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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='matt_isn't' timestamp='1321364013' post='1438209'] Anyone know how I can edit the title of this post? [/quote] Go up to your original post. Click on edit. When the editing page opens, click on 'use full editor'. This opens a window where you can edit the title.
  2. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1321281616' post='1437262'] Name [i]me[/i] and I'll give you a 'like'.[/quote] That Bremen. Beneficial [i]and[/i] devilishly handsome.
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1321280746' post='1437245'] with about 4 times as many likes as anyone else [/quote] Thereby demonstrating the inherent flaw in the system. Given no more than a minute, I could name 20 people who are of greater benefit to our community. And so could everyone else.
  4. I think we should have a poll to agree nomenclature. Here's my 2c.[list] [*]Neged [*]Neg-ed [*]Negged [*]Fracked [/list] Edit:[quote name='charic' timestamp='1321275964' post='1437151'] Actually another interesting thought, should new people be allowed to + or - until they have posted a certain amount of posts? [/quote] Good point. Any old Tom, Dick or Barry could turn up and destroy a lifetime's labour in just a few minutes.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321274272' post='1437123'] Where are my mint jujubes? [/quote] [size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace]................................................................[/font][/size] [size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace]Your Menthol Jujubes were dispatched from our Cleethorpes warehouse at 00:51 GMT on 13-11-2011[/font][/size] [size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace]Please quote order # 2112-0031 when contacting our customer service department[/font][/size] [size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace]................................................................[/font][/size]
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321273844' post='1437118'] Animal Farm, anyone?[/quote] Don't mind if I do, old chap. Not too much soda.
  7. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1321271293' post='1437070'] Skank is the Anti-tBBC, isn't he? [/quote] Not so much, considering The Great Man and I conducted a discreet but scorching 'affaire de coeur' for many years. You never forget your first.
  8. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1321267698' post='1437012'] I see this as a good way to express displeasure with their posts without getting dragged into an argument. [/quote] True. And for most of us a neg post would be cause for concern to a lesser or greater degree. We would pause and reflect. For a tiny but disproportionately destabilising minority, it might be a badge of honour. Let us ask ourselves this. Love his posts though I did, would tBBC have let a few hundred negs deter him? 'Like' is a good thing and enables members to express an uncontroversial approbation of a point or the way in which it is made. While 'Dislike' may have many other benefits it seems a problematically opaque platform upon which to base a forum self-policing policy. . Give me an old-fashioned Mod any day. They'd give you a clip round the ear and send you home to your mum. ([i]Wanders off singing: "Boiled Beeef and Carrots, doing the Lambeth Walk![/i] )
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321204785' post='1436413'] Great, now someone has 'Negged' my post #5. [/quote] Oh no! I was just trying it out and I've added a neg. I'll go and find some other stuff you've posted and give you two likes. Edit for: and a bag of mint jujubes.
  10. Hi George It's good to have you with us. There are many Acoustic fans in the UK. Your efforts to revive the brand ethic and your pre-eminence in the subject area have not gone unnoticed. I'm sure many will be excited by the news about the new 360/361 - suggest you have a word with Ped (the admin) re: an affiliate listing and that you post more info in the amps and cabs section. Enjoy the forum
  11. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1321038276' post='1434807'] theorbo / arch-lute [/quote] Top strap button behind the headstock?
  12. [quote name='richardsetford' timestamp='1320607166' post='1428939'] The songs finished and there was silence. Never had a gig like that before.[/quote] Perhaps they were a bit shy. One gets audiences like that from time to time and it is no reflection on the performer.
  13. [quote name='huwgarms' timestamp='1320617924' post='1429146'] and a fan for keeping cool [/quote] If you think it's going to be quite a warm room, get your bass out of its case as soon as you can after you arrive. Give it time to adjust to room temp before you tune up. Take a small towel to mop up any sweat. If anyone - including yourself - makes a mistake, don't worry and don't react to it. Pretend it never happened. 99% of the time the audience never notices. Write the song key against each song on the setlist. Useful when the mind goes blank, as mine so often does. And have a pee [i]before[/i] you go on. Public urination is a criminal offence, IIRC.
  14. Gigs? Zero, but that was the plan. 2011 was supposed to be a year of re-balancing and that's how it's worked out. Farewell wasted 'rehearsals', tired covers and frantic ego-stroking. Lots more personal practice-time; consequently better skills; upgraded the recording side of things; the singing's improved and I've written scads of songs. 2012 - put a band together and control it.
  15. [quote name='lanark' timestamp='1320058193' post='1421587'] Does that work? [/quote] [quote name='Duarte' timestamp='1320060369' post='1421629'] That will work, but you will only hear it from one headphone and there will be terrible latency and distortion/volume issues. [/quote] Worked fine running it into Cakewalk guitar studio, audacity or reaper. Kept the latency down by recording dry and sticking the plug-ins in afterwards. Set the input volume on the windows recording mixer thingy before shunting it into the DAW. I freely take the point about hard panning, but for some reason it came out in centred mono on the cans, dunno why. Obviously a proper input device would be better, which is why I eventually bought an emu 0404. But for bashing around, it was OK.
  16. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1320014295' post='1421388'] I've now found something else which looks promising, about 20 minutes away, so it all worked out OK eventually.. [/quote] Good news, M. Le Comte. Spank that plank in a South Northants stylee.
  17. An original, unmodified 1980's Boss Doctor Rhythm. [b]Banging! Essential! REWIND! Everybody in the house say "WTF is [i]that?"[/i][/b] (ahem) Two ways of looking at this item: * It's an obsolete drum machine with crappy interface, limited sounds and limited memory. 1 kb RAM - yep that's one whole kilobyte! Or * It's a rare vintage beatbox crammed with banging flavas for that essential 80's - er - flava. And the legendary 'handclap' sound for when you're 'Having it large on a leaky barge!'. Dance Music mavens will fill their tiny purple pants with excitement at the opportunity to buy this select, juicy bit of 'back in the day' kit. Everyone else will stifle a yawn and go fold some towels. More DR-110 info here. (So good it's got its own wikipedia page): [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boss_Doctor_Rhythm_DR-110"]http://en.wikipedia....r_Rhythm_DR-110[/url] [url="http://www.cykong.com/Synths/Boss%20DR-110/BossDR110.htm"]http://www.cykong.co...0/BossDR110.htm[/url] Used about ten times then shoved in a drawer for about 25 years. Above is a stock image but mine looks pretty much identical, plastic outer carry-case in vgc. May even have the manual somewhere but no promises and it's downloadable off the web anyway. [b]£50 posted recorded delivery[/b]. Buy now for a Christmas you'll never forget! Sorry, no 'just joined to buy this' noobs unless you can get a regular here to vouch for you. Scammers and low-ballers will be hunted down and gut-shot.
  18. Very sporting of you, Sir
  19. Plug your bass lead into this 1/4" jack to mini jack adapter and plug the adapter into your PC's mic socket. Headphones into the headphone socket. Away you go. About a quid from Maplin's. Not as good as a bit of dedicated outboard but perfectly serviceable for rough demos. Need an amped-up sound? Lots of good freebie sims in the free VST list on this forum.
  20. [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/[/url] [url="http://www.axesrus.com/"]http://www.axesrus.com/[/url] Bought good stuff from both of these shops.
  21. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRbaEc7Dypo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRbaEc7Dypo[/url]
  22. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1319843792' post='1419387'] Saw Sham '69 at Reading Festival in '78 and Steve Hillage appeared out of nowhere to solo over the top of their final number whilst surrounded by a stage full of skinheads. [/quote] Dear God, I remember reading about that at the time. I'm sure there was a photograph to record the culture clash.
  23. Wecome back Did you ever get that Leicester band thing sorted out? Or have you got a new proj. under way?
  24. Looks good, IMO. Myself, I'd leave it on there.
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