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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Oh, I like that. A lot. Nice work sir, It's got that late 60's - early 70's vibe. Purple corduroy loons incoming.
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1322052690' post='1445839'] Here...[/quote] I am liking this fish lady image.
  3. According to their website faq's [url="http://www.fealabs.com/"]http://www.fealabs.com/[/url] they only sell direct. And due to 'depleted inventory', many of their pedals are out of stock. Seems you'll have to join a waiting list
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1322050983' post='1445799'] Yeah it's a funny old thing this rep system... you make quips all day long and you earn a massive rep score yet if you take time out from your day job to assist people to get their basses working or impart actual knowledge you don't get nowt. [/quote] I couldn't agree more. It is a very silly system and I've said so elsewhere.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1322049810' post='1445772']It's going to be hard to lose our high-scoring 'Like' totals though, isn't it Skank? [/quote] Popular acclamation is a fickle friend and of negligible concern to me. I seek only to serve Truth, harsh mistress though she be.
  6. Notwithstanding the likelihood (or otherwise) of JT's apocalyptic predictions, the passion and eloquence of his argument is almost enough to sway me into a negative vote. The facility to positively rate someone's contribution to a chummy debate is one thing. To place the tools of divisiveness in the hands of self-serving, pack-hunting cliques is another matter entirely. The threat posed by the Scarlet Badge Of Shame[sup][size=2]TM[/size][/sup] is a clear and present danger to the cohesion of our community. Which is why I urge those who have not yet voted to hurl themselves behind the campaign to retain the green Like button. Thank You.
  7. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1321918554' post='1444514'] I'll try to rephrase :-) 10 people like the colour red 10 people like red and yellow 10 people don't like red or yellow In this case 20 like red, 10 like yellow and 10 like neither. Make sense? [/quote] Where's the yellow button? In any case, red and yellow make orange. There's an orange button at the top for searching. I vote we keep search.
  8. [color=#ff0000][b]Skim-Reader Warning[/b][/color]: Do Not Boil Meths
  9. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1321779739' post='1442867'] Since mentioning this song he has commented that maybe some of the songs might benefit from a pick.[/quote] [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1321807624' post='1443256'] I'm stunned at some if the attitudes in this thread to be honest - the OP said that a band member suggested (not demanded!) that he try a pick for a few songs as the sound might suit it better, and the response for half the forum is as if the keys player in question had asked to spend the night with your mother![/quote] Quite. Jokey comments and thread title aside, there are a few instances of barely repressed fury. God knows why. I think the OP is pretty well sorted on the issue, but it would perhaps be a shame to walk away without seeing how the pick thing works out or having a more candid discussion about it. Last time someone asked me to use my fingers for a particular song, I simply told them I couldn't play that fast without a pick so it wasn't going to happen. 'Key-doke, they said and that was the end of it
  10. [size=5][b]Why the reputation system is flawed: [/b][/size] [size=5][b]serialised from 'The Campaign Diaries'[/b][/size] [size=3][b]by Rt Hon Alan Clark MP[/b][/size] [size=3][b][/b][/size] [size=2]This page last updated 20th November 2011. (Photo: DelVar Global Media)[/size] [size=5][b]19th November 1987[/b][/size] [size=5][size=4]Awake in the London flat to find Jody has left in the night. She is a lovely girl and gifted in the art of fellation, but rather lacking in the brain department. I told her father as much during a committee meeting and was astonished at his reaction. I suppose one should expect that from a counter-jumping nouveau-riche.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]To the House for more drab ramblings about the 'Reputation' vote. God, the blackness enters my soul when David Blunkett stumbles to his feet and bleats away in that ghastly Northern accent of his. I slipped his guide dog a laxative, so not entirely a waste of time. [/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]No-one seems to know what the 'Reputation' system involves. Some members think it's an indication of status - rather like a Life Peerage that can be revoked. Others aver that it measures the technical competence of the 'poster'. Half the members are completely unaware of its existence and wander round in a daze, chirruping about string gauges and 'tone'. Frankly, they make me sick with their maunderings. [/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]Is this why I strived so hard to get into politics? My gorge rises when I recall the weeks and months I spent in front of constituency associations, practically begging the stone-faced dullards and petty shopkeepers to adopt me as their candidate. My spirit sinks.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]To the Gay Hussar for lunch. That odious little puffball Ken Clarke is dining with some American and his girlfriend. No doubt keen to display his 'connections' Clarke rises to his feet and motions me across.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]"Alan! Alan! I'd like you to meet my friend Maurice from California. Maurice, this is Alan Clarke. He's a junior Minister of Defence"[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]The Yank looks unimpressed and launches into a diatribe about truth and war and rape. Clarke looks abashed as well he should. I look the Yank in the eye.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]"The only war you should worry about is the one when the British Army burnt down your White House in 1812. Keep a civil tongue in your head or I might just ask the captain of HMS Christchurch to put a cruise missile through your window."[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]The Yank goes white around the gills while his ladyfriend leans over and squeezes his hand to reassure him. A good-looking filly with a glint in her eye. I hand her my card and suggest that she join me later for a nightcap. Good possibility, I think.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]Business done for the day, I motor down to Saltwood in the Bentley. British engineering at its finest. Such a shame that the company is owned by by bullet-headed Prussians intent on revenge for the military reverses they have suffered at our hands. [/size][/size][size=5][size=4]They may protest that they're all level-headed, analytical types these days, but experience teaches otherwise. [/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]I recall that dumpy little German scientist I met on a trade visit - what was her name - Angela? - who was all statistics and frigid smiles until I bent her over the kitchenette counter and set to with a will. At her moment of climax, she clawed the wood to splinters, repeatedly screaming "Deutschland uber alles!" at the top of her voice. Such Teutonic passion cannot be contained. There will be another war, mark my words.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]Once home, I receive a call from Cameron, my new PPS. A ruddy-cheeked boy who looks a bit of a sneak. I doubt he will rise far.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]Calamity. I am recalled to the House. [/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]The Reputation debate has hit a snag and the 22 is in an uproar. Apparently a vote for either of the two 'like' options will cancel out the 'dislike' vote. (Don't ask me). That prissy little Welsh crawler Geoffrey Howe is entirely to blame. 'Democracy' is a farce. The minute you start giving people a choice, society unravels and the lower classes try to take over.[/size][/size] [size=5][size=4]So, back to London. I arrive at the flat to find the Californian lady sitting on the steps. I offer her my hand and we go upstairs. Bugger the vote.[/size][/size] [size=1]..[/size]
  11. World's in trouble, there's no communication. An' everyone can say what they wanna say, it never gets better anyway. So why should I care 'bout a bad reputation? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJARlX5vAZM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJARlX5vAZM[/url]
  12. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1321729557' post='1442567'] what's behind the screen can be either good or evil. [/quote] How about 'Good' and 'Evil' buttons? Having lots of Evil points would be cool.
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1321716079' post='1442345'] Not really. [/quote] Fair enough. Based on the info supplied, it's difficult to reach any firm conclusions. Perhaps the OP should crank his mids in the knowledge that no-one will notice anyway and they'll have forgotten all about picks by the next rhsal. If it comes up again, my suggested diversionary response would be "Good point. But before I answer that, tell me, what are you going to wear for the next gig?"
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321709772' post='1442247'] Agreed, but I'm not sure whether the use of subliminal messaging is particularly ethical! [/quote] I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1321707382' post='1442205'] Tell him, 'leave the bass to me Sunshine'... oh..and 'arse' comes into it as well..!! ha ha !! [/quote] [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1321708661' post='1442223'] Hmmm... depends on the context of course..but new member gets told by keys to use a pick..?? [b]I'd be thinking it has nothing whatsoever to do with sound[/b]... (snip) So, I don't know this guy...and it seems the OP only has 7 sessions with him..and this comes up...?? [b]Did he not want you in the band from the audition[/b]...??? [b]what is all this about[/b]..? Doesn't he like what you do..? ... On the face of a few posts, he sounds like a redneck to me... [/quote] [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1321709280' post='1442238'] ... They settle on you and then decide that what they liked about you at audtion, they want to fundementally change plus [b]put you under quite a bit of pressure[/b] with a new technique..?? If you have been fingerstyle for 30 odd years..[b]you aren't going to get anywhere near comfortable [/b]with a pick anytime soon or quickly..by comparison. [b]If they are paying you decent dosh ..which I doubt [/b]as they wouldn't have been looking for so long..??? If you don't want to change then don't..they can take their chances getting [b]someone else they can mould[/b]..or not.. !! Simple..!! [/quote] Perhaps I am misreading it, but it seems you're repeatedly trying to sow seeds of doubt and negativity. The old "He's got it in for you...I wouldn't let anyone talk to [i]me[/i] like that" and then stand back and watch the fun. That or you're venting your own grudges onto someone else's circumstances in the guise of helpful advice. Neither is likely to help the OP resolve his situation.
  16. Nary an SG or an EB3 for - [i]years?[/i] - and two in the same week. Curse you, Dame Fortune. Good luck with the sale, Mr Claret.
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1321707474' post='1442206'] Having just a like button is too namby-pamby politically correct for an imaginary world where nothing horrible ever happens. [/quote] The puppy is sad now. [color=#e6e6fa]Vote 'Keep the reputation system but likes only' for a world where nothing horrible ever happens.[/color]
  18. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1321632734' post='1441479'] Any thoughts on how to respond [/quote] The practical aspects are one thing. There is also the emotional component. I suppose it all depends how he made the suggestion and whether you generally consider his opinion worthwhile. If he's a moron or inexperienced and he just turned round one day and said "Get a pick, f***nuts", then one's rejoinder might be tailored to fit. OTOH, if he knows his stuff and put the suggestion politely then it's worth some consideration at least. Some have recommended the blanket refusal / throw a huff approach; one would hope this is more in the spirit of fun than a serious suggestion as to how to interact with bandmates. I remember auditioning a drummer one time. I asked him if he could simplify a particular part and he went off on the most ferocious rant about 'knowing best'. When he wound down after about five minutes, I told him to pack his gear and leave.
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1321699627' post='1442046'] something that I can purchase that will get me a close to a 12 string sound?[/quote] EHX Micro pog? £150 with a dry out, mixable up, down and dry. TBH, it sounds a bit - er - electronic to me, but ymmv [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Ef0-gTIjo[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNZH6fvrgh0[/media]
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321663048' post='1441879'] Another acronym: WWMTD. [/quote] Pssst. Remember we're in 'Site News'. OT-ish behaviour and inappropriate levity is frowned upon. So what does WWMTD stand for then?
  21. District line Ealing Common to Westminster; destroy 'the system' and establish global anarcho-syndicalist commune. Return to Westminster tube. Jubilee line to Bond St, change to Central line for Shepherd's Bush.
  22. I voted for 'likes only' because I'm pretty sure that's what Mrs Tinman would do. And because I recently caught myself giving someone a neg just to be spiteful.
  23. You're entirely welcome, old chap. One speaks as one finds. In no way is my approbation diminished by my equal sadness at Beedster's recent absences. Technology is a cruel mistress.
  24. Now would probably be a good time to thank Ped and his helper elves for knocking out a world class forum where the smallest mechanical problem and the broadest philoshoffical discourses are addressed within minutes of posting. Where innocent, smiling newbs are (on the whole) protected from savage old lags. And where pro players and bedroom warriors alike will rally round to a member in need. All done at no cost to the community and funded by the efforts of someone who's already got a day job. Who has to field a spectrum of problems and queries when the board software gets upgraded - in part because the deficiencies of the old one meant that one of the unpaid admins was spending [i]most of his day [/i]deleting spam. To be blunt, it is nothing short of a ******** miracle. Change is rarely welcome, but to fail to explore some of the new options would be silly. And though I harbour reservations about the reputation system, they are so tiny as to be inconsequential. That I should somehow rank 'reputationally' above members like Janek Gwizdala, Ken Smith and Craig Martini can be no bad thing, after all.
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