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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. For myself, the apparent impossibility of reconciling the two positions vis a vis the instrument is a cause for celebration and deep joy. That it is also a trigger for raging conflict between 'experts' is a side-benefit enjoyable to anyone with a healthy mind. Life would be [i]so[/i] dull if everything fitted into neatly labelled categories.
  2. I'm thinking of unloading* scads of old musical tut that's laying around the house while concurrently going on a GAS-propelled rampage. Call it rationalisation, if you will. That's how I've sold it in to herself. So with Christmas coming up, what should I do? Sell [i]before[/i] and buy [i]after[/i]? Or Buy before and sell after? Or both before or both after? Lord knows, it's difficult enough prioritising what to sell and buy without having to think about when to do it. [size=2]* BC fee paid already[/size] [size=4][color=#fff0f5].[/color][/size]
  3. On a daily basis the pages of BC adduce to the idiotic things that are said when hobby musicians gather. Members regularly post examples of eye-watering misapprehensions and tactlessness. From my own experience (and I've forgotten more than I remember): * Let's try it in waltz time - that's 4/4 * Why show me that low string riff? The bass and the guitar are in different tunings * (Onstage) I love the blues. Black people have [i]such[/i] a great sense of rhythm * Jimmy Plant wrote Stairway To Heaven, you prat * I'm a 'feel' player - that's why I only play in the key of A Why might women in bands be exempted from the cornucopia of total bollocks that passes for intra-musician dialogue? The young lady's list is evidence not of institutional sexism but of institutional stupidity.
  4. In the absence of server stats, one could always count and compare the number of new ads placed in Basses For Sale over a fixed period before and after the introduction of fees. I did but I'm sad like that.
  5. No photos atm (will get some sorted) but: 1966 BF Bassman 1973 SF Princeton NR [s]1978 SF Pro Reverb (just died on me)[/s] ... and Paul Rivera's (mostly successful) post-Fender take on a Deluxe on steroids, the R55/12.
  6. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1386104768' post='2295934'] Thanks SD. Just like to make it clear that the post on my blog was about the aquisition of the parts from his Strat. Although a massive fan of his playing, always a bit squeemish about a fine instrument being destroyed. If defined by the likes of Jon (Bassassin) as "firewood" - I don't think I would have a problem. Just wanted to make my position clear. Cheers. [/quote] Quite so and clearly understood
  7. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1386090085' post='2295599'] How ironic! I have litterally done a blog post about Ritchie Blackmore!!! [/quote] Thank you for a most enlightening and entertaining blog post. Nice work, Sir. As for guitar trashing, I'm not opposed in principle - people can do whatever they like with their own property and after all, it's only a bit of wood and metal. As for destructive onstage mayhem, few have surpassed the late Ms Wendy O Williams (NSFW) [size=3]Rare 'not topless' performance: Wendy chainsaws an Explorer[/size]
  8. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1385981097' post='2294205'] I've been looking into these for a while and heard good things about the Wampler. The problem with listening to recordings is that they don't give much of an indication of the dynamics of shifting air. [/quote] You're in that Londo, aren't you? Hie thyself unto Chandlers or Regent Sound - they're Wampler dealers. Plus some more around the M25 periphery - Wampler dealer page [url="http://www.wamplerpedals.com/dealers/"]here[/url] As for the chimy stuff, you may wish to try the Wampler Black '65. Catalinbread SFT does a nice Keefy-y Ampeg chime too.
  9. Purchased 'Otis Redding In Europe' and had it shipped to a chum as a present. Subsequently spotting this 'Autorip' malarkey I downloaded the MP3 for myself. It is all very odd, though.
  10. Customarily detailed SOS review [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/pm/nov07/articles/hiwatthigain.htm"]here[/url]. In ref to channel 1 (Clean) the review says: "Volume can go brutally loud and still stay dirt-free all the way to maximum, although an overall inherent hard-ish edge is apparent, rather than the slightly compressed, ringing zing characteristic of more costly Hiwatts." So I imagine that - paired with a suitable cab - it should do service. If even the clean channel is too spiky you could always spend a tenner subbing out a 12AX7 for a lower rated pre-amp valve and see how it sounds. FWIW I gigged a Marshall 50w non-master through a 2x12 for a while and it sounded fine, though not exactly sproingy modern.
  11. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1385910709' post='2293475'] Does it do the same/similar as this little fella? I had the 65 deluxe reverb version and it was a fantastic pedal [/quote] The Boss and the Wampler are in the same ballpark - amp in a box designed to replicate the 'Tweed' sound. The Wampler claims to get close to a range of tweed amps - champ, deluxe, twin, bassman etc - and seems to get it by tweaking the tone controls. More mids and treble gets you a small amp. Roll off the treble, up the bass and you get an approximation of a larger cab. The cool thing is the toggle switch which offers normal, 'bright' and 'jumpered'. There's a big difference in sound. Jumpered is quite gain-y. Anyhow, normal + (bass off, mids and treble up) gets close to a Claptony Layla champ. Jumpered + (bass and mids up, treble down) gets an SRV-ish sort of sound. Bright + (gain at 1pm, bass slightly down) gets a Keefy sort of Twin. Seems to prefer lower output single coils to hotters s'c's and a treble bleed is useful when pulling the volume down at the guitar. Roll it down to 5 and everything starts to chime! So far I've only run it through a 10" SF Princeton NR combo, but when I get a chance I'll try some other stuff and see what happens. Such fun! Wampler do a 65 blackface pedal too (but no internal reverb unlike your Boss, IIRC). Here's the vid (one of many on YT) that sold me into the Tweed: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjKVQy4JB8k[/media]
  12. [quote name='smurfitt' timestamp='1385681939' post='2291236'] It would be far more profitable to charge £1 for every item that's advertised whether it be a set of strings, fx processor or expensive axe. [/quote] Would it? Shame you didn't mention that when the management put up a thread to ask the membership's opinions on sale fees. It would have helped shape the policy. Anyway, have you actually got any figures to prove that £1 is the optimum fee? Or is that just idle pique at being asked to contribute anything at all to our community. AFAICS, you're halfway trying to shill your Strat for free and halfway having a whine at the forum. [quote]an amazing guitar that is a worthy investment.[/quote] FANTAsTIK GIUTAR - sO GOOD I WLL ONY PAY £1 ToO AVDERtIZE IT LULZ
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1385716570' post='2291372'] Is there a thriving market in RickenFaker guitars? [/quote] [i]Good[/i] question. My (entirely unsubstantiated) feeling is that there's always been a small-ish 'associational' market for repro 330's and 625's. Today's Rockinbetter is yesterday's Shaftesbury. Thriving? I'd have thought not, given the prevalence of Fender clones and the relatively higher cost of producing a semi-solid body. AFAIK, Faker guitars never reached the higher levels of quality achieved by [i]some[/i] of the Faker basses. I assume this might be one reason why they haven't really crossed over to semi-cult status like certain old 4001 clones. Weirdly, I've never seen a 610 / 620 clone, though they must be out there. Sad thing is, I doubt one could post a question like this on the specialist forums without incurring a degree of wrath.
  14. Bert Sorry to hear your sad news. Hope you're OK and that your sales go smoothly.
  15. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1385660803' post='2290864'] Possibly only 1 '59ri in that lot Skank! What a collection though [/quote] Yes, indeedy. Nice guy, too. Like I said, I think he's acquired a few more Lesters since then!
  16. [quote name='superclive' timestamp='1385659300' post='2290835'] The meaning of cheap has changed. Cheap used to mean shoddy. [/quote] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]And shoddy was the poor quality cloth made from the worst rags:[/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=1]'an inferior quality yarn or fabric made from the shredded fibre of waste woollen cloth or clippings.'[/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]In olden times, people would go down to the market and see a pair of trousers at crazy low prices and they'd say, 'Damn my eyes, Elspeth, that's cheap!' and Elspeth would say 'No, Derek, that's shoddy. Stand away from the trousers.' [/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]As opposed to 'Sheddy' which was poor quality clothing made in sheds. Fact.[/font]
  17. I haven't got one. But a bloke I used to gig with had several R9's, two or three of which he added [i]after[/i] he took this pic of his gear, IIRC:
  18. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1385418445' post='2288150'] Any particular reason why the guitars forum is not visible unless you are logged in but the other three groups are visible to the world? [/quote] Kiwi at the controls. Debatable whether we'll all get out of this alive
  19. [i]Nice[/i]... Is that a whammy up the back there? Is it the RM Pro that Yam used to fit?
  20. For Immediate Release: [size=5][b]Rock-Aid Announces 2013 Christmas Charity Single[/b][/size] [size=3]Quo: 'Put your hands in your pockets, people!'[/size] Musicians charity Rock-Aid today announced the launch of its 2013 Christmas single '(It's) Christmas Again (It Only Seems Like Last Week)', co-written by American guitarist Steve Vai and Wombles / Katie Melua svengali Mike Batt. With all profits (after fees, expenses, etc) going to sister charity 'Give Psittacosis The Bird', a stellar line-up includes Status Quo, Brian May, Paul McCartney, Tom Jones, Gary Barlow, Dizzee Rascal and Lily Allen. The accompanying video - written and directed by Dr Who showrunner Stephen Moffatt - features all 13 Doctors, dressed in seasonal red and green versions of their trademark costumes. The video opens on Albert Square as Alfie Moon's coffin is carried to a waiting hearse. A crowd of EastEnders' stars past and present hold up posters bearing the slogan 'End Psittacosis Now'. A wahoo-wahoo noise announces the arrival of the Tardis; the doors open and 12th Doctor Matt Smith wheels a psittacosis sufferer into the Queen Vic. Moved to tears, the hard-bitten 'Enders exchange Christmas cards bearing images of kittens, starving children and old people in iron lungs while The 13 Doctors perform a dance of their own devising. The video culminates as Francis Rossi bursts out of a parrot-shaped 'death' cake to shake sleigh bells alongside 'It Ain't Half Hot, Mum' star Melvyn Hayes, backed by the 'Choir Of Stars' (see above). '(It's) Christmas Again (It Only Seems Like Last Week)' is available in shops and as a download from November 30. [i]<ENDS>[/i] [i].[/i]
  21. Also available in 2TS and Candy Apple Red. Myself, I am somewhat partial to the latter.
  22. There's a whole heap of voodoo being talked about these: "outstanding tone, captures the Tweed thing, great flexibility, sensitive to playing dynamics, expensive but worth it", etc I'm a sucker for voodoo so I bought one. And it's all true. Best pedal I ever bought.
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