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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. 1) No new music, only old music. Bad 2) No old music, only new music. Worse.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361543279' post='1987266'] Heck, no one would even [u]know[/u]. [/quote] God would know. So when one died, He would say "It says 'Thou Shalt Not Do 80 On An Empty Motorway' and now you're going to roast in eternal hellfire. We'll be putting you in the room next to Hitler's."
  3. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1361477499' post='1986436'] PS Yes I have read The Guardian piece[/quote] TBH, I haven't. In any event, if people who don't spend much on music don't 'download' then they must think the music's so bad, they wouldn't have it for free. Ergo propter, etc. (Brandishes banner of logic, cackles insanely and trips over a passing hedgehog).
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361473111' post='1986339'] I'm offended! I don't have scrofula. [/quote] No you don't. Permit me some artistic license, if you will. I like Big Stu's idea about audio + video being the way of the future. If they can sort the driverless car thing (as has recently been suggested), then who needs car radios? Driver TV as the way of the future? "Oooh, Madge, someone's killing Phil on Eastenders, look" "C****T'S F*T C**K! MIND THAT TRUCK, DEREK!" (whump)
  5. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361471293' post='1986296'] What I consider to be 'good', whilst appealing to those adorned in beige cardigans with leather elbow patches, probably wouldn't go down quite so well with a less discerning listener. [/quote] Ah! But there's all different kinds of 'good'. Apart from a few Fotherington-Thomas's who infest these pages with their Pollyanna-ish bleatings of 'There's soooo much greaaaaaat stuff out there and they're doing it without the corporate boot on their neck', the whole world is in agreement that 99% of music is sh*t. Whether it be that of the seasoned, jet-setting major-label pro or some friendless, scrofulous oik with garageband on his Mac, all but a tiny fraction of today's music utterly stinks. That's why music is going down the the toilet - because it's all one big, steaming Richard Plantagenet. If any of it was any good, the people who currently don't buy much music would be [i]buying it*[/i] by the scad-load, the music business would be thriving and we wouldn't be having this discussion. QED. Stick your cheese up your arse. Ou sont les neiges d'antan? [size=3]* See FF point re: Guardian survey[/size]
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361470408' post='1986273'] The only real 'value added' route would be to give people who pay, something extra - 'extra' equating to 'free'.[/quote] Another added value might be some 'good' music. Lots of demand for that, these days. I mean, giving away three crappy 'bonus' tracks with the other 16 crappy 'paid-for' tracks doesn't really float anyone's boat, does it? [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1361470465' post='1986276'] They should have all read "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Moved_My_Cheese"]Who Moved my Cheese?[/url]"[/quote] Here's a taster: [quote]Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry have found "Cheese Station N", new cheese. Back at Cheese Station C, Hem and Haw are affected by their lack of cheese and blame each other for their problem. Hoping to change, Haw again proposes a search for new cheese. However, Hem is comforted by his old routine and is frightened about the unknown. He knocks the idea again. After a while of being in denial, the humans remain without cheese. One day, having discovered his debilitating fears, Haw begins to chuckle at the situation and stops taking himself so seriously. Realizing he should simply move on, Haw enters the maze, but not before chiseling "If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct" on the wall of Cheese Station C for his friend to ponder.[/quote] Definitely my kind of book. Totally out there.
  7. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361469422' post='1986236'] All I'm really seeing here are loads of unsubstantiated claims cunningly(ish) disguised as fact and flying in the face of [s]commercial[/s] reality. [/quote] Welcome to off-topic, where the shrine of Saint Bollocks is garlanded with fresh flowers every day. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  8. [quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1361468291' post='1986212'] spelling meant to use a n[/quote] Funnily enough, Mr Jurgen's original first name [i]was[/i] C**t. His agent advised him to change it and the rest is history. In any event, I am tempted to place an ad in the NW section of JMB on the lines of: 'Bass player seeks Hgih qaulity wedding lounge band pref are three a guys in business some time commitment esnential NO PRECUSSION DO MY OWN" [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  9. I suspect that lack of attention to detail lies at the root of their travails. Best non-apology I heard of was the one posted by the guy from Freekish Blues pedals. Launched his range of boutique pedals. Fawning 'tone-hound' reviews from mags, review sites inc TGP and Chappers, prestigious endorsees (Dweezil Zappa, iirc). Turns out he was buying in Joyo and BBE pedals direct from China at trade prices, respraying them and selling them on as his own work for 10x the price. As I understand it, Mr Freekish's eventual 'apology' went something on the lines of 'Sure, I scammed you because you're all pretentious idiots and I laughed every time you fell for it.'
  10. [quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1361467653' post='1986197'] curt [/quote] jurgens [size=3]High Quality Actor - also played bongos.[/size]
  11. What a strange reply from that band. I can't imagine why currently being in another band would be a dealbreaker - surely that's a slightly more promising indicator than [i]not[/i] being in a band, noi to anyone who's between bands. Like me. Perhaps the apparent touchiness about percussionism is the key to solving this mystery. No doubt the ad was placed by the band's bongo player; the OP's reply set off alarm bells; and the bongonista decided to stifle this potential competition in the bud by playing the old 'Cajon Players are inherently unreliable' card. Besides which, when anyone refers to their musical endeavours as 'high quality' I raise an eyebrow. It's just the wrong class of descriptor. Rather like placing a 'for sale ad' for one's motor car that mentions that it's 'full of farm-fresh, creamy, wholesome goodness'. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361463898' post='1986101'] Oh dear. Oh dearie dear. My humblest apologies [/quote] Entirely unnecessary, old fruit. I liked your point about 10x etc and you're right. Thing is, I like inverting perfectly valid stats and prodding them into an absurd shape. Call it a hobby. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361463898' post='1986101'] Must have been too early for the old brain to register. Frankly, I share your desolation, though for different reasons. [/quote] Join me here in the day room. The carers come by with a nice cup of tea on an hourly basis. Meds at 8, 12 and 6pm. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361440117' post='1985877'] no one picked up on my point about file sharers being the ones that spend around 10x more on music than non-sharers.[/quote] Frankly, I is desolated. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/199907-illegal-downloading-file-sharing-and-what-i-think-what-do-you-think/page__view__findpost__p__1985631"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/199907-illegal-downloading-file-sharing-and-what-i-think-what-do-you-think/page__view__findpost__p__1985631[/url]
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1361406415' post='1985665'] This thread is about a law that is made up though, and how people should comply with it, even though it isn't a thing. [/quote] They always say there are two things one should never watch being made. Laws and sausages. This predictably slavish adherence to the convention that a law is an intangible and a sausage is 'merely' a thing is precisely what got us where we are today, i.e pissing on our own chips to prove a point, when all the world knows that the ideal condiment for chips is malt vinegar or - if one is a beastly continental - mayonnaise. If the consensual trend here is that urine tastes better than vinegar, then some of us are sadly missing the point that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar. This being the case, I will have to duck out of this argument for some duck, ideally dowsed in hoisin sauce, an acceptable scratch substitute for which is an admixture of soy sauce and - you guessed it - honey, honey, kiss me, honey. What care I for the valueless transaction - it is the way of the future. What's yours (your music) is mine and what's mine (my cash) stays my own. Don't expect me to justify this carefully crafted opinion in the face of anyone else's petty, trifling morals, for I am - if not the James Dean of rural Oxfordshire - a law unto myself and terribly, [i]terribly[/i] special.
  15. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361404813' post='1985642'] Now there's a can of worms![/quote] Worms are my business and business is good. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1361404874' post='1985644'] Thing about Law is [/quote] Thing about law is it are oftun silly. People can quote innumerable things which are both illegal and wrong, wrong but not illegal and not wrong but illegal. And it's entirely possible to hubristically identify the precise particulars of a situation or to find loopholes that justify almost any practise on grounds of expediency, philosophy, progress or self-interest. Self-interest is nothing new and practically everyone does it all the time. It is so commonplace as to be almost ubiquitous, yet it does not stop us from abhorring it in others while indulging in it ourselves. For me, the value I derive from discussions of this nature lies in the amusement I get from watching some very intelligent people expend enormous energy justifying something which might well piss on their own chips one day.
  16. [quote name='heminder' timestamp='1361402777' post='1985610'] It is a good thing when an industry dies from obsolescence - it's a signal that it is no longer needed and society can move on without it.[/quote] i agree with you, but I doubt that countless miners, shipbuilders, dockers and retail sales employees would consider it a good thing. And to be fair, the record industry isn't so much dying from obsolescence as from a combination of factors, including unadventurous artist development and the loss of its monopoly of distributive channels [quote name='heminder' timestamp='1361402777' post='1985610'] The statement that we will no longer listen to recorded music is utterly false. I'm listening to [i]more[/i] recorded music now (which [b]isn't[/b] produced by the old "industry" and big labels) than I was during the era of cassettes/CDs. [/quote] In Johnny Cash's autobiography he mentions how - in the 1930's - his father refused to listen to the radio or to recorded music on the grounds that - being recorded - it was not 'real' and was thus worthless. For him, 'real' was a live, unrepeatable and unique performance in the presence of the listener. Bearing in mind the degree of artifice to which most musicians now resort when recording, I am tempted to agree. Most records are not records as in the sense of a historical record, but are instead static constructions. The unvarying performance from play to play and the repetitious nature of broadcasting creates a straitjacket from which the performer cannot subsequently escape. "Play it like the record, you c**t" says the audience while the 'artist' dies inside. Frankly, the record is the devil's work and - incidentally - put lots of gigging dance bands on the scrapheap. But then - as a wise man said - it is good when an industry dies of obsolescence. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361403096' post='1985616'] So what's your take on that study that concluded that file sharers spend around 10x more money on music than those who don't file share? [/quote] As a practised massager of statistics, I'd turn that on its head and say that: i) People who aren't that interested in music don't file share because if they don't spend that much on music they won't be bothered about saving a few bob. ii) People who are more interested in music are more likely to evade payment, which bears out the whole 'Rock & Roll kids are dangerous hoodlums' proposition so widely bruited in our comparatively recent past. Further examination of the study would no doubt reveal that this group spends more on Brylcreem, flick-knives and leather jackets than the average citizen. Does this make it right. Yes. And no. Or maybe.
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361402245' post='1985602'] Now there's an interesting statement. Isn't it obvious that everyone has different morals, courtesy and common sense? That's what makes people individuals isn't it? [/quote] Morals, courtesy and common sense; the definition thereof; variance in 'application' and the individual. Now there's a 25 page thread in itself [color=#ffffff] [/color] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  18. If someone offers me something for free, fair enough. I either accept or decline. If someone invests their time and money in making something and sells it through channels designed to inhibit free distribution (however faulty), it seems only polite to respect their wishes. Of course, one may act against the seller's wishes and one may even devise some justification for so doing. But fundamentally, it's one's own wishes versus those of the seller. And observation has shown there is no greater spur to ingenious thought than finding reasons to justify one's own wishes particularly when it comes to getting something for free that other people pay for.
  19. I suppose one of the problems that any band reunion faces is the passage of time, a phenomenon which affects The Great 60's-70's Dinosaurs to a greater degree. Quite apart from the ravaged faces, turkey necks and thinning hair, some of the proponents are continuing to hawk lyrical content entirely at odds with their advanced age. I think not so much of the Zeppelin but of those who espoused teenage rebellion and anti-establishment rhetoric. Step forward, Mr Peter Townsend. That said, this disjuncture extends even to more recent combos. Am I alone in hiding my face when the baggy, middle-aged men who comprise Green Day, Metallica and Blink 182 spout the words of their youthful selves? [size=3]Billie Joe Armstrong luxuriating in his fifth decade[/size]
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361315674' post='1984624'] How cool is this! Don't you dream of this sort of thing?! [/quote] Yes. Yes, it is. Frankly, it's the [i]whole point of being in a band[/i]. Artistic credibility and rescuing starving children from our corporate overlords my arse. Give me some naked chicks and a tureen of charlie at 22,000 feet anytime. The man who denies this is a damned liar and I will meet him on Calais sands at dawn. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361314700' post='1984609'] Yeh, but, well, you know, I was hoping to start a thread about huge bands reforming, and all the interesting human behaviours that surround this phenomenon and whether it has any cultural significance, but thanks anyway [/quote] One of the interesting phenomena that surround this phemonenon of huge bands reforming is the assumption that it's all about the money and anyway, they'll suck. Which is sometimes the case. Another is the way that the band member who says 'We're all a bit more grown-up now and we've put all the bad feelings behind us. It's like a new start' is rarely the one who wigs out at the third gig on the tour and spits at the audience, whips his cock out and storms offstage.
  22. Reunion rumour comes around every six months in RS. It's like a sort of filler thing they run out during weeks when someone mildly famous in the 80's hasn't died. [i](The curtain opens, revealing a magaizine office. The stage is piled with paper, cereal bowls and empty boxes of hair gel. Two men sit at desks facing each other.)[/i] RS Editor: Have those limey dudes who sang 'Pass The Dutchie' and were the first black act to have their own studio segment on MTV died yet? Scribbler: No RS Editor: Is PeeWee Herman dead yet? Scribbler: No RS Editor: Is Phil Collen out of Def Leppard dead yet? Scribbler: No RS Editor: Then run the Zep re-union rumour. The one where Plant [i]says[/i] he wants to do it, not the one where Page [i]hints[/i] he wants to do it. We did that last time. Scribbler: Why don't we get a comment from Jones? RS Editor: Who cares? He's only the f***ing bass player, you retard. [i]Fin.[/i]
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360787521' post='1976607'] How could we know about Alan's ties? [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360853721' post='1977450'] A comma before 'and' is unnecessary. [/quote] A period (or full stop) is positioned after the . [size=3] [/size] [size=3](Source: Webster's Grammatical Usage - Revised Edition 2010 - ISBN: 12487539772)[/size] [size=3][color=#FFFFFF].[/color][/size]
  24. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1360786260' post='1976593'] Not silly, an excellent non-destructive idea. Could possibly be affixed with copydex (avoiding the logo). [/quote] OTOH, there's that concave curvy bit from the nut down to the headstock face. Couldn't leave that au naturel... Ponders... Fablon! [url="http://www.vinyldepot.co.uk/"]http://www.vinyldepot.co.uk/[/url]
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