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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Whatever you go with, slap a percentage on top to cover the haggle-factor.
  2. [quote name='nick@ibassmag' timestamp='1334500619' post='1616865'] The good news is that we will be rolling out the new format this week with each issue now available for free. We're also introducing a new members only area for paying subscribers that we'll be continually updating with extended video edits and exclusive competitions. [/quote] Okey-doke. Can existing paid subscribers now migrate to the free edition and receive a refund? In other words, are you extending the same offer to them as you are to new readers? An early response here to this question would be appreciated by many. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  3. On the plus side, Tingha and Tucker the TV Koalas were both committed Communists until the events of the Prague Spring of 1968, when they repudiated the party and withdrew from public life. [color=#696969][size=3]1967 - Before The Fall[/size][/color] [color=#ffffff][size=3].[/size][/color]
  4. [u][/u] [color=#696969][size=3][b]Sooty[/b]: Beloved ursine puppet in Hitler salute shock[/size][/color]
  5. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1334446573' post='1616406'] I'd have expected better from Ginger Rogers:-( [/quote] Didn't we all? There she was, gliding across the floor with Fred Astaire and all the time she was thinking "That cow-lick of hair, that tiny 'tache, those blue eyes. Be still, my beating heart." Juan Antonio Samaranch (president of the Olympics 1980-2001) was a Spanish fascist. Harry Corbett (creator of Sooty) was a member of the youth wing of the British Union of Fascists. And this was the Irish Army uniform up until about 1940: See - everyone was at it. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1334444600' post='1616375'] Yer typical Mail headline ...And let us never forget that this is The Paper That Supported Hitler.[/quote] I don't know why the Mail gets so much stick for this. Pretty much every other paper (apart from the Morning Star) thought Herr Hitler was a splendid chap, as did swathes of the aristocracy and David Lloyd George. George Formby performed for the Fuhrer as did Jessie Matthews. Just so Austin7 doesn't feel left out, we should also remember Walt Disney, Avery Brundage, Charles Lindbergh, the bloke from IBM whose name I always forget, Grandad Bush, Ginger Rogers, Walter Brennan and millions of mid-Westerners who turned out for the Bund (those tasty bratwurst, eh?). And before any Candians here start patting themselves on the back, their team threw the old Heil Hitler at the '36 Olympics. Same year the town of Halifax (NS) hung out swastikas for a visiting U-boat. And General Franco. And Maurice Chevalier. And Stalin (for about a year). Hirohito, the Pope, Pierre Laval and Juan Peron. And my mate's Grandad from Penkridge. Everybody loved Hitler, so why the Mail hate?
  7. Frankly, the 'story' is pretty much on a par with much of the Mail's online output. Most of their headlines can be assembled by combining some random phrases from the following list: BFF Curvy Yummy-mummy Bikini Body Heartbreak Courtney Break-up Ex Shock New Old Current Beach Flaunt Baby Shows off Baby-bump Bare Dares (to) Weeps Snubs In hiding Peter Under-dressed Peter Andre I detect no age-ism. Just a desperation to find a hook for some pictures of some 'Celebs' and some rather vacuous 'young people'. [i]All[/i] of whom are wearing ghastly clothes that fit only where they touch. Coachella festival my arse. More stories about single Mums bilking the state. It's what the Mail is for. And this thread should be in Off-topic. I don't expect to have to come trekking all the way out to bloody GBD for my dose of outrage, if you [i]don't [/i]mind. (Mutter, mumble, grumble)
  8. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1334310733' post='1614145'] I totally agree with this post, apart from the insults aimed at someone who happens to rate JG. [/quote] Same here. Mr Gwizdala's comments seem entirely self-defeating given his chosen approach and market. But when one digs a bit deeper into his lengthy posts on TB, one is forced to reassess one's opinion somewhat. Hacking through the thicket of verbiage, one concludes that he is perhaps a little too open for his own good. What passes for arrogance seems on reflection to be unadorned bluntness. The marvellous thing here is that I'm reading and writing all this sh*t about an exponent of a genre low on my list of musical favourites. Some nice stuff on TB from Silddx, though.
  9. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1334298321' post='1613905'] their fawning idolatry ("he played at my college..."). [/quote] Well, I think we know who you mean. During the course of this thread, you have likewise specifically aimed the following at a couple of individual members: [quote]You may have some schoolboy crush on him because he's taught a few classes at your college. Thats great, go and buy his records and get a poster of him for your bedroom wall.[/quote] [quote] You ought to have more faith in your own views rather than getting so offended by mine that you come here to crusade on Janek's behalf. Maybe next time you see him though you can tell him you stuck up for him on the internet, I'm sure he'll be very appreciative! [/quote] Any chance you could dial it back a bit?
  10. [quote] [b]Mr Gwizdala:[/b] I very much appreciate that, and hope that is something that might catch on across the pond...[/quote] Clearly, t'BBC still looms large in the Gwizmeister's nightmares. Waking at 3AM with a muted scream, sweat drenching the sheets, etc. TBH, I think the whole "I can afford to lose a few 'Bass Fans' " thing is an early indication that Mr G will be wearing a Rickenbacker next season.
  11. [quote name='funkypenguin' timestamp='1334172475' post='1612107'] You obviously havnt been at a live performance of Beethoven's 9th symphony [/quote] That Europe totally spoiled Beethoven's 9th for me. Everytime they open a swimming pool or something it's "Da-da-da-da-da-di-dah". Tossers.
  12. See also: Dear Prudence by The Beatles. Willing to bet that both Weller [i]and[/i] Jeff Lynne have a copy of that somewher in the attic.
  13. [quote name='Faithless' timestamp='1334069725' post='1610455'] saying that the stuff is dull, is just unbearable, IMHO.[/quote] To alleviate the unbearableness, I would counsel you (and kjb) not to worry about what most people say here. Much of what passes for criticism on BC is someone's well-intended (but ultimately fruitless) description of their reaction to something. A very few of us here (certainly not me) are adequately competent to objectively critique another musician's intent using musical terms. For the rest, to whom no offence is intended, it's rather like someone saying they like - or dislike - Burger King because of the flavour. This may accurately describe their tastes and their frame of reference, but it won't tell me anything about the inherent nature of the burger. As it is with tasty fast food, so it is with luminaries of the bass guitar. My advice would be to respond to unbearable posts by asking if the poster would like fries and a drink to go.
  14. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1333380381' post='1600871'] Check out the MU for Partnership Agreements which cover this subject. [/quote] [/thread] We all have our own (and probably differing) opinions about what might be 'fair', but there are a range of legal vehicles which encompass the different options. Rather than reinvent the wheel, it would make sense to review the different possibilities and present them to the band as proven approaches which are unlikely to end up putting cash in the lawyers' pockets. Even if bands don't break up over this sort of thing, it can lead to QC issues when lead writers charitably permit the less gifted to 'stick a couple of songs on the album' so they can earn a few bob. Witness one of Mr Keith Moon's efforts. Did [i]this[/i] really improve The Who's second album? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcpkUNqrjQU[/media]
  15. 4 page 'Dating a Celestion Greenback thread here: [url="http://www.thegearpage.net/board/archive/index.php/t-67646.html"]http://www.thegearpage.net/board/archive/index.php/t-67646.html[/url] Dunno if the info you need is in there because I started reading it and my brain dried out. Good luck in your quest
  16. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1333985573' post='1609191'] But, Lozz, [i]it's whatever makes people happy [/i][/quote] Quite the plus one. Most of us are in hobby bands. Some people take their hobbies less seriously than others, which is probably a sign of good mental health.
  17. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1333837667' post='1607305'] Find your balance, bass players of the world. [/quote] Quite. Rehearsals should be task-oriented. In one 'mates' band, rehearsals ended up more like a picnic. People were bringing hampers of delicacies, fine wines, little table to put in the corner for a buffet. In another band, we practically breathalysed each other on arrival and humour was regarded as a sign of feeble weakness. All good.
  18. Given that the Blues Jr is a pretty titchy amp, is stage space really the key issue? Or is it that the guitarist is giving it that old 'I have to run it loud so the tubes give me my tone thing'. Because these juniors can be nasty little beasts when they're cranked up. Assuming the amp [i]really[/i] has to be offstage, why go through all these cable routing issues when your guitarist can simply buy a wireless pack and send gtr > pedals > transmitter > receiver > amp at the desired offstage location? And - frankly - enclosing a cranked valve combo inside a soundproof box seems like a quick way to some serious heat damage issues. There's a reason these valve amps have open backs - the valves need ventilation. If you want to use a speaker coffin, it's best to box an extension speaker from the combo, rather than box the combo itself. Makes it easier to adjust the amp controls mid-gig, too. In the old days, guys with this vol / tone problem would just turn their amp around to face the back of the stage - about 3 feet or so from the back wall. Disperses the sound a bit and cuts the noise by a few useful dB - even more if there's a stage curtain back there. Maybe he could try this last idea before the rest of you bust your chops trying all the other stuff.
  19. In fact, who needs a guitarist? You get on well with these guys, so why subject yourself to the profound hideousness of guitauditions? Keys, bass, drums is a nice solid foundation for lots of things from cheesy 60's lounge pop through [s]tasteful[/s] jazz improvs to triumphant ELP pomp. And the money goes a lot further when you're only splitting it 3 ways. Molan and the Magictones. Got a ring to it
  20. Looking at bestbassgear.com's shipping FAQ's, it would seem their standard shipper is the US Postal Service. IIRC, using USPS means it comes into the UK and is picked up by Royal Mail who - IIRC - impose an additional handling charge. It might be worth getting a quote from the seller for shipping via UPS or another courier.
  21. Couple of mainstream oldies: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qge3K3iwOGc[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TIySodFYH8[/media] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1333548642' post='1603353'] So, whatever she does, they will be happy because it ain't gonna be free jazz, is it? [/quote] A sentiment embraced by most of us. I mean, who in their right mind [i]wouldn't [/i]be happy? In any case, I'm not sure when all this 'artistic integrity' thing started. Was it that brief summer of love when the unwashed longhairs thought they could change the world with free love and a bong? Or those earnest folkies with their communistic drivel? Or a bunch of smacked-out jazzers who will no doubt loom large in Bilbo's forthcoming tome? Or could it have been those dodgy 19th century composers such as Herr Wagner with his arse-numbing theatrical longueurs or ol' Tin-ear Van Beethoven with his florid paeans to the ghastly Corsican? Who can say. History draws its veil over such tritsch-tratsch. Either way, primped-up poseurs with faces like cats' bottoms have long poured scorn on commercialism, little realising that 'artistic integrity' is sucker bait just like anything else. 'Ooh, heartfelt' they say. And 'Ahh, honest' while Joni Mitchell flutters her eyelashes and banks another few bob The trick is not to overcook it, as when VW sponsored a Stones tour while offering a limited-edition logo'd up 'Rolling Stones' Golf GTi. Stood out like the veritable dog's knob, it did, and earned the opprobrium of brand custodians everywhere, never mind the bedroom revolutionaries. Concepts? Truth? Holism? Give me a good, honest tune shorn of 'meaning' any day. Something like 'Drink, Puppy, Drink'. Ideally performed by Chas and Dave. Amidst all this handwringing I am reminded of the 1980's and the activist woman in the flat above me who would return from demonstrations sobbing for the 'poor people of the world' and play Hazel O'Connor over and over again until we broke in and put a gigantic scratch across the vinyl. Committed? She should have been. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1333360357' post='1600411'] Deidre[/quote]
  24. [quote][i]Basschat's crack news team deliver weekly interviews, reviews, articles and exercises directly to your eyeballs. [/i][size=3][/quote][/size] [size=4]So what kind of crack will the team be reviewing?[/size] [size=4][/size] [color=#696969][b][size=3]BC Reviewer tests new Sh*tfaced Compact. [/size][/b][/color]
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