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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1407686503' post='2523004'] How goes the saying..? With 'friends' like that... ..? [/quote] With friends like that, a stitch in time keeps the Doctor away*. In any case, this Spitfire chap is dead to me. [i]Dead to me[/i], d'ye hear? [size=3]*Gratuitous Whovian spam bought and paid for by the BBC[/size]
  2. Here in Blighty we forget that Herman's Hermits were a [i]humungous[/i] act in the States. In our mental odds'n'sods drawer they languish alongside Freddie and The Dreamers, Marmalade, the Dave Clark Five and many other acts who enjoyed fleeting UK fame then ended up on the 1970's 'chicken-in-a-basket' circuit. Good that Mr Noone's still out there and glad that Blue had a rewarding evening.
  3. Odd that a forum membership of performing musicians might include a significant body of opinion that supports crappy bootlegged phone vids. The disbenefits to the performer are clear, yet so many of us bleat about the punter's rights and swaddle him in our clammy sympathy. Let us get this straight. Mr Frampton is one of [i]us[/i]. The numpty punter who f**ks it up for the performer and - by extension - the rest of the audience is [i]the enemy[/i], whether he be the drunken tosser in the pub who repeatedly demands a request or the phone camera guy who distracts the artist and throws him the finger. Pissing on our own chips again, just like the torrenting / piracy issue. God save us from hobbyists and self-obsessed punters who 'know their rights'. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  4. Whether the guard in question is a 'nice' guard or not is kinda immaterial to the specific issue. If one chooses an item from a picture posted by a seller then the finished product should at least come close. This guard doesn't. As for Spitfire's business practices, the general sense I get from posts around the different threads is 'His T&C's are clear upfront - but 35% is well on the steep side'. I suppose what it comes down to is the balance between a maker's desire to protect his own sense of 'creativity' and the need to compromise with the buyer's wishes. Some makers err one way (the Michelangelo syndrome) and others are more pragmatic, though rarely have I seen such reinforcement of self-esteem as in Mr Spitfire's various broadcasts. He might learn something from a friend of mine who paints animal portraits. Our furry friends being disinclined to remain motionless during a sitting, my friend perforce works from photographs supplied by her clients. Having recently completed a dog work she drove 150 miles to deliver it to the client (at no extra charge). The client removed the painting from its wrapping and drew a sharp breath. 'Oh! The colour of Ticky-Boo's coat is all wrong' she wailed. 'But it's the same as the photos you sent me' replied my friend the artist. 'Yes, but those are photos of Ticky-Boo when he was [i]younger[/i]. As he's aged his coat's got darker. Can you change the portrait to match? I don't really want to pay for it otherwise...' 'Of course' sighed my friend, making the best of the situation because the customer is always right, even when they're a complete f**king PITA. That's just how it is. In the matter of Billy's Spitfire Pickguard* this simple truth has been lost in a mist of self-approbation, clammy sentiment and doubtful business sense. [size=3]*Coming Soon in Viz: 'Billy's Spitfire Pickguard' - During the dark days of WW2 little Billy Apple's pickguard turns into a Spitfire whenever Heinkels fly over Fulchester.[/size] [size=3].[/size]
  5. [quote name='happynoj' timestamp='1407618269' post='2522439'] He should just have had them removed by the security staff and avoided making himself look like a douche. [/quote] Let's identify the douche in this sequence of events: [quote] The male from the front row was even stupid enough to back up to the stage [during the performance] and get the girl to take a 'selfie' of him with Peter. [/quote] [quote]the guy in the front row unrelenting – apparently with no self control considering he’s already flipped Peter off and turned around and called the rest of the audience a bunch of deadbeats[/quote] [quote]Peter ends the song, walks over, and with a huge smile on his face bends down and says, ‘Hey can I see that? Can I see the photos you’ve been taking?’ The guy hands him his phone and Peter stands up, spins, and flings for the rafters![/quote] Frampton 1 - 0 Douche
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1407616021' post='2522405'] Fortunately, shooting the messenger is neither of those. [/quote] Consider yourself un-shot at . The only way this story could be improved would be if the annoying phone punter had [i]been[/i] Justin Bieber and Frampton's manager had been Peter Grant, a man who very much had a thing about amateur recordists. On one occasion a man was seen wandering round a Zep gig with a microphone. The miscreant was duly hustled backstage to Grant in whose presence he (allegedly) suffered certain severe depredations upon his person. It subsequently emerged that he was a local H&S inspector who'd been measuring sound pressure levels. Anyway, here's the bearded behemoth giving a promoter the once over for allowing a merch bootlegger into the auditorium. [b]NSFW very bad language[/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF3T8WcIdaA[/media]
  7. It should be evident to the meagrest intelligence that the practice spoils the experience for other gig-goers; disbenefits the artist; and delivers an entirely sub-standard 'record' of the event. And even if artists charged for quality vids of individual gigs there'd still be a crowd of numpties at the front with cameras 'exercising their right not to be ripped off'. That's because the whole process is driven by self-entitlement and - in some cases - an immature desire to insert oneself into the event: 'Lookie, I take ths at peteR fRamton gig i pots it heer 4 evryone who not there no need to thnak me haha'. Frankly, I'd have bent the punter over and shoved the phone roughly up his chocolate starfish but I suppose that would be a criminal offence rather than a civil matter and we can't have that, oh no. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  8. Interesting comment from one of the OSG mods which chimed with my view of the Tort thread here: [quote]Spitfire has gotten a TON of free advertising and publicity on this forum [[i]OSG[/i]], and the giant thread turned into a huge FS ad outside of the proper FS section.[/quote] They say that viral 'reputation' marketing is highly effective if it's well-managed.
  9. From the 'Where has all the decent tort' shill-fest: [quote name='Spitfire7' timestamp='1402563132' post='2474751'] I see your point and I understand and I love helping people out. [...] When I am working on your guard, I am not just a business, I become your friend. I work closely with you to make it everything you could have ever imagined. [/quote] TBH, I was thinking about it and even visited his site - until I went back and read the bit about 'I become your friend'? Now that's just plain [i]creepy[/i] so I heaved a regretful sigh and put the idea on the back-burner, accounting it a bullet well-dodged. That my good friend and seasoned industry observer Mr W. Apple should subsequently run aground is a matter of profound regret to me. I feel I should have said something, perhaps on the lines of: 'FOR F**K'S SAKE DON'T DO IT, BILLY!! HE'S A GRINNER!!' [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1407359913' post='2519868'] [...] a bloody foreigner [...] [/quote] The approved term is 'Continental'. [size=3][b]Retro gear #31:[/b] Vox Bloody Foreigner organ[/size]
  11. Bump for a [i]very[/i] useful piece of kit. I much prefer it to my POD, the sounds being - er - [i]nicer[/i]. GLWTS.
  12. Thinking about it - £60 charge + £20 ship + £20 return ship = £100 Not the[i] cheapest[/i] option for a basic set-up unless it's a proper fret-dress. Which it sounds like it's - er - not.
  13. [quote name='Michael J' timestamp='1406661584' post='2513552'] I can recommend [i]The Parish Churches of England[/i] by J. Charles Cox, published by B.T. Batsford Ltd., in The British Heritage Series, to help you avoid fake churches in future. [/quote] I like this.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406194589' post='2509149'] Oh come on! Ashdown are on fire at the moment! [/quote] A jest to be savoured only by gentlemen of a certain age.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1406417050' post='2511399'] Ok, what are bits? [/quote] Sediment precipitated by clarifying agents such as [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isinglass"]swimbladder from a fish[/url], seaweed, moss,or gelatin. Without a clarifying agent the beer would be all cloudy and murky. Better to have a sparklingly clear pint with a few grungey bits at the bottom of the glass.
  16. [quote name='Ricardo X' timestamp='1406425544' post='2511420'] [...] thank y'all for having me. [/quote] You're entirely welcome, Sir. Enjoy yourself here
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406391714' post='2511153'] I've never known a band to get tips in the UK, with the possible exception of weddings, when the groom may be feeling expansive... [/quote] When I'm feeling expansive I've been known to give a tip to one of the matrons of honour. To be honest, I entered this thread in the expectation it would be about demanding compensation (ie financial redress) in the event of failing an audition or playing to an insufficiently engaged audience. You know, the usual whiny crap we get here. Whatever. Any band I've been in has split the money equally on the night and paid any other costs as they come along.
  18. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My very first cab from 1978. Does the do for bass or guitar. Cosmetically challenged but structurally fine. Made from finest quality chipboard.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Can be used horizontally or vertically. Bang in some 12" speakers and you've got a functioning 2x12. Built by a company called AVS who mostly did cinema and club installations.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sorry, collection only from BA15 (near Bath) or I will drop it off for petrol within a reasonable distance. PM me with any questions [/font][/color] Original for sale thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236404-l10-2x12-cab-unloaded-1970s"]here[/url]
  19. [center][size=5][b]NOW FREE![/b][/size][/center] [center][b][color=#ff0000]Price slashed with unparalleled savagery![/color] [/b][/center] [center][color=#0000cd][b]Crazy No Cost Option! [/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000][b]Take It Away Today (or any other day)![/b][/color][/center] [center][b][color=#0000cd]Only a Mug Would Turn Down An Otter Like This![/color][/b][/center]
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1406374645' post='2510990'] Brent Spiner (Who played Data in Star Trek) is a professional singer and has released a couple of albums [/quote] Indeed. One of them is entitled " Old Yellow Eyes is Back " - I have it on a cassette somewhere and he's pretty good.
  21. [quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1406292366' post='2510249'] ooooh I like trucker caps, I usually wear them on bad hair days [/quote] Nothing wrong with trucker caps. Just don't wear one with 'Property Of A Hot Bass Player' printed on it unless one is the significant life partner of a hot bass player. So, Mrs Billy Sheehan wearing one would be fine because it would be true, women being the property of their husbands and all that. [quote name='Bottesini Bow Selector' timestamp='1406323118' post='2510712'] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#141414]I was told If I really need two cabinets then identical is the way to go, agree or disagree? [/color][/font][/size] [/quote] Opinion is sharply divided about this. Do whatever sounds best to you. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  22. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1406288235' post='2510179'] ... IIRC even some reverb tanks containing a spring. [/quote] I forgot about those - well remembered, Sir! Van Amps do the Sole-Mate and the Reverb-A-Mate. At the lower price end Danelectro used to do a thing called the Spring King but there were some published issues about transmitted stage noise, IIRC.
  23. R2 DJ Mark Radcliffe (formerly of Mark and Lard fame) has toured a Feelgoods tribute supporting Wilko which frankly takes some balls, IMO. Seen below with BC-er Wayne58 on bass. Good band and in no way a vanity project.
  24. [quote]Playing as many as 20 gigs in spring/summer and at least once a month during fall/winter. [/quote] Perhaps I misunderstand but that sounds like '[i]as many as 26 gigs a year[/i]'. Doesn't sound like a lot to me, but what do I know? [quote]Bad attitudes will not be accepted.[/quote] Me: So how do you define a 'bad attitude'? Them: Asking difficult questions like that. Next please!
  25. Well, for the [i]real[/i] Dick Dale sound you need a Fender outboard valve reverb and a pair of Fender Showman stacks. Tot up the cost and think again... My feeling is that Blues Juniors don't have the necessary clean headroom and crispness for the job. For £500-600 you could pick up a 70's SF Pro Reverb (ideally the 40w job without the master volume) or an SF Twin Reverb. Not an easy one-handed lift, though. If the standard onboard Fender tank reverb doesn't do it for you then have a look at boutique 'Reverb Spring' pedals by SubDecay, Catalinbread or Wampler. That said, some people like the Boss FRV while the 'spring' option on the Behringer Boss knock-off isn't bad.
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