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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Another smooth-as-silk transaction with Paul. Clear comms, fast shipper; well packaged*. [size=2]* The item, that is; not Paul. Though one supposes he may be. Only Mrs Thunderbird knows and she is not saying.[/size]
  2. Finally found a copy of the mag. A jolly good article and an intriguing collection. You are to be congratulated, Sir
  3. [quote name='julietgreen' timestamp='1405942397' post='2506696'] I like the idea of different colour leads but getting to the front isn't so easy. We all know that one guitarist takes up half the available space. [/quote] Can't get to the front? Stand behind the guitarist and ram your headstock repeatedly into his kidneys. Keep it tight on the 2 and the 4. He won't be taking up much space on stage when he's outside lying down in an ambulance.
  4. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1405893726' post='2506318'] No matter how much or how little you spend on a bass, always pay a bit extra and get your bass set up by an experienced tech/repair person/luthier. [/quote] Absolutely. Then - when you get a chance - learn how to do a bass set-up yourself. It's surprisingly easy and saves you a fortune, particularly if you're like many BC-ers here and work your way through lots of different basses. Did I mention not wearing hats with 'Bass Player' printed on them? [size=3]Even worse than a leather porkpie. Avoid.[/size]
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1405895848' post='2506343'] I've never seen anyone do this before and it's creating huge gaps between the songs it effects. [/quote] Nearly all the problems with capos come from strings being pulled excessively sharp. If he's the sort of chap who'll take advice, here are some tips: * Buy a capo that matches the fretboard radius. * Avoid spring-loaded capos like the Kyser Quick Change or the old elasticated jobs. The further up the neck one clamps this sort of capo the more it throws the tuning out. Use something like a Shubb where the clamping pressure can be 'continually' adjusted to the minimum necessary for the strings to ring clean. * Butt the capo bar right up to the fret. Any further away or equidistant between frets requires more pressure from the capo which pulls the strings sharp * Immediately after putting the capo on, give each of the strings a quick tug on the sounding side [i]then[/i] check the tuning. This nearly always helps iron out most of the unwanted sharps and means less time spent retuning * Keep the frets clean and well polished. If they're all grungy and dull, any bent notes (or even pull-offs) will leave the string out of alignment and sharp. * The compromise inherent in fretted necks means that even the best set up guitar with the best capo for the job will always be marginally out. Sometimes this 'out-ness' can sound quite nice. As long as the guitar sounds 'in' to the ear, so what if the electronic tuner says a string is 5 cents out? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. * EQ settings: What sounds nice at home on your own (lots of bass and treble, not much in the middle) may not work in a band context. When you're with the full band, try rolling off some bass and boosting the middle. It can sound odd in isolation but it may sit better in the overall mix. * Onstage at gigs: Don't lurk at the back in the shadows. Get up front and be part of the show (unless it's going to seriously piss off the frontperson ) * Economy: If in doubt, play fewer notes and concentrate on getting the most out of each of them - placement, dynamics, harmony, etc. * 'Bass player' leather porkpie hat: Don't. Just don't. * Have fun: It's all about fun.
  7. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1405706548' post='2504601'] I dinged on of my basses when a triple sided scale ruler fell out a cupboard and hit the bass I had on the kitchen bench while executing my mad luthiering skillz. [/quote] Every relic-ed bass should have a triple-sided scale ruler ding. It would assist in distinguishing them from genuine originals.
  8. ^^^ A much deserved Welcome Back, Doddy. ^^^ Thank God you're here. The whole place has gone [i]completely[/i] to the dogs during your year-long absence.
  9. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1405692030' post='2504407'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I am thinking about how to mimic the paint dings - steel ruler, perhaps, for the wider ones and the pointy end of a pin hammer for the small ones[/font][/color] [/quote] One needs to think about how such 'damage' might be acquired in real life. A headstock will glancingly catch the edge of cymbals whereas the rear face of the body will be 'scoured' face-on by a buckle. The body edge might catch against doorways or abrade at the back if stood on a concrete floor. It's a bit impractical to simulate real-life events, so a range of different objects could be used - coins, car keys, small and large screwdrivers. Some relicers commit the error of making all their dings the same size / depth and at 90 degrees to the surface. In real life some dings will be face on while others will be glancing; they will occur in logical places - edges, the back of the neck, on the top edge rear where the zip from a leather jacket has rubbed the finish away. With a poly finish, some dings should ideally have a hard, splintered edge that flakes away into the undamaged area. I'd avoid the temptation to sand around dings to accentuate the effect. In real life a guitar cops a ding, we curse and that's it. Rarely do we get out the sandpaper. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1405692030' post='2504407'] Still at a loss about how to age chrome. Any suggestions? [/quote] The internet is crammed with threads and vids about this subject. Two approaches seem to predominate: i) Abrasion - very fine-grade wet & dry paper or a dish scourer. Manageable by degrees so that one can choose between a light 'haze' and fully stripped. Remove the parts from the instrument so you don't get metal dust in your pick-ups. ii) Acid fumes - suspend the parts in an enclosed container over some hydrochloric acid. Opinion is divided over the efficacy of actually dipping the parts in the acid. Either way, it's dangerous. Gloves and mask required, I'd have thought. A friend of mine aged some Telecaster parts using the abrasion method. It looked convincing enough. In real life, however, some of the wear will be caused by abrasion and some of it by the saline quality of sweat. Certain parts may not be exposed to much wear: neck plates won't get particularly sweaty nor will they be as exposed to wear as the uppermost edge of a bridge plate.
  10. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1405613794' post='2503684'] He didn't look in the best of health (to put it mildly) when I saw him about 20 years ago, so perhaps we should be glad that he carried on as long as he did! [/quote] I saw him around the same time. Jon Paris on bass and neck-brace harmonica? Felt [i]slightly[/i] cheated that JW played most of the gig on his Erlewine Lazer and may not have been alone in that sentiment. A cheer went up when a roadie finally handed him the Firebird.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405611410' post='2503657'] CELEBRATING!! CLANG, HONK, TWEET!! [/quote] More mids for that authentic 60's tone: WOOBLE-WOOBLE-WOOBLE-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405609954' post='2503631'] Who's the very young-looking person on bass? [/quote] I think it's [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Reeves"]Greg Reeves[/url]. Fired from CSNY by Stills for behaving oddly: "[he] suddenly decided he was an Apache witch doctor." [size=3][b]Reeves[/b]: 'Erratic'[/size]
  13. Morrissey gets a very bad press; I can state from personal experience that - in the flesh - he is charm personified. When he had the flat over mine he went away for the weekend one time and left a tap running. About ten o'clock on Saturday night the missus says 'Why is there a big bubble on the ceiling?' Next minute it all comes down, water and plaster everywhere. So we cleaned up and put a bucket out then I nipped upstairs and put a note under his door. First thing Monday he comes round, profuse apologies. Workman comes in the same day and by that evening you'd never know there'd been a problem. He even wrote and recorded a short song for us and gave me the lyric sheet which I reproduce below: You tell me that the ceiling came down You tell me that the ceiling came down And it did It really did Because you said that it did A cycle trip over the moors A snatched kiss on my crossbar This handsome man stole my clips My bicycle clips Perchance I left the tap on in my flat If I left the tap on in my flat I couldn't help it I really couldn't help it It's what I do It's what I do-oo-oo Meet me at the slaughterhouse gates Oh, meet me at the slaughterhouse gates If you're there before me And you're waiting It's because I'm late I couldn't help it I really couldn't help it It's what I do It's what I do-oo-oo (repeat to fade) (Morrisey / Boorer) [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1405606755' post='2503582'] Turn it orf, it's offal..! [/quote] Just for that, you can fit Link Wray's 'Jack the Ripper' right up your bracket. Solo starts about 00:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExsrSCeplXk
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1405602119' post='2503497'] Given the life-style, 70-odd is about par, I should think. RIP, you've done your bit,and done it good. A great man, in many ways. [/quote] Indeed. In fact, I'm amazed he lasted as long as he did. Fair play to him.
  16. Me, I'm in the '8 Miles High solo is as cool as f**k' corner. For those who have been living on Mars for fifty years the song also refs the Small Faces. Anyway, more 60's extended widdling in this live version of Neil Young's 'Down By The River'. The solos start at 1:40 and the drummer does a 'kissy-face' at 2:15 but listen to the whole thing - it grooves along nicely. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0NjZrPX-l0
  17. The Man Of Steel is up and about! From [url="https://www.facebook.com/WilkoJohnsonBand"]Wilko's Facebook page[/url]: [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]13th July: Lovely photo from yesterday's Village Green Festival, where Wilko enjoyed a very special birthday watching son Simon play guitar with Eight Rounds Rapid. After Wilko left, the crowd sang a rousing 'Happy Birthday To You'.[/font] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][/font]
  18. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1405353696' post='2501133'] It does seem a bit much, the old thread wound up with a lot of piss taking but some how that wasn't enough? [/quote] Indeed and my point exactly. Thankfully someone's locked the old thread now.
  19. Nice twist there Clarky. Shame that [i]some[/i] subsequent posters have used it as a platform to extend their sly, unpleasant mockery of BC-er Thunderbird beyond the thread he posted elsewhere [edit: and which is now locked]. AFAIC, a small clique of members have been idly ganging up on someone when they could profitably be contemplating the meaning of the word 'community'.
  20. Given that the matter is now more or less settled, I think the continuing desire to slap the OP is not only unattractive but also uncharacteristic of a forum that seldom misses an opportunity to get on its high horse about manufacturer or retailer shortcomings. Threads like this follow a depressing pattern; as soon as people detect some kind of semi-official endorsement they queue up to indulge themselves in some sly needling. That's the herd mentality for you, I suppose.
  21. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1405160566' post='2499246'] They're a bunch of chrotchey old men. [/quote] As are most 'legendary' bands and their fans.
  22. Bummer. Only 62. When interviewed Tommy came across as a warm, funny and modest man whose drumming was simplicity itself yet instantly recognisable.
  23. Thunderbird is now more fully acquainted with the ins-and-outs of dealing with a duff item. Warwick seem to be extending some assistance and a happy result [i]may[/i] be impending. Sundry members have had an opportunity to wag the finger. Turned out nice again.
  24. Chris sold me a T Rex Fuel Tank power supply. Nice easy deal and a complete gentleman.
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