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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Bugger all these bass endorsements. Have you guys tried Lea & Perrins' Worcestershire Sauce? God, it's yummy. Particulary with cheese. And celery, too. Surprising that, eh? Who'd have thought that Lea & Perrins' Worcestershire Sauce could be so versatile?
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1301498' date='Jul 12 2011, 07:45 PM']It's crucial to be able to interview someone later who'll say "[i]He seemed like a regular guy[/i]".[/quote] "...[i]but a bit of a loner[/i]". Funny how the word 'loner' is rarely used except in the context of firearms-related fatalities. Roll on the next chapter.
  3. [quote name='silddx' post='1301490' date='Jul 12 2011, 07:38 PM']The object of music is communication. I think people need that spark in them that makes music the best way for them to communicate.[/quote] That's it, there. One could spend 100,000 hours practising and still manage to communicate nothing at all, however eloquently (or speedily) one might phrase it. It's like storytellers. Lots of people have a perfectly adequate vocabulary and deep, fruity voices, but they can't tell an engaging story. Words, phrases, musical notes, scales. All entirely worthless if you're not building a link with the listener.
  4. I always agree with Jeff in every respect. But that's probably because I want to shag him. But he's right. It's all woop-woop-ping-woop-woop through a bloody chorus pedal. They're just show-offs with their pursed lips and 'concentration' and thing. Jeff's [i]lush[/i].
  5. [quote name='Machines' post='1301237' date='Jul 12 2011, 04:22 PM'][i]"Buy one. Borrow one. Steal one. Just get one. The V4 Bass is AWESOME!!"[/i] [/quote] You [i]want [/i]John McCoy to come round and sit on you?
  6. [quote name='dc2009' post='1300967' date='Jul 12 2011, 01:23 PM']When I see some company's list of artists or endorsees, it's frequently populated by names I've never heard of, with a few I have.[/quote] Warwick, ffs. I mean: 'Sneezy' Kleinmann - Schneeweis / Sieben Kleine Manner Bodo Notwendig - Lederhosen Krisis Luigi Pepperoni - Salsiccia Putzi Hanfstaengl - Berlin Backroom Boys Donatella Panatella - The Girl With The Big Ear-rings Non-entities, all of them.
  7. Fantastic bit of narrative and beautifully executed. I'm hooked.
  8. [quote name='Austin7' post='1301065' date='Jul 12 2011, 02:22 PM']"Owt" is a word in British English?[/quote] Indeed. The antonym is 'nowt'. Imagine , if you will, two unsuccessful anglers: A: Caught owt? B: Nowt. [quote name='Austin7' post='1301065' date='Jul 12 2011, 02:22 PM']I did well with the Irish, but that's quite different.[/quote] Her indoors is Dublin born and bred; she maintains that the Irish render English in its purest form. That said, you would have no difficulty conversing with the average Brit. Stick around here long enough and you'll soon be fluent enough to pass for a local. Dick-eye chavvy, me old china.
  9. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1300406' date='Jul 11 2011, 10:42 PM']I got put off hotrox (despite them being my local shop for valves) after they flogged some crap valves to a mate.[/quote] Can't speak for Mesa valves, but I've not had any probs [i]so far [/i]with the stuff they've flogged me. That's the problem with all these places - if you know what you want, you're OK. The minute you ask anybody anywhere anything there's a 75% chance they'll steer you wrong.
  10. Instance of 'reply to thread crawl' tonight at 21:33.
  11. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1298728' date='Jul 10 2011, 03:14 AM']Best privce I've found for a set of 4 x matched JJ EL34 comes to £60, 2 x JJ ECC83S's are £34 and 1 x JJ ECC82 is £10 = total revalve cost £104![/quote] Although you won't need a set now, Hot Rox will do you: 4 x JJ el84 = £38.00 / 2x JJ ecc83s = £13.40 / 1 x JJ ecc82 = £9.50 / Shipping £4.95 / Total = £66.35 All standard factory JJ's - no need for any matching or 'cryogenic' voodoo. [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com"]http://www.hotroxuk.com[/url]
  12. [quote name='dc2009' post='1300280' date='Jul 11 2011, 08:37 PM']Remember those 8" speakers used in ashdowns for ages? They struggled for bass like anything, I think it's the same with anything.[/quote] Can't speak for the Ashdowns, but I remember depping a guitar gig in the 80's where the bass player was running a pair of 8 x 6" cabs. V-fronted with 4 either side of the join. Sixteen 6" speakers ffs. Weirdest thing I ever saw, probably home-made. He fired it up and it was just [i]savage[/i] Can't recall what amp he was using. Old age, y'see. As for the OP, I'd say get an old Peavey head to match. Cheap as chips, it'll cover you for the while and give you a benchmark. When you've made your mind up, chop in the Peavey rig here and start shopping.
  13. 35 Years * High point - support gig for my musical heroes The Pirates and Mick Green namechecking us onstage. Well, he got our name wrong but it's the thought that counts. * Low point - when I was 18 - 'jamming' in a mate's front room - turned round and accidentally swept all his mum's china ornaments off the shelf with my headstock.
  14. [quote name='bode' post='1297882' date='Jul 9 2011, 12:49 AM']Who uses capos? I've never seen a heavy metal guitarist (OP's band) use one..only folk singer/ songwriters.[/quote] Lots of advanced guitarists in lots of genres use capos; perhaps you just haven't seen them. And also very useful when layering guitars in the studio. You haven't seen metal guitarists use them because for them it's either widdling, one fingered bottom string riffs or 5th "powerchords". No need for capos; they'd just get in the way.
  15. I am currently enjoying Jamstix 3 - [url="http://www.rayzoon.com/"]http://www.rayzoon.com/[/url] There are lots of pre-set rhythms, so once you've got your head round it you can get basic songs knocked up very quickly; then you ask it to do all the fiddly stuff like adding accents, composing fills, ramping up dynamics for choruses, etc. It's also much cheaper than similar paid-for programmes - about £60-odd for the fully-functioning doo-dad. £85 got me the base software and most of the useful expansion packs - inc a John Bonham kit (!) It's quite a clever idea - you select a drummer 'personality' with various stylistic quirks and apply him to a basic rhythm. Each part of the song can be designated as verse, pre-chorus, chorus, bridge, etc. Best results I've ever had. Also, the developer runs his own forum. So you post a problem and he gets back to you fast (sometimes within minutes) or he requests a bug-log and goes to work on it. And he's a nice guy and very patient with newb queries. Freebie downloadable demo, no time restrictions. So far so good. Downside is that it runs as a VSTi in one's DAW, it's quirky, the manual's a bit sh*t with no obvious workflow and it's a programme you have to spend hours (days) getting to know. Otherwise, absolutely stunning.
  16. skankdelvar

    James Burton

    That's class. Nice work, Sir. I envy you the experience.
  17. [quote name='gary mac' post='1293352' date='Jul 5 2011, 01:16 PM']...although some assistance might be needed with a screw driver or blade to lever them up. Obviously use a towel or piece of card or something to protect the paintwork [/quote] Couple of teaspoons works for me. Natural curve to the rounded back, bit of leverage and they're off.
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1291176' date='Jul 3 2011, 04:59 PM'][/quote] Oh my! A gearstalker's Holy Grail.
  19. I can imagine a limited number of circumstances in which visual congruity necessitates a change of bass. Trib bands or fundamentalist genre bands for example, wherein there might also be a necessity to deliver a particularly characteristic sonic signature. Other than that, any serviceable bass should suffice and suggestions to the contrary should be treated to a long, awkward silence and a hard stare of the Paddington Bear variety.
  20. And how could we forget... and the Peavey VB's - a bargain at around £2k - unless they've stopped making them or the EC's banned them or something...
  21. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1289847' date='Jul 2 2011, 08:26 AM']due to missing RoHS certification it is not longer allowed to import those heads to europe anymore[/quote] That's a shame. Wondered why I hadn't seen one for a while.
  22. Fender Bassman 300 Pro - [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php?partno=0213302010"]http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/searc...rtno=0213302010[/url]
  23. [quote name='Beedster' post='1288726' date='Jul 1 2011, 10:29 AM']Both of these are surely positive additions to a thread [u]if done appropriately[/u]?[/quote] Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, not all members are as polite, tactful, knowledgeable and pure of motive as m'learned friends above. Were it not for a small minority of rude, tactless, know-nothing f***wit chancers, I suppose we would not need rules. But it would seem we do. In any event, old seadogs like Beedster, WoT, Al and others usually find a way to subtly convey their thoughts. An emoticon here, an elision there and all is clear.
  24. [quote name='timmyo' post='1285267' date='Jun 28 2011, 01:58 PM']I appear to be in a less than entirely positive mood this week [/quote] Touch of the blues, probably
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