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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Open 'view new content'. Look at the menu side bar at LHS. At the bottom there's 'Filter content'. Click on this. A menu will open, listing all the sub forums. Click on the subforums you like. Now save. Your new content should henceforward be filtered to reflect your choices and all will be lovely.
  2. [size=3]Tush? You don't want to do it like that.[/size]
  3. Good idea to tap up the local boozers. Also worth checking out other 'local' blues bands gig lists to see where they're playing. On a slightly wider canvas, here are some links to UK blues venue / gig listings. The ents 24 search is set to blues gigs in 30 mile radius of Stoke [url="http://www.bluesinbritain.org/links/venues-festivals/"]http://www.bluesinbr...nues-festivals/[/url] [url="http://www.movinmusic.co.uk/tours/indexz.htm"]http://www.movinmusi...ours/indexz.htm[/url] [url="http://www.rockingtheblues.com/Venues%20&%20Gigs_files/Venues%20&%20Gigs.htm"]http://www.rockingth...%20&%20Gigs.htm[/url] [url="http://www.ents24.com/hub/search/genre/blues/near/Stoke-on-Trent/radius/30"]http://www.ents24.co...Trent/radius/30[/url] [url="http://www.bluefrontbluesroom.org/Other%20blues%20venues.htm"]http://www.bluefront...es%20venues.htm[/url]
  4. [quote][i]Question 2 - Whch age range do you fit within?[/i] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]In some ways, this was a bit of a surprise - a very strong peak in the 45-54 range and a slightly lower but still significant peak in the 35-44 year range. This is consistent with the age distribution of who generally shows up to Bassbashes. BUT I was wondering where all the younger, just starting out players were though. They seem to be under represented considering so much of what volume musical instrument manufacturers produce is aimed at beginners.[/font][/color][/quote] Couple thoughts here: * I did a similar though less rigorous analysis a few years ago which showed a similar middle-aged bulge. For the life of me , I can't remember how I did it but I think I may have based it on a thread in GD. Anyway, here it is: And here's the recent BC Survey: Surprisingly similar and suggests that this higher index of Old Bobs is something that's been around for a while. * The other thought is that OT might be unrepresentatively older than the rest of the forum. I'd imagine that gear, GD and technique might have a younger profile.
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1388074587' post='2318311'] Didn't Beethoven write a lot of his later music using just pen and paper on account of being deaf? He seemed to be able to express himself fairly well. I'd say people should use whatever tools and methods that give them the end result they're seeking. [/quote] Indeed. [size=3]Dum-dum-dum-[i]dim[/i]? Dum-dum-[i]dim[/i]-dum?[/size] [size=3].[/size]
  6. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1386343509' post='2299064'] Italian-made & unrelated E-Ros acoustics [/quote] One of those in the spare room atm. 37 yrs old and Texas Hi-strung. Really good to see you back, Jon
  7. Good man and thanks for posting! Pics would be nice, partic some detail of the damper. Enjoy your Commodore.
  8. [quote name='col.decker' timestamp='1387465486' post='2312307'] Do you have a Forum Charter and a 20 page thread on the evils of swearing in posts? [/quote] As for sweary-words, no need. The profanity filter performs so [i]seamlessly[/i]. But admin Ped issued an [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/43420-swearinglanguage/page__hl__language__fromsearch__1"]observation[/url] upon such matters some time ago. The general view is that one swears about things or off-forum third party strangers but seldom if ever at another member.
  9. My favourite extract from the Daily Moyle piece: [quote]Radio host Kurt Alexander, better known as Big Boy, reacted by exclaiming 'What?'[/quote] Shortly thereafter Mr Bieberschwanz indicated that he had no intention of retiring, rather that he devoutly wished to 'grow as an artist'*. [size=2]* Industry insider-speak for 'I feel like kicking back with some androgynous hookers and a mountain of primo-grade blow but the record company wants another hit out of me before I launch my own label and disappear for ten years after which time I stage a comeback and fall to my death from a hotel-room balcony after the second Minneapolis show'[/size]
  10. Here's the answer: [i](Kim Shattuck) recalled a show at the Mayan Theater in Los Angeles where her enthusiasm led her to jump into the crowd. [/i] [i]"I know they weren't thrilled about that," she said. "When I got offstage, the manager told me not to do that again. I said, 'Really, for my own safety?' And he said, 'No, because the Pixies don't do that.'[/i] Long Live Rock'N'Roll, eh? Mind you, upstaging 'The Talent' is rarely a good move as many side-men may attest.
  11. [quote name='nick' timestamp='1387234797' post='2309830'] Here's mine that I had for a while...sold it couple of years ago.[/quote] It's a handsome livery, that redburst.
  12. This one went for £170 on the bay. Complete with damper.
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1387143222' post='2308748'] I don't think we could call them guilds though. What about fans of Guild basses? The Guild guild (or guild of Guilds) would seem a little inelegant to say the least. [/quote] [i]Your Guild Of Guilds. [/i] Snazzy with a hint of gravitas.
  14. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1387142773' post='2308740'] I tried one out several years ago which was going for £49 and decided to pass on it. I suspect I should have snapped it up, stuck some huge black nylon tapewounds on and rejoiced in the 60s garage-band "whump" sound of it. [/quote] D'ye know, that's quite jogged my memory. Mine had nylons on. First and only time I've been thusly equipped. One of these might be rather cool for some Sonics / Trashmen action.
  15. A thread for those who own or have owned or might at some point in the future own Commodore semis. Rebadged versions as Aria and Univox (as below) and maybe other names will also count. My first bass nearly 40-odd years ago was a Commodore. Back in the day one took what one could get and I got it from Musical Exchanges in Birmingham. Maybe not a great player but then again, I wouldn't have known a great player from a total dog in those days. Any further information cheerfully accepted. Now, show us yours! [size=1]* Ownership past and present is not required as a condition of club membership. Possible future purchase or not even that is welcome. E&OE. No refunds.[/size] [size=1].[/size]
  16. [i]Herding instinct ... cliquey...twee...snobbery...elitism...vanity[/i] Seems to me that on the one hand there are people who want post in a brand-specific thread and on the other there's people who have a worryingly judgmental view of such a harmless activity. Is it that some feel 'excluded'? Do they constitute a clique of their own? Should there be a 'Members who hate clubs club?' Beats me.. In any event, I imagine that the only obstacle would be a reluctance by the management to pin such a thread, in which case the [s]soon-come[/s] now launched '[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224817-commodore-semi-acoustic-owners-past-and-present-club/"]Japcrap Commodore Semi-Acoustic Owners (Past and Present) Club[/url]' will simply have to float through life unpinned. .
  17. Well, based on completed listings they seem to sell for between $300-700 on US ebay. The only one I could find on UK ebay went for £266. There's one for sale on Gumtree for £380 [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/gibson-sg-x/1042130937"]http://www.gumtree.c...sg-x/1042130937[/url] Limited editions are funny things. A very few become highly desirable, others very much less so. In this instance, you need a buyer who just wants [i]any[/i] SG variant or someone who specifically wants an X but isn't worried about a self-repaired headstock break. I'd say £300-400 on a good day but taking the break into account and factoring in the cost (to the nervous) of a luthier repair and set-up, I'd say £100-200.
  18. It is easy to heap opprobrium on an individual when one is not personally acquainted with him. Back in the 90's I sat on a NAMM 'What Is Tone?' panel with Mr Malmsteen and TV evergreen David Jason. Despite constant interjections of 'Perfick!' from the Darling Buds Of May star, Yngwie maintained his composure, graciously shook the old thespian's hand at the conclusion of the event and shepherded him to his car through a crowd of enraged metallers. We should not be so quick to judge.
  19. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1387125582' post='2308431'] Ok, forget the "club" moniker (aye, it gets twee). [/quote] Yes. Let's call them 'Guilds'. The Sue Ryder Owners Guild. [i]Classy[/i]. [quote]My point is about something more than that. [/quote] Good call.
  20. I think it's a good idea. Even as a non-participant, I've found 'Owners Clubs / Threads' to be exceptionally useful both for technical stuff and for gauging views about certain products prior to purchasing them. Also handy when it comes to product iterations, changes, etc. Certainly, as with any gear thread, there may be a plethora of 'OMG - it's awesome' posts, but this is usually offset by informed opinion. As for allegations of 'elitisim' or 'exclusiveness', a forum just for bass players might be adjudged by the uninformed netizen to be a twee clique. We don't need any more subforums. But an initial post and a polite request to pin it would suffice. I would urge anyone who wants a brand-specific thread to start one. It's a free forum. Those who abhor such threads may simply ignore them. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  21. In all my living days, etc. I mean, we've all copped the occasional idea from other local outfits. One band I was in, the sax player would finish the song with a solo then name-check the guy from whom he'd lifted one of his passages. TBH, this particular cover-trib farrago seems wrong on so many levels. And who'd want to be the person to articulate the proposition to the rest of the band. "The Flying Cobblers always pull a good crowd. Let's steal their act and pretend it's all our own idea." I'd just walk away. Smacks of desperation to me, but there may be some bizarre explanation, e.g. evil twin brother sets up clone band in attempt to steal his sibling's life. Sort of like in Knightrider except Garthe wasn't really Michael's brother. . [size=3]Can [b][i]you[/i] [/b]spot the evil twin? [/size] [size=3].[/size]
  22. May I thank the gents above for their clear explanations of an area which I have previously failed to understand. Really useful
  23. Omigosh! That Fylde is just outstanding. Look - at - that - binding.
  24. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1386758841' post='2304035'] Cheesey songs: Chaumes me the way - Peter Frampton Anything my Mozzarella Fitzgerald or Grate Funk Railroad Tomme Sawyer - Rush Baby Bels of Berlin - Lone Star Jeremy - Pearl Jam (featuring the voice of Eddie Cheddar) Long road out of Edam - Eagles The Paneer within - Waterboys Halloumi - Lionel Richie Beaufort the law - Clash Raclette it Brie - Beatles The Epoisse - Rush Munster - The Automatic Camembert on a cheese string - J. S. Bach Stilton love with you - Thin Lizzy Tread caerphilly - Julie Collings And so on... [/quote] Outf***ingstanding list. Ten times better than BC's usual fish puns. You have my respect, Sir. As for why some songs do better than others. It's all in the hook, see. Example: Back in the mists of time, Queen decided that they needed more audience participation - so they wrote a string of songs including We Will Rock You, We are The Champions, Hammer, etc. Cheesy, perhaps, but crowd-pleasers deluxe. There's no business like 'Show'.
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