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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. BassChatter unloading a Marshall DSL 401 for £325 - see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221543-marshall-jcm2000-dsl401-valve-amp-l325/"]here[/url] 40w 1x12, clean and OD channels should do the trick.
  2. Yes, indeedy. The much-loved and shockingly discontinued Squier '51 reappears. Now you don't have to lash out silly money for a used one or - worse - drop megabucks for the Fender-badged version. A mere £223.80 off [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_squier_51_vintage_modified_vbl.htm"]Thomann[/url]. Just hope they've kept the neck dimensions the same... one of the best Tele necks around at many times the price.
  3. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1385323201' post='2286947'] ... the only people in the bar were us, the landlord and the bar staff. [/quote] Done that. Bottom of a 3 band bill. The other two dropped out. We outnumbered the barstaff in a 500 capacity room - the whole upstairs at [i]this[/i] ghastly dive in Park Royal, when it was called Phae Tingo's. Worst tumbleweed moment ever. :
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1385312627' post='2286740'] This is what I am trying to put together mate, anyone who fancies going through stuff with me it would help [/quote] Ah, sorry chum. Assumed this was a general in memoriam job. I was thinking specifically about the stuff he used to write about promoting gigs, performance, etc and thinking it deserved a wiki. I'll have a trawl through the back catalogue next week.
  5. I was just now reading another thread about landlords and gig promotion. Thought to myself: "The Old Git would have dropped some pearls of wisdom into this one." His advice was always good. Perhaps a 'compendium' sticky might be an idea when the management have a moment's rest.
  6. Yet [i]another[/i] option might be to leave the pick-ups in place and 'invisibly' mod the Strat for switchable series wiring, using push-pull pots. This is a fairly common mod for those seeking a bit more oomph. Some links here: [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/Adding_Series_Switching_To_Your_Strat"]http://www.premiergu...g_To_Your_Strat[/url] [url="http://www.diyguitarmods.com/stratocaster-series-wiring.php"]http://www.diyguitar...ries-wiring.php[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=strat+series+wiring&sm=3"]https://www.youtube....ies+wiring&sm=3[/url] Also - some info on 80's - 90's Jap RI Strat pick-ups [url="http://planetbotch.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/1980s-fender-japan-vintage-strat-pickup.html"]here[/url]
  7. It's a function band, eh? Maybe think about a name that suggests the sort of thing that people booking function bands are looking for. OK, 'The Inexpensive Reliables' might be a bit dull. But you catch my drift... Just like other genres, it doesn't matter whether the band [i]likes[/i] the name or not. A band name is just a marketing tool.
  8. The soon-come Googleglass (or one of the alternatives, such as below) will be the chart-averse muso's friend. Discreet, eh? [size=3][b]ChrisB[/b]: "No, I'm really not reading charts onstage, guys. Honest, it's just porn."[/size] [size=3].[/size]
  9. People might laugh at Mike Mansfield but he has enjoyed a long and fruitful career as a TV producer. Why, only recently in 1995 Mike produced 'Tiger Bastable: The Case of the Nazi Mindbender' ([i]TV movie[/i]) starring Tony "Oh, just another one" Slattery. [color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]"Maverick private-eye Tiger Bastable is called in by Scotland Yard to investigate the mysterious disappearances of young men and women from English public schools."[/size][/font][/color] Phew! Throw in Mansfield's regular gig as Clarky's 'hangover double' in the world of Big Pharma and we're talking about one spicy meatball. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. Why not email Mr John Hall at Rickenbacker? I'm sure he'd welcome any suggestions, him being such a good listener. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  11. Just to convey my sense of disappointment, here's a picture of Jedward on a pedalo. Pedalling [i]backwards[/i], if you catch my meaning. [size=3][b]Jedward[/b]: That Milty's lush, but he's no £35.00 Custard Shop Fender.[/size]
  12. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1384892644' post='2282037'] .........£700. [/quote] I demand my £35.00 Glacier Mint Strat now. Or in a bit, if it helps.
  13. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1384892385' post='2282030'] Extreme? For the value of a custom shop Strat surely £7 is only going to be around 1%? Now that really can't be described as such? [/quote] £70 for a CS Strat? Bargain. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1384892466' post='2282033'] And, second-hand, all the guitarists they play in bands with!! [/quote] That would be 56,000 guitarists then, so half the price. Blimey - now it's only [i]£35.00[/i] for a mint-coloured CS! [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. [size=3][b]Mansfield:[/b] "... and cue... 'Value for money', 'Community spirit', 'Bollocks to fleabay', 'But are they paying tax on it, eh?', etc.[/size]
  15. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1384827516' post='2281282'] I have no idea what you mean by 'backlog'. [/quote] Fie! And you a roister-doistering agrarian music specialist? A 'backlog' is the log you keep at the back of the fire, all ready to go, like. [url="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/backlog"]http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/backlog[/url] Hence the much-performed song 'Hoy The Backlog!': 'Hoy the backlog, hoy it over, hoy it to the back. An hoy ye now the backlog no fire shall thee lack All: Hoy the Backlog Hoy the Backlog Hoy the Backlog Hoy the Backlog Hoy!' ([i]Trad: adapted by Rambling Syd Rumpo[/i])
  16. Whether covers or originals, every band needs leadership. This is usually the frontman or the guitarist because they generally shape the material and presentation. Problem is, some of them aren't very good leaders. In fact, one might argue that the skills necessary to engage an audience don't necessarily gel with the neutrality and detachment necessary to make clear judgements. I've lost count of the number of frontmen who take it as a personal slight if one makes suggestions of a technical nature entirely unconnected with their performance. As the bass player (particularly in amateur bands and even if one is a writer) one is often forced into an exaggeratedly secondary or supportive role within the hierarchy. It is a pain, but them's the breaks. IMO, an effective way to drive matters in the direction one wishes to go is to learn to sing and play at the same time. Become the frontman / leader and use the organisational skills which seem to come so readily to bass-players to move the band forward.
  17. More Louvin Bros: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ULo8IulFFY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ULo8IulFFY[/url]
  18. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1383772712' post='2269030'] Wow cheers guys....never knew country had so many sub genres...what type of country is that behind the clouds track?[/quote] Opinion may vary but I'd say that's sort of early-50's > early 60's mainstream country. If you like it, you may enjoy stuff by Patsy Cline, Hank Williams, Red Sovine, Hank Snow, Roy Acuff, Waylon Jennings, Loretta Lynn. Here's some Buck Owens: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GPVS8v_zhg[/media] [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1383772712' post='2269030']Forgive my ignorance! [/quote] None to forgive, chum. I came to country music after a lifetime of rock. It was akin to visiting a guitar shop you'd always liked and discovering there was a warehouse out the back that was three times bigger and just as good. Here's the Buchanan Bros 'When You See Those Flying Saucers' - an acquired taste for some: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrIcZjIvQM0[/media]
  19. There is a cornucopia of delights out there, ranging from the (very) old school Carter Family, through Western Swing (Bob Wills) Bluegrass (Bill Monroe, Louvin Brothers), 50's-60's Nashville (George Jones, Lefty Frizzell) 80's Nu-Country (Garth Brooks, George Strait, Alan Jackson) right up to today's really rather pop-rock stuff (Paisley, Keith Urban, Shooter Jennings) Here's an example of Shooter's work. Not trad but fun: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrEPFWk23c"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrEPFWk23c[/url]
  20. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1383736434' post='2268246'] Barrence Whitfield and the Savages [/quote] Good Lord! Is he still around? Fantastic!
  21. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1374446948' post='2148939'] Is that Michael Hedge, or is it "the hedge" from U2. [/quote] Close to the hedge will do.
  22. If I owned the bass of doom and Jaco Pastorious's nipper came round looking for it and I was having my tea, I'd say 'Oi! Pastorius's nipper! [i]NO![/i] You wait till I've had my tea. And no sitting in my front room. Outside! Now! Sit in your car!" and if he said to me he didn't have a car I'd tell him to wait at the end of our drive by the hedge. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374431932' post='2148672'] Word is Chris Rea is joining Dire Straits on second guitar. The band are changing their name to Diarrhea [/quote]
  24. Nobody's 'taste' is dire. No music is dire. Consequences or events may be dire (ominous, disastrous, urgent or desperate) but not taste or - indeed - music. Thing is that in the absence of context - "I don't like STH because it reminds me of when Sally Twelvetrees laughed at my tiny penis" - or informed criticism - "Zeppelin's over reliance on the key of A minor" - or examples of 'better' musical pieces, well, the poster is telling me no more than the entirely forgettable fact that they don't [i]like[/i] something. Should they proceed to compound this solecism by inexpertly confusing matters of taste with matters of essence, they fall off the conveyor belt of opinion into the hopper marked 'Ignore the old fashioned way.'
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