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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1369501301' post='2089911'] Ah bollox !!!! [/quote] One suspects that all is not well.
  2. FWIW, went into [url="http://www.harmonymusic.co.uk/"]Harmony Music[/url] in Dorchester this week. On the website they claim to have "1000's of guitars". Well, er, they don't. Fair number of Indies, couple of guitar 'exotics', some cheapos, a few reasonably-priced secondhand small combos / rigs out the back which [i]might[/i] be of interest and the largest collection of 'pre-loved' tiny guitar practise amps I've ever seen in my life. TBF, they had more than the average number of left-hookers, some interesting valve guitar combos, their s/h prices were fair and they seemed like jolly nice chaps. By contrast, Absolute Music in Poole (!34,000 sq feet of retail space, yikes, yaroo!) is a bit of a disappointment. Fair amount of mostly new gear but spread [i]very[/i] thin over their guitar Mezzanine level. Prices nothing special, guitar and bass amp offering surprisingly scanty. Usual mix of guitars - Fenders,Gibbos, ESP's. Basses? Looked like about 25 or so of them, maybe. I mean, it's marvellous that they've got a cafe and rehearsal studios and an in-house luthier, but it was all a bit - [i]limp?[/i] - compared to the PMT's, Guitar Guitars of this world. NOI, Messrs Absolute.
  3. Yes, the original pup covers were lipstick tubes, afaik. Myself, I fancy a copper longhorn (ooh, matron) and I can vouch for the general cheerfulness of Dan's thanks to my Korean U2 RI. The originals are surprisingly cheap for 50's icon guitars - Sears, Silvertone (IIRC) and Dan-badged. The trick to sorting the bendy-bridge syndrome is to straighten it out and add a third round-head screw between the existing two flatheads to stop the centre collapsing. Bit of a balancing act, but works fine and it's cheap.
  4. I've got half a can of [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/shop/clear-amber-gloss/"]this[/url] spray amber-tint gloss left over if you want it. PM me with your address if you do. Probably about 1500 times more than you need, but hey.
  5. I do wonder if all of us are reading the same thread. Because - with a couple of exceptions - [i]no-one [/i]here is disputing Ric's right to clamp down on counterfeiters or makers who nick his intellectual rights. Good luck to him The problem for Mr Hall is that he's targeting not the 'counterfeiters' but private individuals pursuing an entirely lawful course of action in selling something he let slip years ago. And the way he appears to be doing on this occasion is by picking smaller operations than his own and using the threat of legal action (which would probably fail) to instil a fear of accruing legal costs. This sort of thing is never going to go down well in communities of interest like BC. I just don't get why doesn't get this. Thing is, we're bassists and we [i]like[/i] to like basses. If a bass mfr acts intemperately and has a proven history of acting intemperately, that's his reputational loss, not ours. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1369488772' post='2089742'] It's a bit of fun basschat, that's all. It won't affect the sales of Rickenbackers one bit. [/quote] True, it won't affect sales [i]much[/i]. But he's [i]definitely[/i] down one Ric 620. I might reconsider if he modifies his attitude, but he'll have to be quick, because I'm eyeing up a Gretsch atm. I suspect a few others might feel the same way. It all adds up, y'know. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1369488772' post='2089742'] In fact, if it does [i]anything[/i] it will publish the name ... in an "any publicity is good publicity" kinda way.[/quote] Tell that to Gerald Ratner, BP, Hoover, Toyota and they'll laugh in a sort of grim, resigned sort of way. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1369488772' post='2089742']You have a good site Ped. No question ........... but whatever basschat says or does about any brand of bass, other than the real man in a shed operations, will have zero effect on anything. [/quote] If Basschat is so insignificant in the scheme of things, why is Mr Hall wasting his time on here? If he wants to protect his business there are better things to be doing. If he wants 'control' or uncritical adulation for his actions, products, company, he's got his own forum for that. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  6. Yay! Airplay! Well done, chum. Don't overdo the traditional celebrations. [size=3]Clarky overdoes the traditional celebrations.[/size]
  7. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1369415579' post='2089087'] And did I buy a bass..... Hell yeah! [/quote] Come all that way, it'd be silly not to. What'd you get?
  8. IIRC, back in the 60's Rickpwnbacker produced a line of lower cost, less well finished guitars under the brand names Electro, Ryder and Contello which closely resembled Ric models of the day and were sold to dealers who didn't have a Ric agency and - one assumes - to mop up the lower end of the market. Pretty much what some of us have been suggesting for a while. At that time, the company was under the direction of Mr [i]Francis[/i] Hall, the man responsible for the groundbreaking and iconic instruments which continue to form the bulk of Ric's output today. Mr Francis Hall (a well respected industry old-timer) retired in 1984, since which time his son John has enhanced the company's reputation for quality control, component longevity, innovation and friendly public relations.
  9. The marked difference between BC and Mr Hall's operation might be characterised as a certain politeness of tone and an attitude of modesty. While Rickenbacker seem really rather aggressive, it may be noted that the BC 'ownership' entreats us in this thread to avoid attacks of a personal nature upon Mr Hall. This is a mark of greatness to which Mr Hall and his company might aspire. Unlike many here, I have never wanted a Rick bass, but I [i]had[/i] been dallying with the idea of a 620, slap some toasters on it at £150 a pop, that sort of thing. No more. So that's a couple of grand he's down, or say £1000 off his UK sales allowing for mark-up. That's what it's cost you, Dickie. Maybe a piss in a bucket, but it all tots up in the end. Ban all Ric pix and let the TB-ers and RR-er's goggle if they will.
  10. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1369169452' post='2085865'] There may well be an equivalent available from axesRus. [/quote] And if not, I've bought a few things from GFS and they're OK. Don't expect much in the way of comms as the guy processes tons of sales and the in-transit time can be glacially slow. But it's all got here in the end and it's all been good value for money.
  11. To go even further, one might argue that Bonzo was good to the end whereas the others rather fell off as the years progressed. Plant's voice went, Page dipped himself in skag and bad ju-ju while Jones was seduced by the lure of nasty synthesizers. Last couple of albums were so-so, IMO, but you wouldn't fault the drumming. [color=#FFF0F5].[/color]
  12. Y'know, someone's done a musical thing entitled [url="http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/einsteinsdreams/"]Einstein's Dreams[/url], based upon the book of the same name by Mr Alan Lightman and which deals with - er - Einstein's dreams around the time he was a patent office clerk. Not to say it's worth another go, mind you. Perhaps some inspiration may be drawn from Mr Rick Wakeman's early works of 'Journey To The Centre Of The Earth' and 'Myths and Legends of King Arthur' the latter being performed on ice at Wembley in '75. Ice-capades begin at 1:10 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL9NJh_0oy4[/media]
  13. Having trawled the TB thread to save anyone else the trouble of so doing, I may confidently report the following: * Many respondents seem to espouse the neutral 'pointless question / apples and oranges / so what?' thing. * Others rate Mr Beauford as a drummer with superior all-round technique while acknowledging Mr Bonham's legendary thunderousness. Zero controversy, lamentable lack of 'Go USA', etc. Pretty much as one might expect were such an anodyne thread to originate here on BC, except that the TB-ers are familiar with Mr Beauford and his work with The Dave Matthews Band ([i]who he?[/i]), whereas most BC-ers are not. 'Zepheads' may sleep soundly tonight. No-one in their right mind would give a f**k. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  14. Amidst the utter ghastliness that was the movie [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_This_and_World_War_II"]'All This And World War Too' [/url](WW2 historical footage with a Beatles soundtrack), Frankie Valli's evisceration of A Day In The Life eclipses The Quo's strangled rendition of 'Getting Better' by a nose. Don't listen to this below. It is some minutes of your life you will never have again. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbHKwynq86o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbHKwynq86o[/url] Musical co-conspirators The Bee Gees went on to star in another Beatles-related stinker, the Sgt Pepper movie with Frampton as Billy Shears, IIRC. Kill me now.
  15. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1368778549' post='2081291'] Is the oil on your nose different from the oil anywhere else on your body? [/quote] All you need to know about nose oil [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_sebum"]here[/url]. And it's the [i]outside[/i] of the nose. One only ventures inside when bridge mute material is required. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1368778549' post='2081291'] I dont have a very oily nose [/quote] Rub a little olive oil into it and you're gig-ready. (Not 'lemon' oil - contains petroleum distillates. Which is sort of where we came in.) [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  16. Quite clearly written by an idiot looking to big himself up at someone else's expense. Friend of mine got a similar 'anonymous pompous thicko' letter complaining about his (my friend's) dog barking at night. Which it did a bit, to be fair. Trouble was, there was only one other house within a mile radius and that was his next-door neighbour's. So much for anonymity.
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1368713802' post='2080554'] That's it really. [/quote] Exactly. This cleaning malarkey shouldn't be about absolutes or chemical formulas or 'Wow, everyone kno shold put goblin jizz on a RW Percisn bord, yu NAZI+' If it's cleaner than it was before, job done.
  18. You're right. The IV's were much better. Technique stuff's light years ahead of contemporary UK offerings. The nerdy detail is the only thing that's better these days, but that's all on the forums anyway. Used to love some of the columnists - Teisco Del Rey, Tommy Tedesco, Rik Emmet. Remember when GP introduced the ' warts'n'all, no holds-barred' gear reviews? Slaggings galore, pissed-off mfrs and ads getting pulled. A very short-lived exercise involving mucho back-pedalling, u-turns and eggy faces. Since which events, no mag has ever dared follow suit and 'tell the truth'. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  19. Pretty much any of the proprietary 'guitar cleaners' will do the job, but there are some issues surrounding this whole fingerboard cleaning thing for us to obsess over, should the fancy take us. As it has me, for years. Thing is, we're often asking these products to clean [i]and[/i] (lubricate / finish / shine) at the same time, which is a bit ambitious. It goes without saying that finished maple boards do not require oiling, but you'd be amazed how many people, etc. The so-called lemon oils we buy from guitar outlets are usually 99% petroleum distillates with a tiny bit of scent in there to make us think 'Oooh, lemony fresh!". 'Real' lemon oil - the pure stuff boiled down from real lemons and sold in specialist food sections contains sufficient concentrations of limonene and other stuff as would affect glues, bindings etc, and is not recommended. It will stain unfinished lightwoods a weird yellow and it's also bastard expensive. Bearing this in mind, for myself I avoid anything with claims of lemony-ness. It's considerably cheaper and more effective (if slightly more dangerous) to use naptha (lighter fuel) to clean rosewood boards. Not too much or it soaks in and dries the board out over time. Then a smidge of an organic oil like teak oil, olive oil, almond oil just to give it a sheen. Thing about teak oil is (i) too much can seal the board, inhibiting moisture transfer and (ii) teak-oil soaked rags can spontaneously combust, yikes. Olive oil and almond oil contain a fair amount of water. Apply too much of these oils and the board beneath can get soggy while the oil will seal the top surface inhibiting moisture egress. Bad. Dan Erlewine likes raw linseed oil (not boiled - forms a hard surface) for rw boards. He also recommends spit to clean nitro bodies - ymmv. Personally I'd not want to handle someone else's spitty bass. My own spit, fine. Don't like fast-fret and similar string-lube products because they're usually silicone-based. If you want to get 'difficult to shift' fingerprints over everything it's considerably cheaper to buy a can of silicone lubricant from Halford's for £3.99 and very lightly spray a bit of kitchen roll to apply. Not WD40 because it contains petroleum distillates which dry the board over time. Best and cheapest string lube is the oils in the skin of your nose. Outside of a shark's liver, nose oil has the highest concentration of squalene (the base for watchmakers' oil). It's organic, it's free and you've always got a supply within reach.
  20. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1368350255' post='2075869'] Trade Tang and AliBaba have loads of basses like that, even a lush [url="http://www.aliexpress.com/item/RIC-Custom-Shop-2012-New-Twin-Neck-solid-maple-purpleElectric-Guitar/765000666.html"]double-necked fella[/url]. [/quote] Great Caesar's ghost! That's £248.53 for a 4/12 shipped free to the UK. Slap on the customs and you're looking at about £330.00 Mind you, it's a bit horrid, that purple (ymmv, etc.)
  21. Hi Carlos and welcome Hope you enjoy the forum. By the way, don't worry about your English - it's as good as anyone else's here and [i]better [/i]than some of us. Have a groovy time
  22. One may certainly possess the [i]ability [/i]to say whatever one wants. But the [i]right [/i]to do so is nowhere enshrined in law. In the sense that rights are protected freedoms, there is no blanket protection, merely a list - if you like - of things one may [i]not[/i] say or which may not be said in a particular way. Every so often, they add to the list. Conventionally, freedom of speech means the right to promote certain political or social opinions without the fear of the secret police slinging one into a torture chamber. Here on BC, however, it is held by some to be the freedom to say any damn stupid, rude or 'abrasive' thing then hide behind a half-comprehended phrase one heard in a pub. In any event, this whole 'freedom' thing is drastically over-rated and usually comes up in connexion with silly things like reheated internet spats and - er - unsanctioned invasions of Mid-Eastern countries. In any event, Mr P has popped his head back up and we should treat him like any other member; that is, with politeness, humour and not too much attention to his daily movements, breakfast cereal of choice etc. It could get a bit wearing for him. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1368450318' post='2077167'] If that were true then Peter Carter-Ruck would have to make his living in more socially acceptable ways, such as clubbing baby seals or selling crack to schoolchildren. [/quote] He's dead. Dead as a***holes.
  23. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1368401981' post='2076743'] Felt pads? [/quote] I'm cheap, me. KItchen roll cut to size, wrapped round the hangers and secured with [i]carefully[/i] positioned rubber bands. But felt would be good, I imagine. [size=3]Eric: I have a long felt want...[/size]
  24. If you've got any basses with nitro finishes, beware. The rubbery tubing stuff on the hangers (usually) eats nitro. Been there.
  25. Very occasionally these hasty 'administrations' fail to achieve the optimal outcome. Many years ago a (not very well-known) US airline booked adspace with a company I worked for. We'd heard rumours so we asked for pre-payment which they duly dispatched. Next thing, the airline went bust. Called the liquidator and told them we had the airline's money. Nothing happened. Two years later, the £140,000 was still sitting there so our Fin Dir magicked it away into a slush-fund and that was that. The DV thing is very dispiriting, though. [url="http://theeccentricblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/digital-village.html?m=1"]That guy's blog[/url] seems to have the angry ring of truth about it, while the DV chap who posted a counterblast came across - to me at least - as a tad evasive. Tough times all round, though like others I once fell foul of the DV 'take yer money, oh, it's not in stock, mind waiting a month or two?' scam so never used them again. Sorry for those affected by the fall-out, but as for the new DV they can go poke it.
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