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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1374150719' post='2145811'] I was in a briefly band ... [/quote] I've been in a few of those 'briefly bands'. Full-on, 110% effort, high hopes for ten days then complete silence. As for Mr TStop's dep gtr. Well, pre-60's RnR / Blues / Whatever benefits from a hint of the 'rough touch'.
  2. Note the spelling variations: Teasie-Weasie / Teazie Weazie. Bit like the Pastorious / Pistorious thing. Two leading 'stylists', [i]both[/i] with commonly mispelt names. Bizarre coincidence or dark conspiracy? You decide.
  3. Nice rendition. Percy's such an old lovey, though. [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To Nancy Wilson afterwards: 'Oh, I've just learned to really abhor that song. I hate it, I hate it, I hate that song because people just murder that song, but you guys pulled it off and it was great and it really excellent.'[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bless him, eh. [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As for the 'piping a manly eye at one's own ditty' here's Mr Paul Simon watching First Aid Kit do a bang-up job on 'America' at the Polar Music Awards. At the end he springs to his feet to ovate the frankly toothsome sister-act only to discover with poorly concealed dismay that the rest of the tiara-studded audience are welded firmly to their seats:[/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa3xOakbGTo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa3xOakbGTo[/url]
  4. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1374327664' post='2147630'] But IMO there is no denying Jaco was [i]one[/i] of the great bass stylists. [/quote] Mr Teazie Weazie was one of the great hair stylists but you don't get mass fanboi attacks when his name comes up.
  5. (Tings a tuning fork, clears throat). [i]Birthday choo[/i] [i]Birthday choo[/i] [i]Birthday Clarky[/i] [i]Birthday choo[/i]. (Thunderous cheers, ragged chorus of 'Freezer jolly good fellow') Have a good one, sport.
  6. It's interesting that people say Quo turned into a crowd-pleasing, family-friendly act, given that their first incarnation was a hard-working holiday camp band. One might almost argue that the crunching boogie thing was a temporary aberration. That said, I bow to no man in my admiration not only for their classic mid-period material but also for Rossi and Parfitt's willingness to do whatever is necessary to keep the band going. Yes, the cabaret stuff is anodyne; IIRC Rossi is on record as viewing this as a short-sighted approach sold to them by a manager with whom they have since parted company. And they have made some other questionable choices; playing Sun City at a time when it was profitable but unpopular; wearing white socks with black shoes; playing up to the 'loveable dimbo' image; this movie. Nevertheless, one should not stint praise to an act that continues to enjoy considerable success in the face of adversity while retaining a characteristic modesty and a solid work ethic.
  7. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1374138973' post='2145629'] I think it has Phantom power, if so I'll take it. [/quote] It does. 48v.
  8. I run one of these. Brilliant bit of kit. And for £50? Bargain of the week.
  9. Ta for that ^ info, Mr Toneknob. A really interesting blog, particularly the reference to the German painting of two people stood by the wall. TBH, I just remembered the bit in Visconti's slightly self-serving autobiography where he claims to have been the inspiration for the lines. Good to have a different perspective.
  10. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1373971442' post='2143650'] How does one go about reverse-engineering bass tone? [/quote] I suppose one way would be to close mike some rigs of choice, play all the notes on the fretboard at varying levels of attack and EQ, analyse the output, translate everything into some charts, sit down with a cup of tea and have a good read.
  11. You know that 'Standing - by the [i]wall[/i]. We kissed as the guns fired over our heads' line. That was Bowie looking out the studio office window and seeing producer Tony Visconti in the street swapping saliva with his girlfriend du jour. True story.
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1373892149' post='2142689'] So is this chump really suggesting that anything Bowie did could ever top [i]The Laughing Gnome[/i]? [/quote] I could top The Laughing Gnome. I'd set fire to his house with him in it.
  13. Adding the motto '[b]Trade - WHY?[/b]' to the sale topic header may furnish an acceptable interim approach to those in search of a bit of maximum swapness. Some [b]+++[/b] action may serve to underline the intent.
  14. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1373712336' post='2140821'] Its probably for heath and safety reasons. It's not uncommon for work places with a mission-critical operations role to have a no tolerance approach to alcohol. Yes exceptions could be made in specific circumstances but at the end of the day its easier for the company to manage a blanket ban rather than get drawn into debate over the relationship between roles and booze. [/quote] A blanket ban is easier to enforce than a selective ban on the basis that being intoxicated is an either / or condition. And, to be fair, many of the jolliest stories we hear on BC involve excessive consumption of the Devil's Buttermilk. I note that the OP does not mention whether engaging in sexual intercourse with [s]passengers[/s] customers or fellow employees is also prohibited and whther such a ban is partial or total. "Bass-chappie!" "Master-at-Arms?" "Did you shag Mrs Mulwray, the Texan oil heiress last night?" "No, Sir. Tops and fingers only." "You may carry on, Bass-chappie"
  15. 1. If using wire wool, mask off the pickups. Tiny little bits of wire wool get everywhere and the pups are the last place you want that sh*t. 2. Try the poor man's fingerboard guard - two strips of low-adhesive post-it note butted up on either side of the fret.
  16. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1373666702' post='2140511'] How exactly do you get a worming tablet into a cat anyway? [/quote] Depending on pill size, I would usually put it in their food.
  17. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1373564180' post='2139142'] Still wondering about a little trolley, a battery, an inverter, and my MB CMD121 combo... [/quote] Never mind the power drain, chum. In your position, I would be asking myself 'How much will this rig slow me up if I have to run away?' Fact is, when the psycho drunks start circling even the Cajon player will be up the street in front of you.
  18. Buy a 'reliced' guitar and one is all sorts of a fraud. Buy a guitar that's had a bit of a life and one is a respectable connoisseur of mojo. Gig a guitar that's covered in dings that one didn't cause oneself and ... Well, does it matter whether it's relic-ed or someone else's 'old faithful' you bought? Point is, one didn't put the dings there oneself. Doesn't matter if it was a factory worker or another player. In such instances, one ding is as misrepresentative as any other. So anyone who buys a genuinely dinged-up instrument should send it off to be refinished, because [i]they[/i] didn't put the dings there [i]themselves[/i]? Because they should have bought a new one and gigged it for decades? Tripe, isn't it? And what about Re-issues? Surely that's just another attempt to con others into thinking one owns an old or rare instrument? One might as well impute laziness or dishonest self-aggrandisement to everybody toting [i]anything[/i] other than their original-owner antique or contemporary instrument. It's all bollocks, see. The problem is not in the instruments. It's in the minds of the beholders, whether 'for' or 'against' relics. As we know, minds are funny things and can be discounted for all practical purposes. Relic-ing is fine and follows in a perfectly honourable tradition of age-related dissimulation (see neo-Gothic; shabby chic; reproduction Chippendale). If one doesn't like relics, don't buy one. If one does, fill your boots. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. [url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]Reaper[/url]. Free to try forever (no lockouts or funny noises, etc), peanuts to buy. Tons of useful freeware (including mastering tools) bundled with it and it's a tiny download. You'll need [url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lame/files/lame/3.99/"]Lame[/url] to output to mp3 - google or youtube 'reaper lame mp3' for how to install. If Reaper looks a bit daunting, just delete the number of mixer channels down to what you need, presumably two (or one stereo).
  20. Bit more expensive at £162.50 + shipping but 50w and a 10" speaker. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/traynor_tvm50.htm"]Traynor TVM50[/url]
  21. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1373494773' post='2138380'] They can't sell 'flawed' guitars without impacting their brand image and refinishing them probably takes more time than running an unfinished one down the production line.[/quote] Couple things. In the old days at Fender, a flawed sunburst would be over-sprayed with a solid colour. Similarly, dodgy 'light' colours would be over-sprayed with a dark colour. Sometimes they'd use a 'custom' colour and charge more than they would have done for the original. The Mex relicing is done to a factory template that leaves the instruments with pretty much identical dings, scratches. The range of items used to make the dings is quite limited. Thus many of the dings are the same shape and depth which detracts from the aesthetic. Apparently the US custom shop uses a wider range of ding-plements and takes greater trouble in placing and shaping them. Not [i]all[/i] Mex relic output is poly. My Wayne Kramer Strat has a nitro body (which is nice and silky to the touch) but I dunno about the basses. As for 'proper' musos scorning relics - well, the whole thing started when Keith Richards asked the custom shop for copies of his iconic Teles in order that he might avoid taking the precious originals on the road. So Fender made them. Keith goes to look at them. 'Can't you bang them up a bit to make them look more like the real ones?' Dutifully, Fender take the tools to them. Next thing they know, Keith has (typically) changed his mind and doesn't want them. Deciding they might as well make a few bob out of the exercise, Fender displayed the guitars at NAMM, the dealers went crazy and the whole relicing thing kicked off.
  22. [quote][font=georgia,serif]The stiffness of the material and the thickness of the ChickenPicks® gives you improved performance. [/font] [font=georgia,serif]... because they don’t bend action/reaction delay is eliminated. It takes less energy to play the riffs you want, and your picking hand and arm won’t tire ... Mass matters…! This mass also makes it easier to pull clear tones from a bass guitar. [/font][/quote] [font=georgia, serif]Bassists! A ChickenPicks® pick will increase [i]your[/i] picking speed by 500mph! Leave your guitarist in the weeds and step out of the club with the hottest chicks! [/font] [font=georgia, serif]A [/font][font=georgia, serif]ChickenPicks® pick will add 3 inches to your penis girth and six inches to your overall height ([size=2]Continental US only[/size]). Earn $Millions! Ask [/font][font=georgia, serif]ChickenPicks®[/font][font=georgia, serif] how![/font] [font=georgia, serif].[/font]
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1373358701' post='2136526'] They turn Rock n Roll into Cabaret and should be ashamed of themselves. [/quote] I once tried to turn Cabaret into RockNRoll 'Willkommen, Bienvenue, it's been a long time since I rocked and rolled, [i]Welcome!'[/i] The punters liked it but the drummer thought it was a 'travesty'. Left the band, got depressed and threw himself under a 125.
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