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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Couple of things: SiBob makes the excellent point that cleanliness is next to Godliness. But you still might want to produce some 'effected' tracks anyway for your own pleasure. You don't say whether you're looking for an outboard FX unit (e.g. a Zoom) or plug-ins to use inside your recording software (assuming you're using a DAW like Logic or Reaper or whatever). Outboard FX The outboard thing is just finding a usable FX pedal / box and buying it if you don't already own it. Let's assume you've got two recording inputs on your recording device. Get a DI box with two outputs. Plug your bass into it. Run one output from the DI box into your FX unit and from there to a recording input sent to a track you can name 'effected bass'. The other output from the DI box goes straight into the second recording input sent to a track you name 'DI bass'. Check your levels, hit record, play your bass, hit stop. You've now got one track with 'printed' effects and a second track with your DI sound. Plug-ins for DAW's There's a sh*t-tonne of freebie bass amp sims, cab sims, compressors and EQ's out there, all perfectly serviceable. Record a clean bass track into your DAW. In your DAW set up a track FX chain with a trim plug-in > amp sim> cab sim > compressor > EQ > trim plug in. Trim your input signal to peak at no more than minus18db (as a starter) to avoid clipping the plug ins. Disable all the effects after the cab sim. Play around with the amp sim until it sounds nice. Make sure the output doesn't go into the red. Now enable the compressor and set it to gentle levelling (or more if you want to crush the signal down). Now enable the EQ. Roll off everything below 30-40hz and over 10khz. Experiment with boosting and cutting stuff to see what it sounds like. Use the output trim to keep your track output in hand (minus 12db to minus 18db). All the above plug-ins are non-destructive. Disable them and you'll revert to your DI signal as recorded. Couple of freebie amp sims I like: TSE BOD (sort of clone of the Sansamp) https://www.tseaudio.com/software/tseBOD Helian 1st, 2nd and 3rd basses (now discontinued but available from the site below, playable sound samples. I prefer the 2nd Bass) http://www.grebz.com/simulator_freeamp_others_eng.php#frettedsynth Have fun
  2. As in so many matters, you are entirely correct that time elapses and that cycles may (or may not) occur. There are also proximate causes which bear upon the rise and fall of certain customs and the institutions which exist to serve them. People went to pubs for a singalong because their houses were cold, there was bugger-all to do at home and you couldn't get booze anywhere else after six o'clock. The decline in public houses and the communal spirit which buoyed them up may therefore be attributed to: * The widespread installation of central heating (you no longer have to go down the pub to keep warm) * The inception of television (something interesting you can do at home apart from read a book or play a game) * The liberalisation of laws and the growth of the supermarket sector which brought a wider availability of cheap, shop-bought alcohol There's probably a similar, short list of reasons why rock (and to a lesser extent, metal) have dropped off the twig but that's for someone else to compile.
  3. Local Band Throws Down Gauntlet Ziggy Pip: Fake encores 'bigger threat than climate change and fascism ' Lancaster, England: Indie combo The Lovely Eggs have issued a trenchant manifesto railing against the heinous tradition of fake encores. Lovely Eggs front-man Ziggy Pip made his case in a sometimes impassioned paean to the virtue of authenticity: 'Look at us!' said the indie rock wild man. 'We're iconoclasts and we're smashing the fake encore system and look at us doing it'. Mr Pip added: 'Twenty years from now we'll moaning about the price of mackerel fillets in Tesco and we'll still be using that eye-catching font and doing the 'upper-case in the wrong place' thing so that you'll look at us'. Ziggy Pip's solo album DoN't lOok at tHem look aT mE is drops next month.
  4. Hi Rui and to the forum.
  5. Best wishes for a swift recovery
  6. When I hear the word 'heaviest' I reach for my Hasil Adkins:
  7. If you read something and consider it so praiseworthy that it should not pass unremarked then you can quote / reply to the post then grab a heart emoji from the top bar, size it up to 20 and colour it blue using the font format drop down, e.g. ❤️ Another popular method of indicating one's approbation is to post the following image:
  8. The band and its management were - it is alleged - similarly unimpressed. So you've got something in common, there.
  9. Decline their offer, citing a not too obviously spurious reason ( e.g.,"The old hand trouble is playing up again") Wish them the best for the future Vanish from their view Mop brow Resume search
  10. In no particular order: * Custard Pie * You Shook Me * Tangerine * Thank You * Heartbreaker * Celebration Day * Over The Hills And Far Away * In The Light * Nobody's Fault But Mine * Black Mountain Side
  11. Happy days, 'shell, and enjoy your recording session
  12. I'd be lost without it. Thank you, pitch correction!
  13. The third movement of Holst's Beni Mora Suite (1910) wherein the flute repeats an eight note melody 163 times over a repeated underlying theme around which sections of the orchestra depart and arrive? I'm not sure if this qualifies but its an interesting piece, derived, it is alleged from Holst's observation while in Algeria of an Arab street flautist playing the same phrase for two hours or so. I suppose Holst's genius was that he absorbed the flautist's performance rather than throwing a boot at him, which is what most of us would have done.
  14. If nothing else, every bass player should worship Status Quo for their persistence in the face of (almost) universal opprobium, their unbending refusal to shut up and go away, and their* shameless mastery of squeezing every last penny out of any commercial transaction into which they enter. * Death and departures mean that Status Quo is now solely embodied in the corporeal form of Mr Francis Rossi so 'their' should really be rendered as 'his
  15. Advertising Feature 250 POUND WEAKLING TO BUFF ROCKER WITH ATTITOOD IN JUST SEVEN DAYS MY LIFE WAS A HELL OF HUMILIATION Hi! You might know me as Gerry Only out of seminal punk band The Misfits but I was once a total dweeb, living in my sister's basement and eating government cheese all day. I weighed 250 pounds, my hobby was pressing flowers, my forelock was droopy and every time I went to the beach the local bad girls kicked sand in my face. Then I met a Shaolin priest / bodybuilder (now dead) His mastery of the dark oriental science of Total Bodily Re-Conception turned me into a chiselled, hell-raising rocker with abs of steel, cheekbones like a letter-opener and scores of women who wanted to be with me. AND ALL IN JUST ONE WEEK! Now I can share those secrets with you. Follow the Gerry Only Seven-Day Method and you can be like me. Just send $9.99 and I'll mail back your first lesson. Within minutes you'll be on the road to rampant manhood! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! I'll even throw in a handsomely-appointed Gerry Only digital chest-expander totally free* and gratis (exc shipping)! MAIL ME $9.99 NOW AND CHANGE YOUR SORRY LIFE * Offer applies in lower 48 states only. No refunds, no returns, no remorse.
  16. Quite so. There's a lot going on that the inexperienced ear will miss, especially in the majestic run of albums from Piledriver to Live! Thereafter, the material and production went sharply downhill. It was never quite the same after changing fashions and pressing financial issues forced the band to re-invent themselves as a 'naughty-but-nice', cheeky-chappie act given to the worst of gimmicky promotional initiatives. Opinion is sharply divided in respect of the band's lowest point. Was it Rossi and Parfitt's appearance on Coronation Street 'as themselves' or the lamentable action-comedy movie (spoiler: no action, no comedy) Hello Quo? Never mind. We will always have those 6 albums from 1971 - 1978 and that is enough
  17. Frank Maudsley out of Flock of Seagulls Some random glam metal bloke (?) The late Mr Trevor Bolder Mr John Paul Jones sporting '1960's geography teacher cut' pre-The Zeppelin
  18. The arrangement as detailed above simply licenses the other bands to leave the premises once they've played their set. A more equitable arrangement would be to invite each participating band to provide an item of equipment for the whole night.
  19. Hi Gunther and to the forum
  20. Hi Dave and to the forum
  21. Mr Steven Morrissey has it all worked out. He only has to open his mouth and begin to take a breath before thousands of enraged people rush off to do his PR for him. Genius.
  22. I've hit a brick wall with this one, dunno why. Wrote something, it went nowhere, sounded horrible Best of luck to all, see you next month
  23. Hi David and welcome to BassChat! 63? That's not old round here. That's early middle-age
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