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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. I've always thought that those who snigger at other peoples' specialist interests or hobbies - trams, philately, house bricks, whatever - are entirely deficient in the virtues of empathy, wisdom and politeness. That they freely articulate such views in the belief that they are demonstrating their innate superiority speaks volumes about their witlessness. It's rather like the person who says "You read [i]books[/i]? God, how [i]boring[/i]" and howls with idiot laughter. You don't know whether to pity them or lure them to a subterranean cavern and butcher them in the interests of the wider public good. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  2. An otherwise entirely pleasant chap of my acqaintance always sniggers when I mention our mighty forum by name. Better name than some websites, though. Twee, for me, would be something like - I dunno - PurplePineapple or WhizMonkey. Sappy f***ing names thought up by earnest 'net-savvy' little Hoxton Twats riding round their offices on tricycles. Basschat is a solid, manly sort of name and as British as a cup of hot, strong tea. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  3. Steve Miller again. You'd almost think he'd ripped off SHA. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WCFUGCOLLU[/media]
  4. The 'Pub Prop'. [url="http://www.eaglemusicshop.com/details1.asp/ProductID/4126/sid/230/name"]http://www.eaglemusi...26/sid/230/name[/url] Clamps to table top - not to the amp. About a tenner. Never used one. (Edit for: Whoops, V Smith beat me to it. )
  5. Bollocks to your silly electric cars. Where's my flying car? I clearly remember that Raymond Baxter saying ... ([i]ramble, blither, moan[/i])
  6. That is such a great song. The vid looks fantastic. New image much tie-ghter. The camera loves Ad. Final Score: [size=4][b][font=courier new, courier, monospace]JETSONICS 4 - 0 WORLD[/font][/b][/size] [color=#ffffff][size=4][b][font=courier new, courier, monospace].[/font][/b][/size][/color]
  7. [quote name='El Bajo' timestamp='1338389872' post='1673774'] I'm going to reply and express my dissapointment at not being notified at the time and the need for better communication. Also if he does want me to contribute, and that if we go into the studios again, I want to work and develop parts together so this kind of thing doesen't happen. If not then what kind of expectations does he have of me, am i considered part of the band? Or just a live player.[/quote] Frankly, that's a lot to stick in an email without appearing a bit intense. It also shows your him your hand. Why not mail him, all smiley-like, saying you're glad he's 'happy with the outcome, let's have a beer and sort out where we go next and how I can best fit in with what you want to do'. Just that, no more. Sit him down and have a general matey chat about the things you listed. That way, he's not teed up in advance for trouble and you might get more info out of him than otherwise. Remember, you're a bassist. Silent but deadly is our way. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  8. Looks absolutely lush - your man's done a great job. That bass can hold its head up in public now - congratulations on saving it!
  9. It's been said before and you probably know already, but the soft, plastic / rubbery sheaths that go over the prongs (fnarr) on most hangers will play merry hell with a nitro-finish. Wrap a bit of cloth around them if any of your instruments are nitro. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. Sounds to me like this started out as a sort of loose affiliation, couple of guys in a room, matey sort of situation, we've all been there. Suddenly, it all gets a lot bigger, the 'talent' sees the act taking off and the social graces fly out the window. That's business, I suppose. Yes, it's right that the mainman pursues his vision and that he crafts the best possible product. But he should not forget that the OP made some personal sacrifices to help him out when he needed it. Some professional tact would have helped ease this through. Sort of thing (some) managers are good at. So, lessons for the OP drawn from the wise advice posted by others. * Keep your chin up - the music biz is a cruel mistress and you've learned a hard lesson. What does not kill you makes you strong. * The song is more important than its component parts. No reflection on you. * Don't give up on the bass, you're obviously quite committed to it. And it's probably too late to learn the mandolin. * Stay involved with the project, but keep your guard up. Time to start getting things in writing. * Develop your own side-project where you can do things your own sweet way * Keep a diary. Note the mainman's [color=#000000]idiosyncrasies, sexual habits, etc. Publish prurient 'warts and all' memoir after he croaks. Rake in cash and laugh madly.[/color] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  11. Fact is, there are markets for all-SS, hybrid and all-valve. People buy examples of each and are happy with them so, from the point of view of the person who's selling you an amp, they're all good. Some buy their amps with their eyes, others with their ears. Some don't read the brochure specs, some want to see the entire circuit diagram and some frequency charts. So what? As any fule kno, tone, grunt, 'power', call it what you will is - in its application - entirely subjective and entirely contextual. The only people who are wrong the ones who insist they're right. That someone else has a different view does not necessarily constitute an assault on one's own position. This may be a novelty to tyro BC-ers, but that's how we m*****f***ers roll, isn't it? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  12. Other than musical talents and a reasonable degree of personablity, what other skills or talents do people have and are they willing to use them? * Recording - knowledge and kit * Web skills - site-building, social media, etc * Gig-blagging - contacts, persistence * Design - logos, flyers, posters, image etc * Copywriting - website copy, releases, 'press packs' * Photography / video, etc * General organisational skills All ideal but not essential, I'd admit
  13. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1337945305' post='1667775'] WTF is Twyford? [/quote] ENE of Reading. Bass Gear is RG10 9TU to be precise...
  14. One further stat analysis: UK - all 'electric guitar' sales = about 400,000 USA - all 'electric guitar' sales = about 2,000,000 = 5 times as much as UK USA population = about 5 times bigger than UK - so based on the 2009 survey, it would seem we buy about the same number of 'electric guitars' per capita population as the USA. Not a bad achievement, in a way. Go UK! I agree 16% [i]seems[/i] a bit low, but them's the only bass-related figures I could find . Might have another search later. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. Here's a quick finger in the air. Music Sources (US trade assoc) say that in 2009 about 3m guitars (electric and acoustic) were sold in the US through dedicated music retailers plus maybe another mill through general retailers, making about 4 million. NAMM report for 2010 reckons: * the sales split is about 50:50 electric and acoustic , thus making about 2m electrics sold in the US but doesn't break out basses from guitars * The US represents about 40% of the global market * So that makes about 5 million electric 'guitars' sold worldwide in 2009. * A separate NAMM report for the UK shows that in 2009 16% (64,000) of all UK electric guitar sales were electric basses. If we apply that UK 16% to global sales of 5m 'electric guitars' (almost certainly a bit incorrect) we'd get a figure of 800,000 new basses sold every year. OK, they wouldn't [i]all[/i] be sold in their year of manufacture, but one assumes that there's a fairly consistent annualised overlap. So, the best estimate (without paying to join NAMM and get the detailed 2011 data) is 800,000 basses made worldwide every year. It's not the big figure that worries me. It's the 16% of all electric sales.
  16. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1337700475' post='1664178'] the 'Count Bishops' [/quote] Cooooouuuunnnnt Biiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssshoooooooooooopppppppsssssssssssss! Yay and, frankly, woot! The Pub Rock Revival starts here. Black suits, beer, choppy rhythms and dodgy boilers.
  17. Just to jolly things along, I thought I'd start posting some nature pictures. To start with here's an ostrich:
  18. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1337692778' post='1664041'] TBF it looks better than the Fender Pawnshop models. [/quote] Oh, I dunno. I rather like this P/S Offset Special. It's so pink and cuuuuuuuute. PS: My weekend name is Sandra [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1337630745' post='1663235'] We are still gigging, mainly around Lancashire, details are on www.bigfigures.co.uk there is a link on my profile.[/quote] Thanks for that, Wayne. I'll keep an eye on it in case you head down this way. If anyone hadn't already noticed my fervour, I can confirm that Wayne's band is absolutely [i]top-notch[/i]. Feelgoods devotees should cancel all prior commitments and take in one of their gigs. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  20. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1337629204' post='1663206'] Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the compliment. [/quote] Gosh! I didn't realise it was you! Well, I'm glad the sentiment found its way home to you. High stage at The Robin, IIRC. Anything planned for the future? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  21. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1337621528' post='1662969'] That's right, it was the Oil city confidential tour which gig were you at? [/quote] The Robin in Bilston. A splendid night, it was [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1337618360' post='1662898'] How can this be? [/quote] Well, Norm's tone was all watery and wobbly; and he was hurtling up and down the neck even more than usual. There was distinct lack of 'floor' to the proceedings. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  22. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1337591970' post='1662286'] A mate interviewed Wilko recently, apparently the new biog is excellent. [/quote] If your mate is Mr Radcliffe, I saw his Feelgoods outfit supporting Wilko last year. Fantastic gig and outstanding work by the band. Mr R channelled Brilleaux while projecting his own presence and personality. I'd pay good money to see them again with a longer set. And - whisper it softly - the bass player blew Norm away (S[i]ensation! Cries of "How can this be?"[/i]). Lovely tone, fluid yet solid as the proverbial. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1337546652' post='1661859'] Have a listen to 'I'm a hog for you baby'.....Last guitar solo on 'Route 66'.....and most of Johnny B Goode [/quote] Thank you!
  24. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1337544989' post='1661818'] Sparko used this on a few tunes and it fitted quite well with Wilko's guitar style.[/quote] Oooh! Which ones, if you don't mind me asking? I feel a Sparko evening coming on and - having proved my utter cluelessness in the thread above - it would be nice to get them right!
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