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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1344270617' post='1762040'] Who thought about putting the volume and jack up on the scratch plate [/quote] What you want me to say is 'Some jumped-up soul-less bean counter looking to save a few bob', but I prefer to think it's the same bloke who designed the Strat. Vol and tone pots - 3, count 'em, 3 - all up on the plate like three little plastic Magi come to adore the selector switch. Does anyone complain? Do they f***! Anyway, there's a white Gibson SG Special 60’s Tribute (P90's) on musik productiv for £431 shipped so you know what to do. [url="http://www.musik-produktiv.co.uk/gibson-sg-sg-special-60-s-tribute-10049806.html"]http://www.musik-pro...e-10049806.html[/url] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  2. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1344264537' post='1761918'] I'd planned to change from the wraparound to an adjustable bridge[/quote] Badasses and pigtails suck tone apparently - YMMV, of course - and the tone-pros is very pricey - £90 If it ain't broke, etc... And that's a handsome little axe you've got there, Mac. Best looking of all the MM series, IMO.
  3. Trojan Records 10 track sampler free download on Amazon: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B008OWBLFO/ref=amb_link_170710727_3?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=0XMKZ0CHFP62XJA7HMYJ&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_p=318067847&pf_rd_i=1000662243"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B008OWBLFO/ref=amb_link_170710727_3?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=0XMKZ0CHFP62XJA7HMYJ&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_p=318067847&pf_rd_i=1000662243[/url] Full tracks, some oddities, not bad.
  4. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1344127829' post='1760286'] [/quote] Sleep-fasting for ten days before engaging in Tantric sex with someone you really, [i]really[/i] love and respect. Mindblowing, apparently, but involves follow-up trips to the chiropractor, IIRC. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  5. Fantastic, mate. Please remit my £20 'kicking it over the edge' fee by return of post. Yours, Sandra Del Var (Manager - Accounts Receivable)
  6. Do I get photographers, choreographers, MCs and singers in 4" stiletto heels at my gigs. No, I do not, and if I did, the odd squashed cable would be a tiny price to pay. , sunshine. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  7. I've got one of these and it's like a little Swiss Army knife, if you like. I've used it for equalising instrument outputs in an 'A/B in' scenario, making up some gain from a weak bass pick-up, hitting the front end of a too-clean valve amp and as a very basic pre-amp for a weedy electro-acoustic. Loads of other uses too. Added to which, Discreet is a lovely chap so buy with confidence.
  8. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1343989642' post='1758215'] If I'd bought a bit of a dog I'd be happy to say so, but mine plays and sounds great.[/quote] As with AM's post above, hearing the skinny from someone who's actually played a particular instrument is always more interesting than uninformed 'opinion'. Very pleased you're enjoying your new guitar. Long may it make you happy.
  9. My Squier 'Standard' Tele is a fine little instrument, but the nut width is quite narrow at 40-41mm. I've got freakish,stubby little fingers so that's fine for me, but my mate considers it unplayable. The other thing is that the fretboard overhangs the end of the neck by one fret, making it nigh-on impossible to remove the scratchplate without removing the neck first. I just trimmed the plate, though I could have sawn the end off the board, so infrequently do I go up the dusty end. Pickups aren't bad, but I swapped them out for some hotter GFS's when the dollar was cheap. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343864070' post='1756696'] Thanks for that Skank, you've saved me from terrible self-delusion [i]and [/i]being way too upbeat for a Thursday morning.[/quote] No need to thank me, squire. Enlightenment trumps self-delusion every time, which is why I'm [i]so[/i] fond of Mr Dickie Dawkins. I'm just surprised that the OP would feel it necessary to have it out with her erstwhile and short-lived bandmate. Nearly all men can sense when a woman is harbouring a silent and specific dissatisfaction. I suppose this chump must have belonged to the 1% that don't. Anyway, I'm glad for Deb that he's history and look forward to more positive developments.
  11. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1343860789' post='1756637'] I'm the youngest at 38, the lead singer is in his late 40's, the ditched guitarist was early 50's, our lead guitarist is 60 and our drummer is 62 so a group of youngsters we aren't.[/quote] The age / wisdom rule is generally inverted when it comes to local bands. Whether it's because middle-aged men develop bizarre personality traits and strange fixations or because some older hobby musos sense that their best years are behind them, well, I just don't know. Either way, I've found that being in a band is less fun than it used to be. Old Bobs of my age always seem to be exaggeratedly in thrall to their family commitments or prone to suggesting impractical swerves in musical direction or throwing flaky, hissy fits or getting wildly over-excited or falling into profound introspection. Auditioned one old boy for guitar and the first thing he said when he walked through the door - [i]literally the first thing [/i]- was "You'll have to move the bass amp - I always play on stage left". What [i]possesses[/i] someone to make them say that rather than "Hallo"? On reflection, I think it's the 'nearing death' thing and - for [i]some [/i]of these guys - being in a band is all part of the denial stage. And with that, I think I'll just nip off and build myself some gallows.
  12. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1343825152' post='1755803'] Yeah no doubt. I also don't imagine they had the 1000's of entries overall that they claimed they did. But hey, it makes us sound better as well as them! [/quote] Either way, may much good come of it for you and your band. Best of luck!
  13. NOI to the OP but.. Unless I misunderstand, 'Crusade' seems to be suggesting the best way to inject some rawness into the biz and give a young band a leg-up is to run a sponsored viral marketing campaign for a Christmas number one, the songwriting royalties from which would go not to the band but back to Crusade. This is not raw. It is [i]slick[/i]. 'Raw' is blowing up your band Transit as a diversion while you storm the One Show with your [s]AK47s[/s] guitars coughing death at the smug pinheads on their sofa and doing a song about Mario Balotelli's enormous penis. Raw? I do [i]wonder[/i] about young people today. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1343233122' post='1747509'] Is he really stood next to her? The light on the left of her chest looks to me like the photo was combined from two individual shots. [/quote] In the old days they'd take a pen or brush to photos where the detail is a bit fuzzy. Particularly when you want to draw attention to something like Mary Ford's redoubtable embonpoint but Les has spoiled the shot by leaning forward and trying to cop a 'quick graze'. Old Les was always into a bit of smut - see below for some raunchy symbolism: [size=3]Note chicken-head knob clearly visible. Probably Les's own instrument. F'narr f'narr.[/size] [color=#ffffff][size=3].[/size][/color]
  15. If I had the money for [i]multiple[/i] transmitters, I'd gaffa them on and pay someone to worry about switching issues. As I've only one, it goes on the belt or - for the nudist colony gigs - between the arse cheeks.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1343165183' post='1746564'] Didn't seem to stop him from posing for some publicity photos with them first though... [/quote] Well, he's stood next to his wife* in those pix and [i]that[/i] didn't stop him divorcing her around the same time he 'dropped' the Gibson endorsement. And is that a strap button on the upper horn of Les's guitar? You don't see that anymore either. Gone like the morning mist. All this proves is that it's unwise to be in a picture with Les Paul, because afterwards you just disappear from the annals of history, as the kid with the snare would widely attest, were he not now lingering in undeserved obscurity and panhandling for pennies to feed his crack habit. I bet his name was Scotty. In any event, the Telecaster is popular among bass-players because its unassuming personality[sup][size=3]+[/size][/sup] chimes with our (general) nature and because - country music aside - it is unassociated with technical wizardry, flamboyant performance and similar trappings of guitard-ness. [size=2]* Mary Ford - bit of a lush and a champion plate-thrower as I recall. Thick ankles, too.[/size] [size=2]+ This despite the recent deplorable trend towards blinging the Tele up to look like a drunken dowager unleashed in TopShop. John 5 Tele, anyone?[/size] [color=#ffffff][size=2].[/size][/color]
  17. Sadly there is no agreed standard for descriptive classification. Some retailers / gurus use 'mint' to mean 'top quality'. Others use 'as new' for top-notch and drop 'mint' down a grading to allow for very minor cosmetic blemishes. Here's US retailer Elderly Instruments' grading table - it seems to fit with the thread consensus: [quote]MC: Mint Condition : when we say mint, we mean mint. No wear, like new out of the box. EC: Excellent Condition : Very clean, might have some minor wear, dings, scratches, or finish cracks, but otherwise very close to new condition. VGC: Very Good Condition : Basically clean, might have some deeper scratches, pick wear or missing finish. Nothing real serious, no cracks, unless otherwise stated. GC: Good Condition : Solid playing condition, may have one or more repaired cracks or other cosmetic flaws. FC: Fair Condition and PC = Poor Condition : Indicate that the instrument may have some problems, usually described. [/quote]
  18. Funny how experiences vary. I've bought a fair amount of stuff from Allparts UK and they've only messed up twice. On both occasions they sent an incorrect component - a truss-rod box spanner of the wrong size and - later - a jack-socket plate of the wrong shape. Both times they told me to keep the parts (which I used on other projects) and sent me replacements within 24 hours. In respect of delivery times, one assumes they're at the mercy of the US end of the operation and therefore tell customers what they've been told themselves. As with all these retailer issues, one's mileage may vary. I've bought regularly from most of the UK online parts shops (shopping around for prices is always fun) and they've all had problems at some point.
  19. Hi Joel However you make your audio and video available, [i]please[/i] make it easily accessible. I binned Guitarist after 25-odd years just because of their poxy 'Vault' thing, with sign-ins, passwords and mandatory downloads of gigantic files. Fair play to you for getting chummy with us shower of bastards. A welcome move and one which others could profitably emulate (cough) [size=2]Rickenbacker[/size] (cough).
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1341321235' post='1716954'] Some of the biggest manufacturers in the world buy in parts and are more or less just shops for bolting them together. ... selling it on the basis that you put together something better than anyone could do themselves then go for it! [/quote] Given the likely customer base - people who know a [i]bit[/i] about this sort of thing - then such an approach would go down well. 'Quality assembly' is a positive sort of niche to be occupying and the perceived cost of 'handbuilt' might even put some people off before they go any further than the home page.
  21. Good on yer, Fumps! Best way of addressing a problem is identifying it, assessing the causes and seeking the information necessary to achieve a solution. Most of us never get beyond the "I'm [i]so [/i]pissed off" stage, so all credit to you for taking up the challenge in such a constructive fashion. Scales and the like can be a bit of a nightmare, but a bit of 'back to basics' research with your bass in your hand and you should be right as ninepence.
  22. And so it begins. Good for you! [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1341322761' post='1716992'] I'm not going to let them make me stand at the back 'cos I'm much prettier than the rest of them, lol [/quote] Well-known fact, hot chick with bass allows a band to have 10 fluffed intros and a trainwreck ending. It's the law, sort of like carbon offsetting. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. At the hobbyist level that most of us operate, 'built' and 'assembled' are pretty much interchangeable terms. In terms of trading standards they are not. FWIW, I've had a look at the Vol 11 site and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info about [i]anything[/i], for - as the website states - they're migrating their store to a different platform and that's where the product detail is to be found. Fair enough. But on the 'behind the brand' page the partners' mission statements wax lyrical on the virtues of 'handbuilt' gear. Well, that's entirely true, but such observations might by accident serve to reinforce a mistaken assumption that the Vol 11 product is hand-built by luthiers, which most would agree is a distance from 'built' and an even greater distance from 'assembled'. As others have pointed out, Mr Mudie's offerings might be attractive enough in their own right and as they stand. Perhaps he should make a greater virtue of the components' constructional quality and his own finishing skills. So far as I am aware, such an approach has not impeded the very well-known 'assembler' Nash Guitars from achieving prominence and desirability. For myself, I don't care if the woodwork comes from China or Chislehurst. If Mr Mudie can chop out VFM quality axes that look and sound good, then good luck to him. While some may be of the opinion that Vol 11 is sailing a little close to the wind, it equally behoves us as a public forum [i]to be seen to be [/i]giving posters the benefit of the doubt. Mr Mudie has explained the nature of his offering and indicated that he will change his website. Beyond that, our writ does not run. To avoid the possibility of conflict between Basschat and Volume 11 as legal trading entities, it might be best were the thread to be locked and that those who continue to harbour concern should contact their local trading standards office as private individuals.
  24. A Dan will be slightly louder than an unplugged solid-body but not as loud as a proper old-school full-depth f-hole archtop. Many of these shallow-depth 'hollow-bodies' have a centre block that runs from the neck-joint to the strap end-pin; this restricts the top's vibration somewhat and reduces the 'acoustic' volume. Best to have an unplugged noodle in the shop before you plug in.
  25. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1341232958' post='1715408'] The one complaint with them is that they can be a bit too thin and bright, but that need not be a problem. [/quote] Ideally get an example with 2 vols / 2 tones, roll a smidge of treble off the bridge pup. Best of all - IMO, YMMV - find one of the Korean re-issues from about 15 years ago. 4 pots, wooden bridge saddle and 'cooler' pickups. OTOH, the new reissues have 'hotter' wound pickups so not quite as trebly. Thing I love is that Dans are wired differently to most guitars, so the middle position is [i]huge[/i]. That. some creamy distortion and a long delay - be still, my aching gusset. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
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