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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. IIRC, in the band's Glam-Pop heyday the A-sides of the singles were usually written by Chinn & Chapman. The B-sides were band compositions which reflected their preference for the harder-edged stuff. All part of the deal, apparently.
  2. [quote name='TraceElliotBass' timestamp='1323034713' post='1458588'] ... I leant my ah600-12 and cabs to Norman Watt Roy in May 2011 he put the 15 on top, and he loved it. [/quote] Oh joy! Oh happy day! I've been reading these cab-stacking threads since I got here in 2008 and I'm pretty sure this is the first new 'point of reference' I've seen. It is veritably a clash of BC icons. Norm vs The Cab-Stack. Laydees 'n' gemmun, round of applause for Mr TraceElliotBass!
  3. [quote name='REDLAWMAN' timestamp='1323033303' post='1458563'] I can't see myself being able to do that in a million years.[/quote] I'm fairly certain that there are plenty of pro bass players who have [i]that[/i] feeling from time to time. In fact, it seems to be a fairly common sentiment among the best players that "there's always so much more to learn". So you're not alone. 99% of us here are striving to get better than we currently are. For most, there's no big 'breakthrough' moment. Just a flow of small wins and a growing pot of knowledge. Check back on your original post a year from now and you'll feel a little glow of satisfaction. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  4. Bought an ART tube pre-amp. My second purchase from John, a splendid chap for whom nothing is too much trouble. Great comms, the most bombproof packing and always a very fair price.
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1322929591' post='1457444'] ... you'd need to use a mic.[/quote] Dynamic? Condenser? Ribbon? Through which pre-amp? Into digital? Or onto tape? Played back through an SS amp or a little valve beauty? Into headphones or speakers? Which speakers? In what shape of room? And at what height? And where are your ears in relation to the speakers? How tall are you? Have you consumed any alcohol which might affect one's 'top-end' hearing? Are you sitting on a sofa? Leather or cloth? Is there a dog in the room presenting a moving diffractive surface? I mean - "Use a mic" A frustratingly inexact suggestion if ever I heard one. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  6. One might argue that the unamplified bass guitar is analogous to the paint brush and that the amp colouration and effects are the paint. Everything after that is a matter of intent, context and the consumer's subjective appreciation. In the same way, one could contend that the 'natural' tone equates to a simple, depictive watercolour and the heavily effected tone to a Goya or a Hirst. Depending on one's expectations of art as a communicative process, one might state that neither approach is more artistically valid or 'true' than the other. To my mind, the problems start when the colour choice overwhelms the message. In the end, it's all a matter of taste. Some people praise the fuzzy intro to the Isley's 'Summer Breeze. Others damn it as intrusively ugly. It still sold bundles. In short, the electric bass guitar may possess a 'natural' tone from which to move away; that one moves away from it is inherent to the nature of the instrument. The degree to which one may retain a fondness for the notional natural tone while departing from a conventional colourative norm is - in practice - immeasurable, given the infinite variety of personal tastes and the almost infinite variety of potential tonal variations.
  7. My favourite convertible-neck bass video. No retraction involved. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I86kTWgMQuk&feature=related[/media] Local Man: "I'm not remotely bonkers".
  8. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1322669972' post='1454243'] I was thinking something like a Westone Rail with the pup attached to your left hand through a rig of strings and pullies. [/quote] Even better. I like your way of thinking. FWIW, re: your earlier observation; in the late 50's I think Gibson moved the neck p90 rout on the Les Paul Special (double cutaway) due to neck flap and general instability. IIRC and all that. .
  9. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1322669369' post='1454231'] Or there is a sweet spot for every fret so we really need 21/22/23/24 pick ups. [/quote] Piezos under every fret and a sliding mag pup that runs the length of the body with a little printed scale along the side, calibrated for every key. Job done. See, I'm full of bounce and positivity today. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  10. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1322666824' post='1454184'] So if there is no one defining sweet spot then the talk of a sweet spot is bollox as there is none. [/quote] Equally, one might argue that if there is no [i]one[/i] defining sweet spot there may be [i]many [/i]sweet spots, each of which is definable by its location and subjectively pleasing 'sweetness'. OTOH, the argument might go that - as an objective recognition of subjectivity - there is no [i]sour[/i] spot spotty spot spot.
  11. Why not simply move the bridge closer to the neck? [size=3](Puts hands in pockets, saunters off whistling)[/size]
  12. Useful threads here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/152813-studio-build-need-some-help/page__p__1356326__hl__soundproofing__fromsearch__1#entry1356326"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1356326[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/135383-kitting-out-my-garage-as-a-rehearsal-space/page__p__1229033__hl__soundproofing__fromsearch__1#entry1229033"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1229033[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/97039-help-setting-up-a-studio/page__hl__soundproofing"]http://basschat.co.u...__soundproofing[/url] If you search 'soundproofing' you'll find a fair amount of stuff here on BC. Carpet - particularly a traditional floral pattern - might take a bit off the grimness but it won't reduce noise to the external world in any meaningful way. Council tips are good for cheap carpet. Buy some overalls and go skip-diving. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  13. [list] [*]Scroll up to the top of the screen. On the rhs there's your user-name. [*]Click on the username. A box will open. [*]Click on 'my settings'. [*]Up will come a page called (I think) General Account settings. [*]Fifth section down has a section called Profile Information [*]Click on button marked 'edit my About Me page' [*]Edit like a mad thing [*]Save changes [/list]
  14. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1322571100' post='1452749'] After two years of being unfavorably compared to the previous guy ... [/quote] Two years?!? You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. Good luck with the RPO sessions; they won't give you any of that nonsense. Big drinkers too, I'm told. [size=2]* Edit for orchestral confusion[/size]
  15. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1322503268' post='1451722'] This was from someone with no feedback who uses too many exclamation marks, both things which make me slightly uneasy! [/quote] Not just you. From Wikipedia: [quote] This punctuation mark is called, in the newspaper world, "a screamer, a gasper, [or] a startler".[sup][size=2][color=#0645ad][1][/color][/size][/sup] It is sometimes called a "dog's cock" by [color=#0645ad]typesetters[/color].[sup][size=2][color=#0645ad][2][/color][/size][/sup] [/quote]
  16. While we're on about reprehensible practises, there's a BC-er (who hasn't been around for a while) who used to buy stuff in off ebay in the USA and flog it here. So far, so good. Unfortunately, he crafted his ads to suggest that he'd had this gear for some time - the old "With much regret I must unload my beloved etc., etc. Awesome tone!" I would regularly watch stuff appear here before he'd exchanged feedback with the ebay seller and - possibly - before the item was even in this country. Reprehensible or non? You decide. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  17. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1322412718' post='1450528'] Tell Dusty Hill that.......... [/quote] The difference is that Mr Hill has Papal dispensation to tote 'exotic' instruments. Rather than Explorers (perf. acceptable, IMO) I was thinking more of this sort of thing: [size=2]BC Rich Draco. Not pointy at all.[/size]
  18. [quote name='vyniljunky' timestamp='1322333506' post='1449608'] [font=georgia, serif][size=4]what to go for [/size][/font] [/quote] Squier Precision or Jazz would do. Plenty of them coming through the Basses For Sale section here. The CV's have a particularly good rep, they're cheap and you can upgrade them with different pickups at later stage if you want to refine your sound in a particular direction. But there should be no compulsion to use a Fender type. I've seen plenty of pro bluesers using other mfrs. The only thing that [i]might[/i] raise an eyebrow would be a pointy metal machine.
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1322352921' post='1449946'] You forgot the Chuckle Brothers. [/quote] I was [i]trying[/i] to forget the Chuckle Brothers and I had [i]nearly[/i] succeeded In any event, I think some people dislike the idea of inherited talent because it is Mother Nature's riposte to those 'socialist' fellows and their amusing egalitarianism. Either way, inherited wealth trumps everything else. Who needs genes when you can engage Mr Wooten for a week of private lessons?
  20. I think it's really rather nice when people 'inherit' talent or skills, whether through their genes or the environment in which they are raised. For one thing, it gives parent and child a common interest and something to talk about at tea-time. As has been no doubt already been noted, infant prodigies and musical dynasties are nothing new. Mozart, the Bachs and the Strausses, Tim and Jeff Buckley. And it works sideways too - The Watersons, The Everley Bros, The Andrews sisters all benefit from a sort of sibling musicality. There's definitely a force at work in these instances Mind you, the Gallaghers, Jakob Dylan and the Lennon offspring offer a disturbing counter-argument. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  21. Welcome aboard Rich You'll probably get more detailed responses if you re-post this down in the recording sub forum [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/10-recording/"]http://basschat.co.uk/forum/10-recording/[/url] or PM a moderator and ask them to shift this thread there. That's where we review each other's stuff, mostly. Enjoy the forum.
  22. Congratulations, Flanker. Feelgood story of the week.
  23. [i][/i] [size=6][b]Reputation Vote: Shock Outcome[/b][/size] [size=5][b]Unexpected Dismay At 'Like' Victory Party[/b][/size] [b][size=3]'Like' party supporters - m[size=3]oments before the shock result [/size][/size][/b] [size=2]This story updated at 23:35 25/11/2011[/size] [b][size=5]BITTER ALLEGATIONS AS CAMPAIGN BITES DUST[/size][/b] [size=2][size=3][size=4]The champagne was cooling in silver buckets as waiters circled the room, dispensing canapes and cheesy pineapple sticks. Victory was in the air.[/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]Moments later, 'Like' party supporters were crushed by the news that squabbling election officials had finally adopted the First Past The Post system. Despite a clear majority for Like and Like/Dislike over 'Discontinue', the dark forces of repression had gathered like a summer storm to rain on their parade.[/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]Women fainted and men wept in corners as the news sunk in. Hopes hung in tatters. The dream was over. No more glad morn when joy it was to be alive. The piss was on the chips.[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][b]World Reaction[/b][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]Election officials raced to limit damage by shutting down media channels. But it was too late. Around the globe, political reaction was swift and damning. [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=3][size=4]President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe described the outcome as " a fix, a cheat. The worst rigging I have ever seen." [/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]Russian strongman Vladimir Putin dubbed it "an affront against democracy. The 'Like' Party have been made to eat a sh*t sandwich. And it was the fascist counter-revolutionaries who buttered the bread."[/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]The leader of the free world, President Barack Obama stormed: "Can we [i]do[/i] it? Not on this occasion!" [/size][/size][/size] [size=5][b]Resignation And Acceptance[/b][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]But political pressure will not be enough and 'Like' party leaders have reluctantly agreed to respect the result. Thanks to their self-sacrifice the streets of Britain are calm tonight. But as crestfallen partygoers stumbled from the wreckage of the celebrations more than one voice was heard demanding revenge. [/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]"From now on, it's -1 all the way. See how the ****ers like that" raged a middle-aged man, spittle flying from his mouth like a Niagara of hate.[/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]Perhaps the saddest indictment was uttered by a tiny, coughing orphan huddled in a doorway: [/size][/size][/size] [size=2][size=3][size=4]"I thought things were going to change and I'd (cough) wake up to a bright new day. (Cough) But no-one cares about the little people anymore. (Cough-cough)"[/size][/size][/size] [color=#f0fff0][size=2][size=3][size=4].[/size][/size][/size][/color]
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