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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Open G and open E are the two classic blues slide tunings. Open E is dead easy to start with and gets one straight to that Elmore James thing. Open G requires slightly more thought, and, when played with finger barres, finds one channelling Keef. Open G capo'd at fret 4 is much favoured by bluegrass sliders. If you just want to drop a bit of slide into a song and you don't want all the faff of retuning or keeping a spare guitar, just drop the high E to a D and use your slide on the top four strings. If you fancy listening to some electric slide pyrotechnics, may I recommend Sonny Landreth - particularly a track called 'New Landlord' - and the work of Mr Derek Trucks.
  2. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1341227506' post='1715311'] A hollow body may be a really nice one to have to get that jangly sound from chords. [/quote] If you're after jangly, then not all hollow bodies are the same. If anything, it's down to the pickups, so (depending on one means by jangly) I'd be looking at single-coils - any of the Fender varieties or P90's. One possibility - Danelectro reissues. They come in new around £230-250, less s/h depending on age. Hollow body, twang and jangle out the ying-yang but can also snarl like a mother. I love mine.
  3. Forgot I wasn't in OT, where no thread ends where it started. F'sure. the original list was about proper stuff that's worked its way into the mainstream, as BigRedX most eloquently puts it. Myself, I've always loved these odd little noises and sound-effects that add sparkle to the musical experience. Like the shotgun blast at the start of - er - 'Shotgun' by Junior Walker. Overly-literal, perhaps, but it gets the listener's attention. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMs9NudasVI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMs9NudasVI[/url]
  4. Well, here's my absolutely random list of memorable odd noises:[list] [*]Big Country's Stuart Adamson yelling 'Shaah!' all over the place, never mind the bagpipe guitars [*]Space noises and nasal keyboards on 'Telstar' [*]Revving motorcycle Sfx on 'Leader of the Pack' [*]The chink of metal on metal - XTC's 'Towers Of London' (was it?) [*]Wung-wung-wung-wung-wung-wung-wung-wung noise at the start of Zeppelin's 'Black Dog' [*]Spoof radio ads on 'The Who Sell Out' [*]Ringtone at start of Blondie's 'Hanging on The Telephone' [*]Bizarre spoken voice on Peanuts Wilson's 'Cast Iron Arm' - "So I hit him in the head" [*]Tribal ritual Sfx on The Cadets 'Lost in the Jungle' [*]Ian Anderson's flute work [/list] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  5. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1341150618' post='1714306'] first rehersal after it arrives its coming with me... Or maybe I could take up the Judas Priest tribute band a mate was talking about.. LOL[/quote] I'd say the plan is coming together nicely. A substantial return on a very small investment.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1341150692' post='1714307'] ...people who listen to music rather than play it. They have a different perspective to most musicians ... [/quote] Too true. First time I heard Good Vibrations I was about 8 or 9. "Go on Mum," I said "Buy that record that goes wheee-oooh". Thing is, funny noises and sound effects used to sell records. A lost art, it would seem
  7. I think that's rather a handsome instrument at a very fair price. Worth it just for the fun of whipping it out at your next rehearsal and watching the blood drain from your bandmates' faces.
  8. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1341141467' post='1714188'] And yet its ok to slate every 'best bassist' and 'best bassline' list published by some tool who knows little or nothing about bass?[/quote] I don't, y'see. Slate them, that is. Generally steer clear of list debates, me. Far too contentious, people getting angry because something got left off a list. Get enough of that from the Missus - "Why didn't you put teabags on the list? And corned beef - you know we've run out." Thought this would be a safe one, bit of jollity, that sort of thing. Clearly mistaken, mea culpa, least said soonest mended, etc.
  9. I thought it was adequately geeky, given that it was:[list=1] [*]A list of 'distinctive sounds' rather than a list of techniques or influential musicians [*]Aimed at music fans rather than seasoned musos [/list] Good examples too, if one's looking for the most egregious example rather than the first recorded instance. And of course one might expostulate "Where is the Mouse Organ, eh, eh? What tripe!" but that would be to miss the point, IMO. If we're really that bothered, we could make our own list. My thanks to the OP for a pleasant diversion. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. If it's done with tongue-in-cheek, I can imagine it would be fairly amusing. If - on the other hand - it's a leaden namecheck of dead men and never-was-es, then I imagine the audience could get a little restless. One front-chap I worked with was given to 'extended' raps. One night he prefaced a song with "It's so great to be here. We just went into the studio with (small-time local producer) and...". Some wag piped up: "Shut the f*** up and play the song you prat." Don't look at me. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  11. Worth noting: with some of their 'Standard' range, Squier claims the nut-width to be 42mm. But one of mine came in at 40.5mm and another at 41mm. Didn't bother me, but a chum found them to be unplayably narrow specimens. Great value, though.
  12. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1340788296' post='1709492'] This thread need some stereotyping and mild racism, so i shall add... Thieving Scots, you can't trust 'em.[/quote] Thieving Welshmen, surely? ([i]Racism Editor[/i]).
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1340744514' post='1709138'] The 'authorised' version is used by the 'yes' to independance party whilst the nicked version has the Westminster crowd behind it.[/quote] Well, authorised by the record company maybe, but against the band's wishes, it would seem. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-18594520"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-18594520[/url] In any case, all that Scotch bagpipe music has the same tune anyway, something to do with size of the holes they drill in the finger-tube that goes into the blowing-bag. Sorry to get a bit technical, but there you go.
  14. Deluded nutter. Get 'em all the time round here. Saw some bloke advertising himself as a singer - "I can't sing the words and keep up with the music but it can't be difficult, can it?" Keep searching and good luck.
  15. Oh, I don't know. Used various other brands for decades, tried Elixir, got 'em on everything now, acoustics (bar one), electrics and basses. The J's had a set on for about 6 years now and it's still fine, if you don't need the zingy-zing sound. They're workable on the guitars for about 6 mths - year if you're just bashing around and you don't have bat-ears. BigRedX mentions flaky bits if you use a pick. True that, but it doesn't bother me too much. Oh, and I've never had one Elixir string break. Ever.
  16. skankdelvar

    Low morale?

    [size=3]Mrs T deploys the Spankatron[/size]
  17. skankdelvar

    Low morale?

    [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1340639086' post='1707418'] It may actually be because a lot of what is happening to folk all over the UK is making people angry and they a letting of steam on here. Just today I read about vulnerable people put at risk by a failing care system, housing benefit being withdrawn for under 25s, regionally set benefits (does anyone thing this will result in claimants in metropolitan areas getting more?), . That's all on just ONE DAY!! [/quote] You make my earlier point most eloquently. [color=#ffffff] [/color] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  18. skankdelvar

    Low morale?

    It's only in OT, it's pretty limited and - in any case - I wouldn't call it low morale. I'd call it 'lack of moral fibre'.
  19. Music shops - frequently useless and overpriced Online shops - take your money and make you wait Buy secondhand off Basschat - get a bargain and meet nice people. In the four years I've been here I haven't needed the services of a retailer, thank God.
  20. A [i]very[/i] jolly jaunt by the sound of it. Though BC-ers quite frequently meet up for a chat, this is definitely one of the more impulsively adventurous stories. Best reason for the existence of BC that I've heard so far.
  21. skankdelvar

    Low morale?

    [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1340592692' post='1706723'] OT does have a request in it about politics etc. we've tended to let those threads run unless insults get exchanged. This was basically in the interests of letting other kinds of discussions happen so people can get to know each other a bit better. [/quote] Fairy nuff
  22. skankdelvar

    Low morale?

    I don't think there's a lack of morale on BC in general, but OT goes through phases - for a while it was moaning about driving standards, then it was the X-factor then it was - well the list goes on. But all of those topics had a finite lifespan and went on to the back burner for a year or so. So nobody noticed. Thing is, the recession, bank crisis, call it what you will, is an ongoing thing and people seem to keep coming back to it over and over. A minority seems to have fetishised the issue to a point where some are verging on spamming us with copy-paste and others are dragging recession / bankers / government into topics which have nothing to do with it. To my mind 'politics' - in a loose sense - accounts for at least two problems: * A developing moany sort of flavour to OT, despite the hitherto generally good-natured tone * Increasing friction, albeit intermittent Debating political issues dispassionately is fine. But there's just a wee bit too much childish abuse flying around these threads to justify their continuance. NOI to the Mods, but the rule about avoid politics needs to be more frequently and evenly implemented. Why not give it a try and see how things develop?
  23. Thing that pisses my boil is the money some people want for 'vintage' 20-yr old POS entry-level pedals like Frontline, Arion etc (NOI to anyone here; I've got a couple lurking somewhere myself). I mean, I know about the whole buyer / seller 'whatever it's worth' argument. But £75 for a delay pedal identical to one I threw in a bin last year because it would have been a crime to put a signal through it?
  24. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1340459694' post='1704740'] After all, we all the endorse the stuff we buy, don't we? [/quote] Not BC's very own Dr Dave. He turns his supermarket carrier bags inside out to thwart the endorsement process. As for world-class marketing, the musical instrument sector is eons behind everyone else. Positively Victorian with its pictures of 'Happy Users' and wild claims about 'features'. Everybody else is all about 'lifestyle' and psychographics and tangential approaches. Product hardly comes into it. Somewhere like Tescos or Ford, there's a whole marketing [i]skyscraper[/i] full of eager beavers singing the company song and working 24/7. Over at - say - Gibson there's probably some old boy named Morty, with a comb-over and a shirt pocket with biros in it. Fourpence to spend on ads, has a nap in the afternoon, that sort of thing. [color=#ffffff]. .[/color]
  25. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1340457400' post='1704698'] Anway, isn't there an old marketing saying along the lines of "50% of all advertising is a pure waste of time and money. The problem is that nobody knows which 50%". [/quote] Lord Leverhulme, IIRC, bitching about how much his ad budget cost. Chap that owned Lever Bros. Lux, Lifebuoy soap etc. Marketing? Thing is, you're a manufacturer and you're sat there with - say - a jackplug and you think "What can I say about this, it's only a jackplug". Well, what do you do? You hire some little advertising squit in a trendy t-shirt and he goes away and he comes back with some boards and whips the cover off and it's a picture of the jackplug and a slogan that says: "It's only a jackplug. But it'll get you laid." Huzzah! Trebles all round! [color=#ffffff].[/color]
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