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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Well, his comms seem a bit piss-poor, but he's offering a refund so there you go
  2. We should remember that this thread is in an area of the site viewable to the public. It would be legally unwise to suggest any underhand or fraudulent behaviour by the proprietor of IBass before the facts have fully been ascertained. Unless, of course, anyone really wants to be on the end of an action for libel / defamation. Perhaps it might be best if this thread were locked by the admins until such time as the affiliate partner has clarified their position.
  3. There's a reasonably clear line between pre-gig nervousness and stage fright. Most of us are afflicted by the former and many are afflicted by the latter. In either case, some simple, established routines and mental exercises can help. Positive visualisation and avoidance of external stress helps. One can develop one's own approach, but, for myself, the following helps: * Early arrival and a quick scout round the venue to familarise myself with the general layout. * Briefly occupy the 'stage area' before set-up and look out at the room, while thinking "I own this space". If the stage area is big enough, walk round it to 'establish my territory'. * Get my rig set up as quickly as possible then get off the stage, leaving other band members to have their little stress-outs. Return only when they're done fussing. * Soundcheck (if poss), then find a quiet place to run through the intro parts to each song in setlist order - once only. Put the bass in position then go for a stroll. * Going on - I look at the audience and think "I'm not standing up in front of [i]you[/i]. You're sitting down in front of [i]me[/i]" [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  4. [quote name='Jerry_B' timestamp='1330789291' post='1563044'] 300 quid? You could get decent enough hardware for about half that if you shopped around here at Basschat and elsewhere So maybe 100 quid or so. [/quote] I was just thinking nice 'spensive pick-up, some good tuners, decent electronics and a fender decal. Leaving £200 over for some full-on strap buttons. All new-bought of course - simply trying to compare the cost of a bitsa to a custom shop where the parameters are roughly aligned. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  5. [quote name='Mylkinut' timestamp='1330778261' post='1562830'] Quite like that. I'd rather build a Warmouth look-a-likey though. [/quote] Indeed. A few minutes buggering around on the Warmoth site suggests that a blonde, rear-rout swamp-ash body and a reverse T-neck in vintage tint would cost £680 (inc shipping and UK tax) Add on £300 for some serious quality hardware and there's £1k.
  6. [quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1330700784' post='1561861'] karma [/quote] Yeah, yeah, whatever. What I want to know - is it good for Metal?
  7. [quote name='CPCustomdubwise' timestamp='1330604076' post='1560091'] Hi guys! Nice to meet you. [/quote] Hi CPCustomdubwise! Nice to meet you too. Quality debut non-transactional post.
  8. [quote name='Chlo_treacher' timestamp='1330542286' post='1559185'] I dont think everyone reverted to 14 year old virgins when I joined. Im hurt now!! lol. come on guys I expected more from you [/quote] I say! When you posted your intro, our resident Zen master Silddx welcomed you with: [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1310052525' post='1296123'] you'll get no end of support and advice if you suddenly find you have a pancreatic oedema [/quote] If that's not a sly come-on, I don't know what is. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  9. Concreting the floor won't stop the noise going upwards and outwards. But it will help with the damp. If you want to do it properly, here's the deal in brief: [list=1] [*]Tank your cellar to keep the damp out [*]Build a 'room within a room' [*]Seal off all possible means of noise escape - e.g. neoprene seals round a very solid door [*]Ventilation is optional but preferable [/list] Various studio build threads here on BC - use advanced search
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1330532396' post='1558989'] surely it's better to start off talking about something less obvious when in a non music situation.[/quote] Indeed. 'The effects of global warming on the Arctic oceans' is a good icebreaker.
  11. [quote name='ChrisG' timestamp='1330532125' post='1558982'] It did cut down the number of items for sale (and thus lowered the choice and put asking prices up) [/quote] I believe that's what people call an argument-killer
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1330078457' post='1552274'] You'll have to let us know if this debate is panning out in line with the Ric forum experience, Skank - I expect so [/quote] Pretty much, except we've covered most of the key points and POV's in one page. They spent another 14 pages going round in circles. I hope we don't. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1330079816' post='1552306'] ...There's a forum especially for [i]Rickenbackers??[/i] [/quote] Yes, and very nice it is too. Like us, but less rowdy and less given to modifying their instruments. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1330518832' post='1558666'] how many members joind with their first intention being selling an item. [/quote] I did. Personally, I'm not in favour of a post count. IMO, someone who joins just to trade will miss out on the badinage and useful info. But that's their choice and I'm not offended by it. And one might argue there are long-term BC-er's who contribute materially to the community by quietly getting on with selling (or buying) choice bits of gear to the rest of us. As for the security aspect, sure there have been some noob scammers. But there have equally been some longer-term members here who've strayed off the path either by design or neglect. So post count isn't an infallible discriminator. Like many people here, I tend to shy away from buying from low-post count noobs (NOI), thus one might contend that an informal system is already in place.
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1330525869' post='1558846'] To many its a passion, and ive yet to find someone who doesn't like talking about their passion. [/quote] Quite. Mr George Harrison was notoriously prickly about discussing Beatles-related matters with fans. Yet get him onto the subject of George Formby and he was charm personified. President of the George Formby fan-club, in fact. Attended all the important meetings and always brought his banjo-lele along. Thus proving it's possible to be a big-name muso and still have a musical passion unrelated to one's work. More here: [url="http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/dennis.taylor/Page_036_george_harrison_mbe.htm"]http://myweb.tiscali...arrison_mbe.htm[/url] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330521310' post='1558736'] It's funny how we treat successful people in this country. Love and rooting for the underdog quickly turns to petty hatred when they hit the big time. [/quote] Indeed. And also when they are on the down-slope. Many years ago, I worked in London's glamorous West End. One day I accompanied a football-fanatic colleague to lunch in a recently opened bar. As we took our seats, my colleague's face suddenly and violently expanded, much as a balloon does when it is inflated. For stood behind the bar in a relaxed, proprietorial pose was the late Mr George Best. My friend practically poo-ed himself with excitement, charged over and shook Mr Best's hand, fulsome congratulations, oleaginous praise, etc., etc. Our lunch arrived, my chum burbled endlessly about 'Besty' and his sporting triumphs and all was well until the bill arrived. "[i]Six quid[/i] for a tuna sandwich!?!" cried my friend (it was the 1980's). "That cheeky c**t's just trading off his name." [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1330523081' post='1558783'] Or is this a thread about where did Bilbo's carrots go ?[/quote] Clue: Look closely at my avatar [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1330458083' post='1557900'] Let's not scare the fella off eh. [/quote] Agreed. It could be somewhat trying. Then again, Mr Mounfield has worked with Ian Brown and Bobby Gillespie in their full pomp, so one would imagine he doesn't scare [i]too[/i] easily. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  16. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330455960' post='1557848'] I hope some members don't get too star-struck and bombard him with loads of questions [/quote] It must be quite difficult in a way. Bit of a balancing act, really. Lurk under an assumed name and your ability to contribute to the debate is a bit impaired - e.g., How was your last gig? - Errr. Sail under your own flag and you may fall foul of attention-seekers out to score a few points and prove how hard they are. Anyway, simple courtesy demands we treat him with the respect we'd show any new member and interact as we would with anyone else here. [size=1](As long as it's not a huge wind-up). [/size] [color=#ffffff][size=1].[/size][/color]
  17. Hi Chris and welcome from the northern end of the Shire. Hope you enjoy the forum and your return to the low end of things.
  18. So some Serbian gangsters walk into the shop. They take the gear, hide some of it with a mate and disguise the rest by swapping necks and bodies around. One gets 12 months suspended and the other 6 months suspended. Am I alone in thinking this a rather soft punishment? No matter. I shall henceforth prefix any reference to Messrs Harrison and Harrison with the phrase 'the convicted criminals'. Good job they never did anything like - I dunno - passing amplifiers off as 'vintage' Hiwatts when they - er - weren't. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1330287503' post='1555311'] Sometimes the music can be fairly incidental to what else is going down onstage.[/quote] If - indeed - there [i]is[/i] anything else going down onstage. God knows, at worst punters are used to things like the telly where the entertainment is - again at worst - professional. So they walk into a boozer and see a clutch of pudgy middle-aged men, one of whom is wearing an inappropriate hat, while another sports a lurid shirt. 'The Band' kicks off a hideous row and stop 3 minutes later to an embarrassed silence. 'Hello' says the frontman and dabs his forehead nervously. Songs you've heard a million times stumble around before collapsing into each other in a welter of panicky glances, weak jokes and muffed intros. After half an hour, the noise subsides and someone says "We'll be back in ten minutes". I mean, is that like - a threat - or what? 'The Band' edges six inches away from the bit of carpet that denotes the performance area and stand around in abashed silence. Someone's brother-in-law laughs. No-one knows why. The second set is no different from the first except that a number of 'regulars' have sidled quietly into the other bar where they are pulling exaggerated faces and sticking their fingers in their ears. As the final climactic chord dies away, a cymbal stand falls over. The scowling drummer rushes outside, where he can be heard slagging off the guitarist in a loud voice. "Dear God, we should be paying the audience" says the bass player. He is right.
  20. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1330286445' post='1555286'] 99% of punters don't care about your amp or strings or if you know every scale or some super duper chops. Its taken me about 20 years to realise this [/quote] Indeed. We'd all be better off re-jigging our practice / rehearsal time as follows: 30% - Technique / Gear 30% - Learning how to blag gigs / self-promote etc 40% - Performance / Entertainment skills
  21. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1330135736' post='1553337'] Bah! I have 160w at home... [/quote] Oh don't get me wrong. Before I got old and sensible (?) I used to come home from work and decompress through a JCM800 full stack with a Twin for some top. Nothing finer than some trouserflapping volume to erase one's cares. Sadly, my neighbours did not share my enthusiasm, nor did various pub audiences. TBH, teeny-weeny valve amps are a godsend and my back concurs. That said, you can't go wrong with an old 30w Peavey Classic.
  22. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' timestamp='1330129659' post='1553304'] ... I'd be looking at 30W and 50 max W, wouldn't need anything bigger![/quote] Nobody needs 50w. Last week I lent a friend my 50w JMP Mk II (non-MV), and 2x12 cab with a couple of old Goodmans. His wife never complained before. But she did this time, even though he's playing in an outbuilding about 200 feet from his house. These days, nobody needs 50w. For home, I'd be looking at 5w max. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330016791' post='1551530'] Can you sit and play one note repeating at one tempo [/quote] yes. on evry song I is ever playign becos I is a nartist and i have a thena postr too wich is clerely more than yuo hev, yuo Nzai lulz, [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  24. The Rick Resource forum* did this a couple of years ago. For those BC-ers who just can't wait for our thread to develop here's a link to their 15 page thread: [url="http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=393488"]http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=393488[/url] And the outcome: [quote]EDIT BY GIL: please note that the ([i]minimum post[/i]) number is now 30 and not 100 as originally planned. A word of caution though: nonsense posts ([i]inc multiple +1's[/i]) will be removed; the idea behind this restriction is to let forumites get to know the new user better before any financial interaction; boosting your post count for the sake of boosting your post count will get your post deleted and a warning will be issued.[/quote] [size=3]* The unofficial Rick Forum, not Mr Hall's official Rick site. Lovely chaps.[/size]
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