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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='73Jazz' timestamp='1333090375' post='1597078'] That`s what i have done [/quote] I am a muppet.
  2. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1333022463' post='1596265'] Very intersting and less cash than I had thought for sure.[/quote] My thoughts too, given what a non-name 76 P usually goes up for here on BC. Perhaps there is less interest in Lizzy / Lynott gear in the US. Given the resurgency of affection over here for Mr Lynott, I'd have thought a [i]lot[/i] more than £1500-2500 for a provenanced black Lynott P. Because, afaik, there were only two of 'em. Prices? I dunno. Thing is, it's a specialist market and depends on who's 'in the room' on the day. Get two people who want the same thing and the sky's your oyster.
  3. [quote name='achknalligewelt' timestamp='1333102067' post='1597336'] which will remain nameless.[/quote] Go on, name the shop. That way people can avoid it and reward the good shops with their business.
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1333108631' post='1597495'] the Jam at Rupert Murdoch's birthday bash. [/quote] "Dad!" "Yes, James?" "As it's your birthday and you've probably not got many left, we're doing something special this year." "What?" "We're hiring a Jam tribute band. And the twist is, they only play Bruce Foxton's songs."
  5. Well, if your [s]guitarist[/s] singer wants to get smacked in the kisser by a shaven-headed, middle-aged bloke in a union-jack t-shirt, who are we to demur? I can see the initial attraction of the idea, but why play a song which may polarise one's audience when one can play another which everyone will like? But don't let me stand in the way. I rather look forward to reading the press reports. [font=courier new, courier, monospace][size=3]Edit for: Stupid idea misattribution.[/size][/font]
  6. If you can't get something pre-mixed, go to a specialist automotive paint supplier and get them to mix some for you and put it in a spray can. A bit of research indicates that the relevant Dupont / DUCO code is 2295 (Cadillac Sonic Blue - year 1956). They should be able to match to that. More here: [url="http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=54287"]http://www.fender.co...php?f=2&t=54287[/url] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  7. Very interesting thread - thanks for posting it, Frank
  8. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1332768290' post='1592767'] anybody know how I can stop 'bidding has ended ' items going onto another page after about a second? [/quote] Just scroll down - the item's still there.
  9. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1332764198' post='1592665'] There's [i]Wreck of the Old 97[/i] (about a train crash) as performed by Johnny Cash on Live At St. Quentin (1969). [/quote] That's in. Always loved the line: "They found him there with his hand on the throttle / scalded to death by the steam". First million selling country record and written by a guy who saw the actual train crash.
  10. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1332755123' post='1592438'] And yet as far as I know it's still OK to do 'Delilah' and 'Hey Joe'. Which are both about murdering someone. [/quote] From the dawn of music until about 50 years ago punters couldn't get enough of songs about topping one's spouse, offspring, parents or other family member - e.g. Mattie Groves, Long Black Veil, Cocaine Blues, etc. The decline of this form is one I plan to redress in my long-delayed roots country outfit. Lots of stuff about poison, daggers and drowning. Plus hideous industrial accidents, wilful substance abuse and disrespectful gender objectification. It'll be a hoot.
  11. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1332722726' post='1592220'] Remind the engineer to kick your amp over while your at it next time. [/quote] Only if it's making a loud, sustained farting noise, mind. That's the law.
  12. Well, I'd be very careful here. Establish some provenance independent of the seller - preferably written or pictorial - before you part with any cash. Back-up can mean almost anything. Thing is, I very clearly recall Phil's actual 'number 2' back-up P-bass - black, m/n with mirror scratchplate etc - being sold at one of the Rock Memorabilia auctions in London (Bonhams or Christies, I forget) about 20 years ago - maybe longer ago than that. It sticks in my mind because it went for £800 and I could easily have afforded it at the time. Let it slide because I assumed it would be thousands. It wasn't then, but would be now. Lynott's stock was a bit low in the 80's. So, this might be [i]a[/i] back-up bass, but it's not [i]the[/i] back-up bass. And I've never seen any pictures of him with a s/b P, though obviously [i]that's [/i]not conclusive. TBH, I vaguely recall reading about him playing a fretless P in the studio at one time. Some connection, maybe? In any event, if his mum was happy to give a letter to the shop, I'm sure she wouldn't mind being contacted (independently of the guitar shop, of course - maybe via a management company) to verify matters. And there are some Lizzy forums out there you could post on for further information. As a matter of interest, how much are the guitar shop asking for this? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1332550180' post='1590080'] Just played first gig with my new band 'All The Queens Ravens' [/quote] Excellent news, Clarky. It's been an eventful few weeks for you, hasn't it?
  14. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1332541605' post='1589974'] Thus, I'm sure Madonna fans consider her to be the 'real deal' and as authentic as it comes, which is undoubtedly important to them as they give her their money. On the other hand, there will be legions of other people who 'see through' her various manifestations as just cheap publicity-seeking nonsense and regard her as completely 'fake'. Where are the objective criteria by which to determine which group of people are correct in their assessment of her authenticity? [/quote] No need for a set of objective criteria to determine which group is correct. Because both groups are correct. As is the third group who believes her authenticity as a 'modern icon' is rooted in the knowingness and transparency with which she plays the game while slyly acknowledging her 'fake'-ness. They are - by their own estimation - 'in on the secret'. Madonna is a hall of mirrors and makes my head hurt.
  15. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1332510915' post='1589388'] a chap called Serge who gives you a hefty kick in the knackers just before you start singing.[/quote] [b]SERGE GAINSBOURG[/b] [size=3][b]Gainsbourg[/b]: Chanteur, poet, painter and testicle 'tech'.[/size] [color=#ffffff][size=3].[/size][/color]
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1332425993' post='1588168'] [url="http://www.furnitureclinic.co.uk/Leather_Finish_Kit.php"]http://www.furniture..._Finish_Kit.php[/url] I've used these guys stuff and it's A1 - even for recolouring jobs. [/quote] An airbrush! Thanks for the steer
  17. The more I think about the question that the OP has been set, the more I feel the need to dab my temples with eau de cologne and have a nice lie-down. Authenticity - as an aestheic concept - seems fairly straightforward compared to the vagueness both of the question's wording and of the intent with which it seems to have been posed.
  18. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1332376605' post='1587597'] Bleach the Tee, try artist's charcoal fixer on the strap. [/quote] Interesting [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1332376765' post='1587598'] maybe sand the inside of the strap to get rid of the top layer of leather and then paint on some unibond or water/PVA mixture ? [/quote] PVA - equally interesting [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1332377919' post='1587610'] Would dubbin form a seal? [/quote] Dubbin - the traditionalist's solution [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1332378040' post='1587611'] ....failing that, try a shoe menders. They would know if anyone would. [/quote] Shoe menders! Good call! (Big supporter of local tradesmen, me.) Thanks for suggestions so far, guys. Open to other ideas if anyone's got 'em [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. I've heard worse. A [i]lot [/i]worse. For a first time that's actually very good. Timing issues didn't particularly stand out for me. Drums need to come up louder. Take a smidge of treble off the guitar and add a touch of reverb. A bit less gain will help with the string noise, though I didn't think it detracted much if any. If you're going straight into your soundcard one instrument at a time, you don't really need a mixer. I agree with Skol303 - spend your cash on a copy of Reaper and use that instead of audacity. For one thing you can adjust your levels manually during playback or write an automation envelope - easy as drawing a line. Reaper comes as a free, unlimited trial and costs about £40 to buy outright. It also comes with a sh*t-load of good, free plug-ins. That means you can stick a clean-ish signal in and play around with your gain, eq etc [i]after[/i] you've recorded. For more free plug-ins go to the free vst thread pinned at the top of this very forum.
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1332349796' post='1587131'] Play without a top on, or one the same colour as the strap [/quote] Lateral. We like lateral.
  21. Nah, it's not got wet. It's the original manufacturer's dye, but age hath withered it and it comes off the inward-facing surface of the strap as a sort of very fine dust. Just like - er - dust, if anything. The outer, shiny face of the strap is fine. Ta for the thought
  22. So I was poking around in some boxes and found a nice wide leather strap with buckle adjusters that I bought in - ooh -1980? It would probably cost £30-odd quid these days so I was quite chuffed, times being tight and whatnot. Only trouble is, the dye on the inside of the strap comes off when you use it. So herself was not best pleased when I submitted a very grubby white t-shirt for the wash. Even less so when the strap dye refused to come out of the T-shirt. I've checked out some craft websites (shudder) but their dye fixatives seem to be for clothes. Anyone got any ideas or tips (other than binning the poor old strap)? Ta Skank [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1332329852' post='1586650'] Bugger was hoping you had tried. Bought a Mustang I on ebay the other day it's in the post [/quote] Give us a review - here or in your other thread. Hope you enjoy your new toy
  24. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1332275070' post='1586028'] Didn't try anyof the modeling amps did you skank?[/quote] Nah. He's decided he doesn't want one of those. Fair enough, says I. For myself, I may try a Mustang 1 while he's noodling through something inappropriate I can talk him out of after we leave the shop. Like a Marshall VM stack.
  25. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1332274078' post='1586005'] Would it be wrong of me (and pedantic) to point out the original post title should be "What is Hip?"....... [/quote] Would it be wrong of me (and pedantic) to point out that your post should read 'Would it be wrong of me (and pedantic) to point out the original post title should be "What is Hip?"?.......'?
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