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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. My chum has one of these. Nice solid little guitar into which we dropped some aftermarket GFS pups. £50 is a reasonable price depending on the amount of 'work' the seller says it needs. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  2. A ten day auction with no guarantee or returns, opening price £2500, where the highest bid may be refused at the seller's discretion. And the seller's a retailer. A moment to cherish
  3. Six monthly-ish bump. And a joke for those suckered into checking out this zombie thread. Bloke walks into a bar. "Ouch!" It was an iron bar. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  4. The VS Bassamp 100w combo was my first dedicated bass amp. It was like humping a washing machine around and, frankly, a Hotpoint would have sounded better. HH reissues by all means, but forget that one.
  5. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1331315228' post='1571344'] he's not dead!? well theres the sequel sorted skankdelver [/quote] Dead bloke in 'Not dead' shock. Sorry Daz. I can't keep up with this [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. [quote name='Maverick' timestamp='1331310238' post='1571239'] We knew that anyway. [/quote] Exactly
  7. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1331308864' post='1571211'] That's pretty good, but I feel you've lost some of the impact of the original story. Where's the [color=#ff0000]love interest[/color], for example? [/quote] [b]He's gotta have it[/b] Light-hearted road-trip rom-com where Ben Stiller sets off across America to find the daughter of the man who left him a priceless old bass. [b]Cast:[/b] Bloke: Jack Black Bloke 2: Ben Stiller Dead Bloke: Robert De Niro (in flashback) Dead Bloke's daughter: [color=#ff0000]Piper Perabo[/color] Evil TB-ers: James Woods, James Gandolfini, Steve Buscemi Good TB-er: Owen Wilson Buddy Holly: Bilbo Queen Victoria: Herself
  8. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1331307715' post='1571187'] Sorry skank, but that was too much to read. Can't we just have the executive summary?[/quote] BC better than TB.
  9. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1331306609' post='1571162'] Look. Save me reading 9 pages of bumf on here and who knows how many on TB (which I refuse to do) . Can sometime just tell me what happened. Pretty please. [/quote] [list=1] [*]Bloke finds dead bloke's bass in vacated premises. [*]In accordance with local laws, flogs it cheap to bloke 2. [*]Bloke 2 sticks pics of his 'new' bass on TB. [*]Mass swooning until bloke 2 mentions how he came by it. [*]Some TB'ers think bloke 2 should pay market value of bass ($ Crillions) to dead bloke's family [*]Big row on TB [*]Bloke 2 says 'None of your beeswax, evil TB-er's' to TB-er's who are evil. [*]Much muttering. [*]New TB threads opened /deleted [*]More rows on TB [*]Bloke 2 joins BC. Everybody says "Hi, bloke 2 with dead bloke's bass. Nice bass" [*]No rows on BC [*]Evil TB-er's from row on TB grass bloke 2 up to dead bloke's family. Also some not evil TB-er's. [*]Dead bloke's daughter says "No biggie, bloke 2. Enjoy the bass. Pics, please" [*]Everybody happy (-ish) [/list]
  10. TBH, they had me at [i]'explode the traditional mixer/outboard gear paradigm'[/i].
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1331118905' post='1567827'] Preamp valves totally do wear out, but not in a regular amount of time. Some just die, others keep going forever, some just start sounding rubbish. [/quote] Indeed. I just worked out that the pre-amp tubes have been in my Marshall since it left the factory. 39 years ago.
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1331238792' post='1570240'] Look, I'd love to drink more, but my endorsement arrangements preclude it.[/quote] Found myself following Geldof round the V&A one Sunday. He whiffed something rotten, and I don't think it was the booze or the post-Paula G/F..
  13. The classical boys (mostly) drink like the fishiest of fish and that doesn't stop them knocking out three hours of International-standard dot action. Stockhausen on half a litre of vodka is entirely commonplace. Popular musicians are clearly pussies of the first order. I am disapoint.
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331221440' post='1569735'] Exactly, and it is properly pronounced 'Bazjh Onde'. [/quote] I [i]think[/i] you'll find it's pronounced 'vwah sonnz ee-sue'. Say cul-de-sac to Johnny Frenchman and he hears "arse of the scrotum". And gives you 'le lip fat de la belle France'.
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331217902' post='1569635'] Also Bag End, I always thought it was pronounced as you would Bilbo's street. [/quote] What? 13, Mingus Crescent Ipswich Suffolk. Bit long-winded, imo.
  16. Arkh-h'weel-ar. I think you'll find.
  17. Worrick. Anything else is just plain wrong. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1331216963' post='1569590'] As Warwick is German maybe it should be Varvick? [/quote] Don't encourage them.
  18. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1331123605' post='1567969'] If you use Nitro it will age nicely but remember that the rest of the neck will not age as it is poly so it will probably look as anemic as the day it was bought in 30 years time. [/quote] Bit like many 70's Fenders. Think David Dickinson stood next to Lily Cole. So a 70's Fender logo should do the job nicely if nitro's the way the OP goes.
  19. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1331202922' post='1569216'] the bass would be destroyed.[/quote] If that's the price of restoring harmonious discourse on TB, perhaps that would be the best idea. Ship it to my house and I'll put it on the bonfire. No need to thank me.
  20. This latest development has taken me rather aback. I mean, I know that some people are so bound up in asserting the primacy of their 'opinion' that they'll conduct themselves online as might someone who is slightly mentally ill. You expect that from teh Internet. But the idea that someone might be so 'offended' as to take such a step in the real world would be laughable, were it not for the potential seriousness of the outcome. Types such as these seem to be absolutely disconnected from the idea that real people with real lives exist behind the screen-names. If membership of a specialist forum such as TB or BC exposes one to the crackpot ideas and actions of such deluded 'crusaders', then what's the point of sharing information? And what might we expect the next development to be? Gig pickets? With little clutches of foolish, red-faced fundamentalists screaming "Give the bass back"? I spit on their gravy. Feel free to quote me on that, Mr 1SHOT. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  21. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1331044224' post='1566748'] Make sure you don't have to pay VAT or whatever the tax is on imported goods, when you come back to this country. [/quote] VAT and duty details from HMRC: [url="http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/customs/arriving/arrivingnoneu.htmCustoms"]http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/customs/arriving/arrivingnoneu.htm[/url] [quote][b]Import VAT[/b] Import VAT is charged as a percentage of the total value of the goods plus any other duties payable. The rate is the same VAT rate that applies to similar goods that are sold in the UK. [b]Duty rates[/b] In all instances Customs Duty is waived if the amount of the duty payable is less than £9. For other goods brought into the UK by travellers, duty only applies on goods above £270 or £390 (whichever is appropriate) in value. Over this allowance and up to £630 there is a duty flat rate of 2.5 per cent. For goods over £630, the duty/duties rate charged depends on the type of goods. [/quote] Best not to try to avoid these charges. Or try to claim "I took it out with me", because HMRC are clever like that. Also wise to ensure that the instrument case locks are customs / border control compliant - ie they can open the case to inspect while its out of one's hands.
  22. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1331075397' post='1567408'] Don't think he was asking about the rights and wrongs of doing it. Just some advice on how to do it. [/quote] Indeed. Stick what you like on there or nothing at all. Entirely your choice. If it's anything like the 'Standard' Squiers, it's just printed on the surface over the satin finish. If so, it'll come off with a bit of fine wire wool, like very gently rubbing out a pencil mark with an eraser. Of course, it may be entirely different, in which case you're slightly f***ed and should proceed as described by posters above.
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1331071573' post='1567336'] Is there butter and toast in your book? [/quote] "Absolutely shocking. The only thing worse than greasy thumbprints and crumbs is when uncultured savages turn the corner of the page down to mark their place. Which is why I welcome the digital revolution. [b]i[/b]bass - sign me up!" [i]Mr DV, North Oxfordshire [/i] [color=#ffffff][i].[/i][/color]
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1330954234' post='1565218'] I'm sorry but drawings don't count. I want proof that the instrument exists in real life and not solely in the imagination of the artist. :-) [/quote] Er ... that's a photograph. Old one, admittedly. OK, try this! Betcha want one of those, eh?
  25. Quite clearly, I am swimming against the flow here.
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