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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Although Paul's new to our community, I had the pleasure of doing business with him recently - sold him an Ashdown - and can confirm he is a splendid fellow.
  2. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1363544383' post='2013915'] Would you pay a plumber based upon the amount of times the toilet he fitted is flushed? [/quote] Isn't that how everyone does it? Pay-per-dump, I mean. As for the question of up-front payment on arrival ... an [i]interesting[/i] one to debate.
  3. [size=4][quote]I'm working on behalf of your government on a legal matter in the North[/quote][/size] [size=4]How very enigmatic. Possibly a euphemism for sewing mailbags in Strangeways while serving 2 years for Aggravated Gobsh*te-ery?[/size] [color=#FFFFFF][size=4].[/size][/color]
  4. [quote name='Clarebear68' timestamp='1363536224' post='2013752'] What's the answer? [/quote] Avoid 'share of the door' gigs unless the deal's watertight and you've got someone counting people in. Or: See each of the gigs as a party for your mates where the room hire was free, you got to choose the band and it only cost you £50 for a great night out. Plus, you've still got some wear left in the strings. Could have been worse. Could have been 'pay to play' - in front of a bunch of other peoples' friends who all walk out when you go on.
  5. Flipping things on their head for a moment and thinking about some of the threads that have appeared here over the years, we might ask what we [i]don't[/i] want from a music shop: * [b]Temporary blindness / deafness[/b]: When you walk in and the guy keeps his head buried in his newspaper and completely ignores you. A simple 'Hello' will suffice, no need for more at this stage. * [b]Sniffy attitudes[/b]: e.g. - Q: "Can I try this? " - A: "Are you buying today?" or other really quite stupid things that sales people say. If it's on the wall, I expect to be able to try it if I ask nicely. And don't treat me like a weirdo because I'm 20 years younger / older than you. We're all God's chillun. *[b] Virtuoso product demos [/b]- Just take it off the wall, ensure it is in tune and hand it over. Do not [i]under any circumstances [/i]unleash your arsenal of hot licks. * [b]Walls full of new Strats[/b]: Yes, every retailer would like a Fender agency. No, we don't all want new Fenders. Have a little trade / s/h section, please * [b]The wide range of accessories that[i] isn't[/i][/b]: Yes, most people play pretty standard string gauges. But [i]please[/i] have a couple of sets of xtra-heavy or xtra-lite out the back. Look on them as an investment in future goodwill. * [b]Plays like a dog[/b]: OK, I get it that strings get tarnished over time, but at least tweak the bugger to an average set-up before it goes up on the wall. *[b] 'Not my problem, guv'[/b]: Look, pal, if there's a fault with a new product don't shuffle me off to the mfr or distributor. I bought it from [i]you[/i], I am [i]your[/i] customer and if there's a problem, I expect [i]you[/i] to act on my behalf and in my best interests. Go in to bat for me and I'll be singing your praises forever. Or I won't. As for what's most important for people, there is no one thing that's most important for everyone. There is no 'most important thing' in isolation. What is important to a beginner will be entirely unimportant to someone who's been playing a few years. The market is segmented and the general musical equipment retailer has to size up the punter and act accordingly. Different for 'Vintage' specialists or chain stores, but there you go. Oh, and BTW, I understand that punters can be a pain. I are one myself.
  6. [quote name='grumble' timestamp='1363482408' post='2013322'] You have a copy of a Turner on your walls, that automatically bars you from any further contribution to this discussion. And you probably smell of stale piss [/quote]
  7. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1363231632' post='2010250'] People hear with their eyes. Nobody will be impressed that you sound good on a cheap bass. They'll just assume you're an amateur for not having a better instrument. [/quote] Well, I take your point. Assuming we're talking about live performance situations, the audience reaction (if they even notice us) will be something like: * Standard Punter - "Why is your guitar bigger? What are a Fedner? My mate fancies your singer." * Non-playing 'Rock Fan' / Other muso / Tyro bassist - "Why don't you get a real Fender? Can I have a go? Ow, f*ck, that hurt!" * More experienced players - "Nice sound you're getting out of that Westfield. It's all in the fingers / eq curve / string gauge / break angle over the bridge, snore, etc." So yes, the decal does have an effect, just in different ways.
  8. In the long run and given the cost of lawyers, perhaps it might be cheaper (and more friendly) were Rickenbacker to buy up these second-hand fakers each time they appear and destroy them in an annual 'Fake Bonfire'. Punter gets his money, it's good PR and fewer fakers for Mr Hall to worry about in the future. Eventually, the old fakers are all gone and the legal beagles can spend their time closing down Chinese sweatshops. Thing is, no one would give a toss if Rickenbacker were ruthlessly going after the mfrs because that's a big boy's game. And I appreciate the need to preserve copyright, but their sour heavy-handedness towards the end-user irks many people who would otherwise be friends and advocates of the brand. Still, it's been said before and they've not listened, so f*** 'em. Stay a niche brand with a bad rep. See if I care.
  9. On a happier note... In the event of a Celebrity Smackdown Deathmatch between John Hall and Henry Juskiewicz of Gibson, who'd win? [size=3]Juskiewicz: biter / gouger[/size] [size=3][/size] [size=3]Hall (right): upper body strength / lawyers[/size]
  10. A copy of Mr JMW Turner's 'Waves Breaking Upon A Lee' has hung upon my wall these many years. I now feel irredeemably seedy and shall withdraw from public life.
  11. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1363285202' post='2011099'] I did that as a test to see if it would help raise awareness of the new subscription based marketplace and the necessary changes in the T&C's.[/quote]
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1363280499' post='2010997'] The first time I saw it my immediate reaction was that I'd accidentally pressed the Self Destruct button here at mission control. [/quote] Spooky, isn't it?
  13. Minor oddness. When I go into FX for sale, the Marketplace T&C's appear as a huge post, immediately above the pinned threads. This does not occur when 'penetrating' some of the other sale mktplc sub-forums. This development might well cause distress to the young, the vulnerable and the elderly. Please address this or I shall be forced to instruct my solicitors.
  14. I'm with ChrisB and the Count. Small steps, easy victories. Simplify wherever possible. As for sequencing the set, somebody once said: "Start with a good one, end with a good one; the audience will never remember what came in between".
  15. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1363045122' post='2007666'] I can see new people looking at the fees, comparing them to eBay, and deciding not to take a punt on the forum. It'll be a real shame if that happens.[/quote] Good point, well made.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1363028294' post='2007271'] Did Bertrand Russell play a Jazz? Or a Precision? [/quote] Neither, afaik. Mr Russell was reputedly an oboeist and most likely favoured a Boosey & Hawkes.
  17. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1363028333' post='2007272'] ... and don't forget the humorous ejaculations and high quality jokes... [/quote] 'Comedy' ejaculations, surely.
  18. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1363024617' post='2007169'] I think a yearly subscription is fine if it means becoming a full member with all access etc. I do think however, that to place an individual ad at £7 is steep, especially if it fails to sell and also remember that ebay have free listing weekends every month, with no sale, no fee. Im sure many will start using the ebay option for smaller item sales. In fact, many items often end up there as it is the biggest online marketplace. I think the initial proposed ad price was fair as was the free listings for lower value items. Im sure the people who run the site could have raised the rates for business ads instead. Must be many bass-related businesses willing to advertise on a busy forum like this.[/quote] I agree that £7 might seem steep compared to a free listing. But - as I understand it £7 allows one the opportunity to place an ad on BC at [i]any[/i] time in the month and the ad will remain in the 'marketplace' for as long as one wishes to keep it there. As for raising the cost of advertising to bass businesses - well, the team actually has to go out and actively sell such ads, which takes even more time out of their personal lives. We all enjoy a lot of free benefits from the forum and it doesn't hurt for us to share the load when we hope to make some money ourselves. And jacking up the rate to advertisers in the current marketplace simply wouldn't work. Some might pay the increased costs but - sure as fate - some others would just go for a walk and the forum would probably end up with [i]less[/i] income I agree that some members might switch to ebay, but in so doing they would simply be enhancing the profits of a global multinational rather than supporting a community from which every member (and a lot of 'guests') benefit. They might save a few bob, but at what cost to an otherwise free repository of knowledge and goodwill.
  19. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1362967676' post='2006923'] You are Bertrand Russell[/quote] If only.
  20. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362952044' post='2006754'] Good thing it's the only colour suit and hat i own then, isn't it? [/quote] I love the piping too. Round the lapels, I mean, not that godawful droning instrument.
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362951235' post='2006734'] ah cheers for that one, Mr.Delvar. Sure come on over, meet the wife, and then we'll go out for a pint, eh? [/quote] Only if it's dyed Emerald Green and you wear the comedy hat. [size=3]Skank and Milty's Big Night Out[/size]
  22. [quote name='BassSwede' timestamp='1362949036' post='2006684'] Thanks Skank, always a good idea to start with the bass-ics, right? :-) [/quote] So much so, in my case, that I have never moved on Good move with the Squier. Much loved round here.
  23. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1362946188' post='2006621'] Excellent guidelines Mr Chairman. May I raise a question from the floor? What are the guidelines for BCers we have met IRL? [/quote] Thank you, Comrade Sister. BC-er's from The Emerald Isle fall under categories 5-9, being no different from any other BC-er (apart from possessing charming manners, twinkly smile, inexhaustible supply of crack, etc). [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  24. Welcome BassSwede! Hope you come to very much enjoy our little community. Smart move to go the 'basics first' route - good luck in your endeavours Cheers, Skank
  25. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1362938438' post='2006457'] Point of order Mr Chairman, [/quote] Thank you, Mr Secretary. Guidelines edited.
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