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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1404338606' post='2491812'] Very good, very good indeed. 'Count'... [/quote] Denk you... Now, is goes vun - two - zree - fower und in wiz der tom fill.
  2. One band I was in, the technophobe guitarist insisted on doing the 'demo-for-gigs' exactly as live. One pass per song through a full Marshall stack in a small studio and off he went with his amp. Of course, on playback it sounded thin and dreadful. Conspiring with the engineer we dialled out everything but his (many) solos and I substituted his rhythm parts using plug-ins to get a Marshall tone. When the guitarist heard the final mix he looked a bit bewildered at the overall 'fullness', demanding to know if someone had added something in his absence. 'How could that be?' we said. 'You took your amp with you when you left.' 'Oh, right,' says he, preening. 'Y'know, I [i]am[/i] a pretty good guitarist, aren't I?' [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1404330408' post='2491700'] I don't really count... [/quote] Badum [color=#ffffff]..............................................[/color] tish
  4. My nitpicking persona has been at war with my Pollyanna-ish tendency to see puppies and rainbows everywhere. I regret I must announce that Mr Nitpicky has won. Unless there has been a combing-out of the membership we are erroneously including The Lost Ones. A brief scrutiny of the lists reveals: * 5362 one-post scammers who were swatted by the ever-vigilant moderati * 84 individuals who briefly blazed across our horizons like utterly mental comets then collided with the legendary ban-hammer * 3021 disputatious posters who enlivened our days with shrieks of 'Whoreclown!' and 'Google it FFS!!!!!!!' and who met an untimely end smooshed across Hamster's windcreen * The chap from the South coast who had it away with that other chap's Warwick Vampyre * 23 disappointed freshwater and marine anglers * The BigBeefChief * 14 renowned professional bass players who signed up in expectation of comradely discussion and copped an unexpectedly savage leathering from the BC mob * 46 'other-halves' who snuck in under an assumed monicker to find out what their spouses were saying about them online. Were my calculator not experiencing a temporary malfunction I would total this figure up; in any event it must be getting on for nine thousand, give or take.
  5. Trigger pulled via Absolute Music who claim to have 'about ten' in stock. Well, nine now, obviously.
  6. [quote name='Ernie's ball' timestamp='1404146085' post='2489752'] Like I say.....making a bit of cash is one thing but blatantly lying to squeeze every penny out of a punter? [/quote] Indeed. Within the BC community flipping is a hot topic and understandably so. But buying stuff to move on [i]immediately[/i] (if this is the case) is about as close to trading as it gets; to claim in such circumstances that one is not a trader is therefore questionable. Better to be open about it, IMO. At one time there was a BC-er who was buying stuff off ebay in the USA and advertising it here as the 'cream of his collection, gutted to see it go, etc., etc.' before the item had even arrived in the UK! He is no longer with us. As he was also something of a disputatious poster some might consider this a good thing.
  7. With apols to new owner Tech: the 1971 P I recently sold him - all poly finish:
  8. Frustratingly it's one of those cases where 'it all depends', particularly the price. A TT might keep up with the drummer but what's the other guitarist using? TT's are loud little buggers but crank them up to compete with a bigger amp and they seem to get quite mushy. One band I was in we had a Les Paul > TT > 1x12 and we could forget [i]any[/i] idea of clean headroom. Another friend of mine dallied with the idea of a TT but eventually settled on the larger Dual Terror (30w) through an open-backed 2x12. Even with the extra watts it seems to get into break-up at nine o'clock. Fantastic grunty rock amp but very 'flavoured' in that Orange way. The 'get a 100 watter' suggestion seems a bit kneejerk to me. We've been round this one before here and consensus is that 100w is overkill in pubs. IMO 15-30w should be enough for most places depending on the genre. Of the lunch-box heads I like the Vox Night Train for its spread of tone. For combos, maybe an old Peavey Classic 30 or a Blues Deluxe, though the latter benefits from some simple mods.
  9. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1403904110' post='2487697'] If i wanted to put a Bloggs Bass decal on something that wasn't actually a Bloggs Bass, i'd do it. And I certainly wouldn't feel it necessary to explain or justify my reasons for doing so. [/quote] Too right - I'll stick a Fender logo on whatever I want. I'd challenge anyone here to tell the difference from three feet away.
  10. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1403342657' post='2481919'] rather annoyingly this impressed my band far more than the US boutique gear I've had since, 'cos of the alu cones of course [/quote] Exactly what happened to me. Anyhow, the cab certainly gets around a bit - Wales to Banbury to Wiltshire to Bournemouth (and maybe next - West London??)
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403871861' post='2487289'] But that's what this forum is for, isn't it? [/quote] Exactly. That, and the discussion of isshoos pertaining to the care and feeding of bass guitarists. Three incontrovertible facts: * Individuals can stick whatever logo they like on their bass and good luck to them. Commercial operations can't. * Individuals can offer an opinion here on pretty much anything and good luck to them * Any time I see someone playing an apparently ancient, dinged-up bass with Fender on the headstock I assume it's a replica. That's how far things have gone.
  12. Get well soon, Uncle Horrid. In the meantime (and at considerable risk to my own health) I have dispatched my personal nurse Ms. Pussy Thricenightly. She shall attend to your immediate needs.
  13. [size=3]Ripped me finger off. [b][i]Brilliant![/i][/b][/size]
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1403520563' post='2483423'] Lady Bones' getting her indefinite leave to remain from the Home Office. [/quote] [i]Excellent[/i] news, Sir, and worthy grounds for a libation.
  15. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1403481102' post='2483171'] I've never met Skenk, but IMHO he's too clever by half. And with that in mind, he should be hung from the yard arm and shot [/quote] [i]Someone's[/i] been down the pub on a warm summer Sunday night...
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1403446966' post='2482725'] Is GB just a miserable lot of so-and-sos [/quote] Yes we is, though that's not the reason. * France is full of towns and villages with dinky little squares, each of them ideal for outdoor musical events. By contrast and with some exceptions most of the UK's towns are street-y and linear in form. Any audiences will therefore have to form a line one deep and 800 yards long which is obviously impractical. * Much of France enjoys clement and agreeable weather at this time of year. Most of Britain, by contrast, will usually be knee-deep in rain and / or sleet. * Gallic miserliness being a well-established fact, the French national music day is probably the sole occasion when amateur and semi-pro bands perform for free. As evidenced by many, many threads on BC, this occurs year round in Britain; hence [i]every [/i]day is National Music Day * Being naturally more excitable the French plunge headlong into this sort of thing, arms waving, accordions tootling, tyres burning and berets flying through the air. Phlegmatic Britons remain sanguine about the promotion of music as an enhancer of life and community spirit, embracing by contrast a spirit of '[i]Vive L'Indifference[/i]'. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  17. Mat bought my P-Bass. Charming man, totally straightforward and the smoothest deal imaginable.
  18. Sold to a [i]very[/i] nice man from Camden Thanks for all the kind comments everyone!
  19. [quote name='JackieMoon' timestamp='1403216199' post='2480963'] Hartke 410 TP Cab which I picked up from Mr. Skankdelvar a few months back (Hope you don't mind the picture reuse). [/quote] No worries, Joe, reuse away. PS: The cat asked me to relay her firm opinion that the minor cosmetic issues 'add vintage mojo to the proposition'.
  20. Buried among the clichés are some tips we might all profitably embrace: * Do not hold any anger toward the other band members for always holding the spotlight * Have a personality ... be fun to watch * When songwriting, don't go to ridiculous lengths to give yourself a technically complicated part * A generous amount of bass solo time is anything above five seconds of a song
  21. Barman + doorman in a 400 cap bar / club. Lots of slapback echo off the walls.
  22. Nice guitars, those CV Tele's. And routed for a humbucker under the pickguard, iirc
  23. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1402613842' post='2475442'] Yes, that's the one:) Thanks It's got a great sound, but I'm just not using it:( [/quote] That was my situation exactly - no opportunity to run it out anywhere. The 50w Mk II has an incredibly tight, solid, 'smack in the mouth' sound that's quite unlike the Plexis or the JCM's. Takes pedals really well and loves a clean boost. Frankly, even at £500-700 they're an absolute bargain and far more versatile than their better known brethren. Good luck with your sale, if you go ahead. I feel your pain [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1402666810' post='2475795'] Is he the same Jimmy Jones who is a bass voice as well as bassist? [/quote] Dear God, the man is multi-talented! Mind you, there's one [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones"]Jim Jones[/url] we can rule out.
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