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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Could you not cut a sheet of thin plastic to shape, spray over it, remove the tuner bushes and string guide, affix to the headstock with low tack double-sided sticky tape (avoiding the existing logo) and replace the hardware? Is something like this called an overlay? Or would that be silly?
  2. Scans of Fender custom color charts from the 60's: 1961-1963 [url="http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/60colorchart.jpg"]http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/60colorchart.jpg[/url] 1963-1964 [url="http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/63colorchart.jpg"]http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/63colorchart.jpg[/url] 1965 [url="http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/color1965.jpg"]http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/color1965.jpg[/url] 1966-67 [url="http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/color196667.jpg"]http://www.strat-central.com/pics/books/color196667.jpg[/url] Everything you ever needed to know about custom colours - but currently missing some images: [url="http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fenderc.html"]http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fenderc.html[/url] What's currently available in a rattle can: [url="http://reranchstore.stores.yahoo.net/fencuscol.html"]http://reranchstore.stores.yahoo.net/fencuscol.html[/url] Yanks won't ship aerosols to the UK, so here's where to get it in the UK - Steve Robinson at Manchester Guitar tech: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/nitrocellulose-lacquer/"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/nitrocellulose-lacquer/[/url]
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1360747059' post='1975613'] I had a similar sounding experience on a photography forum once. The wars between the Leica/Canon/Nikon fanboys were something else, but that was nothing compared to the chemical vs digital wars. [/quote] As is so often the case, FF makes a very good point. I mean, we have all these terribly meaningful spats about 'Fenders vs Other' and The Beatles and Expression and Tribute bands and stuff, while out there on a million other forums people are arguing violently about cameras and hi-fi and cars and IV fertilisation and who's better, Tesco or Morrisons. All different topics with one thing in common - that they are being discussed on the internet, a place where we can't see peoples' faces, hear their tone of voice or know anything about them apart from - perhaps - a few chance remarks about their lives. In the absence of these cues, we tend to see the opinion first and the person a long way behind that. Maybe that's why our sang-froid deserts us from time to time and we forget we're dealing with real people with real feelings. Admin Rich used to have a sig that said something about tolerance or whatnot. Perhaps he'd be kind enough to stick it up again, because it was a good one. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  4. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1360718290' post='1975503'] I'm Glenn, the old man that posted The Beatles. I'm kind of an outsider being from the states. [/quote] You're no outsider here, chum, wherever you live. As for being 'old' - well, I'm pretty sure there's someone here on the forum who can remember VE Day. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  5. [b][/b] [size=5][b]Guitar shop bloke in 'Not gabbing away like an eejit' shock horror probe - pages 1,2,3,4.[/b][/size] For myself, I think that a visit to a music emporium is incomplete unless the salesman has taken the instrument from the wall, plugged it in and given me a twenty minute masterclass in slapping and tapping. The chatting away, the 'rapport building' and the AIDA sales technique is just a welcome bonus, afaic. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  6. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360589226' post='1972781'] I like this place & wouldn't like to see it's "spirite de corps" spoiled. There's a lot of sage advice & opinion here... [/quote] Quite right. To paraphrase Mr Gilbert Shelton, 'BassChat will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no BassChat'. As for buying cheap on ebay and then unloading here. It may indeed be that this is a rare occurrence, but at least one BC-er (no longer with us, I think) was accustomed to advertise stuff here within 24 hours of buying it on the Bay from the USA. Clearly, the item could not yet have been in his possession, yet his ads were frequently crafted to [i]imply[/i] that this was a regretful sale of one of his old favourites. This struck me as being a very git-ish thing to do. Uncle Psychosis's point about a seller's enforced need to realise a good price - sickness, bills, personal circumstances etc., is a good one and shows him to have a considerate nature, IMO. Then again, the original seller in our hypothetical chain may have dropped the price for a quick sale for exactly the same reasons. I think that BassChat is about friendship and co-operation. I've no problem with traders selling and buying here as long as they recognise that and that they're transparent about their relationship with the community. Who knows, it could benefit them by enhancing their status as the 'go to' guy when times are tight.
  7. No problem with someone buying something here, using it and selling it later at a profit if the market's moved on. Likewise if someone buys something, uses it, decides they don't like it and sells it on a week later. That's life. But I feel that anyone who buys something expressly to re-sell back into our community is trading. They don't want the item for itself. They're doing it to make money, which means they're a trader. I've got nothing against traders, but they should post their sales or wants in the affiliates section. AFAIK, it doesn't cost them anything and they still reach the same audience. Everybody's happy. The only caveat I'd put on it would be that it should show 'trader' in their member status. That way, everybody knows the score.
  8. I've probably listened to about 13% of their output and I have to say I'm not that impressed. People say I'm not allowed to have my opinion because they're [i]influential[/i], but what about Wayne Fontana, Billy J Kramer, Adam Faith, Honeybus and The Marmalade? Totally groundbreaking. And as for all their going around with long faces when Leggy Mountbatten died? What was that all about? They should go and see a therapist.
  9. 'Sorry, I've already got one' -type bump. Good luck with your sales, EU
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1360436414' post='1970516'] What I may say, if pushed, is that The Beatles weren't as influential as the [i]success[/i] of the Beatles was x [/quote] Characteristically subtle. I like it. For myself, I think that Rory Storm and The Hurricanes were by far the better band. I well remember dripping off the walls of the Cavern back in 1961, a half pint of Double-Diamond in my hand. Rory was headlining and the Beatles were support. Total trainwreck, harmonies like a ship's hooter. The audience was mostly factory-hands and dockers and in their rage they launched their snap-tins at the less than fab four. Blizzard of cheese sandwiches, bananas and kit-kat bars. That was the night they fired Pete Best and it was rumoured that the arty, pretty boy Peter Sutcliffe was next for the chop. As the word went round, all the women started to scream and urinate on the seats, which is how the whole Beatlemania thing started. John came up to me afterwards to ask what I thought of their performance. "Duthd yer thunk wai wor fab an geer, Lar?" he said, eyeing me menacingly. John was the group's 'hard man' in those days, before McCartney learnt Hap-Ki-Do off Burt Ward (later to star as Robin The Boy Wonder in the Batman TV series of 1966). Great times, great memories. One day I'll tell you all the story about how I got a hand-job from Brian Epstein but that was much later. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  11. All very subjective, so let's have some cold hard facts: * 80% of people who think that the Beatles are over-rated have listened to 10% or less of their output * 10% of people who think the Beatles are under-rated are 20% more likely to own the entire Beatles' catalogue * 90% of people who own all the Beatles recorded output admit to (rarely / never) listening to 'Octopus's Garden' except for the first time that they heard it. * 4% of people who listen frequently to 'Octopus's Garden' have at some time been sectioned under the 1987 Mental Health Act [size=3][i](Source: BMI / ASCAP 2007) [/i][/size] [color=#FFFFFF][size=3][i].[/i][/size][/color]
  12. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1360259106' post='1967658'] I noticed that. Maybe it's his doppleganger? [/quote] [i]Two[/i] Silddx's? One's too many and a hundred ain't enough.
  13. This thread's worried me. silddx appears to have changed his username to xilddx. Spooky or what?
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1359978064' post='1962689'] It does look better on the other finish versions where you can see the f-holes. [/quote] Only fair to show them, I s'pose, he muttered sulkily. Funnily enough, the Maestro trem's about the only thing I like about this item. But not in black.
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1359985832' post='1962914'] Crikey! Those kids have frighteningly extensive vocabularies! [/quote] Indeed. And they'd have said it in Norwegian too. I doubt any of us could manage [i]that[/i] on our best day.
  16. From NAMM 2013 - Ladeez 'n' Gemmun - the all-new Gibson N-225! RRP $2332. Lovely, innit [size=3]Henry Juskiewicz cutting his own cock off with a rusty soup can. Again.[/size]
  17. Prurient? Nauseating? I remember the one where they did a gig at a BDSM brothel and David played the whole show in a sling. Happy Days crossover ep, IIRC. [size=3]Beady-eyed Bernard at left. [/size]
  18. To be fair, we often complain about band members who don't take it seriously enough. Late, flakey, don't learn the songs, always going on about their Missus, feeble excuses and mullered onstage. OTOH, as these ads demonstrate, the pendulum can swing much too far the other way. What we [i]really [/i]need is cheerful, moderately sane, competent and reliable. It's not a big ask, is it? And yet. [color=#ffffff].[/color] .
  19. [quote name='blackparkas' timestamp='1359677177' post='1958848'] Is this maybe the wrong part of the forum for these kind of questions? [/quote] Indeed - repost this in general bass discussion and you'll get more responses [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/13-general-discussion/"]http://basschat.co.uk/forum/13-general-discussion/[/url] Good luck with your tour.
  20. [size=5][b]BC Mod Fanclub 'Normal People' Crossover Shock[/b][/size] [size=5][b][size=3]Poll shows Public asking: 'Why can't society be like BassChat?'[/size][/b][/size] [size=5][b][size=3]Low end gab enforcers tapped for Argie negotiations[/size][/b][/size] [size=3]Bob and Betsy from Oregon: 'We lerve your [s]Queen[/s] mods'[/size]
  21. As an old Bob with very fond memories of the songs the singer suggested, I'd have to say terminate him with savage speed and sprinkle quicklime over the body. To me his list just screams 'old mens hobby band'. OK, on the night maybe one might pull 2 or 3 out as LCD crowd pleasers, but that list (as an entirety and as the foundation of a set) would have been stale 20 years ago. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  22. I'm firmly of the opinion that anyone who names an inanimate object is mentally ill and my friend Brian the Telecaster agrees with me.
  23. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1359205742' post='1951519'] I'm sure BC not always been this bad![/quote] Agreed. Sometimes it's been a whole lot worse.
  24. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1358505961' post='1940345'] Yes, and your opinions being presented as fact isn't helping. [/quote] [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1359140547' post='1950720'] Well said. [/quote] AFAICS, MC2's post contained any number of assertions regarding events, dates, etc.,but I didn't see much of what I'd call 'opinion' beyond what I took to be a general 'Hamers are good' thing. Which seemed to go along with the general tenor of the thread If he's got some of his facts wrong, wouldn't it be better to address the the specifics?
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