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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. I'm pretty sure the Elixirs have been on my Jazz for about 6 years now. I play with a pick, so they're a bit flaky over the scratchplate, but who cares. Then again, I'm not that into 'zing'. If I wanted zing, I'd buy an autoharp. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1336158255' post='1642005'] Easy to see on here what bass players are really into and what they find entertaining... [/quote] Lynching the occasional scammer always goes down well. That said, there have been some interesting points made about gear reviews. There has always been a suspicion that things are not always as they should be in the world of specialist magazines. The guy who currently edits Guitarist remarked that if a piece of gear wasn't 'up to standard', they'd pull the review and let the mfr know what they thought was bad about the product. Better that, perhaps, than Guitar Player (USA) which once announced that all future reviews would be warts'n'all. A succession of damning reviews ensued, mfrs pulled their ads, there was a wailing and a gnashing of teeth and GP ran up the white flag. IIRC, they used to include a 'Maker's Response' box-out, where the mfr could address some of the criticisms. Fact is, one hand washes the other. Few of us have ever seen an uncomplimentary review and I don't think that's ever going to change. If one reads between the lines, there are usually a few clues.
  3. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1336154685' post='1641936'] Can't think how this happened... [/quote] [size=3]Uncle Pete respecting his gear.[/size] [color=#ffffff][size=3].[/size][/color]
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1336155433' post='1641950'] So basses were stripped, this started in the 60’s, as the cheapest and easiest option to make them more personal and to stand out from the crowd. You didn't get many natural wood basses back then and stripped looked cool. [/quote] [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1336154397' post='1641927'] all these non-fender basses tended to have natural finishes so i believe that guys that kept their fenders tended to strip them in order to emulate the looks of the non-fender basses [/quote] Other reasons I've heard of: [list] [*]Lennon stripped his Casino, so everyone followed suit [*]'Natural' wood appealed to hippies who were getting their macrobiotic sh*t together in the country [*]Players disliked the post CBS heavy poly finish on Fenders so stripped it off to 'let the instrument breathe' [*]Few if any independent guitar re-finishers around in the 60's-70's, so DIY stripping was easier [*]Aftermarket factory-matched paint was unavailable back then, so when the finish got a bit ratty DIY-ers went for the natural look. [/list] Probably all of the above and more. Either way, it's worth less than a clean example, until the wheel of fashion turns again
  5. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1336064244' post='1640425'] Trade for some spangles[/quote] Old English Spangles. [size=1]+AWESOME+[/size] [size=4][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spangles#Old_English_Spangles"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spangles#Old_English_Spangles[/url][/size]
  6. [quote name='MuckedUpFunkies' timestamp='1336081014' post='1640762'] So my question is do you ever zone out during live performances and what are the results?[/quote] Not so much now, but in the past I've often drifted away into contemplation of musings over what I'm going to have for my supper after the gig. (Zone out) Kebab? Burger? Kebab? Burger? (Change) Kebab? Burger? (Change) Chips? Chips? (Change) Kebab? [i]Kebab[/i].(Zone back in for bridge) Never been a problem and never missed a beat. Well, the odd one.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1336080140' post='1640736'] Neutrik connectors are pretty much the "industry standard" for musical instruments. What is it you don't like about them? [/quote] Perhaps Bode is an old dog and doesn't like Neutrics. Badum-tish.
  8. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1336081514' post='1640776'] I would like to thank you all for funding my job [/quote] You're very welcome. Of course, you're entirely right. Some 17 year olds will blow amps up. I know I did too. Myself, I'd avoid valves (so to speak) and go for a relatively bullet-proof SS amp. I suppose that the requirements for purchasing accountability, invoices, etc., would prohibit the purchase of 2nd hand Bandits off the bay. The old ones just go on forever and they're a little bit simpler inside than the new ones. And they sound very, very good. The other option is to contact a local amp tech and ask their advice on which is the easiest to repair, spares avail, that sort of thing. Then lob some business their way.
  9. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1336064379' post='1640431'] Thanks all for your concerns about how I run my dept.[/quote] A thank you for the money we taxpayers give you to fund it wouldn't go amiss either. Frankly, telling us that controlling your students is 'unrealistic' was bound to raise a few hackles. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1335790911' post='1636019'] I auditioned for a blues band 2yrs ago and even though I thought I did a belting job at the audition they called me the following day to say thanks, but no thanks. Even by their own admission they said I was the best they had come by so far I didn't get the gig because I was too young! They really wanted a guy in their own age group (40-50yrs). [/quote] Well, that's just silly. Speaking as an Old Bob of the bluesy variety, I'd regard an auditionee's youthfulness as a serious plus point in this particular genre. Goes to my point that there are some 'bands' out there who take their little hobby far too seriously.
  11. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1335482111' post='1632159'] Maybe I should just turn it upside down! [/quote] Worked for Hendrix. TBH, a chunky strumming action and some 5th chords gets the job done in most circs. As for minor chords, Johnny Ramone eschewed them and just played majors. Cop this for a 4 chord 'no minors' trick: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93nxReePHjc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93nxReePHjc[/url]
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335638551' post='1634177'] For example, if the band are all about twelve and you rock up on your mobility scooter...[/quote] Yeah, I thought I saw you when I was coming out after my audition. I think the 'comedy penis' hanging out of your pyjamas might have put those kiddies off more than somewhat [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1335632730' post='1634069'] the full nine yards (what does that mean exactly?) [/quote] Myth has it that 9 yards is the length of a Vickers machine gun ammo belt [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_whole_nine_yards"]http://en.wikipedia....hole_nine_yards[/url]. Hence to go the full nine yards means to fire everything off. Much as I am tempted to do at some of the very, [i]very [/i]slightly sanctimonious posts on this thread. If someone asks us a question, it should be possible to respond without casting nasturtiums on their assiduity or 'attitude'. For myself, I've always learnt [i]all[/i] the songs a band offers up for audition, irrespective of 'options'. But I would always see an audition as a two-way street, so I don't see the OP's position as being quite that reprehensible. It's all moot, anyway, because they'll certainly turn out to be just another bunch of wazzers. My spidey sense tells me so and it's never been wrong yet. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. I would have to tack against the prevailing wind here. If everybody who's going to be in the room knows 7 of the songs, why waste the auditionee's time asking them to learn new ones? It's a first audition, ffs, 7 songs is more than enough to see if he can play. And if they're getting into mind-games about assessing someone's commitment or 'we do the choosing', then they're being a bit previous, IMO. It's only a poxy covers band, fer chrissake. He's not applying for Head Of Surgery at Barts Suggesting they go with the 7 'common' songs seems quite reasonable to me. So I'd say new band = illogical, sniffy and controlling. Probably a bunch of nervous, amateur, wound-too-tight timewasters. Tell 'em to poke it or you'll be back here in a month telling us horror stories from the rehearsal room. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. LBM's punt of £1500 sounds about right, IMO. Ditto dealers' twitchiness about left-hookers. It might be worth checking out The FDP Fender Forum (not the mfr, this is an unofficial Fender site) [url="http://www.fenderforum.com"]http://www.fenderforum.com[/url] and also [url="http://www.tdpri.com"]http://www.tdpri.com[/url] (Tele-specific forum). Both very good sites. And, frankly, if there's anyone [i]specifically[/i] looking for a black l/h '76 Tele, that's where they'll be found. You might also want to see if you can date it more precisely, in order to entice Year [i]and[/i] Month of Birth buyers. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  16. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1335535666' post='1632813'] If you put out something good and worthwhile which fills a space in the market (rather than tries to fit into an already crowded area), chances are it will sell [/quote] Except it doesn't. Well, not on the scale that Fender is accustomed to service. You're right that there are people out there who will embrace innovation. Just not enough of them. Fact is, the interesting stuff comes from small operations catering to an equally small market. Which is great for everybody, particularly those who like Foderas and / or Morgans. If there was money in spanky new stuff, Fender would be right across it. But they're not. And whatever we make think about their products, I don't think anyone could deny they've got their heads screwed on when it comes to the folding stuff. The first rule of selling is find out what people want and then give it to them. Commercial history is littered with endeavours where someone had an idea that they themselves liked and tried to monetise it. Wrong way round. What Fender have done very successfully is offer variations on a theme. Sometimes it's a bit dull ( "The New American Standard has cross-head saddle grub-screws rather than hex-slots!" ). Ho-hum. Other times Mr Justin Norvel puts on his Mad hat and goes to work. Now this lad - who looks about 12 - cut his teeth on the Squier range and a good job he did too. Right up to the point where we were all saying how Squiers were more [i]interesting[/i] than Fender s and - ooh - look at that weird Telecaster and it's all such good value. Now he's moved up (?) to the main brand, which is why we're getting this weird Marauder item. Which is made in China but sports a Fender logo, thus blurring the diff between Fender and Squier even further. And that's where we came in, I think. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  17. Well done, that man. Shame you couldn't sell it, but nice that it's gone to a good home.
  18. [quote name='pjd0wn5' timestamp='1335337835' post='1629342'] Thank you to all of you i am sorry if i upset anyone.[/quote] No-one upset here. Good luck with your sale.
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1335392970' post='1630554'] It's an odd thing, not sure what to do. [/quote] Keep at it. I know what you mean, though. Nailing a bass line is like solving a puzzle. And each time you play it, you think 'Success'. Nailing a guitar part is like cooking a meal - bringing lots of different things together and then sticking them in the oven. You're left stood there thinking 'What am I going to do now'.
  20. Manchester guitar tech flogs a tinted gloss clearcoat nitrocellulose lacquer that you could spray over your poly finish. [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/shop/light-tinted-gloss/"]http://www.mancheste...t-tinted-gloss/[/url] To see what 'aging' effect it has on different base colours, go this page [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/shop/category/nitrocellulose-lacquer/"]http://www.mancheste...lulose-lacquer/[/url] He explains: "where the lacquer colour shows a darker shade on the right hand side, it represents the colour of the lacquer when sprayed over with my Light Tint Gloss clearcoat." NB: There are two pages of colours. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  21. Hi Peter and welcome. Don't worry if your bass hasn't shifted yet. As of today it's only been on the site for 4 days and that's not a long time in the current marketplace. Just bump your ad once every few days and it should sell eventually. Patience is the key and if you think it's worth what you're asking, then dropping the price quite so soon after your first post would be a bit premature, IMO. Hope you enjoy the forum - stick around and take part in the general banter.
  22. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1335282342' post='1628587'] It's entirely possible that some basschatters will be able to work out who I'm referring to and I certainly do not want to cause any personal embarrassment. [/quote] Don't worry too much. Last time a guitarist pissed me off with his pedalboard (and sundry other irritations) I named him and gave his general location. Which was [i]very[/i] bad of me.
  23. [quote name='nick@ibassmag' timestamp='1335258590' post='1627936'] Apologies for not responding sooner, and I will be checking back regularly from here on in. Maybe I need to put together some kind of BassChat street team to help answer questions when I can't get on here? [/quote] Thank you for coming back. Now, can you please answer my previous question about your new subs model? Do existing subscribers get a refund if they elect to go for the free content only?
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