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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Hi rockerbox and welcome to the forum
  2. In the event of a BC server failure the agreed procedure is that we all go round to @ped's house.
  3. He is indeed so awesome. Anyway, my tone. How would I describe it? Round, hefty, punchy, reminiscent of pear drops, liquorice and monkey spunk.
  4. Hi Michael.Guitarman and to the forum.
  5. Hi furym and to the forum.
  6. Oh, nicely put, Studiodawg! Welcome to the forum
  7. Hi boomslang and to the forum.
  8. When an Englishman greets you with a cheery 'Hello, you fat bastard' you know you've a friend for life. I tested this theory (almost) to destruction when one Christmas our office did the 'Secret Santa' thing. I drew a colleague who had recently discovered his house was under threat of compulsory purchase for a road-widening scheme so I bought him a small Corgi toy bulldozer.
  9. Good to see you back here, Darryl. Nice work in that video. Enjoy your summer and let us know how you get on.
  10. Welcome to our TalkBass Pals I for one am desolated to hear of TalkBass's travails. Were the same to happen to BC (perish the thought) I would be so entirely mortified that I would literally shed body weight until service was resumed. To which end I echo our glorious leader @ped in extending a welcome to those orphans of the storm, where ere they hail, who wash ashore upon our modest strand, blameless victims of a catastrophic failure beyond their control. In a very real sense, their plight is BassChat's to assuage, however fleeting may be the acquaintance. Practical Assistance for Visitors Feel free to interact with the locals; only a vanishingly small number of them will be comprehensible; just nod and smile. Suffering from GAS? Why not take something home as a souvenir of your stay? Equipment sales are in the BC Marketplace. Those who find themselves in a state of tempest-related undress may source clean, pre-loved clothing from the BassChat Quartermaster in the basement, no chit required. Fancy a slice of local culture? Get thee to Off Topic (some adjustment may be required) Those wishing to sample our local cuisine should hie themselves to the Food Court in the west atrium where succulent, traditional delicacies abound. Enjoy! Today's Special: Mr Skinnyman's Lincolnshire Delight (£5.99 / $8.23) Enjoy your visit. Stick around, even. There's usually someone here until quite late.
  11. Since he retired, John Hall's got time on his hands.
  12. Inspired by the Cameroonian bass player Etienne Mbappé our old friend @xilddx regularly rocked a pair of black silk gloves and expressed his complete satisfaction. Xilddx bought his gloves from Jasmine Silk, possibly these https://www.jasminesilk.com/silk-gloves-liner-black/p30 although it was ten years ago and his gloves might have been different. On the subj. of gloves M. Mbappé has himself observed:
  13. It was a different time: Then Band: Alex can't do the next album Label: OK Band: We thought we'd just do one without him Label: OK Band: Dunno what the sales will be like Label: OK Band: Can we have tour support? Label: OK Now Band: Alex can't... Label: You're all fired
  14. Adoption of a persona can sometimes have unintended consequences of a severely negative nature. in 1999 US country music megastar Garth Brook was the biggest name in American popular music, riding high with a string of multi-platinum albums behind him. But all was not well in paradise. Brooks was bored and unhappy with the endless touring and strait-jacketed country format so he basically went mad and commenced a project wherein he would portray a fictional Australian rock star named Chris Gaines. Throwing caution to the wind, the balding Brooks donned a spiky wig, sucked in his cheeks and released the Chris Gaines Greatest Hits album, a platter laden with pop-rock cliches. To support the album Brooks performed in character on SNL and appeared as Gaines in an hour-long episode of the VH1 TV series Behind The Music. The Gaines album briefly got to #2 on the Billboard chart but retailers had over-ordered and nobody was happy. Industry insiders put an index finger to their temples and made a corkscrewing motion. Brooks' fans were confused ( 'So Garth ain't Garth now, he some panty-waist furrin rocker? Whut?' ) and the portly megastar's next album 'Garth Brooks and the Magic of Christmas' performed poorly compared to expectations. The man who'd had more platinum and diamond albums than The Beatles gave it another year then retired and more or less disappeared for half a decade, eventually popping up in a Vegas residency. Sic transit Garth Brooks.
  15. The marvellous thing is that musicians at all levels of ability are happily producing songs on a range of platforms. All of these DAWs are light years ahead of the old Fostex's and Portastudios with which we laboured back in the old days so let's raise a glass to that happy outcome. Are any of the DAWs better than any of the others? Well, it depends. Reaper's a stable, relatively cheap, incredibly flexible DAW with a limited bundle of plug-ins and a friendly business model. When you start to dig deeper Reaper tries so hard to accommodate the more outrageous possibilities that it becomes a bit of a brain-melt and you find yourself knee-deep in commands, actions and mouse modifiers. As for the limited plug-in bundle: there's a very basic, clunky-looking suite of (sometimes) open-source plug-ins that do the job with minimal CPU drag. If one desires something more exotic there's a world of freebie VST's out there, many of which are really rather nice and the quest for which satisfies one's hunter-gatherer instinct.
  16. I could get quite accustomed to this double comma ,, thing ,,. Perhaps it's a way of indicating that what is being said is definitely not a quote. I suppose it's a form of accentuation like when Spanish people put an upside down exclamation mark at the start of a sentence and another one at the end that's the right way up, just to emphasise the exclamatory nature of their utterance e.g., ¡My paella's been struck by lightning! They do the same with question marks e.g.,: ¿Would it change my life if the earliest known footage of someone slapping a bass suddenly became available? ¡Fück, no!
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