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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1277007' date='Jun 21 2011, 01:21 PM']All this sh*t can happen to all of us at some point.[/quote] You're wrong, of course. This kind of total travesty has never happened to me. Why? because every time I sit on the end of my bed and pick up my bass, I check my tuning. It's easy enough, red means out, green means in. I mean, she's a professional, she should know this. Red = out, green = in. Anyone who doesn't know this should be shot in the face before they get anywhere near a stage. When I saw this total travesty I immediately voided my bowels in disapproval. I mean, she's a professional. Her fee [i]could[/i] have paid for a new hospital. Or at least a paediatric unit. Basically she's just pissing in the face of dying children. I hope she comes on here and sees this and goes away and cuts her hands off so we never have to listen to this sort of total travesty again. Unbelievable. I mean, if she couldn't see the board for the sunshine, she should have signalled to the parasol roadie to get his arse over her side PDf***ingQ. I mean, she's a professional, ffs. It's a total travesty. Green = out, red = in. So simple, even a woman could understand it. God, I love Jaco.
  2. [quote name='Nostromo' post='1276573' date='Jun 21 2011, 12:44 AM']I just want it to sound like a good old vintage Seventies 2 x 15 ? ... What should I do next? [/quote] Keep it simple. You want a cab that sounds like a 70's 2x15? Buy an old one or make a new one from a relevant design. Load it. Gig it. S'logical. If you follow the super-wizzo-computerised-modern-lightweight-approximation-reinvented wheel approach, you'll always be wondering if you did the right thing. Nothing worse than that. Makes your head hurt and not in a good way.
  3. About 10 mins of poppy Krautrock. [i]La Dusseldorf - 'Zeit' ('Time')[/i]
  4. Well done, matey. It's lovely when reality matches up to expectations
  5. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='1274340' date='Jun 19 2011, 02:18 AM']I thought they made those by the bazillions. Their NAMM booth is always packed and some of the stores out here will have dozens on the walls.[/quote] The US PRS is a rarer bird over here in the UK perhaps, even allowing for the huge difference in output compared to Fender. It just happens I've seen more in the classifieds than I've ever seen onstage Plenty of SE's, though. For a mid-priced guitar they're pretty good.
  6. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1274263' date='Jun 18 2011, 11:42 PM']Take a look at my previous post, its aimed at a 15-20 audience (we're a rather young band, 16-18), with some older stuff but mostly teen stuff.[/quote] S'funny. I'd been thinking about highlighting your list as being a bit more era-balanced, but thought it might seem like I was casting nasturtiums on the other guys. Frankly, IMO it seems like everyone here has pretty impeccable taste when it comes to their setlists Mind you, I'd enjoy [i]your[/i] set as well. Which should come as a bit of a worry to you.
  7. Not that I don't like these setlists. By God, I like 'em. Perfect evening out for me. But I'm 53 yrs old. For pity's sake, isn't anyone thinking about the children?
  8. [quote name='lojo' post='1273876' date='Jun 18 2011, 04:08 PM']At the end of the day good playing on whatever bass you have should win most people over regardless of what style or cultural group we are talking about[/quote] True, but things don't always work out like that. If you flip the proposition and the question becomes "would you blank an auditionee from your vanilla covers / ploddy blues band because they turned up with spiky black axe of doom with skull pot-knobs and a 'police line' strap" then our answers might become a little more uneasy. Thing about bands is that image is important to a [i]certain[/i] degree. At mates' level, maybe not so much. But if gigging, one should always style oneself on one's audience, adding about 10% more in order to stand out a bit. IMO. Then again, I recall Jon Bon Jovi threatening his bass player with the sack unless he undertook a course of liposuction in the thigh / arse area. Which seems a bit steep to me but there you go.
  9. [quote name='ZMech' post='1273862' date='Jun 18 2011, 03:48 PM']Yes there is. Having to sneeze loads whilst navigating a three lane roundabout at rush hour, absolutely terrifying.[/quote] Oh, that! 6 or 7 immediately consecutive sneezes while overtaking an Artic on the M-way. Always seems to happen. Never sneeze onstage. Though I accidentally gobbed [i]off[/i]stage onto the Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea once. Slow-motion moment as it back-spun through the air and landed neatly on his chain of office.
  10. [quote name='ped' post='1273340' date='Jun 17 2011, 11:33 PM']Bowel issues over here.[/quote] A little more information than we needed.
  11. Local community hall? Working mens' club? School hall? Upstairs room at a boozer during the day? A mate's lock-up garage?
  12. Sweet Mother of God, that head's practically mint. Got all the slider knobs too. Bargain price for a fairly rare bit of kit, IMO. I used one of these in a rhsal room for a few months. Best bass sound I [i]ever [/i]had. It would take your head off soon as look at you. Good luck with your sale.
  13. [quote name='muttley' post='1270196' date='Jun 15 2011, 03:00 PM']So, which are the headline acts appearing at Glastonbury this year?[/quote] U2, Coldplay and Beyonce. Trading as Smug, Smarm & Plastic Ltd.
  14. It's not Mr Clutterbuck's fault that succeeding generations of numpty punters, clueless exhibitors and - yes - goggle-eyed fanboys have decided that the mark of bass greatness is to attack the instrument in a way entirely inimical to its function, voice and range. It is upon [i]them [/i]that we must turn the shell-fire of our opprobrium. His customers demand slap and Mr C does what he he has to do to put food on the table. That is justification enough. And it is entirely possible to abhor a practise without vilifying the practitioner, but that leap would seem to be as far beyond the average BC-er as slap is beyond my competence.
  15. Considering the relatively small numbers produced, I've always wondered why there are so many USA PRS's for sale out there.
  16. [quote name='bumnote' post='1270021' date='Jun 15 2011, 01:14 PM']I have no shame. I will do most things for money[/quote] It gets worse. For myself, I'd pay good money to dress in a Womble suit and play Glastonbury. As much as it took.
  17. I think the appropriate time for slagging the Wombles was probably about thirty-odd years ago. Of all the bands in the world what benefit, satisfaction or kudos anybody thinks they might get out of 'hating' the Wombles is entirely beyond me.
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='1268174' date='Jun 14 2011, 08:06 AM']Will it be accompanied by a receipt stating what you had for your lunch that day?[/quote] Had a particularly fine Dover Sole many years ago. Yes, entirely toothsome. Can't remember exactly when. I know Johnny Ludlow was there. Of course, I was very, [i]very[/i] drunk.
  19. That's the nuts. Proper songs. If there's any justice, you guys should be huge.
  20. And another thing. Luthiers are strong, silent men. If one wants someone to simper and giggle and ask about one's holidays, one should f*** off down the hairdressers'.
  21. [quote name='purpleblob' post='1267851' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:42 PM']I don't really see myself as a "bob", I have my heart set on slimyblob for some strange reason.[/quote] Slimybob's good. Just keep your avatar in place for a month or so to ease the transition. Too much change sets off my impetigo. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1267837' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:31 PM']He was rude and arrogant in places.[/quote] YMMV and you're entitled to your etc. Though if a bunch of complete strangers started posting somewhere that I was a chiselling con-artist - and I wasn't - I'd be taking an entirely different tack than that - er - taken by ol' Ken. Jesus, it's his livelihood we've been trashing here, never mind his name. Doesn't matter that - ooh, look at us, we're [i]the customers [/i]la-di-dah. Does that mean he's got to suck up [i]any [/i]abuse we chuck at him, even if we're ignorant of the background facts? Fair play to yer man for dialling it right back. I wouldn't have. Trust me
  22. [quote name='purpleblob' post='1267825' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:19 PM']np, I really should have a word with the mods and change my name as I believe thepurpleblob was here first.[/quote] How about purplebob?
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1267779' date='Jun 13 2011, 07:40 PM']It's got the lot.[/quote] Not quite. They could lift the permaban on tBBC. Just for a big finish
  24. My conclusion to this thread was: * I'm probably still not going to buy a boutique bass. Them as likes them, fill ya boots. * KS seemed entirely reasonable to me and I agreed with much of what he had to say. * Skimreading long threads is perilous. * Nige should be practising for his raga gig not waffing around on here.
  25. [quote name='skidder652003' post='1267679' date='Jun 13 2011, 06:37 PM']well if im honest it was me who brought this to kens attention[/quote] Scarface. Mark of the squealer.
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