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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1329162349' post='1538230'] Her sausage was awful.[/quote] As Ms Mills once remarked early on in her matrimony to the Fab One. Beginning of the end, y'know. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1329162716' post='1538239'] That's a bit prejudiced, isn't it? [/quote] In favour of veggies, yes. I mean, what do you want me to say - that - like bass players - they're all raging nutters who pick up a grudge like there was a tenner tied to it? That they fastidiously pick the bones out of someone else's transgression until one of them says "Oooh, look, it's disappeared completely. What are we going to do now?". That they lack the minutest sense of proportion? I could say that, if you like, but it wouldn't be true. There's only ever been one bad veggie and that was Hitler. The rest are all lovely.
  2. Which reminds me. One day a few years ago, I was rooting around in the freezer looking for some broad beans and discovered a long-forgotten pack of Linda McCartney Vegetarian sausages. It gave me quite a turn, seeing the frosty, long-dead face of Britain's (formerly) most-famous carnophobe staring back up at me from its icy nest adjacent to the venison steaks. I mention this because I rather wonder if the vegetarian forums would be abuzz with furious bewilderment if some American tot had innocently enquired "WTF is LIDna MCarntney???? LULZ" I think not. Vegetarians are quiet, forgiving people, quite unlike your average bassplayer.
  3. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1329158626' post='1538145'] Don't agree about the lack of decent records he has put out < >No one can take that away.. [/quote] Well, that's OK, it's a taste thing, I suppose and I'm very glad you still enjoy his work; long may you do so. I don't think anyone's trying to take that away from you, nor, logically, could they. My real question is this. Why do so many older people seem to think that young people are stupid or culturally deficient because they unaware of Macca? I mean, even these kids' [i]parents[/i] were born after the lovable Mop-Tops called it a day. I reckon it's the 'Grim Reaper' syndrome. The years wear on. The knees start crackling like a fireworks display and the old ticker judders around a bit. Someone mentions Macca-blindness and it's all "These young people today they ....[i]KAAAAAARRRKKK!!!! THUMP![/i] "
  4. It would be the most awful thing in the world if today's pop youth were queuing up en masse to worship at Macca's feet. For one thing, he hasn't put out a decent record in 20 years and his heyday was nearly 4 decades ago if you can count Wings as his last big thing. Boring the arse off some kid about the Beatles is just like when my Grandad used to go on about the golden age of Music Hall. "George Robey this... Vesta Tilley that". Same sort of time span. Daft. (Not the OP, just some of the webverse's more maniacal reactions) [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  5. Uillean pipes. Proper. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs4qXI6_weA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs4qXI6_weA&feature=related[/url]
  6. * A drummer who plays the groove through the changes, rather than playing a full-on 4 beat fill every four bars * A singer who knows what the words mean and delivers a performance rather than a recitation of the lyrics * A guitarist who plays a solo for the song's benefit rather than his own. And uses fragmented chords rather than full barres. * A harp player who knows more than one position * A bass player who's happy to play roots, doesn't put a climb into every change and a descent into every turnaround * A band that treats each number as a song in its own right, supports the lyrical meaning, shuns virtuosity and aims for danceability. * Dead stops. Especially the tricky ones you can't just count, but where you have to be cued by the singer.
  7. Clinical trials have conclusively proved that playing blues piles on the pounds: [quote] [size=3]Professor Dick Twilley of University College Hospital, London commented: "Ten volunteers were each weighed and then given a Fender Stratocaster and a blues Jam-along tape. After playing the national average of 72 bars of soloing, the subjects were weighed again. " In 8 out of 10 cases, the subjects' weight had increased by 100-150 gms. Closer examination showed that all of this additional weight had accrued around the subject's head in the form of fatty deposits." [/size][/quote]
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1328977921' post='1535581'] Basically ...or similar[/quote] If you're unlucky. True, many jams seem to consist mostly of dum-di-dum Jimmy Reed shuffles. OTOH, others can be quite rewarding. You just have to go round a few and see what you find. But as a beginner, it's worth doing a few of the more - shall we say - [i]conservative[/i] jams, just to get a feel for the genre and the scene. Thereafter, the world's your oyster. As an antidote to the Clapton-esque doodlings of many Brit bluesers or the omnipresent Stevie Ray clones, check out Robert Cray, Albert Collins, Buddy Guy, John Lee Hooker, Howling Wolf and RL Burnside for a variety of takes on Blues. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1328978186' post='1535586'] Definitely not a hard and fast rule. [/quote] Indeed. That wildly over-exposed chestnut 'Keys To The Highway' is an 8-bar. Almost guaranteed to crop up at a jam.
  9. If there's one bit of advice I'd give, it would be play half as many notes as you think you need to. Further info here in some older threads: [i]Blues Songs:[/i] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/142487-which-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/122227-good-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/47821-blues-playlist-for-beginners/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/87900-blues-band-standards/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/142487-which-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/142487-which-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/122227-good-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/47821-blues-playlist-for-beginners/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/87900-blues-band-standards/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/122227-good-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/142487-which-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/122227-good-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/47821-blues-playlist-for-beginners/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/87900-blues-band-standards/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/47821-blues-playlist-for-beginners/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/142487-which-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/122227-good-blues-songs/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/47821-blues-playlist-for-beginners/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/87900-blues-band-standards/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/87900-blues-band-standards/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1[/url] [i]Auditioning for blues bands:[/i] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/93500-got-an-audition-for-blues-band/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1http://basschat.co.uk/topic/72720-just-why-is-blues-so-important-when-learning-bass/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/93500-got-an-audition-for-blues-band/page__hl__blues__fromsearch__1[/url] An advanced search for Blues as topic title throws up a couple of pages. The above are the longer threads. Lots more out there.
  10. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1326290772' post='1494970'] Free Sonimus EQ [/quote] Thanks Garry
  11. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328535067' post='1528568'] I just want my bottom to be more predicatable [/quote] Oh yeah? How does that square with this from another thread: [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328482258' post='1527974'] I know [i]I'll[/i] never stick a white hot poker up me arse again. A lesson I'll never forget. [/quote] Unpredictable bottom? You've only got yourself to blame, sicko.
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1327802219' post='1517127'] Giffen... [/quote] Interesting. Very interesting. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giffen_good"]http://en.wikipedia....iki/Giffen_good[/url] The example paradox of consumers buying more of a good as its price goes up (poor people / staple foods) because the price rise forces them to divert their expenditure from more expensive, higher quality foods. So they have to eat more of the crappy stuff to make up the nutritional difference. Sounds very like supermarket pricing strategy. Cost of 'basics' brand items has pretty much doubled in the last couple of years, whereas more expensive goods have gone up comparatively less, maybe 10-20%. [i]That's[/i] unethical, IMO. And totally legal, of course. Silddx is right - "Cheap sh*t is where the ethical problems usually lie". [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [quote name='CyberBass' timestamp='1327862185' post='1517868'] But I do have to ask, are the price match promises selective or not? [/quote] [size=1]Probably something in the small print that gets them out of it in certain circumstances.[/size]
  14. [quote name='Jimmyp28' timestamp='1327672755' post='1515156'] Am sure my luthier will be posting some of his work within on this site soon, but am sure he would not want to be associated with me after this [/quote] That's good. The more UK luthiers around the better for all of us. Particularly if the £ goes through the floor and US gear becomes beyond the reach of all but the very well-heeled. [quote name='Jimmyp28' timestamp='1327655754' post='1514720'] Veblen good effect [/quote] [quote name='Gwilym' timestamp='1327656456' post='1514734'] Not sure about the Veblen effect [/quote] So these Veblen effects. Anyone tried them? Because I'm after an analogue type delay, see. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  15. [quote name='Jimmyp28' timestamp='1327655754' post='1514720'] Would some of you buy a guitar which cost lots less and made to same skill as these items which has been mentioned [/quote] You mean like the £1000 Wal copy your luthier built for you? Any chance of some pics, specs and contact details? As for the bassmaking, I note you posted a while ago about sourcing timber for such a project. Is this thread - in part - about researching a product price point? If so, there are less painful ways of going about it.
  16. One of those wiggly hula doll toys stood on top of the rig will add to the full-on rock & roll flavour: [size=2]Stack Ornamentation[/size]
  17. If image is an issue, how about a Marshall VBA and a couple of 4x12s. Or a big f***-off Orange valve stack. One assumes roadies are part of the deal.
  18. [quote name='Jimmyp28' timestamp='1327593424' post='1513935'] Thank you Fan boys I truly am a changed man. [/quote] So those pics of the £1000 Wal-alike, then?
  19. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1327543439' post='1513256'] Hmm, sometimes I do think 'taste' is used as a euphemism for 'lacking sense of fun'. [/quote] [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1327571261' post='1513399'] And there I was hoping this thread was going to be about judging drummers on their choice of hat [/quote] [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1327536022' post='1513209'] There are two separate issues here. [/quote] [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1327594857' post='1513969'] IWith respect, It just seems to be about Nigel's inability to understand that different people appreciate music, or the components of music, for different things. [/quote] [quote name='phil625sxc' timestamp='1327595748' post='1513986'] I was initially wrong about the meaning behind the OP as someone has clarified it as "good music doesn't have to be difficult to play" which IMO is not an interesting or thought provoking statement... [/quote] I don't think any of this is what our resident 'enigma wrapped in a riddle inside a mystery' was trying to say. My understanding of his proposition is as follows: [list=1] [*]In that there is wide agreement that one's technique and basslines should be servant to the song, not the other way round... [*]...and that is widely held that playing 'too much' is as deleterious to a song as playing 'too little' [*]Acclaim seems to be reserved for examples of bass playing which would - in many instances and through their orotund complexity - be contextually inimical to a harmonious and holistic ensemble performance [*]Given statements 1 and 2, it is paradoxical (and possibly counter-productive) that do we not applaud intentionally crafted understatement as much as we praise (sometimes) unrestrained overstatement [*]Simplicity is undervalued. How odd. [/list] Not much to disagree with there, IMO. Uncontroversial, perhaps. Of course, I could be labouring under a complete misapprehension, given the gnomic nature of many of The Great Man's pronouncements. I shall ask him more on my next trip to Lhasa. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  20. If Jimmy is concerned about legal issues arising from my suggestion above, he can PM me the details, which I will pass on to interested members on request. No, really. I think Jimmy's luthier deserves a break and if some good comes of this thread then all the better.
  21. If one frames a rant as a question, then every answer one receives - whether well-considered or underpinned by fact or statistic - will prove to be unsatisfactory unless it accords with one's opinion. In any event, I think it would be good to encourage less well-known luthiers. So please post some images of your Wal-alike, with some basic specs. And a link to your luthier* or some contact details. He'd probably welcome the publicity and I'm sure you wouldn't want to deny him a wider audience. It might encourage others to seek him out and offer him some business, which would - in turn - put some money in [i]his[/i] pocket at the expense of the profitmongers you instance. So - rather than just feeling nettled about excessive profits - you'd be doing something positive to address an issue about which you clearly have strong feelings. [size=2]* His name wouldn't be Kevin, would it?[/size] [color=#ffffff][size=2].[/size][/color]
  22. [quote name='Jimmyp28' timestamp='1327450310' post='1511631'] Fodera, Wal and kevin smith [/quote] Ken Smith's younger (and less talented) brother. Bit of needle between them, apparently. Kevin finds out what Ken's building on any given day (spy camera), whacks out an inferior copy and charges Ken's customers twice as much. Ken phones him up, like WTF? and Kevin goes "Dunno what you're talking about. Are you drinking again, Ken?" So why has this happened? Because people have more money than sense, but it's theirs to do with as they will and, in any case, who cares because a Squier is as good as a Fodera anyway. Better, in fact.
  23. Last week I was dragged to see Mr Rollins on his 'spoken word' tour. Influenced, perhaps, by image and media comment, I wasn't expecting much. Far from being a shouty tattooed numpty, he came across as a perfectly splendid chap. Well-informed, widely travelled and possessed of a droll sense of humour which he frequently turned upon himself. Far funnier, in fact, than any stand-up de nos jours. Loud, yes, but witty, incisive and self-effacing. I was also mightily impressed that he did [i]two and a half hours [/i]onstage without even pausing for a glass of water. Highly recommended, as long as you're not a supporter of the Republican party. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1327195025' post='1507803'] I dunno why ...[/quote]
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