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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1400431530' post='2453768'] Presumably you mean well-played music and badly-played music? [/quote] Now you've done it. [list=1] [*]Badly-played bad music [*]Well-played bad music [*]Badly-played good music [*]Well-played good music [*]Averagely played average music [/list] I expect Ray Ellington is feeling just a [i]tiny[/i] bit stupid right now.
  2. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1400429095' post='2453731'] You'd need to ask Duke Ellington. The 'good/bad music' quote was his, not mine. [/quote] [size=3]I [i]never[/i] said that. You'll be hearing from my solicitors[/size]
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400429376' post='2453735'] Also, back when I started playing, if you wanted a certain level of performance in a bass , you had to gravitate towards high end basses, because they were the only instruments that played and sounded like that. [/quote] Entirely true. As a sidebar, I recently discovered a box of American guitar mags from the late 80's - early 90's. Even only twenty years ago the price points were far more polarised while low end prices were what we might today characterise as mid-range. (As a digression, one might also note the prevalence of ads featuring scantily clad babes in leather bikinis, each holding the instrument in such an awkward fashion as to suggest they were probably not 'real' guitar players at all). It always depresses me when the focus is upon the supposed unworthiness of high end when there is so much greater scope for joy at the improved quality and comparatively microscopic price of serviceable basses. 'Glass half-full' for the win.
  4. A fine little piece. Well spotted, Sir. Yet how times change. Were a similar spoof to be made today a disaffected cameraman might capture a copy and send it to the Daily Mail. Public outrage would ensue and the BBC Director General would appear on Newsnight to promise that 'this will never happen again'. The guilty parties would be ejected from the profession to be discovered years later doing 'off the books' panto in Worthing. Vive le smut! It makes the world go round. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1400401095' post='2453407'] Anyway, it's really quite rare to see something actually original as so-called original is commonly highly derivative and sometimes derivative in a rather dull manner. [/quote] And there's the problem with 'originals'. It has been my experience that the majority of 'originals' bands play self-penned material within a genre straitjacket. The chords may come in a slightly different order but band sound, arrangements, lyrical content, delivery, clothes, equipment and audience engagement all adhere to a rigid pattern, the slightest deviation from which is viewed with grave suspicion by band and audience alike. In fact, most originals bands are 'tributes' in all but name. If proof be needed, the emerging originals band will inevitably seek to engage the unaligned by publicising itself with comparisons to existing artists or with genre cliches such as: "Drawing from the well of Bowie, Diamanta Gala-Pie and Goldie" or "!!Clenched-fist rockin' dudes!!" The young punter may remain unaware of the originals band's mountainous debt to other artists but the mature gentleman gig-goer can spend a diverting evening playing 'spot the rip-off'. It is a pleasurable game. Say what one may about tribute bands, at least they have the honesty (or the self-awareness) to recognise what they are doing and to bill themselves as playing other people's music. The vast majority of originals bands offer little more than slavishly recycled guff, driven either by mendacious laziness, self-deluded fantasy or witless ineptitude.
  6. Looking at your genre and your current signal chain I'd stick with the SD. 59 into a 78 BadAss into an Orange is quite a 'flavoured' sound. If your Little 59 has been doing the business so far, you probably don't want to change that combination.
  7. Hi Nick and welcome The gig report thread is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/7919-how-was-your-gig-last-night/"]how was your gig last night[/url]. Bizarre stories / situations tend to appear on an ad-hoc basis. Anything remotely controversial or political goes in the 'BassChat member viewable-only' [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/9-off-topic/"]Off-Topic[/url] forum*. [size=2]*(Proofed against drummers, singers, etc., but probably wide open to the Chinese Ministry Of Public Security if they can be bothered).[/size]
  8. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1400323473' post='2452877'] I think tribute bands are the same as any other bands - there are good ones and there are poor ones. [/quote] Very much this. I've only seen four - two were outstanding; one was competent; the fourth was a trainwreck. A Jam tribute with a 'Weller' who could only [i]just[/i] manage basic open position chords and muffed every key riff. Like most of us, I had previously viewed tribute bands with suspicion but have come to see the benefits, not the least of which is a degree of family-friendliness. One time I was watching a couple of ten year old kids at a Whole Lotta Led theatre gig, stood at the front open-mouthed and transfixed. You could just see them thinking '[i]This[/i] is what I want to do.' Which is a Very Good Thing. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  9. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1400097294' post='2450806'] Solovair are made by NPS (Northampton Productive Soc) ... [url="http://www.britboot.co.uk/engine/shop/index.html"]http://www.britboot....shop/index.html[/url] [/quote] A quality heads-up, Sir. Much obliged. Back OT and thinking about what Molan says about added extras - wasn't there a [i]fearful[/i] row here once about an optional £95,000 truss rod cover for one of these booteekie basses? Or am I dreaming it?
  10. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1400174743' post='2451505'] I wonder how many times this cab was gigged at Stonehenge for the Solstice.....? [/quote] Once a year for hundreds of years before the dawn of history. However many times [i]that[/i] was.
  11. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1400088269' post='2450659'] Edit? I thought you'd moved already! Shows how much attention I pay. [/quote] We did move, last September; now we're moving again. Was going to be March but LL decided to postpone his house sale till next month. Life in rental, see. Always an adventure.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1400086238' post='2450629'] Doc Martin boots used to be relatively cheap, all they seem to have done is cashed in on the brand. As for walking in them... they last so long because you can't walk far in them. [/quote] Rotated the same two pairs of original DM shoes for work for over twenty years, much of which was spent walking round London. They were the comfiest shoes I've ever owned. One pair remains and gets wheeled out whenever I'm forced to wear a suit. The replacement 'new' Chinese DM shoes went in the bin after a week. F**king crippled me.
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400079463' post='2450538'] Are Doc Martens expensive nowadays? The world has gone mad... [/quote] The overseas-made DM's are about £100 but I can't get my feet into them. I think it's a different construction pattern. Then there's the 'Made In England' range at [i]really[/i] stupid prices. [size=3][b]DM[/b]: The 'Made In England' 1460 - [b]£200[/b][/size] [size=3][size=4]However, I've just discovered Solovair offer an 8-hole boot for £120. Still expensive, but also made in England, hand crafted, reputed to use the original DM lasts and the company's been around since it was formed as a co-operative in 1881. Soon as I get round to it, I'm trying a pair.[/size][/size] [size=3][size=4][/size][/size] [size=3][b]Solovair[/b]: 8-eye Derby boot [b]£120[/b][/size]
  14. Thing is, Stevie, we're moving house soon and Herself asked why I need three 2x12's when I'm not using [i]any[/i] of them. Easier to flog it here than come up with a convincing reason to keep it.
  15. Amazingly, this is [sup][size=1]not[/size][/sup] the same speaker cab!
  16. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1399986699' post='2449606'] Yes. On this thread in particluar, and the forum in general, it strikes me that the inverse snobbery outweighs the actual snobbery by quite a long way. I've never managed to work out why some people get so wound up by the idea of a quilted top or whatever that they feel compelled to pour scorn not only on the basses themselves but also their 'typical' owners. [/quote] To be fair, it's only a tiny minority. I'd imagine 99% of BC-ers ignore all that nonsense, preferring instead to take pleasure in the idea of other people enjoying their instruments - at whatever price point. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  17. Welcome Dan Hope you enjoy the forum and good luck with your imminent genre mash-up Skank [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1399733939' post='2447158'] Should be on display in the V&A, not on sale here for mere pennies.. [/quote] Yet surprisingly functional. Recently ran an LP Jr through a non-MV Marshall JMP head into the (then installed) Goodmans Audiom 12PGs. One 'windmill' later I was a thin, bloody smear on the rear wall.
  19. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1399717949' post='2446919'] Don't you mean *vintage* 2 x 12 cab? [/quote] Indeed. "This [i]vintage[/i], mojo-laden loudspeaker cabinet oozes retro roadworn authenticity. May* contain dope stash traceable to Joe Strummer of The Clash; possibly[sup]+[/sup] used to disperse the forces of 'Babylon' during the Ladbroke Grove riots of 1976. A significant item of considerable rarity not only for the 'rock historian' but also for the collector of beautiful artefacts." ** [size=1]* Or may not. [sup]+[/sup] Probably not. ** Description comprises 100% bollocks[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=3][b]Police Inna Babylon[/b]: Look out lads - he's got a 2x12! Run like f**k![/size] [size=3].[/size]
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1399650632' post='2446350'] Specifically finding an Amos may reduce your chances a little but I'm sure he's out there somewhere waiting for your call [/quote] [size=3]Where's Seth? Try asking Ernie Shuttleworth... (sniffs frostily)[/size]
  21. [size=5][b]Now Free[/b][/size] (on Collection) My very first cab from 1978. Does the do for bass or guitar. Cosmetically challenged but structurally fine. [b]And Free![/b] Can be used horizontally or vertically. Bang in some 12" speakers and you've got a functioning 2x12. Built by a company called AVS who mostly did cinema and club installations. [b]And Free![/b] Sorry, collection only from BA15 (near Bath) or I will drop it off for petrol within a reasonable distance. PM me with any questions [attachment=162273:empcab 2.jpg]
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1399305083' post='2442939'] I peed in the sink once. I was very drunk at the time. It had washing-up in it. [/quote] During a sales conference a friend of mine went back to his (shared) hotel room, very, [i]very[/i] drunk. During the night he awoke with a straining bladder. Thusly he got up, opened the wardrobe door, lifted the lid of his suitcase, peed in it and went back to bed. In the morning he went to dress and discovered his urine-soaked clothes. Flying into a terrible rage, he demanded his room-mate tell him who had committed this vile act. 'You did', says the room mate. ' I woke up and watched you do it.'
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1399227241' post='2442237'] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Quite. But it has to be from Normandy of course and preferably Camembert Le Ch[color=#000000]â[/color]telain.[/font] [/quote] Using milk [i]only[/i] from those cows that graze the spot behind the dairy where dear Benoit has his midday piss. Only the hobbyist fromageophile would settle for anything less. [sub][/sub]
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