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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1340197418' post='1700816'] I'd guess more, what would you guess? Anyone got any stats?[/quote] Well, obviously I'd say [i]fewer[/i] than 20-30 years ago. For one thing, all those medium sized gigs are gone. Basically, live music is either Enormodrome gigs by dreadful old dinosaurs / simpering pop kids. Or it's a bunch of no hopers down the Frog and Dog. Nothing in the middle, see. In my day you could see name bands in 1000 cap venues. Where are they now, the likes of ... (cont p.94) [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1340197418' post='1700816'] MORE deffinitely more. [/quote] Less. Definitley less. The internet has helped thousands of musos to find interesting bands both new and old. And copy them. Cookie-cutter dross, these days. Play me any new band you like and I'll find you a clear precedent inside half an hour. Everyone's ghastly and everything's bollocks.
  2. Well, anything that involves 'morality' is never going to end well, because we've moved away from a general consensus of what's right into a pick'n'mix culture where the primacy of self enables one to take without payment yet still feel like a stand-up guy and a principled 'rebel'. How convenient. Still, that's another story. The fact is, copyright infringement, music theft - whatever you call it - [i]wouldn't[/i] be happening if it wasn't technically possible and - effectively - condoned by inaction. I'm surprised that The Biz never saw this coming and - when it arrived - sat on its arse and made feeble whining noises. So why has their response been so unutterably pathetic? It's like hundreds of TV's being walked out of your local Tesco and - rather than standing a couple of burly chaps on the door - the manager just puts up a notice saying 'Please don't steal our tellies'. The artists don't seem to get it either. It's always amazed me that the drumming dullard Lars Ulrich bitches at his diminishing number of 'fans' rather than pop round to his record company and give them a stern talking-to with the business end of fence-post. Prat. Leaving aside the 'moral' (spit, p'tchoo) issue of putting temptation in the way of the weak-willed, it seems to me that the (major) artists and their backers are a bunch of total pussies. And - by failing to mobilise their firepower - have dropped the smaller musician right in the clag. Of course, were the likes of Don Arden, Mike Jeffery and Peter Grant still around, it would have been a different story. First hint of trouble and some leery villains in flares would have been dangling whimpering downloaders out of sixth-floor windows. Not these days, with these camp little hedge-fund twits in their t-shirts and designer specs running the labels. As for some of the specious excuses here about the practise being 'good for the musician'? Well, use your eyes. Since the internet came in, are more bands touring or fewer? Are there more 'stepping-stone' mid-level venues or fewer? Is it easier to get a gig or more difficult? Is more good music being made or less? Thought so. Bad dog. Back in your box. And don't give me that great for music-lovers nonsense. The plethora of 'outlets' and the encouragement of fragmentation has made finding good music much more difficult for the average punter upon whose cash we all rely. I'm not talking about swivel-eyed, early-adopter music fans. I'm talking about normal, healthy people who don't want to waste their time twatting about 'searching out great new stuff'. What's bad for them is bad for us. The old set-up acted as a very efficient sh*t-filter. Not now. The web is like a giant-fire hose connected to the outlet of a sewage farm and every little turd has his own little website and microscopic coterie of followers that want to keep it all exclusive, the better to nurse their low self-esteem in like-minded company. So Joe Normal shrugs his shoulders and we're all up the Swannee. To put the sour cherry on the stale cake, a sizeable minority of musos are so keen to 'bring down capitalism' that they're busy sawing off their own cocks by defending copyright infringement. In other circumstances, they'd be sectioned for lacking the capacity to act in their own best interests. But this is Rock 'n' Roll and they've fallen for the old 'rebellion' fantasy so we have to indulge them or we get called 'breadheads'. O tempora, O mores. Back to mono and a flick of Richard Cole's foot. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  3. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1340047444' post='1698319'] As an example of why I hate, hate, HATE the technique, I refer you to 'Let's Go to San Francisco' by The Flowerpot Men. Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! And it was played, horrifyingly, by none other that John Paul Jones![/quote] Funny old world, because I love that song to death, in part for the bass. For me, Jonesy's sound on this track is the epitome of that 60's plimpy-plump tonal cliche and it never fails to make me smile. The unaligned may judge for themselves at 1:14 - 1:38 and 2:20 - 2:40 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr5WDhPtFys[/media] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  4. I keep reading this thread title and thinking 'Yes, Basschat [i]is[/i] funny. It's [i]very[/i] funny'. The famous quotes thread is an absolute gold-mine of humour and almost every thread has a zinger in it somewhere along the line. That some detractors miss out on the fun is their loss. f*** 'em.
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1339872041' post='1695789'] [quote]skankdelvar, on 15 June 2012 - 07:05 PM, said: In defence of this thread, the OP was posting tongue in cheek. [/quote] How could you tell? [/quote] It was just that I read the following post by the OP and thought "Oh, it's a tongue in cheek sort of thread, then". [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1339593490' post='1691067'] Like I've said already, the 10 bassists I put at the start is the same 10 bassists I put in the "10 best bassists" thread. <snip>I thought some might have seen the humour in the list <snip>I can understand some folk won't get my (crap) sense of humour, unless you've read some of my other posts. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1339836197' post='1695047'] I know, sorry. Just a bit angry about stupid kids posting comments on some bass facebook page last night.[/quote] No need to apologise, Ed. It's just me being old and grumpy again. Surprised you missed the smut, though. AFAIC, using a pick, fingers or slapping are just means to an end. Tools which are suitable to the task in hand, if you like. You'd use a hammer to bang in a nail and a screwdriver to - well, you get my drift. We all know this and I don't see why we so frequently get analytical or defensive about it. I just can't imagine a thread on a woodworking forum where someone would say "Hammers - they're for failed brickies" and they'd give it more than a hollow laugh. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  7. Me, I think it was Ferret posing as a strange child.
  8. Aren't we a wee bit early with this year's Pick thread? I'm [i]sure[/i] someone told me it was arranged for August. Oh well "Fingers ... drone ... pick ... yadda yadda ... hybrid style ... stick it between one's teeth or a quick palming action? ... blah ... what's right for the song ... double thumbing ... double entry..." (Will this do?)
  9. In defence of this thread, the OP was posting tongue in cheek. And if the concept of 'worst' is so damnably offensive to so many of our brethren, why did they read it rather than simply pass by on the other side? In any event, there are very few 'new' topics on this forum and 'worst / best' is always guaranteed to drive a bit of page traffic. We should consider it a way of keeping Ped in 35mm film.
  10. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1339782524' post='1694387'] He's quite pushy in the flesh to be honest [/quote] Leave a Weight-Watchers' mag lying around the rehearsal room. He'll soon get the hint.
  11. Funny how - in new, under-rehearsed, ungigged bands - it's always the drummer who goes "Yeah! Wow! Let's [i]dooooo itttttt[/i]!" and everyone sort of shuffles their feet a bit and coughs. I suppose it's not an unreasonable question to ask but looks dead pushy when written down. Teach him to use the telephone and to speak with his mouth. All will be lovely.
  12. Just re-read the original post - on the night in question, the playing space was under the piano in this pic. M'mm. Three piece band [i]and[/i] a party of 16? I don't think so.
  13. And another thing... Nothing against Americano, but - in my old Blues band - the words 'Jazz Cafe' or 'Cabaret' or 'Restaurant' always filled me with trepidation. Particularly as the guitarist's smallest amp was a Bluesbreaker re-issue. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. Seems to me we should have a look at the floorspace in question: Apart from the fact that everybody in the pix seems to be having a good time, it strikes me that this is a [i]not[/i] a big venue. Long but very shallow - maybe 15' deep from front wall to back wall. So I'd imagine that trying to fit a full band in alongside a party of 16 would be a bit of a stretch. Myself, I'd have reservations about taking a full-size, loud-ish band in there under any circs. Also, the front wall seems mostly to be glass - I'd imagine that sound levels in there could require serious compromise. Looking at the venue's gig list, it seems mostly to be singers with acoustics, so a 'leccy guitarist at full beans might be a bit scary. TBH, this sounds like one of those situations where everyone starts with the best intentions but a wheel comes off and tempers flare. Least said soonest mended, IMO. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1339676465' post='1692465'] Rick Wakeman [/quote] Oh, you so beat me to it. Big up (as they say) for The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  16. Couple of thoughts: * Cost of cancelling holiday vs remuneration from gigs. Will you be quids out? * Do the trip later - the countries you propose to visit are perfectly nice in September. Fewer tourists around, too, though many hotels, etc., may be closing up at season's end.
  17. [quote name='algmusic' timestamp='1339527194' post='1690006'] My reason for reporting it was that it was such a long time ago and also the guy still uses the site and to be teased like we're all in our pre-teens a year later is rather infantile.. and not that nice... [/quote] That's a very good point.
  18. Welcome, Bass-Thing Nice story about Herbie Flowers - hope you enjoy the forum
  19. * Valve pre-amp you can stick in the FX return, thus bypassing the existing pre-amp / tone stack * 3 knob tone stack * Fender / Sunn / ACC / Marshall / Ampeg / 'Modern' choices * Option to swap 12AX7, AT7, AU7 for varying OD. * Switchable onboard effects loop with clean blend and optional thumpinator-type low-end frequency cut * 1/4 inch [i]and[/i] XLR out with switchable speaker sim (punchy / deep option) * Sounds good with guitars too * Priced at £149.99, thank you very much. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  20. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1339204234' post='1685426'] And, with Fenders, I'd have pinned the Mustang ahead of Precision.[/quote] Tina Weymouth. Sigh.
  21. Thing is, Sid had a black plate white P because that's what Dee Dee played. As for Rics, well Matlock played one, so did Simmo for a while. And Hooky (faker?). And - of course - there was Foxton (faker to start with, then a real one, IIRC). Maybe there were more of them around in those days. Thing is, most of us couldn't tell the difference between one bass and another. You just took what you could [s]steal[/s] get. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  22. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1339019542' post='1682681'] I've posted this before on the forum but it seems a sensible place to post it again. Its a blog entry by an Edinburgh promoter/record label about "reasons promoters and bands don't get along". I think its very interesting reading---especially because it comes from someone who I would class as a "good guy" when it comes to promotion and putting on gigs. [url="http://songbytoad.com/2011/07/a-few-reasons-promoters-and-bands-dont-get-along/"]http://songbytoad.co...dont-get-along/[/url] [/quote] Bump for this post. The linked blog also contains a splendid debate from which we could all learn. Thanks for putting this up, Uncle Psychosis
  23. Hybrid. Not that's a bad thing, but worth knowing before making a trip. Stack for £158 on DV247 as linked looks bargain-icious. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  24. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1338577900' post='1676798'] you had a nathan barley overdose there? [/quote] Certainly did [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1338581987' post='1676903'] This is a very angry post for you man! [/quote] Not so much angry as 'uncompromising'. And 'firm'. Very 'firm'
  25. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1338555057' post='1676279'] As a fully paid-up Member of the British Association of Self-centred Sociopaths I don't give a monkey's what other people think. [/quote] I saw what you did there. [quote name='ben604' timestamp='1338555283' post='1676285'] I say "...the guys on Basschat reckon....". Queue groans and moans...[/quote] f*** 'em. They're just jealous. I mean what have they got? General guitar forums are mostly pants, so they have to traipse off to sites like MyLesPaul where they can argue about bumblebee caps and long-tongue neck joints. Just as 'geeky' as here, if not moreso. But do they lend each other gear? Do they look out for someone if they haven't posted for a while? Do they get together off-site for organised beers and bashes? Do they bollocks. And I stand by my earlier post. If someone takes the piss out of someone else for what they like, they're in line for a (metaphorical) fat lip, afaic.
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