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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1362934485' post='2006397'] If every thread on BC that involved an attack on someone not present was closed... there wouldn't be many open threads. [/quote] In the spirit of compromise, perhaps we should have guidelines. for example: [list] [*]Dead - No problemo [*]Non-BC-er - Celeb - As above ([i]exc. Macca[/i]) [*]Non-BC-er - Fellow band member, e.g. singist, guitard - Proceed with caution in public sub-forums [*]Non-BC-er - Unidentified member of public - See 'Dead' [*]BC-er, contributing to thread but offline or elsewhere on forum - OK, but no abrasiveness please [*]Identified BC-er not contributing to thread - No [*]Unidentified BC-er not contributing to thread - Go to PM's [*]BC-er unable to respond due to computer failure - Def no-no, espec if Bass Doc. [*]Former BC-er no longer able to respond - OK, if agreed by majority to be a twat; not OK if self-banned - e.g. Johnstone [/list]
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362930754' post='2006332'] Star Trek: Next Generation[/quote] NSFW: when you're done, Google 'Gates McFadden topless'. Worth the effort and much more interesting than mediocreassclownwhores.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362930282' post='2006321'] Entertainment [/quote] Rule 51: Please address any complaints about entertainment to the Entertainments Secretary. Thank you. [size=3]Next up is a Swedish lad, bit of a twat but you might like him.[/size]
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362929959' post='2006314'] The thread no longer exists, but my first guess would be... Inti? Why am i not Derren Brown's understudy? [/quote] Indeed, the thread is gone. TB presumably wished to devote the server space to something more rewarding, like, say a baboon scratching his arse while tabbing out some Jaco. As for why you are not Derren Brown's understudy, please send a cheque for £100 to Predictable Outcomes Ltd, PO Box 1080, Lagos, Nigeria and I'll send an explanatory PM by return.
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362928900' post='2006296'] We could have had a great discussion with him since he was up for it. [/quote] About [i]what[/i]? All he ever really posted was the same 'clown whore' thing over and over again and if he wasn't starting threads about it, he'd jump in and derail a thread in that direction. Off he goes to TB - exactly the same thing. A one-note solo that earns him a kick in the bollocks and a suspension that - coincidentally - serves to stoke his paranoid amour-propre. Just because someone is (apparently) passionate and embraces a lonely POV does not necessarily mean they're adding to the sum of human knowledge, nor does it mean they are graced with integrity. As a thinker, he was limited, intransigent, deaf, clueless, pedestrian and utterly bereft of empathy. Don't mistake this guy for a martyr - he's a self-obsessed intellectual pygmy with nothing to offer the seeker of truth. He is a Judas. He is a liar. He's watching this debate now and he's got one hand inside his trousers. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362927726' post='2006273'] Sometimes I think we could have much more interesting conversations on here if we could keep cool and not resort to personal attacks for the lack of anything intelligent to say.[/quote] I take your point, because [i]you[/i] generally [i]have[/i] something intelligent to say. But leaving aside Inti/Antiloco/Atalante's playing skills, which, IMO are not germane to the issue, I felt that he was very much a second-class thinker. The Art Vs Commerce thing has been done to death, so what did Inti bring to this hoary old chestnut? Just the constant riffing that no person could differ from his opinion were they not themselves an accomplished 'Artist' and - presumably - wedded to that viewpoint by predisposition and / or career choice. Utter tripe, when you think about it. You'd get better from an intelligent 8 year old. I may not be accomplished enough a bassist to comment with insight on Inti's playing skills, but as a debater of propositions, he was either a cack-handed fraud with a grudge or out to troll. Whichever of these, he may not have been a clown whore, but he was definitely an attention whore, a subject upon which I may speak with certainty.
  7. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1362927087' post='2006260'] "memberships" of various "clubs" that TB-ers like to have...[/quote] I think it's just something they do. Having read a few of those threads, it seems to be a way of keeping stuff on topic. It also has the benefit of channelling discussions of a minutely-detailed nature into safe zones where the uninvolved need not tread. Plus, there's so many of the buggers on TB it's natural, I suppose, for sub-groups to form. Tant pis- whatever keeps them happy, though I've spotted an increasing number of septics joining BC recently... We're brilliant, we are ([i]buffs collective forum fingernails on lapel and wanders off whistling Rule Brittannia[/i])
  8. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1362925722' post='2006229'] Has he pissed Talkbass off too?[/quote] Probably. Nice to think he started with us, though. Got his priorities right. Seems like the TB thread is locked now, following his customary 'You can't argue with me because you're all mediocre' riff. You know, the one he ran out here more than once. A lot of people say "Shame, because he was a great bass player". So what? Hitler was great at public speaking but you don't hear anyone justifying all his other stuff off the back of that. Frankly, a lot of bad temper on this forum dated from his arrival and it spread like poison to the extent that the admins had to set up a new rule. The man's quite obviously a complete and utter trolling c**t on an international basis, he f***ed up the peace and quiet here just by posting his nasty little diatribes ([i]'opinions' , surely - Ed) [/i]and the best thing we can do is forget he ever existed. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362925067' post='2006223'] I'm probably just being hypocritical again, Skank. [/quote] I don't think so. Whenever your synapses explode and you have a pop at someone it's always to their face and you always apologise afterwards. Thing is, Inti was a very annoying man who enjoyed annoying people and he won't be forgotten in a hurry, which is presumably how he'd like it, so ever-ybod-y's happy, di-dah, di-dah di-dah. In any event, there must be literally hundreds of thousands of people who've been slagged off on BC and didn't know and therefore could not respond. From Bieber to some bloke who took his time at the check-out in front of a fuming BC-er. Denigrating the unaware is much, much more than reprehensible behaviour - it's our national pastime and a way of life.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362922956' post='2006193'] ... a bit uncomfortable...[/quote] As my Cockernee Grandad (b. 1892) used to remark on such occasions as these: "A joke's a joke, but spitting in a blind man's hat's no joke." No, I didn't understand it either.
  11. I put a Fender decal on my beater Brandoni kit Jazz simply to stop idiot punters and halfwit guitards telling me I should get a 'real' Fender. Not because I was ashamed, oh no, but because I got bored with telling them to cock off and get a 'real' life. The fact that the practice sometimes enrages other bassists is just the big f***ing pink cherry on top of the cake afaic. OP - do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362579174' post='2001582'] Do you think 'asking them and giving them what they want' works though? Do they know what they want? [/quote]Well, you only have to see what happens when established artists give people what they [i]don't[/i] want. Think of all the bands who sold crillions then decided to have a 'change in direction'. Ten minutes later, they're flipping burgers or posting about 'projects'. One of the best examples is Garth Brooks - sold 100 million albums of pop-country then decided to adopt the fictional persona of 'Chris Gaines - an emotionally-conflicted rocker'. So GB released a 'rawk' album under the Gaines name and confused the arse off his market. Released one more album in his own right, which pretty much tanked and after a troubled few years has contracted himself to a 5-year Las Vegas casino gig. Career = Toast. And if there's any further doubt, consider the potential fan reaction here to Victor Wooten releasing a solo accordion album of 1950's German ballads and warbling away on 'Oh Mein Papa'. While various BC-ers would be spewing their ring, way yonder over on AccordionChat they'd be hailing the rise of a new star and talking about revivals and sh*t. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362583174' post='2001680'] Spot on. [/quote] Yes it is a very perceptive post. And objective too. I understand that we all carry our own baggage where stuff like money and art is concerned. But it's the same 12 f***ing notes we all use, so it can't be the music that pisses us off. Our objection is not to pop music but to the people who make it and the purpose to which it's put. Saw my mate Vincent Van Gogh in a dream last night. He'd used the crillions of cash from the most recent sale of his work to have an ear transplant and he was driving around in a pimped Aston with Keira Knightley in the shotgun seat. Happy as Larry he was, and his pictures looked just the same as they ever did. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  13. We often talk about the hit record-buying public as if it were a homogeneous mass which indiscriminately gobbles up every chart-oriented offering as it falls off the end of the conveyor belt. Quite clearly, this is not the case. Lots of different people buy music for lots of different reasons. The market for music is sub-divided into larger and smaller groups with different tastes and with different motivations for buying the records they do. For example the average Bieber-buyers are probably about 8 years old and buy the music because their unformed minds are as dazzled by the pubescent prodigy as earlier generations were by Mickey Mouse or books about ponies. By contrast, pheremone-squirting, beardless young men rally to the stormy clash of Rawk Thunder while fat pale, girls sob into their frilly pillowcases to a soundtrack of wistful, warbly singer-songwriters touting small-bodied acoustic guitars. See, what we're talking about here is Function. Specifically, that music delivers a user-specific spiritual or emotional outcome. It's an outcome that derives not only from listening to the music but also to the sense of community that surrounds certain artists or genres. When you buy the record, you buy entry to the club. As a convenient bonus, once you're in you can exclude others (see vid below) Of course, this is more easily discernible in the very young, for they are engaged in assembling their identities from the dressing-up box that our consumer society leaves in the playroom. But the 'purchase > appreciation > community > identity' thing never quite goes away, as proved by the middle-aged tantrums that propel BC's evergreen Jaco / Beatles / Commerce vs Art threads. So, whether one is Justin Bieber or Uli Jon Roth - what's the formula for a hit record? Identify a discrete market, establish where their little heads are at, ask them what they want and give it to them at so many pence per download. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ_eBTkB-rs[/media]
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362511846' post='2000588'] Blinded by the Light [/quote] You were saying something about lyrics? [size=3]With a boulder on my shoulder, feeling kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-round With this very unpleasin', sneezin' and wheezin, the calliope crashed to the ground.[/size] [size=3][size=4]The f***? Springsteen in his 'Dylanesque Street Troubador' period. (Spits) P'tchoo![/size][/size] [size=3][size=4]Earthband cover was ace though. Beat the bollocks off The Boss. [/size][/size] [color=#FFFFFF][size=3][size=4].[/size][/size][/color]
  15. Theory says an extension cab will add [i]some[/i] volume, but whether it's as much volume as you [i]need[/i] will only become clear when you get in the room with it. It's a suck it and see scenario. It might also help to change the amp's speaker for something more efficient - I think I read somewhere that a Celestion Vintage 10 is a straight physical swap for the 'Custom Bulldog 10' as supplied. As Lozz says, 30 SS watts is only ever going to get you so far. You'll need to trade up eventually. Peavey Bandits were always a good bet, though the days when you could get them for £50 are gone . But if you really like the sound of your Cambridge, try miking it through the PA in rehearsal. Got to be worth the attempt, and a low-end Shure and a cable's the cheapest option.
  16. [color=#FF0000][b]Chadronnay and Vouvray welcome all clean gentleman to there luxurious Executive service.[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000][b]Call in or Call-Out! We'll bend over to give yuo the time off your life![/b][/color] [color=#FF0000][b]email [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email][/b][/color]
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362500067' post='2000247'] Realistically, do you think you could?[/quote] Well, yes. Everything I've ever written was a hit, but the f***wit publishers / record companies / performing artists / record buyers couldn't get their tiny heads around songs about abbatoirs, pelican crossings and chutney.
  18. Paul bought my Ashdown combo; great comms, easy-peasy transaction and a very nice man.
  19. Probably a bit sledgehammer > nut and difficult to enforce, but I would have thought something like this would be in breach of competition law - what we used to call 'restriction of trade'. Thing is, he's using you guys against the dissenting pub and the other pubs against you. Charmer, eh? In any event, it's unwise to capitulate to threats like this. If he thinks your band is a soft touch it might encourage him to try it on in other ways - e.g., 'Pay me more money or I'll get you banned from all the pubs round here.' Perhaps you could tell him to put it in writing and see how he reacts. If he refuses, then [i]you[/i] know that [i]he[/i] knows he's on the back foot. If he agrees, you've got something to show the other pubs.
  20. Bought this from the lovely Deaver of BassChat, used it for about 10 rehearsals and a couple of cafe-type gigs. Imminent house downsize means it has to go, along with some other stuff I'll be putting up later. A nice versatile little combo, excellent for rehearsals and small gigs. I've enjoyed it. * 5 band EQ, 'Bright' and 'Deep' pre-sets; * Onboard compressor, subharmonics, FX loop, tuner / line out. * For fuller oomph you can add an extension cab or use the flavoursome post-EQ XLR out to the PA. Tech-spec questions? The manual's here: [url="http://ashdownmusic.com/files/uploads/MAGEB_EVO_II.pdf"]http://ashdownmusic....AGEB_EVO_II.pdf[/url] Slightly cosmetically challenged - see image: (1) = 1 cm bald patch in the fluffy covering on lower edge below the control panel. (2) = Scuffs on lower edge speaker grille. [b]£100 [u]firm[/u], cash on collection only from Shenington near Banbury, Oxfordshire. [/b]Sorry people, but no shipping, no Paypal / cheques, etc. Feel free to PM with any questions. Want to come and try it? Bring your bass or use mine. PM me and I'll put the kettle on. We thank you for your interest.
  21. [quote][b]Musicradar[/b]: He's often hailed as an underrated player, so it's about time that he was given his due. You guys obviously think so, since ([i]he)[/i] won the poll with a massive 30% of the vote.[/quote] Preposterous and undoubtedly rigged. [size=3](Damn, I fell for their shock poll result sucker-bait [i]again[/i])[/size]
  22. One 50's revival band I was in, the drummer hated 'Blue Moon Of Kentucky', whined like a spoilt bitch and threatened to walk if we didn't drop it. He went on and on and on and on and on and on and on. So we dropped it and knocked it off the setlist. Very next gig, he erects his kit and mistakenly tapes the old list next to his seat. Halfway through the second set, the guitarist starts whacking out the Route 66 riff and drumboy goes straight into the BMOK part and keeps it up all the way through. Totally oblivious. When we pointed this out after the gig he furiously denied it had happened, threw a huge tantrum and threatened to walk.
  23. It seems to me that much of the animus either for or against 'new' music is powered not by a desire to experience the joy of music but, instead, by a wish to broadcast the proponent's world view. That is to say, the position that 'old' things are better' or its counter - that 'new things affirm the positivity of human progress' are artifices wrought by the opinion-holder for their own benefit. Neither of these opposing positions have much to do with whether the music in question is 'good' in either the subjective, the objective, the qualitative or the quantitative senses. We are merely observing an external characteristic - whether this particular combination of melody, harmony, tempo and lyrical content (if any) has heretofore been arrived at. This state cannot, in itself, be termed objectively either good or bad. In so stating, we are merely illuminating our own opinion. Let us also examine the motive for holding these positions. It is my view that either opinion is designed to provide solace for the holder's personal context. For example, it is more reasonable that a young person might believe that 'new is better' simply because it is the natural Oedipal desire of each generation to wish to slay their fathers. It is less reasonable that such a view be held by the older generation because it would be tantamount to wishing death upon oneself. That a youth may venerate novelty is predictable. That a greybeard may do likewise indicates a disporoportionate propensity to observe the poet's enjoinder to rage against the dying light (or something).
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