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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='TomKent' post='1267615' date='Jun 13 2011, 05:59 PM']This thread has been so epic, I'm thinking we could make a movie out of it. "One mans quest for a new pot."[/quote] Too late. Been done. [size=1]Swayze gets in before the lock[/size]
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1267577' date='Jun 13 2011, 05:29 PM']Bet you want a '57 SL300 though.[/quote] Who wouldn't?
  3. [quote name='Ross' post='1267065' date='Jun 13 2011, 10:40 AM']The thing Ken can't seem to grasp, if people are spending £3k+ on a bass, it's not a big thing to expect the company to ship them a $10 pot and not extort $100 for their back pocket claiming it was for shipping. That is disgraceful customer service.[/quote] It's reasonable you'd think that, if you're not in full possession of the facts. If you go back a few pages, you'll see that I checked UPS and the deliv costs are - indeed - eyewatering. $147 for the sort of package we're talking about. As someone else said, it's UPS we should be bitching about. KSB offer UPS shipping with the option of US Mail at a much lower cost. No extortion, afaics.
  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1266824' date='Jun 12 2011, 11:46 PM']How many OT posts in a row do we think it needs before it gets [s]relegated[/s] elevated from General Bass Discussion to Off Topic [/quote] Probably the right place for it, tbh. Keep it all 'in-house' and on the QT, so to speak. [quote name='purpleblob' post='1266716' date='Jun 12 2011, 10:21 PM']I'd like to point out that my company has no issues with small parts, that's just a rumour [/quote] Ooops. My mistake. Wrong blob. Meant [b]thepurpleblob[/b]. It's all [i]very [/i]confusing. Sorry
  5. That too. Just got to pop off for a bit. Sossies are cooking.
  6. ... and that purpleblob's company used to have issues about small parts and wouldn't send them out in the end. It just goes on. It's the modern miracle.
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1266518' date='Jun 12 2011, 07:55 PM']10 pages to find that out?[/quote] You'll also have discovered that UPS are monstrously expensive, that old Mercs are a bad investment (but you can get them cheap from the States), that Ken does show gigs and that Wayne's having a moment of self-doubt. OT comes to GBD. Bargain
  8. [quote name='Ross' post='1265960' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:31 PM']I highly doubt I'd use a ken smith product after seeing some of the dreadful responses and customer service displayed in this thread.[/quote] Fair point. So I counted up the number of posters here who actually had first-hand problems. * Four were about shipping cost or int'l shipping * One about 'overall attitude' * A third party reported a falling out over a commercial disclosure, prompted by the poster's call to Ken. * One about a row over string gauges as delivered So half were about shipping costs and we've agreed that UPS is expensive and Ken probably needs to highlight the USPS option. The 'attitude' thing is a bit non-specific and therefore difficult to address. The 'commercial disclosure' poster seemed not to have had any first-hand problems with Ken. What we're left with VGS's incorrect string-gauge barney. And once the dust settled, Ken sent another set of strings. Not ideal, tbh, but not life-threatening either. We've all got examples of [i]really[/i] sh*tty customer service, ranging from one-man-bands to internet retailers to public utilities. Looking at the issues above, they seem pretty normal for a typical small business . So, while acerbic ol' Ken might not be my first choice for a snuggly evening in front of the telly, neither would he seem to be the spawn of Satan. Unless he's a secret kitten-drowner, of course.
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1265668' date='Jun 12 2011, 01:32 AM']So that's why you walk like that.....[/quote] If you put a gullwing on its roof, you aren't walking anywhere. Well, it's gone half-one in the morning here in the UK, but I'm sure Ken and VGS can keep the topic warm between them while the rest of us sleep. Nighty-night, all. Mercs? Money Pits.
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1265664' date='Jun 12 2011, 01:23 AM']Was it silver?[/quote] Hairdresser's silver-blue. I looked like a twat. Got a comprehensive shag out of it though. Right about the time I handed over the money
  11. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='1265650' date='Jun 12 2011, 01:13 AM']... they've been a mechanics dream over the years, lots of time in the shop.[/quote] Had mine 6 months. Cost me £15k to buy using the redundo. £4k in bills. Sold it for £12k, with the lowest offer at £8k. Lovely, but a money pit. [quote name='paul h' post='1265649' date='Jun 12 2011, 01:13 AM']Apparently Larry Hartke is always up for a friendly chat.[/quote] Oh, don't I know. Called him once, now I can't get rid of him, how's the wife, how's the weather, what about Ryan Giggs...
  12. [quote name='Ken Smith' post='1265634' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:59 AM']I have been on this now for 4 hours.[/quote] That's nothing. Give it time, you'll be spending 6 or 7 hours a day here like the rest of us.
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1265630' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:55 AM']10 years or not have you seen the price of these basses?[/quote] Wouldn't know, Wayne, don't need to and don't care. I hate boutique basses. Fenders all the way. Ooops, sorry, Ken [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1265630' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:55 AM']I did hear that about the Mercs, wouldn't mind an old SL.[/quote] Money pit, mate. Pagoda roofs are lovely (though mine wasn't a pagoda roof) while there's a certain seedy charm about the 70's fatties. Whichever, you're looking at a 30-40-ish yr old car, limited expensive parts, 15 to the gallon and a garage hoist to lift the hardtop off. Often clocked and wallow like pigs, too.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1265600' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:29 AM']I'm sorry mate but with the cost of your basses I think that's the least I'd expect as well as if a pot broke I'd expect it to be fixed rather than being told I was being charged ridiculous amounts to have the part sent as well as me having to install it myself.[/quote] To be fair, the OP's bass is 10+ years old and bought s'hand with the fault existing. I once tried to get a part for an old Merc 280SL. "Sure" they said, "We still make parts for [i]every [/i]post-war Merc we made. But we only mfr this part once a year. And that was last month and they're all gone. Come back in ten months." Don't know why I mentioned that. [quote name='Shockwave' post='1265606' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:33 AM']Maybe giving the choice of using USPS with the understanding that it would take longer to reach the customer would be better.[/quote] After the OP fell over backwards at UPS's cost, it would seem that option was offered in a follow-up mail. That's the trouble with emails. On the phone, you'd just say "f*** off pal, you're having a Turkish" and he'd [i]immediately[/i] say "Well, I can post it for a quarter of the price" and you'd [i]immediately[/i] say "Well do [i]that[/i], you muppet". It would be done in 20 secs and we'd never hear about it on here. I hate emails, to and fro and how's the bloody weather. Though I don't blame the OP or anyone for thinking the ship price was high, well, he's had his beef, got some suggested workarounds and Ken's told us his side. We've discovered that UPS is eyewateringly expensive, some of us prefer UPS and some prefer USPS. Life goes on.
  15. [quote name='Doddy' post='1265592' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:18 AM']Not wanting to derail things but I thought th Monster Cable,slightly oversized plugs was well known?[/quote] If one googles micrometer monster guitar cable jack damage there are any number of refs. Many seem to suggest that Monster is not 'oversized'. If anything, it's usually bang-on at .250" But some jacks such as Neutrix are - relative to Monster - microscopically 'undersized'. Whatever the case, you can see how these things start. Best to let it lie.
  16. Ran it again. UPS = $147.25. Deffo. Possible confusion - UPS = United Parcel Services. USPS = US Mail. US Mail is cheaper, but I've heard [i]lots [/i]of horror stories.
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1265533' date='Jun 11 2011, 11:39 PM']This is madness surely, Are you putting feet or inches Skank?![/quote] The wife says inches, I say feet. That might be the problem. I'll go do it again.
  18. Just tried a little experiment. Went to UPS site. 3x2x2" package weighing one pound (seemed about right) from Ken's town to Paris (the OP was French but no stated location), sent fast with the usual add-ons like recorded delivery, handling on the French side, etc. $147.25
  19. Welcome Sam Hope you enjoy the forum
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1265464' date='Jun 11 2011, 10:24 PM']I think the postage costs are what we want to know about most? [/quote] I wondered who'd be first to break cover. I had a fiver on Wayne at 4/1
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1265200' date='Jun 11 2011, 06:38 PM']Take your bass but leave it hidden in the car boot, Go and get a pint and watch for the first week and maybe just introduce yourself. If its a quiet night and you fancy a go pop to the car and grab your bass...[/quote] I know it might [i]seem[/i] like a week, but it's really only an hour or two, honest. Scientists call it the 'Jam Night Infinite 12-bar Time Dilation Effect'
  22. I'm surprised an 8-piece soul band (presumably with a horn section) hasn't got [i]some [/i]sort of monitoring in place already. I suppose one could try sticking a speaker attenuator between the amp and the 'monitor' cab. Cost £100-200 s/h. That said, there might be 'issues' involved - amp experts can clarify. Another option would be to run a post-eq line into an inexpensive little Maplins power amp, thence to the 'monitor' cab. £100? Myself, I'd just flog the 2x10 and put the money towards a powered monitor. For one thing, it'll be tilted up towards your head which will improve matters no end.
  23. I've never considered buying a Ken Smith, nor have I the slightest intention of ever buying a 'bespoke' instrument. If I did (which I won't), I'd think very long and hard before not buying one from Mr Smith. Then I wouldn't. Buy one, that is. From Ken Smith. In fact, I am so disgusted, I shall dispense with the honorific and henceforth refer to him only as 'Smith'.
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