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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1347464554' post='1801223'] [/quote] Shirley that's him out of V For Vendetta?
  2. Purchased a blender pedal from Gilles. Nice, easy deal, first-rate comms and the item was shipped fast as lightning in an entirely bomb-proof parcel. The man is a credit to our community
  3. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1347395296' post='1800331'] Nearly...it's just a 12 bar shuffle in 4/4 in G.[/quote] Doddy is my guru and what he says [i]goes[/i]. Belay any previous statements I have made, apart from the bit about the armadillo.
  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1347456762' post='1801054'] Any suggestions? [/quote] Offer thanks to the deity of your choice?
  5. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1347386602' post='1800114'] May I divert the thread to ask: 1) Is this really counted that way? I'd expect stuff like that to be counted 4/4, and the punctuation to be implied. Then again, me is a classical boy. 2) the semi-tone slide down is not heard by me off YT. Is it one some versions only or is it me just being deaf? I seem to hear silence from the bass, that or following the guitar, twice doing a semitone up. I only ask because I want to learn about popular music and its vocabulary. [/quote] Dunno about implied punctuation - I just heard somebody say 6/8 one time and it stuck. Usually I'd say "It goes dum-di-dum-di-dum-di-dum-di." Album version - slide up (duh-dur-durr). Some versions (live) there's a slide down (just the once) then they either play straight through the 12 or dead stop or go to 'crowd singalong' or fire off an armadillo or something. It's all over my head and I'm not from Texas
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1347358508' post='1799676'] I don't even know what Tush is.[/quote] A mid-tempo 12 bar in 6/8 where the distinguishing feature is a semi-tone slide down to the 5 at the end of the turnaround. See. you could play that right now if you wanted to. No need to thank me.
  7. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1347320612' post='1799421'] [b][i]Has this happened to anyone else at auditions?[/i][/b] [/quote] To me? More often than not. And these guys couldn't wing Louie Louie? Or Sunshine? Or Tush? Definitely an unexploded clusterf***. Run, don't walk.
  8. Turns out the Squier musical instrument string company bought by Leo Fender in 1965 and now used as the brand name for Fender's 'value' range was established by Mr Victor Squier, the son of a British immigrant to the USA. So Squier is actually a British surname and it therefore behoves all of us to spell it correctly. [quote] Jerome Bonaparte “J.B.” Squier, a young English immigrant who arrived in Battle Creek, Mich., in the latter part of the 19[sup]th[/sup] century, was a farmer and shoemaker who had learned the fine European art of violin making. He moved to Boston in 1881, where he built and repaired violins with his son, Victor Carroll Squier. To this day their violins are noted for their exceptional varnishes and command high prices as fine examples of early U.S. instrument craftsmanship; indeed, J.B. Squier ranks among the best-known U.S.-trained violin makers and is often referred to as “the American Stradivarius.” Victor returned to Battle Creek, where he opened his own shop in 1890. In the 1930s, Squier began making strings for the era’s new electric instruments. Fender entered the picture in the 1950s, when the V.C. Squier Company began supplying Southern California inventor and businessman Leo Fender with strings for his electric guitars. In the mid 1960s, Fender purchased VC Squier, but by the seventies they dropped the name entirely and all strings were called Fender. [/quote] [url="http://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/article/20040906/LIFESTYLE08/409060302/Squier-violins-strings-established-international-market?nclick_check=1"]http://www.battlecre...?nclick_check=1[/url]
  9. [url="http://www.graceacoustics.co.uk/categories/Amplifier-Screens/"]http://www.graceacoustics.co.uk/categories/Amplifier-Screens/[/url]
  10. PM'd re: Barge Concepts VB-Jr
  11. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1346959529' post='1795429'] I wonder if it's now fashionable to reveal that among my vinyl collection are The Six Wives Of Henry VIII, Journey ToThe Centre Of The Earth and The Myths And Legends Of King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table? [/quote] Yep, got all of those. Saw him mid-70's when he was out with the (so-called) English Rock Ensemble. Great player and a filthy sense of humour, too.
  12. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1346927752' post='1794857'] ...covers but in a rockabily/ skiffle style ... pretty standard blues material [/quote] If it's the usual 1 / 4 / 5 stuff and you want to learn all or most of them [i]and[/i] you're pushed for time: * Confirm whose version and which key with the band. * Record the songs off youtube onto audacity or whatever you use * Listen to each song and make a short note about key, structure, deadstops etc. * If there's a specific riff somewhere in the song, just get that riff under your fingers and fill the rest of the song with standard root / 5 or walking patterns. * Dump the mp3's to your player, car, whatever and immerse yourself in them when you can. * Take your notes to the audition * Root / 5 or walk where you can and drop the key riffs in when needed. Good luck, mi amigo.
  13. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1346888217' post='1794644'] Don't seem to fit in any of those categories, we must be unique. [/quote] Good man
  14. I wonder if Mr Cuntz's family originates from the well-known Austrian village of F**king. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/f***ing,_Austria"]http://en.wikipedia....***ing,_Austria[/url] Then they'd be the F**king Cuntz's. Wouldn't they. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1346870732' post='1794338'] I'm currently touring with a Michael Jackson tribute. The moneys good, the songs are good, the bass lines are good, the crowds are good, the theatres are good.[/quote] Delighted to hear you're out there enjoying yourself, matey. Whether a pro, a semi or a hobbyist, enjoying oneself is more than half the battle won.
  16. A tribute thread to the 'Tribute Bands - are they degrading?' thread. One might imagine that the Wonderful World Of Music is neatly divided into Tribute, Covers and Originals acts. The reality is somewhat different, so here's my handy cut-out and keep guide to the 'Spectrum Of Shame' calculated in accordance with the Bilbo Scale of Musical Usefulness[sup][size=2]TM[/size][/sup]. * Impersonator (Elvis's only, maybe Sinatra at a pinch) * Full tribute - one band / artist - wigs etc * Musical Tribute - one band / artist - no wigs * General Covers - all periods * Genre Covers - e.g. punk - famous songs only * Genre Inspired - e.g. blues covers, but including obscurities and / or some originals * Semi-original - mostly originals but some general covers * Genre Band Originals - originals that sound exactly like another, more successful band * Genre Originals - originals which sound like everything else in that genre. * Entirely Original - no-one knows what this sounds like because the band can't get a gig or a deal. [b]So where do [i]you[/i] fit?[/b] [color=#ffffff][b].[/b][/color]
  17. All round good-egg and a stout fellow, old Jaco. I remember a time when I was lunching with Hermione Gingold. That grand dame of the British stage turned to me and said: "I met the most interesting fellow the other day. I was out in the Daimler and I had a flat tyre. While I was waiting for the RAC this man came up to me and offered to help. Do you know, he lifted the car up with one hand, changed the wheel with the other, all the while explaining his approach to composing bass solos. Name of Pastorious, if memory serves." She paused and added: "But such sad, sad eyes. Reminded me of Googie Withers just before the end." [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  18. I have been contacted by solicitors acting on behalf of Pleasuregrowth Ltd, the owners of the Frog and Wad in Ipswich, in connection with the forthcoming appearance at said venue of Mr Uli John Roth, the german axe hero and inspiration to many of a certain vintage. In an earlier post I exorted gig-goers to salute Mr Roth's performance by igniting their lighters, the clear implication being that these should be waved hither and yon in celebration of Mr Roth's ability to extract unearthly noises from his six-string love machine. I now recognise that my foolish suggestion exposed customers of the Frog and Wad to a serious fire risk; which risk would be exacerbated by the inevitable presence at Mr Roth's gig of luxuriant facial hair, long greying ponytails and rampant chest wigs (yin-yang medallions optional). I sincerely regret advocating this dangerous practice and withdraw it wholeheartedly. I have made a small contribution to a charity of the Frog and Wad's choice. I am sorry for my thoughtlessness, which could have seriously impeded the audience's absorption of Mr Roth's integrity. Yours SDV [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346772657' post='1793002'] Because the debate we are having has no purpose other than [s]filling up basschat time[/s] generating page traffic to buy Ped another ancient camera. I have tickets to see Uli Jon Roth this Sunday in a pub in Ipswich. [/quote] Mr Roth's appeal would seem to have become more 'selective'. Ask him to play 'Winds of Change' for me, will you? Lighters out! [size=3]Frog and Wad, Ipswich 09-09-12: Uli John unleashing the Roth[/size]
  20. Any band is fine by me as long as they put some effort and care into the process. Don't get this 'originals are inherently better' thing, though. What's being proposed is that someone playing a song that [i]they[/i] wrote is 'good' but if somone else plays it that's [i]bad[/i] because they're not the person who wrote it. Because there's some kind of magical fairy-dust thing that occurs when someone plays their own material and there's all this 'honesty' and 'integrity' flying out of their arse like bat-monkeys and whatnot and the lamb will lie down with the lion and we'll all make babies and sing kumbayah in a big melting pot. But when someone sings [i]someone else's song[/i], ooh, that's like [i]money[/i], isn't it and money's for breadheads, man. Never trust a hippy. Lookie me, ma - I is writen a sogn, I are a gud persson not lik peple in tirbute bnads who wil burn in helfire iternel. Quite the most perfect piffle I've ever read. If all this drivel was - I dunno - a [i]cock [/i]or something, it would be a Johnny 'The Wad' Holmes of cock. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  21. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346760251' post='1792727'] You'd do it for the glamour [/quote] I remember glamour.
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346752927' post='1792591'] I wonder how many tribute acts would exist if they had to wear this? [/quote] I'll do it for £75 in the hand + 30p per mile travel
  23. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1346689390' post='1791964'] Some random answers which might draw some more discussion. [/quote] Nice work, Sir. Thanks for ploughing through my rambling post. It just poured out of my head all at once
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1346670149' post='1791652'] Tone has been a major influence on my career. [/quote] "I miss you so much, Tessa. Please come back." (you had to be there). As for the other tone, I'd be happy just to be able to hear my bass [i]at all[/i]. Nobody else give's a big rat's ass and they're probably right. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
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