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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Hi Davide and welcome Hope you enjoy the forum.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1235841' date='May 18 2011, 03:26 PM']I don't mind that he's not authentic, and he's not rubbish. It just puzzles me why he's so average, yet so revered....[/quote] He's a human Roadworn in a world of Affinities.
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1235735' date='May 18 2011, 02:12 PM']Of course, but we're all entitled to have a little chat about whether we think he's any good or not. [/quote] Indeed you are, my dear old bun! If my post seemed to suggest otherwise, please put it down to a poor choice of words. I would never for a moment consider you to be a blues policeman. For shame...
  4. Whether the blues police think Mr Seasick is 'authentic' or not is entirely beside the point. He is making a healthy living, which the late Mr Burnside is not. It is furthermore rumored that - despite his advanced years - the gnarly old codger is bathing in a lake of pussy. Hats off to him.
  5. [quote name='Johnston' post='1234880' date='May 17 2011, 09:03 PM']He didn't go by the name of Frank Gadd by any chance [/quote] Banbury's only-ever pop star. Not much of a tribute market for him round here, strangely enough.
  6. Many years ago our then drummer - a well-meaning but mentally negligible chap - booked us into a pub BOTB. The £5 entry wasn't the problem. It was playing to an audience young enough to be our kids. Frankly, we looked like a gang of paedos on the prowl.
  7. My physio recommends going for lots of walks. Seems to help.
  8. Return of the "Ashdown is / are shyte" thing: * Wooly, dull, no top end, EQ doesn't do anything, no sparkle, can't handle low B, harmoniser tracking sucks, totally crap compared to my rig costing 3-5 times as much. etc., etc. * They all fall apart, all the bits drop off, too heavy to lift, my lightweight cab-doodah really etc., etc. * They all catch fire, the speakers randomly detonate, the horn shoots out and blinds you etc., etc. * The UK-made ones are OK, lovely guys at the factory, bend over backwards to help you, shame about the Chinese QC etc., etc. * Di-dah di-dah di-dah (cont. p.94)
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1232851' date='May 16 2011, 11:21 AM']Spectors, I keep on seeing them pop up on here, they are so fugly they need their own classification.[/quote] Fugly indeed.
  10. ... and best not to post phone numbers and personal email addresses here. Easy meat for scammers and perverts. Other than that, the requested additional info, some images, a location and a picture of a kitten, you're hot to sell!
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1229839' date='May 13 2011, 12:23 PM']The walls will be: original concrete garage wall // Rockwool sound insulation 30mm // Spruce plywood 12mm // Carpet underlay 7mm.[/quote] Would it be worth putting some membrane between the concrete wall and the rockwool? Damp issues and all that? Or are you going for the authentic 'whiffy rehearsal room' vibe? I can swing by and smoke off a couple of packs of Embassy if you like...
  12. [quote name='Doddy' post='1229832' date='May 13 2011, 12:14 PM']' The fretless bass guitar does not have the metal spacers that often slow the playing performance.'[/quote] Speed bumps. Sleeping policemen. Frets. Call 'em what you like... Given fodera charge more for a fretless, does that mean it'll cost me $35,000 [i]not [/i]to own one?
  13. 7 different versions of Wabash Cannonball (for the acoustic duo). Hank Snow pips them all, IMO. Johnny Cash version surprisingly crap.
  14. This is a classic "It all depends" thing. The amount of movement and visual projection should be dictated by the kind of band you're in, audience expectations and the venues you're playing. And whether the frontman will fire you for stealing his limelight. So, if it's standard covers and you're crammed in the corner of a tiny pub, then a gentle bit of foot-shuffling and rhythmic nodding is good. No choreography necessary - go with the groove. Running around like a mad thing, spitting fake blood and doing backflips off the bar-top would just be silly. The converse might be true if you were doing originals to a capacity crowd at a metal festival. A certain degree of very carefully-rehearsed expressive abandon would be expected. Unless the frontman fires you for stealing his limelight. Either way, invest in strap locks. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1227196' date='May 11 2011, 09:53 AM']A sweat-soaked, shamanistic performance dripping with raw sex. If punters want that kind of thing, they won't be at my gigs.... A sinister smile goes a long way.[/quote] Fixed.
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1225870' date='May 10 2011, 09:27 AM']I always knew that my quasi-fascist imperialist running-dog politics would work against me in the long run.[/quote] Shame - quote from their site: [quote]New Guitar - Vintage Hofner - Nice!!![/quote] You'd have [i]so [/i]fitted in
  16. In ascribing his improved sound to the gross tonnage of his rig, the OP is perhaps in error. If one's purpose is - as it should be - to reduce hapless punters to a fine pink mist, he is entirely correct. 'Lightweight' gear is an abomination embraced by hand-wringing pacifists and the spinally challenged.
  17. Worst gig I ever played was - musically - a blinder. No mistakes at all from anyone, tight as a gnat's hoo-hah. The audience comprised the 3 guys from our drummer's other band and no-one else. Imagine. And we all got the trots from a dodgy barrel.
  18. They offered you the gig, reneged on the agreement and disrespectfully ignored you. No matter how good they are and how many gigs they have booked, they have proved themselves to be either flakes or chancers. Avoid.
  19. Don't like that new one. No siree. The original '59 EBO below was owned by the guy in the Guess Who and used on American Woman. £1500 five years ago in Guitar Village and I let it slide
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1219235' date='May 3 2011, 09:50 PM']I,m just after some tips from folks who have done these gigs [/quote] * Stay behind the chicken-wire * Whoop wildly from time to time. Except during Danny Boy or The Old Triangle. * Tell 'em your Mum came from Sligo and you may live to see another dawn.
  21. C&W? Chromatic runs? No. Turnarounds? Straight climbs and descents in the key. Keep it simple. Nodding off? Well, [i]you [/i]may find it boring but it's the audience that matters, isn't it? And if they get a sense of disrespect for the music they like, you can probably expect a traditional Irish greeting afterwards.
  22. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1215343' date='Apr 29 2011, 09:46 PM']Thanks for that - unfortunately after 3 attempts to install it, I've given up. One of the files won't decompress.[/quote] Sorry about that.
  23. Hi Raphael and welcome Frenchies entirely welcome here. And, as [i]always [/i]seems to be the case with Frenchies, your English is as good as everyone else's here Enjoy the forum.
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