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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. I know it's not really got anything to do with it, but I always worry that use of the phrase 'my sound' might possibly lead to sentences like: [i]'I dialled in my signature tone and unleashed some blazing licks from my toadally awesome arsenal of chops, dude'. [/i] Or something.
  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358613434' post='1942230'] Does lady silddx count? [/quote] No. Mrs S is exempted from this order. [quote name='Jabba_the_gut' timestamp='1358615855' post='1942288'] Maybe articles on how to record basses, recording kit - though that is probably starting to creep into an area covered by other mags. [/quote] ... which magazines are very often published by the same company. Which might explain why 'Guitarist' for many years seemed to restrict its recording articles to funny-looking old school hardware recorders, leaving cheaper and more accessible software stuff to its sister publication whose name eludes me. Forces one to buy both mags. Thing is, sites like Basschat cream off those who are insanely interested in stuff, which perhaps forces the monthly mags like BGM to address such types who 'Railway Modeller' once quaintly identified as 'The Average Enthusiast'.
  3. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358606746' post='1942103'] When does anyone who demands a reasonable standard of written language in a written medium become a grammar Nazi?[/quote] When, indeed? [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358606746' post='1942103']In printed media, I demand a high standard of language and grammar in addition to quality content[b];[/b] after all, I am chucking a fiver at the publishers.. [/quote] Semi-colon required. Please commit seppuku immediately. Yours, Mr Graham Arne-Artsey
  4. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1358470893' post='1940028'] I've seen magazines of this ilk before, where the people involved are more interested in running around, going to press launches and parties[/quote] Very true and a wise analysis. Though I don't imagine that the BGM guys get to go to the sort of 'industry parties' where the champagne magnums go pop and oiled Brazilian transexuals ram industrial quantities of primo grade charlie up the guests' noses.
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358444790' post='1939366'] ... it's most likely to be a scone.[/quote] A cheese scone - one of four stolen from Mrs Tinman (IIRC) and left in a hedge, where Hendrix found it. See, I knew that scone would turn up one day.
  6. [i][/i] [size=6][b]QIUCK REVEIW - fENDER USA StaNRAD PERCISSION[/b][/size] Teh FFender Precisn are well known old-stager in world fo bass guiitrs and it have not lost ist place in hearts of many. Bass Guitarists. [b]Features[/b]: 4 prong bridge, 6 active puckups, wodden ash body, carbon mapel nek with rosebush breadboard, 4 jumbo machinehads, case, price tag, volume knob. [b]Sounds[/b]: Punchy, deep tone with plenty of growel and brightness for slap from rear pickpoo, ideal for all stiles from County to Mettle [b]Value[/b]: AT £14,000, UAS Percussion Stanrad are good for beginrs and prose alike [b]Rating[/b]: 8 stars out of 6
  7. "There's no money past the fifth fret" - some old bass man whose name I can't remember. "Play your originals like they're covers and play the covers like they're originals" - Something I've never quite understood by someone else whose name escapes me. "Heckle all you like, we didn't pay a fiver to see [i]you[/i]" - drummer and friend Iain Nicholson to a dissatisfied punter in 1982
  8. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1358426080' post='1938861'] Isnt that Silddx on bass?? [/quote] [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358428737' post='1938937'] What did you think of The Libertines? [/quote] Wow. You worked with Hendrix [i]and[/i] Docherty? Some pedigree there.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357227470' post='1919400'] I get a lot of that from the current mrs discreet.[/quote] I got quite a lot of it from Mrs DV while I was writing all that old toss. Something about going out to the supermarket. "No time to think about toilet cleaner," I roared, "I'm sat here expressing myself just so some swedish bloke won't feel left out."
  10. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1357036661' post='1916495'] Is it possible to be better or worse than anyone in art?[/quote] No, for lots of reasons that are too dull to go into.. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1357036661' post='1916495']Are we all the same? [/quote] No. No we're not. But some of us might be similar. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1357036661' post='1916495']Is this too subjective to measure? [/quote] Measurement requires an objective common standard. Although one might measure the number of people who hold the same opinion (which opinion - in the context of musical appreciation - would be a subjective assessment). So we could reliably say 'Lots of people[i] like [/i]this song / performance but that doesn't mean it's good' [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1357036661' post='1916495']Isn't this thinking curling the way for laziness to take advantage of people with the will to grow? [/quote] Translation engines are not ideally suited to the furtherance of philosophical discourse and may introduce unwanted confusion or interpersonal friction. Nevertheless I think I understand. We are asking "Does a group's refusal to subscribe to a hierarchy of 'betterness' create an environment wherein simple laziness may impede an individual's capacity for growth?" One might put it another way: "Do we reject the idea of musical 'superiority simply to cloak our laziness?" The answer is .... possibly. Depends on the individual and their circumstances. Some people might wish to acquire 'superiority' but not have enough time to do so, due, perhaps, to other commitments. Being a musician, professional or amateur, entails much more than skill on one's instrument. For one thing, the musician must take time to sleep and eat. Both food and sleep must be purchased, which entails an income. That income requires time to generate, but is essential if one is to survive and to grow. One might argue that organising and performing a paid gig takes one away from one's practice regime, thus reducing one's capacity for growth. But it also helps to secure the resources one requires. A compromise must therefore be reached. Sure, some people [i]may[/i] be lazy but others may simply be maintaining a balance between the various aspects of their life. In other cases, the instrumentalist may simply be of the view that their musical skills are sufficient to deliver the outcome they seek. That any of these different situations should lead the individuals concerned to be perceived as 'lazy' derives from the desire of another individual to externalise their private and entirely subjective opinion. Such.observations are unlikely to be welcomed by the recipents, given the common view that all of us should be allowed to live our lives as we wish, free from the pejorative observations of those unacqainted with the circumstances of those they choose to 'measure'.
  11. [b]Wanted - Bass Player[/b] Regular work, rehearse weekly (Tuesdays). Prefer lazy whore but confused clowns will also be considered. No timewasters. Call Terry on 00927 3420000
  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1356892845' post='1914839'] I was talking about Gary Moore.[/quote] Indeed. If Mr Moore wanted me to play bass - and specified a 4-string - the first thing I'd say would be "I thought you were dead" followed by "Any views on the colour you'd like, Gary? Is it OK if I call you Gary?"
  13. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1356886182' post='1914732'] See, that's the problem right there... I can't see why anyone with some knowledge of the world would like to play music for the sake of money. [/quote] [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1356890980' post='1914798'] Even if you like it? [/quote] And even if you [i]don't [/i]like it. Lots of people have to do things in the course of their jobs that they don't like doing. For musos, it would probably be playing 'Mustang Sally'. For a contract assassin it might be all that time spent away from his / her family. That's the price one pays for being a professional. In any event, people get slung out of bands for all sorts of bizarre reasons like the shape of their head or the jokes they tell or their annoying wife so fives vs fours seems a reasonably 'musicianly' way of discriminating against an individual even if it has scant value in the logical sense. My commiserations to the OP.
  14. [quote] This [/quote] Excellent choice, Bilbo. I love ES-175's ...(Rubs knees lasciviously)
  15. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1355871152' post='1903989'] He he, thanks Skank. What's the other tenth then? Is that where I get to do the sex and drugs thing?lol [/quote] No 'shell. No, it isn't. The tenth / tenth involves drummers in ladies underwear. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1355762860' post='1902373'] However, I would defy anyone to tell the difference beteween the aforementioned 'cheese' nut and a brass nut on a fretted string. [/quote] Well, you [i]say[/i] that but surely it would also depend on the type of cheese. It has to be hard cheese. For example Gruyere or Parmesan rind makes excellent nut material. But even those as apparently 'firm' as - say - Cheddar or Wensleydale are useless in the practical sense. As for [i]brass [/i]nuts, I've always had one on my P and it's never once attracted any attention either positive or negative. Just sounds like a P. Maybe it would be diffferent with the OP's nice bass.
  17. Hey, 'shell - glad you're gig went well. Let's review: [list] [*]Guitarist a little weak in the homework department [*]Frontman pulled out the day before the gig [*]Surprised by good sound at the gig [*]Covered up a wobbly intro by staying in key [*]Now plotting new band with the other competent one [/list] Yep! You have now officially done pretty much nine-tenths of the [i]whole[/i] band thing. Congratulations - you are a muso.
  18. [i][/i] For those 'forests will echo with laughter' moments.
  19. ... and for f***'s sake don't ever let them read this thread. The other thing is - now you've got the core of the band sorted, it might encourage the keyboardists to come out of the woodwork. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1355239959' post='1895805'] There's a thing - restrict off-topic to contributing members. Read-only for everyone else. [/quote] Not a bad idea at all. The thing about all this fee / donation thing is how to determine the deterrent effect on newbies entering the community. TBH, I don't mind paying to sell or sucking up a few quid when I buy. And that's probably the case for many of the established members. But if the supply of fresh chicken dries up, what then? Who's going to post topics like 'What's the best bass for metal?' I suppose we'll just have to try the exercise and find out. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  21. It's fascinating how a second wave of interest has come along just when the issue was starting to drop off the radar. It suggests that news spreads across the forum in a series of irregular bursts, rather than a smooth flow. Something to think about when it comes to forum comms, etc. And it's good to see that people are expressing similar concerns and views to those which emerged earlier in this thread. Practically a unanimity of opinion, one might say. At this juncture, it might be useful if the admins were to post a quick recapitulation of the revised proposals which were arrived at through robust debate earlier on in the thread. And - re: forum stats - fwiw, here's something[i] very [/i]basic I did a couple of years ago: The general interpretation might be that we are four times more likely to be talking bollocks than we are to be posting in 'Bass Guitar For Sale' threads. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  22. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1355091003' post='1893981'] Now have a dilemma, both singers (one is 18 with no real experience and the other is 24 with bags of experience and contacts) are awesome. Great lookers, fun and bubbly, both local, both prepared to work hard, both like the plan I have laid out. [/quote] Hire both of them. It'll drive all the old men crazy and the girls can have fun working out harmony parts and little dance-moves and stuff with tambourines and sh*t. And if one goes over the side, you've got a spare who knows the set. Besides, function bands always have two singers. It's the law. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
  23. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1352445033' post='1863043'] Along the side of the list he has put the key he wants the pieces in. One is Green Onions by Booker T..he has put E alongside it. The tab I've found is mostly F on the E string so I guess thats in F?[/quote] The original is in F version is in F, which is useful for for you when you play the repeated hammer-on from open E > F. Doing it in F also makes it [i]much [/i]easier for the guitarist to play Cropper's rtm stabs - he can do the little slide up to F and damp the strings with his left hand to get that percussive 'chik'. FWIW, Slim Harpo's 'Got love if you want it' (re-lyriced by The Who as 'I'm The Face') is also originally in F. The thing about keys is that it's not so much what the original key was, as choosing the best key for your singer. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1352445033' post='1863043']How do you change a piece in tab for one key to another?.... keep the same finger pattern but start it on a different fret and/or work out the note relationship? [/quote] Yes indeedy. Or play the same pattern at the same fret on a different string. Hope you enjoy your new band.
  24. I think that the free / £2.00 / £20.00 deal has the virtue of simplicity and clarity. And thinking about it, £2.00 is a pretty tiny sum - and the most it could be is 1% of the sale cost and the proportion gets less the more the item costs. OK, it's an additional cost to the seller, unless - as is presumably their intention - they sell the item, at which point one assumes the buyer effectively picks up the cost. We may not like it, but them's the breaks. The reality (and principle of the matter) is that Ped and Steve cannot be expected to run the site at a personal loss simply for our benefit. Because the logical outcome of being a soft touch in a hard world is that they go broke and there's no site upon which to advertise, at which point we'd all be royally f***ed up the fundamental. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  25. On the whole, your letter's fine, but thinking about the closing bit, it's possibly a bit of a stretch hoping that [i]they'll[/i] call[i] you[/i]... [quote]As yet we haven't played much outside of Cambridgeshire but are getting very good results in this area and are looking at branching out starting next year. If y[b]ou [/b]could contact [b]me[/b] regarding booking a gig (or a few) that would be great so we can start sorting through all the details. We look forward to hearing back [b]from you[/b][/quote] Myself, I'd flip that to something a bit more positive like: [quote] We've been getting very good audiences in the Cambridgeshire area and will be building on this by branching out into other regions next year. Because of the type of audience we currently attract, I think your venue and our band would be a good match. If it's OK, I'll call you soon to discuss this in more detail. Kind Regards, etc[/quote] The booker may look more kindly on your letter if you add in some stuff about audience numbers from recent gigs (always ascending ) and explain how you could help to promote the gig and build an audience even though you're outside their area. As someone else said, a letter should be designed to tee someone up for the verbal sell, whether by phone or in person. And when you finally nail them, don't necessarily make the conversation about the band's music or history. Think about what's going to push their buttons, which, frankly, is audience numbers and a cheap fee. In a horrible way, it's a bit like Telesales. There's a science to it and there are things you can do to maximise your chances.
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