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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Quick resurrect on this thread. My acoustic guitar strumming buddy decided he wanted a small tube amp. Roadtrip to a couple of stores and this is what we found: Orange Tiny Terror head - Loud, middly. Tone controls didn't seem to do much. Low power setting a bit uninspiring. OK, but a bit milktoast. Wobbly mains socket on a new bit of kit? Dark Terror head - Supposedly one for the metallers (Is it? I dunno). Oh, we liked this. Nice and crunchy, loud, no clean headroom to speak of. But if you were buying this, you wouldn't need clean headroom. One trick pony, but it's a good trick, Sally. Blackstar 5R combo - Disappointing. So-called ISF control (sweeps from British sound to US) didn't seem to do much. Quite muddy. Uninspiring reverb. Nasty break-up when maxed. 5 watts can sound very loud, but the Blackstar's 5 watts didn't. Son, I am disappoint. Vox Night Train - Versatile. Nice spitty bright channel, nice roar on gain channel. Tone controls actually do something. Sounds good when dropped to low power. Claims to deliver Vox chime > thunderous OD. Well, [i]almost[/i]. A pleasant surprise given the toastery looks and crap advertising. One thing that's very clear is that these amps sound nothing like they do on the mfrs youtube vids. Miking is critical, they say. The next stage will be to check out (maybe) a Marshall Class 5, a small Peavey and a Marshall Haze 15 watter. I shall keep you posted.
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1332247378' post='1585437'] Inauthentic. [/quote] [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1332247930' post='1585450'] Do you REALLY believe that? [/quote] [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1332248308' post='1585459'] Stevie Wonder? [/quote] Like I said, authenticity is not a state of being. It's a second party's perception. As for Mr Stevland Hardaway Morris Judkins, I don't blame him for changing his name to (Little) Stevie Wonder. I mean, just try getting that on the single sleeve. And later on, he became an 'authentic' artist, which serves only to prove that 'authenticity' is not a permanent condition but someone else's shifting assessment of the artist's 'integrity'. In fact, SW's an interesting example. He started out as pretty much the Jedward of his day (see his appearances in films like Bikini Beach), but didn't get generally slagged off for inauthenticity. That was because he was in the pop market and because 'authenticity' didn't become an issue in pop till the early-mid 60's. See, all manner of ghastly folkies and jazzers were stroking their chins to a bloody point long before the concept of authenticity slunk into rock like a mangy, yellow dog. That was probably around the time someone screamed "Judas" at Dylan. Just as today, these tripemongers were saying more about themselves than they were about the artists they deified or vilified. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1332245583' post='1585386'] when i hear the word authentic, i reach for my revolver (or rather a metaphorical revolver, my conception of which is made up of all the revolvers i've seen in films and television, the couple i've fired, the toy revolvers i had when i was young, the revolvers people have told me about, etc. etc. etc) [/quote] Sounds like a lot of hard work. I just use an 1867 Navy Colt, cap and ball percussion job for maximum authenticity. And size of exit wound. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1332245617' post='1585387'] Well, in my opinion, you simply have to be yourself to be authentic. [/quote] Ah! But once one chooses between authenticity and inauthenticity, one has made an conscious decision to embrace authenticity. So one is no longer authentic. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1332246304' post='1585405'] How do you take aliases then, artists that change there name for an image or marketing purposes? [/quote] Inauthentic.
  4. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1332239796' post='1585194'] "Cultivating and sustaining an 'authentic' image through live performance and media coverage' [/quote] Hah! And again - Hah! Exactly what I was banging on about earlier. Let's boil it down. 'Cultivating' - 'an authentic' - 'image' - 'media coverage' would seem to be the size of it. Well, there's a bollocks, not to put too fine a point upon it. Using the media to cultivate an image which conveys authenticity. What could be less 'authentic'? Well, authenticity might be one thing or another. It could be Silddx's quote or it could be something quite different. I think the 'authenticity' we're talking about here is a sort of commodity transaction. Authenticity does not reside in the artist. It exists in an observer's perceptions. It may be an unmanipulated perception or - more likely - the creation of the perception will have been bought and paid for. It's the function of the artist's associates to inculcate a perception of value in the artist's work which goes beyond a simple sequence of musical notes. The value is founded on a perception (true or false) of the artist's 'good faith'. Adding this perceived value to the sequence of notes enhances the desirability of the product, thereby increasing the likelihood of purchase. 'Authenticity' in this context is a branding tool. For 'New, Improved', simply substitute 'Genuine and unadulterated'. Kerching! Broadly, someone pushes the punter's buttons and a transaction takes place. The punter acquires not only a nice choon but - probably more importantly - a personal authenticity by association. And the artist acquires some cash. This is most perfectly embodied in tour merch. Buy the T-shirt and you're saying something about yourself, while extending the artist's branding presence. As for the actual question - how to cultivate an authentic image - well, it depends where we are on the marketing cycle. At the moment, it's all about acoustic guitars, waistcoats and sweaters, a general air of soulful concern. Give it another 12 months and it'll probably be about cheap electrics, ripped shirts and angry passion. The details are irrelevant - it's about getting the message out there. So my answer would be conveniently short - no need for 800 words. "Don't worry about what's authentic - hire the best stylist and PR company you can afford and leave it to the professionals. They know their job better than we do. ~ End"
  5. I'm sure someone here wrote and published a book about the slab P. Thread maybe 3 or so years ago. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. I'm not entirely sure why, but the word authenticity makes me reach for my revolver. Most people wouldn't know authentic if it bit them in the nads, simply because they judge authenticity on the basis of information supplied to them by the artists, their PR company, their record label and by what they read on the web and in mags. So when some numpty goes on about Mumford and Sons being authentic, it's probably because someone else told them so. Or they have a fatal weakness for collarless shirts and waistcoats. See, it has the same attraction as the 'artist starving in a garret' cliche or the nostalgie de la boue or the noble savage. It's what the punter isn't, so it must be good. In the end, most musical performers sell their arse, one way or another. File under 'Authentic' or pop. It's all the same.
  7. I genuinely don't really know much about Marcus Miller, so that vid that Pete posted was a bit of a revelation for me. But not in the way one might think. There I was thinking "Oh. Sounds like someone playing some jazzy stuff quite fast. That Marcus Miller, he seems like quite a good bass player. Sounds OK. Nice hat." When it would seem that it was a musical transgression of biblical proportions, delivered without soul but with cynical boredom and employing a 'tone' which - apparently - 'sucks donkey bollocks'. My naivety shames me. I wish I knew as much about music as other people do.
  8. You've done exactly the right thing. You've looked at your situation, calmly assessed it and come to a decision. You've been honest with your bandmates and - hopefully - found them a replacement bassist. You've protected your own peace of mind and you're about to go and have a nice bike ride. And who knows, maybe your former bandmates will go on to enjoy success. Entirely satisfactory outcome.
  9. [quote name='Spaced' timestamp='1331997627' post='1581917'] Dead Kennedys? Second Division? I beg to differ [/quote] Only in the sense that they're not the first band to spring to mind when someone says 'punk'. Sadly, we always think of the big 4 - Clash, Pistols, Damned and Stranglers. Unlike many of the old punk chestnuts, California Uber Alles also has the virtue of being topical - viz: "I am Governor Jerry Brown". Said Jerry Brown was Governor of Ca. from 1975–83 and - (wtf?) - is currently serving his third term as Governor a mere 28 years on from his last incumbency. More songs: The Dictators - Master Race Rock Stooges - Search and Destroy [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. And from Punk's second division: Adverts - Gary Gilmore's Eyes The Saints - Stranded Buzzcocks - Orgasm Addict, Ever fallen in love 999 - Emergency Angelic Upstarts - Murder of Liddle Towers X-Ray Spex - Oh bondage up yours Spizz - Where's Captain Kirk? Dead Boys - Sonic Reducer Johnny Thunders - Born to Lose, Can't put your arms round a memory Richard Hell - Blank Generation Dead Kennedys - California Uber Alles Boomtown Rats - Looking after number one Wreckless Eric - Whole Wide World Plastic Bertrand - Ca plane pour moi (or the original - Jet Boy Jet Girl, forget who did it?) Slaughter and The Dogs - Where have all the bootboys gone? I'll leave a really obvious one for Low End Bee, should he happen to swing by
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1331907486' post='1580769'] What happens in 'The Vault'?[/quote] Guitarist used to stick audio and video (gear reviews and lessons) on a cover-mount CD-ROM. Stick it in the tray, nice little menu, click and play. Job done Now it's all online, you have to sign in and answer three questions before you can view (ie download and view). And you have to do each one individually, so one 3 min review might be a 44 meg download. So click, download, wait 3mins, view. Go back to menu, choose the next one, click, download, wait 3 mins, view, repeat ad nauseam. Some of the file sizes seemed to be about 100mb so I gave up and deleted my account. That and the constant guff about "You can read guitarist on your I-Pad" sent me over the edge. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  12. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1331843182' post='1579864'] Seeing as this is now in the public domain I guess it's best you see this - no idea what it means for the likes of me - I'm curious to see how BGM now re-surfaces: [url="http://www.mi-pro.co.uk/news/read/oyster-house-liquidated-new-company-formed/016347"]http://www.mi-pro.co...y-formed/016347[/url] [/quote] I do hope that this isn't one of those 'phoenix' situations where a company goes bust owing money and promptly re-establishes itself under another name. As for the guitar mags, I recently ceased purchase of 'Guitarist' having bought it every month since Issue 2 in the mid 80's. Why? Well, their breathless infatuation with I-Pads (bung) and the introduction of 'The Vault' - a complete PITA as other readers will testify. My letter of complaint has gone unanswered, perhaps because of my allusion to the Vault being " spawn of a hideous reacharound involving your bean-counters and your techno-geeks." No SOH, these journos.
  13. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1331893866' post='1580457'] If Gibson were the villains of the show (and without wanting to cast stones unfairly I did think the CEO looked very shifty and uncomfortable under questioning[/quote] I think that's Mr Juskiwiecz's default expression: Gibson QC - looks very shifty and uncomfortable MM series - looks very shifty and uncomfortable 'Roasted Maple' fingerboards - looks very shifty and uncomfortable Firebird X - looks very shifty and uncomfortable Price increases - looks very shifty and uncomfortable Rumours that he has a sexually transmitted disease - brightens up and becomes quite voluble.
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331815561' post='1579293'] I actually prefer the new lightweight recycled paper, it fits better with the content. [/quote] Badum-coat!
  15. Yay! Woot! Hubba-hubba! Par-teh! PS: I've got a black moleskin waistcoat you can have if you want it. Should fit. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1331757352' post='1578483'] "This content is currently unavailable"[/quote] Yep, me too. It's all gone tits-up. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1331753788' post='1578397'] Joking aside, I really don't see smashing the venue up as particularly clever way of resolving the matter.........[/quote] Quite right. The OP would be all over the CCTV. Things like this need a bit of thought.
  18. Hi Yves and welcome Congratulations on the new '57 RI. It looks lovely. As for your q's re: multi-fx, you may get some answers here in Intros, but for maximum visibility and response you may wish to repost the topic in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/6-effects/"]http://basschat.co.uk/forum/6-effects/[/url] Also, an advanced search by topic title may pull up some existing threads / posts. It's the funny button that looks like a cog just to the right of the basic search box which is at top right. Enjoy the forum
  19. Theramins? Real men play the musical saw. Note the player's use of thigh vibrato. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GpJkukZ29I&feature=related[/media] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  20. [quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1331492104' post='1573716'] Check you out,,,,,,,,See I think we may be onto something here [/quote] [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331492313' post='1573722'] [/quote] Man love
  21. Shame for the OP and my commiserations. Sounds like an entirely amateurish operation that wants to have it both ways. Placing a 16 cover dinner party right in front of a band is the mark of the idiot. 16 + 3 = 19 rightly pissed-off people. On the upside, it's cost the venue a fair slab of wedge and they've got a bad rap here so f*** 'em. I've no doubt there'll also be some negatives comment on the local restaurant review site. [i]Is[/i] there such a thing as omnomnomswansea.com? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  22. It's entirely possible to put together a playable bitsa for well under a hundred quid. The components will be a bit iffy but it can be done. Thereafter, you can progress up the scale until you realise you've become your own 'custom shop'. If you don't want to get into refinishing, you need no more than a soldering iron, a couple of screwdrivers, a drill and a suitable allen key. You won't make your money back compared to buying the CIJ, but it's more fun.
  23. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331504596' post='1573990'] To the nay sayers, how do you think you navigate information now, as opposed to 15-20 years ago? [/quote] [color=#008000][font=courier new, courier, monospace]C:\basschat\forum\thelocal\generald~\bloodyhe~\response\skankdel~\content[/font][/color] [color=#008000][font=courier new, courier, monospace]WRITE:[/font][/color] [color=#008000][font=courier new, courier, monospace]*what's your point?*[/font][/color] [color=#008000][font=courier new, courier, monospace]:ENDWRITE[/font][/color]
  24. This is all very nice, I suppose, this guff about 'space' and 'practicing' and 'sitting on the bass drum' (as if a drummer would let you sit on his bass drum ). The reality is that success comes to the bass player who observes the following golden rules: * Wave to the audience at regular intervals * Wear a sparkly bass. (4-string, 5-string fretless? - what are you - some sort of geek loser?) * Get your teeth fixed and keep your weight down. No-one hires flabby bass players - just ask Jon Bon Jovi. Everything else is complete tosh. No need to thank me. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
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