. In England none of us are really interested in each others pursuits and don't mind showing it. Perhaps it is different in the US where inquiries of this nature are customarily motivated by genuine curiosity and fellow-feeling. In such circumstances it would be the case that 'false interest' might be correctly be considered a grave solecism. I can see Mr Blue's point and would urge we all do likewise, mindful that such differences as may exist might be exacerbated by unfeeling incomprehension. In other words, where Blue comes from it might very much be the case that discourse of this kind is - indeed - patronizing.
  13. It's funny, because in some ways Blue and Xildxx seem as alike as two peas in a pod; firstly in their fervent embrace of music as a central component of their existence and secondly as pleasant, modest, self-deprecating chaps with whom I'd cheerfully hoist a beer or two. Where they may perhaps vary - as might many of us - is their perception of the Terpsikhorean art as it might engage or mobilise others. One's own position may colour one's views yet it is there are certain objectively measurable states. For example, a tragic minority of humanity is (figuratively) deaf to music - I instance the good lady wife, whose sole reaction to anything I've ever played was to assume a blank expression and observe 'But it all sounds the same', except on the occasion that I first deployed the EHX B9 Organ Machine pedal when she howled with appreciative laughter. Not that I love her any the less, of course. Others profess to be music lovers yet scrutiny reveals otherwise. For example: a majority of women aged over 25 who claim to 'like' music are merely adherents of Abba and / or the oeuvre of Mr Mick 'Simply Red' Hucknall. Any other artist provokes bouts of projectile vomiting. Then there are those who 'know their music'; more often than not they are white middle-aged men who do not play an instrument but can reel off a list of Mr Brian Jones' daily activities from 1961 to 1968 or expound at length on the specific harmonic plangencies of The Incredible String Band's output while a tear trickles down their corrugated cheek. All of this diversity of engagement with so simple a form while never laying fingertip to string. Frankly, it is a miracle. And it could be so much worse. A good friend is a confirmed apiarist (bee-keeper in normal terms). He confides that most 'civilians' reactions on learning of his passion is to ask him:[list=1] [*]Is it difficult? [*]Do you get stung a lot? [*]Have you any honey to spare? [*]I must be going now. [/list] Such is his lot. We should give thanks for ours.
  14. Hello Chris and welcome to BassChat You may find that responses to your question are a little slow in coming, for you are in the effects section of the [i]Guitar sub-forum[/i]. There is a cornucopia of threads relating to your query in the effects section of the main bass forum [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/6-effects/"]here[/url]. In the event that you can't find anything useful (unlikely) you can re-post your question there.
  15. If the OP is playing roots in 90% of his songs and other notes in the remaining 10% then he is already using scales though without being aware of the fact. But more importantly: [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1411398123' post='2559110'] As for knowing when to throw in your cliched rip-off parts... [/quote] [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1411399986' post='2559141'] Bwahahahahahaha!!! [/quote] So much grief might here have been avoided by use of the semi-archaic pronoun 'one'. I am pretty sure that Mr JTUK never intended his observation to be seen as peer-to-peer finger-pointing but merely to be read as: [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As for knowing when to throw in [b]one's[/b] cliched rip-off parts...this is why at some point [b]one[/b] should write [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]out a chord chart of the song and see what the changes are but then I tend to write my lines [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]over the gist of the songs lines so it is always important to know what the chords are, IMO.[/font][/color][/quote] Thus might other equally good-humoured sorts have been advertantly undeceived as to the characteristically polite and helpful nature of his suggestion. It is all a sad mix-up and underlines the perils attendant upon the humble object pronoun 'You'.
  16. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1411326868' post='2558488'] Thank you, o Laird of Bollocks, Dunans and Glencoe! [/quote] You're incredibly welcome, Sir. Good luck in your hunt. It's probably some suffocatingly rare vinyl-only release that sold 22 copies. I think you need [i]an expert [/i]so I'm off to bother someone else
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411330925' post='2558536'] This explains why [i]your [/i]household is no longer visited by Santa Claus, I suppose, and no elven fingers for the upkeep of your footwear. [/quote] Flagrant trespass merits the sternest and most [i]final[/i] of responses. I make no apology for my prescription; it is what any right-thinking man would do.
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1410868218' post='2554010'] If someone broke into your house (with no damage) and left a copy on your coffee table would you be thankful or would you think it was a bloody cheek? [/quote] With his customary acuity Mr Fisher once again nails the nub of the matter. And - recalling the burgeoning commercial association between U2 and Fender - what other horrors await? Consider the following: It is darkest night and one is abed. Suddenly one's lady wife nudges one in the ribs and whispers 'Hector! Hector! There's someone downstairs. Chase them off!'. Arming oneself appropriately one descends on tiptoe and flings the switch to the living room lights. There, frozen in his smirking, emaciated vileness is Mr Adam Clayton. No matter that he may protest that he was merely and charitably in the course of depositing an example of his Fender 'Signature' Precision for one's estimation and approval. No matter that it may or may not be to one's benefit to give house room to his signally unprepossessing instrument. Mr Clayton is where he should not be and [i]that[/i] is all that matters. I am not a prejudiced man but in such circumstances I would have no compunction in drawing a bead on the bridge of Mr Clayton's smug, haughty nose with my Webley .455 and depressing the firing mechanism. I should submit any consequent redecoration costs to the U2 Corporation for immediate payment and esteem myself satisfied. While common presumptuousness may underlie U2's marketing exercise I see no reason to surrender the right to self-defence. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. In 1981 Glenn Danzig (Misfits) released a solo song entitled 'Who Killed Marilyn?' Might this be it? Single Cover. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cQVY4ZTvpc
  20. [quote name='BettySwallocks' timestamp='1411159814' post='2557218'] what I meant to say was, if I buy this (MIM 50's Precision) Will I be able to put flats on it and get I nice low action? [/quote] Almost certainly, yes*. If you're buying it new from a shop ask them to throw in a set-up as part of the deal. Tell them you want flats and a low action. If you're buying it off the web or privately then take it to a decent luthier and ask them to do the same. If you're anywhere near Bath bring it here and I'll do you a basic set-up for nix. [size=3]*One in every few thousand MIM 50's P-Basses may resist for some bizarre reason. Don't worry.[/size] [size=3].[/size]
  21. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411249060' post='2557934'] Back on subject, if one may be so bold, one reality that makes me want to stick with this band is it's better to learn and possibly mess up here than to go for a better band and get fired for not making the grade. [/quote] Sound reasoning. Thing is, it may be your first band but it's not going to be your last. When train-wrecks occur or when the guitar and the keys go (musically) toe to toe just watch quietly and think of it as adding to your sum of knowledge.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411242958' post='2557881'] Yes, I had a doubt too, and was even tempted to split the infinitive, but then thought : 'Bugger it..!' [/quote] An ambiguity surrounding the adverb's modificatory role led to this outcome. Do you 'often' like or do you 'often' correct? If we assume the 'like' to be redundant we find the simplest resolution to be: 'He often corrects my spelling and Grandma'. [size=3][b]Grammar Wars[/b]: Grandma Posters 'corrects' Dad3353[/size]
  23. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1411242634' post='2557875'] You missed one. [/quote] He shoots, he scores. Yay!
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411240864' post='2557863'] Fixed. [/quote] The placement of that 'often' is bothering me but I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's the distance from the verb to the adverb. Too far to walk but not worth getting the car out.
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