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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. The guitarist I worked with who'd leave his nice little combo at home and lug a JCM800 and 4x12 into the pub. Then he'd put his rig up on a beer crate to "cut down on the boominess". And then he'd walk out into the audience "like Buddy Guy" and his lead would pull the whole thing over. Great times.
  2. Irrespective of his many luth-tastic skills and talents, Howard the Bass Doc is a national treasure. He is also known to a phalanx of middle-aged ladies as 'The Cock Of The North', for reasons which become entirely apparent if one can persuade him to whip it out for verificatory purposes. [size=3]Leo Fender: "It was [i]this [/i]big". [/size]
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1348594363' post='1815745'] Turns out he typed wrong, its a peavey 4x10 bass cab [/quote] Brook no delay - [i]now[/i] is the time to pounce upon this territorial incursion. Throw the Fitzmaurice 'horizontally aligned drivers dispersion nastiness' thing in your guitarist's path and watch his head melt.
  4. I too had a powerbrake (flogged it here on BC a couple of years ago). Chunky item. Thing I found was that it was good at the top two or three notches for shaving a [i]bit[/i] of volume off. But the quieter one went after that, the tizzier it seemed to get. In the end, I went out and bought a 15 watter and put the Marshall at the back of the cupboard.
  5. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1348498162' post='1814349'] Yeah, but in his defence you do own some dreadful ties skank..... [/quote] True. And thanks for reminding me - I'm supposed to be sending one to Gustoo as a sort of consolation for his Thomas Pink knock-off fiasco.
  6. The people who are telling the OP (in a professional context) that he's too young are probably the same ones who are telling others that they're too old. Or too fat. Or too thin. Or too something. This sort of person always finds it easier to say 'No' than to say 'Yes', and we've all had to suffer them at some point, whatever our profession. Others are just insecure and use snarkiness as a defence mechanism. They comment upon one's most obvious visible characteristic as a means to achieve a sort of fleeting dominance. I once worked for a completely pathetic wazzock who - if he could not think of anything relevant (which was most of the time) - would simply say "God, that's a dreadful tie you're wearing."
  7. From what I've been able to glean from reading a few books (which is the only opportunity available to 99% of us) I think it's fair to say that in the 'Leo period' Fender made - for the time - high quality instruments using production methods that sensibly obviated the requirement for traditional luthiery skills and timeframes. That would seem to me to be a reconcilable proposition around which all parties might unite. It is true that Mr Fender was notoriously cost-conscious, yet embraced innovation to the extent that he himself would frequently compromise what we might now call 'product consistency' by whipping an amp off the line, tinkering with the components and putting it back on the line without telling anyone what he'd done. The poor bugger responsible for final electrical testing would find that all his 'values' were different to spec and work would grind to a halt in an attempt to find out what had gone wrong. Legend has it that this disobliging practice ceased only when the factory manager confronted Mr Fender and threatened to resign unless he stopped sodding about. Which leads me to my next point. Mr Fender's background was amps, not guitars. I suspect the main thrust of his interest (and much of Fender's R&D focus) was on amp development. There were more range, spec and feature changes to the amps during the 'golden age' than there [i]ever[/i] were to the instruments. The great triumph was that Mr Fender lowered the barriers to entry for guitar makers worldwide by developing the machinery that enabled inexpensive mass production. We should thank him as much for the multiple-bladed fret-slot cutter as much as we do for the instruments that continue to delight and dazzle many of us. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  8. My s/h P came with a brass nut on it. To my best recollection, I've never played another P, so I can't compare tonal attributes. But no-one's ever remarked on my P sounding different to any other P, so who knows? As for aluminium nuts - my Danelectro U2 (guitar) has one and it doesn't seem to have worn any quicker or 'stick' anymore than the nuts on any of my other guitars. I wonder - were nuts ever made out of - er - [i]nut[/i]? Or were they always bone until someone invented plastic?
  9. I think the rule is that the bass should cover the belly-button area. Anything lower or higher is uncool. I know stuff like this because I am a fat bald middle-aged man and fat bald middle-aged men are the arbiters of cool.
  10. Few years back I set up a very old Marlin Strat for a mate who'd bought it for his daughter - £20 in a boot sale. Even with a plywood body, it wasn't a bad little guitar - found myself noodling away on it for an hour or two. Nasty 12th fret marker, though. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  11. [quote name='Themrperson' timestamp='1348179391' post='1810644'] To be fair I didn't play bass to be a hero I did it because I liked the instrument and I still do, [/quote] It's OK, we know that. It probably applies to most of us here. And don't take remotely seriously what I said earlier on. I'm just being an evil bastard.
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1348173285' post='1810516'] I told her I played the bass, and her reply was "Oh that`s not as important as the others, is it?"[/quote] Which is - of course - entirely true. At least, in the minds most audiences and about 50% of other musicians. Arguing the point is a fruitless endeavour, IMO. We should simply agree with the contention and accept that we are the least visible, least appreciated and most replaceable band member. If we try to 'solo', everybody laughs or goes to the bar. The opposite sex shuns us as they would a rabid cur. Our nit-picking geekdom knows no bounds and our reputation for lukewarm passive-aggression precedes us. Face it, we suck. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1347975047' post='1807453'] Interesting, so the red box shouldn't need the speaker. Nice to know! Thanks [/quote] Tread gently - according to the (standalone) Red Box Classic manual off the H&K website: [left][size=4][font=Eurostile-BoldOblique][font=Eurostile-BoldOblique][quote] [/font][/font][b][i][font=Eurostile-BoldOblique][font=Eurostile-BoldOblique]Caution![/font][/font][/i][/b][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]Never operate an amp featuring a tube power[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]stage without a connected speaker or a power-[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]soak resistor with a sufficient load! Hughes[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]& Kettner is not liable for equipment damage[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]caused by erroneous handling of the Red Box.[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]When in doubt consult a qualified technician,[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]especially when dealing with load resistors.[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]Make a habit of connecting the Speaker Thru jack[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]to your speaker/speaker cabinet immediately after[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]connecting the amp‘s Speaker Out to the Red[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]Box‘s Speaker In! Ensure the amp is switched off[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]before you begin connecting cables; otherwise[/font][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=3][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]the Red Box may be damaged. Ensure all plugs[/font][/font][/size][/left] [size=4][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata][size=3]are inserted properly![/size] [/quote][/font][/font][/size] [size=4][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]Maybe this is because it's a standalone unit rather than being an integral part of the Tubemeister. There are a couple (or more) versions of the red box and it's worth checking to see which ones have a built-in dummy load and which don't.[/font][/font][/size] [size=4][font=FrizQuadrata][font=FrizQuadrata]Doesn't matter if your guitarist is going to be using a modeller or an FX unit - it'll be line level so no need for a load.[/font][/font][/size]
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1347988493' post='1807767'] they probably wouldnt go for it - would be a bugger to lip sync [/quote] True dat.
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1347965038' post='1807164'] It ain't 'Paradise Lost', is it? [/quote] But it could be: Joy unconfined might be; joy unconfine'd is. Dull care begone, o task of Sisyphus. That diversion, before thine eyes present itse'n in glee 'Pon this our minds be set; such times as good, considr'd be Come once more times free of care the better we companions new ensnare And we, tho' trysting hours two and more fore midnight bell, if by rising sun and full face of noon be glanc'd, apply ourselves again we shall. Man is Man, 'pon earthly treasure bent Vain woman, her tresses tend'th yet Despair not we, nor force of arms to try. In bowers of content methinks I shall abide Tis bruited that the hour be late for time, unlike to tide, doth not abate. An day do follow day, should man not fortune grasp? Ye, no friend to wit, thy hist'ry be set fast Terspichore, tis thee we venerate, Her Zenith we ador, Her nadir we ablate. Cast off dolour's cloak, ye be well met; On halv'd bivalves shall ye feast; on thy feet four wheels be set. Milton, Chic? It's all bollocks, see.
  16. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1347968030' post='1807241'] Any other suggestions? [/quote] Hughes and Kettner Red Box [url="http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products.php5?id=110"]http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products.php5?id=110[/url] It needs a speaker load if inputting from an amp's speaker out, afaik. Amp modellers are nice but these days I think most multi-effects units would do the job just as well. Both types tend to have similar feature sets - name amps, cab sims, effects patches, line out etc. The difference would seem to be form - one is for the desktop and the other goes under your boot. As I understand it, both types sound a bit wimpy live because the factory pre-sets are eq'd for 'bedroom usage' - lots of top and bottom, lots of wet effects. When auditioning such things I'd be inclined to search out the 'basic' presets for the name amps such as Fender, Vox, Marshall, etc and see what they sound like with the middle cranked up and a bit rolled off the top and the bottom. Then you've got a good starting point. Thing is, they all claim to accurately reproduce certain amp types, but in reality they all sound a bit different to each other and to the 'real thing' and it's not that important anyway. As the estimable Mr BRX says, it's a case of finding something that sounds nice in a musical sense. Silddx gigs his guitar with a Pod - drop him a PM if he doesn't saunter by presently.
  17. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1347904665' post='1806478'] especially as thetrs a bit of a cliquey self worshiping reggae thing in this town with some people; it just compounds my dislike further! [/quote] In Cheltenham? The things you learn, eh?
  18. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1347902611' post='1806438'] I really, REALLY dislike both and have actually turned down work that would have required me to play them. [/quote] How strange. I always had a mental picture of you nodding away to some King Tubby with a gigantic chalice in your hand.
  19. I'm really glad everyone's enjoying this, but be a Christian, Nige, and warn me before you post anything like it again. It was so horrid I had to listen to some Hasil Adkins just to get my roots mojo re-centred. Strong medicine [u][color=#810081][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CRRm54LELk[/media][/color][/u]
  20. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1347646866' post='1803659'] Peaked lapels, [i]really?[/i] [/quote] I found myself rather taken with those lapels, tbh.
  21. The mere mention of Andover's finest is enough to propel any item off the shelf within seconds or - in this case - about half an hour. Attention BassChat! My Troggs-mentioning service is available to all members - PM me for fee details.
  22. Those little trickles of moisture on the scratchplate: [list=1] [*]Sweat? [*]Piss? [*]Jizz? [*]Blood? [/list] [size=2]Copyright Warren Zevon: 'Play it All Night Long'[/size]
  23. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1347630974' post='1803323'] Pic 2 reminds me of .... That is what you meant, isn't it? [/quote] No. No, it [i]wasn't[/i]. Bluesmen look good in suits. One of the reasons I left a particular (blues) band was because the guitarist proudly declared "I always wear a waistcoat at gigs ([i]Oh.....[/i] ) And one of those Australian hats with the corks dangling from the brim." The urge to kill him where he stood was almost irresistible. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1347638254' post='1803491'] I'd rather just be honest and present myself as I am on stage.[/quote] Isn't that a bit pretentious? Fact is, peoples, whether it's jeans and a T, a suit or a full-blown costume, one has to look [i]sharp[/i]. I have no doubt Wil does. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  24. Absolutely essential if your band is covering Wild Thing (The Troggs version) -type bump. Good luck with your sale, Sir.
  25. I think somebody once said something like "Wear what your audience is wearing, but ramp it up by 10% or more". As Bilbo said, there comes a time in one's life when suiting up is the sensible thing to do. This was confirmed to me when reading a magazine article about Robert Cray, where the illustrations showed him in both formal and informal modes. I know which looks more convincing to me:
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