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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. 'Ain't no fun...' - One of my favourite AC DC choons. "Hey Howard ... get your f***in' jumbo jet off my airport" RIP Bon, the heart and soul of rock & roll.
  2. Not Eastern European, but whatever. Bunch of old German anarchists and rough as a bear's arse production [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxdkLGSIOYQ&feature=channel_video_title"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxdkLGSIOYQ&feature=channel_video_title[/url]
  3. Having knocked together a few instruments over the years and observed the market, I've come to certain conclusions: * The consensus? Judging from the 'for sale' section of BC, bitsas are in a minority. IMO. * You never make your money back on resale. * By the time you've clocked up the hours and paid for the bits (inc shipping), it costs more to build one than buy one. * It's more fun than buying shop-bought and you learn some useful skills. * Some spod is always going to look at your lovingly assembled frankenbass and ask "Is it a [i]proper[/i] Fender?" Then you have to spend days getting his teethmarks out of the headstock.
  4. [quote name='Gilby' timestamp='1319486617' post='1414857'] There's is/or has been some serious research being done with Clem Burke (?) from Blondie.[/quote] Ah, Clem Burke. Perfect candidate. A frenetic, "round the kit, whoops, there goes the beat" sticksman if ever there was. Sacked by The Ramones after 3 dates for being "too sloppy", IIRC. The shame.
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1319479912' post='1414724'] 5 years of playing..??? I'm sorry but that says it all. [/quote] EH is simply saying that in the time he's been playing, he has generally found it more tiring to play the drums than play the bass. Entirely uncontroversial point and one to which most of us would subscribe if we've done it.
  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1319194939' post='1411061'] I have lots of expensive drums and cymbals. I must hit them all, regardless of the song. [/quote] Being a hawker of the rootsier end of things, I [i]dream[/i] of the day when a drummer turns up with no more than a snare, a hi-hat and a couple of sticks.
  7. Herself is not remotely interested, but is remarkably supportive in matters of time and expense. And her ability to quietly absorb information is astonishing. I'd been trying out an amp and suffering the 'assistance' of a rather snooty shop-boy intent on flogging everything else in the shop. On her arrival in-store, the lad smirks "Oh, look out, here comes the little woman". From across the shop I could see her hackles rise . "Ah," says she "Whats that guitar you're playing?" "Tom Anderson" "Oh. Rich man's knock-off Tele. Chambered body?" (she was correct) She turned to the assistant and with an imperious flutter of her hand said "Be a good chap and go and get him a proper one with Fender on the headstock." People, I tell you my heart swelled with pride.
  8. I built a Brandoni Jazz from their kit about ten years ago (£130!). Perfectly serviceable. As mentioned above, the body was a little heavy. It was not pre-drilled for the bridge or neck, but a bit of pre-planning and everything went in fine.
  9. Entirely concur with the "don't f*** around with your sound, work with the spaces not against them" suggestions. As for stereo guitar amp-age - beware of mains hum loops. Either pull the earth lead from one of the amps (yikes!) or Gigrig sell a thing here [url="http://www.thegigrig.com/acatalog/AFXL_HumDinger.html"]http://www.thegigrig..._HumDinger.html[/url] and the page also explains about humloops
  10. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1318965250' post='1408405'] Nine times out of ten for me its "Does that one go to eleven?" asked by someone who thinks them having asked this is the funniest thing thats ever happened . [/quote] I usually whip my cock out and say "This one does".
  11. Guitar centre International Shipping FAQ's. Apparently they're using an intermediary called FiftyOne. [url="http://gc.guitarcenter.com/shipping/international.cfm"]http://gc.guitarcent...ternational.cfm[/url]
  12. Myself, I'd certainly expect to pay more for this than for a modern clone. Original Colorsounds turn up on the bay for silly money, but those that actually [i]achieve[/i] over £400 tend to be the early ones or odd-jobs like Marshall-badged CS's. Then again, the RI's seem to pull a good price too. Gearmanndude reviewed a s/h OD RI (Macari's) for which his local US store wanted $400 IMO you'd get best money for this off the bay (wider coverage, more guitards), but you never know.
  13. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1318767409' post='1405904'] anyone put their old strings in their council recyling bin ? [/quote] Yes. All nicely coiled up and stuffed into the cardboard packet that contained the new ones. Then I cram [i]that [/i]into a tin can or the like. Wouldn't want any of the binmen putting their eye out, oh no. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318769395' post='1405941'] everything is wrong with BBC1 on a daytime. [/quote] Daytime Beeb is unchallenging, cosy and full of tubby middle-aged people obsessing about houses and Clarice Cliff tea-sets. Which is why some of us hate it and some of us like it. Cuddly telly for old(er) people is the shameful secret of which the skinny, yoof-obsessed little BBC metrosexuals speak in tones of refined disgust while they pick at their vegan wraps and sip their lattes. "They asked Ben to work on Antiques Roadtrip. He was so upset, the poor lamb threw himself off a car-park. Service is next week." [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318769395' post='1405941'] I used to get up no earlier than 9 just so I didn't have to watch breakfast. [/quote] You don't need 'excuses' to rise at a sensible hour. Lounging is the mark of the fully-rounded gentleman.
  14. Played one of these puppies: Thought it would sound like the 47 trumpets of the apocalypse. In expectation, my 'nads expanded to the size of basketballs It sounded exactly like a normal Telecaster and I went home a broken man. So much for acoustic properties.
  15. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1318507699' post='1403012'] To me, its if its in an Arena, its a Concert, if its in a pub or club, its a gig. [/quote] Until one is in a mega-selling band. Then Arenas are just gigs and pubs/clubs are secret gigs.
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1318448074' post='1402410'] They are bottlenecks but they were never bottle necks. [/quote] They may have been bottle-necks. But some are certainly made from the necks of bottles. Beer bottles are good. Tie a bit of string round the base of the neck. Set fire to it. Allow to cool. Knock gently and away it comes. It's an old hobo trick I learned when I was riding the rods in '31.
  17. Singer off on tour with his other outfit. Other members cancelling rehearsals. Not being unkind or anything, but is there actually a band for you to leave? Don't get into one with them. Go and do some other stuff and wait for this lot to call you. See how you feel then.
  18. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1318417634' post='1401785'] a site where I could show my music tastes, and my musical 'CV' (hah!) and just wait for the call [/quote] [url="http://www.starnow.co.uk/"]http://www.starnow.co.uk/[/url] Dunno if it's any good but it sort of fits the description. Also has visit-worthy sections for models, actresses, etc
  19. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1318329747' post='1400556'] If Hendrix, The Stones or whoever were out of tune it was because they didn't care, not because the tools to tune to a high degree of accuracy weren't available. [/quote] I don't think either Hendrix or The Stones [i]didn't care[/i]. They just put highly accurate tuning a bit lower down their list of priorities than pulling Marianne Faithfull, wearing pink feather boas, immolating Strats and consuming industrial quantities of Mother Nature's Finest. Which is, of course, entirely as it should be. Tuning is for squares, breadheads and Establishment flunkies.
  20. [quote name='Pentode' timestamp='1318364226' post='1401267'] And was the Jameson NOS and did it taste any better? [/quote] I once did a very sad Irish Whiskey evening when a mate and I spent hours etc,etc. And stroking our chins a lot. It would be nice to be able to reproduce our findings but we had a 12AX7 along for the ride and neither of us can remember which tasted best.
  21. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1318359339' post='1401168'] Manufacturers sound similar if not the same Different ratings or numbers or whatever they're called can sound different.[/quote] Pretty much my opinion, tbh.Tweaking the EQ has a more audible effect than swapping in different types of 12ax7, IMO. I once did a very sad '12AX7 evening' when a mate and I spent hours swapping a bog EHX, a bog Groove Tubes, a JJ, a Brimar, a 60's RCA and an old Sylvania in and out of a blackface Bassman, an Epi Valve jr, a '73 non-MV Mk2 Marshall, a Rivera R55 and a silverface Princeton. And stroking our chins a lot. It would be nice to be able to reproduce our findings but we had a bottle of Jameson along for the ride and neither of us can remember which sounded best in what.
  22. Drummer: I've got us a gig at the Lakeside Club Cabaret Restaurant. I told them we're a pop covers band. Me: WTF? We're a hardline Blues band that does 50% originals. They'll f***ing hate us. Best call 'em back and and blow it out. Drummer (Sulks): But it'll be a great gig. We're going on after the comedian and they've got a revolving stage.
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1317820002' post='1394929'] Very good idea offering up jobs on here I wish the best to all BC applicants [/quote] Indeed. It's always good to have someone 'on the inside'. And rather nice of GAK to remember us. Building bridges and all that.
  24. Back again [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1967-Fender-Bass-V-5-Rarest-Fender-Guitar-Led-Zeppelin-/130583048267?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e675b304b"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1967-Fender-Bass-V-5-Rarest-Fender-Guitar-Led-Zeppelin-/130583048267?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e675b304b[/url]
  25. Ah! It's that one back again! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/138494-1967-fender-bass-v/page__hl__%22fender%20bass%20v%22__st__40"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/138494-1967-fender-bass-v/page__hl__%22fender%20bass%20v%22__st__40[/url]
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