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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1364695507' post='2029824'] Ie, what makes it different from a normal Muff? [/quote] Two fuzz circuits in one box. One cascades into the other. You have two gain pots so options include hi > low, low> hi, low>low, hi > hi and all points in between. Pictures (and sound) being worth a thousand words, etc, here's a review and demo: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAVhAgTIP6g"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAVhAgTIP6g[/url]
  2. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1364424984' post='2026463'] On a more serious note, we could learn a lot from this, around how issues are communicated to members. [/quote] Now that BassChat has become a monstrous, corporate machine designed to funnel the little peoples' hard-earned cash into Ped and Kiwi's bulging wallets, I think it is entirely disgraceful that they haven't set up a phone-tree. And if such an inititititiative - like so many other recent 'enhancements' - is (as I suspect) beyond their pathetic technical capabilities, they could have at least organised for someone to pop round to our houses and tell each of us in person. Don't tell me they can't afford it.
  3. Could there be a £5.00 surcharge if sellers want to write 'Never thought I'd sell this', 'Pride of my collection' or 'Plays like butter'. And a savage kick to the bollocks if they write 'First to see will buy'. Just trying to be constructive.
  4. [quote name='terryat' timestamp='1364203754' post='2022996'] Any link for the 20% off joyo effect? [/quote] Er ... what I meant in my poorly written blathering was that Joyo's £30 amp sim pedals are clones of £150-plus Tech 21 amp sim pedals. Hence they cost about 20% of the item they're (sort of) 'copying'. So, no discount link, sorry.
  5. [quote name='Smythe' timestamp='1364053042' post='2021413'] I loved my Trace Elliott GP12 SMX 2x10 Combo, the longest serving amplificaton unit i've had, its tone was just what i was after , The only reason i got rid of it was because it was on its last legs and i was spending a lot on repairs. I miss that combo. I'm a Markbass man now. [/quote] That's good. This whole tone thing is so subjective, isn't it - lots of people love Trace but I just never got the sound I wanted.
  6. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1364038920' post='2021133'] I'm a bit of a techie, [/quote] A very informative post, chockful of reason and good sense. Nice work, Sir. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1364047419' post='2021286'] Trace i don't get on with at all. I live for the clank, but it's a very unpleasant midrangey clank that I couldn't dial out without losing all signs of clarity. [/quote] Thank God, and I thought it was just me. It always seemed [i]that sound [/i]was more 'plannnk' than 'clank'. Y'know, I think this has been the most sensible Behringer thread I've ever seen. Lots of specific examples - mostly good, some bad - lots of detail and an absence of moralising about IP and lost jobs. Most refreshing.
  7. [quote name='chilievans' timestamp='1363980966' post='2020595'] Maybe I'll just use my head phone's :-)[/quote] Or mount your speakers in a box that fits over your head. Double-lined with coconut matting and a neoprene seal round the neck. Don't forget to double-glaze the eye-holes and fit an extractor fan connected to an outside wall with soundproofed trunking.
  8. Charles Shaar Murray - Crosstown Traffic: Hendrix / Boogie Man: John Lee Hooker Stephen Davis - Hammer of The Gods - Led Zep Stanley Booth - The True Adventures of The Rolling Stones Dave Marsh - Before I Get Old - The Story Of The Who Dee Dee Ramone - Poison Heart: Surviving the Ramones Mo Foster - Play Like Elvis [color="#000000"]Legs McNeil[/color], Gillian McCain - The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
  9. Here's to us! Who's like us? Damn few and they're all dead.
  10. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1363956429' post='2020095'] If you have to be told once more about having McCartney in such lists you'll stand in the corner ............. with a decal on your hat! [/quote] Post edited to include raven-haired, thumb-brandishing, over-rated coffin-dodger / under-rated super-hero
  11. Easier than hanging a false ceiling downstairs is laying a false floor upstairs. Gravity is your friend. Lift the floorboards and see if the ceiling below will take the weight of rockwool stuffed between the joists. If you can, do so. Put the existing floorboards back and - if the house construction will take the weight - lay underlay, then a second floor of tongue and groove chipboard (less air leaks than conventional floorboards). Thick underlay over the second floor and re-lay your carpet. It may help, but excessive vibrations, noise, etc, will always travel through the house's structure unless you isolate all surfaces in your music room and seal the openings. You'll never, ever get the noise down to silent, but it can make a reasonable difference.
  12. As Mr Foxen says, foam will [i]not[/i] stop the sound getting out of the room. It makes the room sound nicer when you're inside but your neighbours will still hate you. A mere £4.49 on Amazon buys you 'Basic Home studio design' by Paul White [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Basic-Home-Studio-Design-White/dp/1860742726"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Basic-Home-Studio-Design-White/dp/1860742726[/url] which will give you as much as you need to know at this stage. In short, think rockwool, false walls and door seals. If you search HappyJack's topics, you'll find one devoted to his rehearsal room build. Most instructive.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363829436' post='2018407'] Hee, hee. The kind of people I play to don't give a rat's ass. [/quote] I think most people don't give a rat's ass, whether audience or player. It's a tiny issue that disbenefits absolutely no one as far as I can see, but then it's usually the little things that set people against each other. Religion, politics, racism, global warming, decals on a headstock [color=#ff0000][font=courier new, courier, monospace]McCartney[/font][/color] - the list goes on.
  14. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1363896212' post='2019179'] Someone was selling a 6" pink oboe..... . it didn't stay up for too long. [/quote] F'narr.
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1363879605' post='2018831'] Labels are good because what they indicate is mostly true. [/quote] Agreed, though it rather depends who does the 'labelling' and why. When I was looking for a cheap tuner pedal for 'lively' gigs, I went in search of a Behringer. The four shops I visited told me they didn't stock them due to failure rates and returns issues, which may be fair enough. But then I asked each of them if they'd [i]ever[/i] stocked them - and only one of the four had. Which makes me wonder if the other three were content to 'label' the Behringers in order that they could sell me something more expensive. Same with the guitar mags. Any number of them have an unofficial moratorium on even [i]mentioning[/i] low-end clone gear let alone review it, presumably so they don't piss off the big names. Even though Behringer [i]is[/i] a big name these days, I s'pose. F'r example, the only time I've ever seen a mention of GFS pickups was in a sneery sideswipe in a mag's modding QA column. I've used a few sets of GFS's and they're basically in the same division as Behringer. Reasonable sound, constructed down to a price and as good as big-name low-end stuff. Which is what the punters mostly say, but the trade and the media [i]don't.[/i]
  16. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1363868778' post='2018623'] June 3rd 2002 was when the great schism occured. You were probably with the Maharishi. [/quote] Learnt to yogically levitate. I do it when we play 'I Wish I Could Fly' as a visual pun. Doing covers is all about audience engagement, see.
  17. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1363876101' post='2018760'] That's why I use 30+ years old solid state Sunn. You can smack this thing with a burning helicopter full of raging rabid elephants and it'll still work unspoilt. [/quote] A corker! Elevated to the 'Famous Quotes' thread.
  18. And then there's those JOYO lads. Amp sim clones for about 20% of the original. Tech 21 spitting feathers, I'd imagine. Bizarrely, they also make a humungous Marshall 100w full-stack with a choice of G12T75's or Vintage 30's. And handwired tweed champ and deluxe clones for about half the cost of a boutique repro.
  19. Thinking of the various bands in which I played when a beardless youth, we played covers, or covers / originals or only originals. But we didn't think 'Oh, we're a covers band' or whatever. We just thought 'We're a band'. And I don't ever recall anyone saying 'Let's go and see X down the pub' and someone else saying 'Let's not - they're a covers band'. I really don't recall when the distinction became so important or so imbued with 'meaning'. I must have been out of the country at the time.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363827992' post='2018399'] Me too, there's obviously a big chunk of something going on that I've missed! [/quote] Indeed. The land of the iffy decal, where hate swells like a man's biceps and temptation beckons as seductively as a semi-clad nymphet. Shall one apply this bit of sticky printed stuff to the tuney end of one's bass and bring down the temple of truth or shall one abstain in stolid rectitude? It's all bollocks one way or another.
  21. [quote name='ingmar808' timestamp='1363656189' post='2015491'] Hi all. First post... [/quote] And a [i]good[/i] one too. No matter what people may say, this question's always good for a few pages. For myself, I believe that different woods [i]must[/i] make a difference, because if they didn't, bass guitars would all be made from the same type of wood. Makes sense.
  22. TBH, I've no time to check these out, so if anyone wants to use them - Google it ffs, as the Ferret used to say. The Hog Bosses Norman's Knob The Saddams Family My Dinner Of Faggots A Load Of Old Cobras Virginia Wade's Face Cream You Cannot Be Sirius Asstronaut Panty Wallah Uprising Biff Curtin Inspector Japp's Eye That is all
  23. Do I know what note I'm playing? Generally, yes, because I started on guitar and learnt how chords are made up. But the sort of music I like to play tends to confine me to obvious choices and root-based patterns more important for their rhythmic support than for their colour. Sometimes I get the urge to chuck in a passing note or to change the chord from underneath. But then people get sulky and scowl at me. F'r instance, 'Not Fade Away' is (IMO) just begging for a quick fifth to support the last vocal line in each verse. Threw one in and the singer / guitard went bug-eyed crazy demanding to know "Who played that B ?!?"
  24. Hamster - BC Hero. Fighting the forces of evil so we don't have to.
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