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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Dunlop plastic strap locks. Useful in an emergency. About £1.99 for two.
  2. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1368269790' post='2075125'] Sorry but I thought my replies were crystal clear [/quote] Does the shipping company participate in a carbon exchange programme? Was the shipment's packaging recycleable? Did the van driver espouse 'green' driving techniques - gentle acceleration, 'predictive' braking? If not, your complicity in such outrageous unsustainability borders on the criminally negligent. J'accuse!
  3. 2 week old SM58 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203873-shure-sm58-brand-new/page__p__2056576__hl__shure__fromsearch__1#entry2056576"]here[/url] - £70.00 Low-end Sennheisers are reputed to be good, too, though I wouldn't know, myself. To be fair, I've worked with any number of vocalists who owned decent gear - good PA's, back-up mics, cables, radio packs. Strangely, none were dummies although a couple of them [i]were [/i]terrible old drunks.
  4. Dummies? When it comes to bands, the only safe way to proceed is to assume [i]everyone[/i] is a dummy (or a flake, a drama queen or a deluded fantasist) until proven otherwise. And even then, people can [i]seem [/i]quite normal for 6-12 months, then they suddenly say they can't do a gig because it's near an abbatoir and they became a vegetarian just last week. As for singists, I remember one guy showing up for a jam / audition with an 'armoured' mic cable. I remarked upon this novelty. 'It has to be armoured, I'm a very energetic performer' says he. Have you got your own PA? 'No' What mic do you use? 'I borrow one from my mate. Dunno what it is. It's plastic.' But you've got your very own, personal armoured mic cable? 'Oh yes'. Dummy.
  5. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1368120159' post='2073516'] That's a curious one. [/quote] Ain't it, though? [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1368120159' post='2073516'] Are those the the 70's style tuners? [/quote] Yep, surely are. [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/guitar-bass-parts/tuning_machines/70s-f-style-stratocastertelecaster-tuning-machines/"]These chaps[/url]. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1368120159' post='2073516'] An old bandmate used to string his Japanese 60's reissue strat with 13-56 with no problems, so I presume so. [/quote] Similarly, no probs with 52's in the Kluson RI's on my Jap '57 RI. In fact no probs with [i]any [/i]other tuner I've used since I switched to 52's. 13-56 on a Korean Danelectro left in open E warped the neck pocket though [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1368120159' post='2073516'] My cheap chinese Schaller rip-offs take the 52 gauge string just fine, fortunately. [/quote] Then I may be looking at a set of those. Ta for the tip, Beer-man
  6. I mostly buy strings from the US precisely [i]because[/i] the Revenue usually fails to catch them. My intent but [i]their [/i]problem. [size=3]Twofer: Quaff on Satan's piss [i]and[/i] erode social cohesion.[/size]
  7. 10-52's are grand, until you try to use them with re-issue Fender F-tuners, such as may be found on certain of FMIC's output and available as 'period-correct'. Original F-tuners will take a .52, but the RI's won't. Too narrow. Tried gently filing the RI slot to widen and snapped part of the shaft off. Because they're not steel like the old ones, they're a cheap, granular alloy. [size=3]Re-issue. Narrower, will not take 52. Quick clue: No centre-drilled guide right at the top of the peg for vertical insertion. Oo-er.[/size] [size=3]Original Fender-made Safe-T post type tuner. Will take .52[/size] So I've had to buy original 70's F-tuners one at a time at about £30-odd a pop. Bastards.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1368023377' post='2072162'] Unless prejudice got in the way [/quote] Oh, I is all in favour of [i]everything[/i]. Chacun a son gout, one man's floor, let freedom ring, give me beer or give me death, etc.
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1368021105' post='2072122'] Does this gear obsession (other than the bass itself) only extend to analogue kit? If the musician was using digital modeling equipment like Axe FX, POD, Kemper, etc. would anyone give a f***? [/quote] Certainly. They'd want to know which bits of analogue kit the patch was modelled upon even though they'd never heard the real thing.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1367946010' post='2071421'] Well Mr Ringjob ... [/quote] Outing dead people who can't answer back is the lowest of the low, Senor ScatChops. In any event, gearstalking is a damn sight more interesting when the muso in question has worked his or her way through a bit of kit. I mean, Jamerson is just a complete dead-end. Same bass, same strings (the same [i]actual[/i] strings, IIRC). Recording amp = box on the wall. End of.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1367945005' post='2071390'] I don't recall seeing much hate for Ashdown here. [/quote] Me neither. Well, not recently. A few 'wooly' mentions, perhaps, but that's not really [i]hate [/i]in my book. Ashdown get a pretty fair rap round here and second hand ones usually sell quite quickly if the price is right. So it doesn't warrant too much concern, IMO. There was a time when the odd Mag used to catch fire and it would get mentioned here, IIRC, and Ashdown themselves have subsequently and publically expressed reservations about one of their amps, can't remember the model, mind you, again IIRC. None of which stopped me buying a Mag combo off someone here and it served me well while I had it.
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1367944744' post='2071384'] It was Golden Nuggets you fackin mappit. [/quote] Maybe, C**tyb******s, but the guy who sold Jaco his #1 Jazz categorically states* that the woolly-hatted one rammed two whole packs of Golden Grahams up the truss rod channel to improve tuning stability. [size=2]* See page 92 of '1001 facts about Jaco's gear that'll make you gouge your own eyes out' (Random House)[/size] .
  13. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1367944003' post='2071367'] I don't have any heroes. [/quote] [b][size=3]BC official Crips gangbanger: '[/size][/b][size=3]Is good, blud, you kin has sum of mine.'[/size]
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1367941022' post='2071275'] I'm interested to know why people are interested in such things. [/quote] Idle curiosity? A desire to know stuff so that one may draw upon said knowledge when circumstances demand? Mayhap they heard Mr P's bass sound upon an enchanted evening and thought 'That's one [i]spicy [/i]meatball - rush me the appropriate combination within 28 days, no refunds, E&OE'. Which would be entirely understandable, given the general Quest For Tone round here. And from who better might one elicit this intelligence than the Original Player? Saves all those gruesome threads where - for example - people speculate about whether Jaco stuffed his control cavity with Rice Krispies (yes he did, no he didn't, yes he did, IBTL, I've got pix, no, those are Fruitloops, f**k off you c**t, etc)
  15. For myself, I would take issue with the term '[i]spectacular[/i]', reserving such nomenclature for planes crashing into skyscrapers, Zombie Apocalyses, Japanese tsunami nuclear meltdowns, that sort of thing. Disagreeable but [i]eye-catching[/i]. My contention is supported by two inarguable facts: * Forum member and current events bellwether Twigman remained wholly unaware of developments * There was absolutely no mention of the debacle on the national news. It has instead been relegated to the 'One Show', where it will no doubt sit between an interview with a coke-sozzled soap-opera starlet intent on touting her ghastly 'autobiography' and a characteristically handwringing BBC report on canine obesity. Frankly, I would have expected the protagonists to have arranged a dawn meeting with duelling pistols on Calais sands. That they have not is entirely disgraceful. I demand a refund. PS: Welcome to the forum, Guy
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1367924268' post='2070999'] Probably, but I don't think he wrote any of their hits ;-) [/quote] Then again, I can't imagine Mr Roger Waters succeeding in stand-up. As a youth, I espoused the contemporary herd thing that held the Eagles to be irrelevant coke-snorting Hollywood dinosaurs.Time passed and I realised I was wrong and they were rather wonderful. That admirers of this ensemble must go in apprehension of public mockery is entirely lamentable and demands immediate legislation.
  17. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1367829761' post='2069785'] Does anyone remember an anti- Eagles parody song that went along the lines of: 'Don Henley must die, Please dont let him get back with Glen Frey'! [/quote] Authored and performed by Mr Mojo Nixon, who also gifted us "Debbie Gibson Is Pregnant With My Two-Headed Love Child". Nixon wiki-stuff [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojo_Nixon"]here[/url] As for the Eagles, I've always mightily enjoyed [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Resort_(song)"]The Last Resort[/url] as the perfect combination of sweet [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekytTpFy96o"]music[/url] and vitriolic [url="http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/4800/"]lyrics[/url].
  18. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1367763748' post='2069169'] Eventually we gave up and stuck with what we had. I've come up with some good ones since, but I don't dare open up the can of worms again. [/quote] NOI to anyone else, but I still think that The Steely-Eyed Missilemen is the best band-name on BC.
  19. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1367751337' post='2068984'] While I'm posting, what genre of music does 'Hoodoo Boomstick' make you think of?[/quote] British Nu-Blues with a hint of RL Burnside. [size=3]Burnside sporting best 'gigging hat' ever.[/size] [color=#FFFFFF][size=3].[/size][/color]
  20. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1367517098' post='2066368'] Strangely, today I was told by a very well known harp player who also teaches harp, that it takes about three years for a novice to reach intermediate level, so add that to the two years already gone, that's five years just to sort out a harp player.[/quote] Good point. That said, Brilleaux was a fantastic frontman but no Charlie Musselwhite or Kim Wilson. I'm sure almost [i]anyone[/i] could master the harp part for 'Going Back Home' in a month or so. Another option is to do it yourself. Jon Paris, bassplayer with Johnny Winter - playing harp on a neckbrace from 25:14 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWtAajmiTcA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWtAajmiTcA[/url]
  21. There's always the other approach. Find a good frontman, sign him up and tell him to learn the harp. Could very well take less than two years. [quote] (Dr Feelgood) had already been scouting for a replacement ... An enquiry was made, and Kane agreed to rehearse with the band... the rehearsals went well, and soon after, everyone agreed that (he) would be an excellent choice. It was only at a later rehearsal, that Kane questioned why Phil Mitchell kept pointing out the "harmonica breaks" as he didn't play harmonica. The answer came ... from Kevin Morris who replied, "Well you'd better learn ... we've got gigs in a week!" [size=3][i]Dr Feelgood official website - Band History page [/i][/size][/quote]
  22. I start with a lyrical hook and a draft tempo / rhythm to support it (all in the head). Write some lyrics around the hook to make a chorus. Write some verse lyrics. Order them around the choruses. Decide if the song needs a bridge or a change somewhere. Think of a basic melody for the hook / chorus. Think of a melody for the verses that complements the hook but doesn't copy. Finally, pick up an acoustic guitar and sort some chords to support all this. Write the thing out as a lyric sheet with chords or [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashville_number_system"]Nashville notation[/url] over the top. Play it a few times, get bored, put it in the 'song folder' on the shelf and forget all about it. Sigh.
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1367448915' post='2065966'] For me it's like unity between the band and the audience [/quote] Oh, [i]that[/i] sort of Mojo. I thought you might have meant the 'Ready to leap tall buildings at a single bound, faster than a speeding bullet' kind of mojo in which case said Mojo would commence from the moment I walked into the venue. I get terribly excited, y'know.
  24. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367353393' post='2064678'] I've decided that there aren't many musicians that I know of in my area who have the same views, ideas and determination with music as I do. [/quote] That's the thing, really. The fact we're here on a muso site talking about stuff like this means most of us are more than usually interested in the subject. As for yourself, you've already started charting your course, viz the proposed study course. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367353393' post='2064678'] I did befriend somebody recently who seems to share my views and tastes. We've jammed a few times, and it has always been cool, but I don't think he wants to form a band or anything. [/quote] Well, that's nice. Perhaps another person gently introduced into the equation might perform the function of a catalyst. Hope springs eternal.
  25. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367348264' post='2064569'] Of course it's ideal, but nobody ever gets what's ideal unless they have been incredibly lucky. You can find musicians who are willing to gig, but aren't willing to gig 100 times a years, and you can find musicians who are willing to gig 100 times a year but think they are God. The most I would expect to start out with is that all the members get along and gel well together, and are decent enough to be in a gigging band. Then start to fine tune until you get to a compromise you are happy with. [/quote] I take your point Milty and it is a good one. Yet - and speaking only for myself - I can't help thinking that I might have achieved more of my musical ambitions if I'd set myself a few ground rules about the sort of band I wanted to be in. Rather than dick around in 'mates' bands for years (which was all very nice), a more focussed approach might have obviated the need for luck to shine its face upon me. Which it didn't. So, if I'd once said 'This is the sort of band I want to be in', it would have been silly for me to throw those rules / objectives over the side if I'd decided to [i]start [/i]a band rather than join an existing outfit. And to Telebass's list of must-have's, I'd append 'Willingness to read and fully comprehend written communications essential'. Meeow!
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