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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='BoomerUS' post='1207601' date='Apr 21 2011, 10:11 PM']having people celebrate that they aren't the oldest on the board anymore![/quote] Hi BoomerUS and welcome. They never were the oldest! I'm sure there's someone on here who once posted that his earliest memory was VE day in 1945. Also - [i]nomenclature alert [/i]- in the UK the term 'geezer' often refers to a gentleman possessed of street-wise stylishness and guile. Which I'm sure you are Enjoy the forum and have fun here.
  2. Look, the whole reason I took up bass was because it had 2 less strings than a guitar. Adding a fifth string would make it 50% more difficult to play and that's just silly. I would submit that a 3 string bass tuned B-E-A is the more logical evolution by no inconsiderable magnitude.
  3. [quote name='Doddy' post='1203750' date='Apr 18 2011, 04:12 PM']My argument is a basically against the whole 'it wouldn't/won't benefit me' thing.[/quote] I mean, you're [i]absolutely right[/i]. Learning to read is very useful. But some people just don't want to do it. Best to let it go. They'll come around if and when they need to. It's easy to get excited and push a bit too hard. And you don't want to do it like that. No, I wouldn't be doing it like that...
  4. Sir Stafford Cripps once complimented me on my golf swing, but that probably doesn't count. In matters bass, a punter once remarked: "Gav naja nuvver sonnng, szfukn graaaaaaaate, kin ava go? Bez zfukn bann evva - EVVA! Yoo mi mayt? Wez mi mayt? Vukkov."
  5. Non-verbal communication between musicians, such as nods, winks, expectant eyebrow-raising is crucial when developing an extemporised performance. This is known as the Facial Tradition.
  6. Let us agree. Oral from the POV of the singer, aural from the POV of the listener Presumably "I dunno" counts as oral as spoken. Unless it's a lyric. Which is entirely possible. [i]"Where hieth from thine lady fair? I dunno, mate, I dunno Why sing'th the lark in cold clear air I dunno, mate, I dunno"[/i]
  7. [quote name='skej21' post='1200588' date='Apr 15 2011, 12:53 PM']I think you'll find it's an 'aural' tradition.[/quote] You are, of course, entirely correct in this respect. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1200596' date='Apr 15 2011, 12:59 PM']You might want to check again... [/quote] But then ... I wouldn't want to disagree with a world-renowned autoharp wrangler.
  8. It surprises me that a forum comprised of soi-disant musicians might include some* who are unaware of the importance of the 'oral tradition' in folk music, whereby one learns by listening, observing, performing and - in time perhaps - producing one's own variations. This simply a matter of context which one must respect. To scorn a man in moleskin trousers with respect to matters technical or notational is to invite a pitchfork up the fundament. And rightly so. [size=1]* Naturally I exempt the OP from my calculated slight. He asked the question quite fairly[/size]
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1200497' date='Apr 15 2011, 11:45 AM']I wouldn't waste my time with them.[/quote] Here we see the cultural discongruity between folk and jazz. It is a point of honour among our badger-chewing cousins that one join with the audience in untutored, unselfconcious conviviality. Technique counts for nothing. For the Bongo Bashers, of course, precisely the reverse applies.
  10. Most guitarists of my acquaintance are familiar with the notes on the board and know what chords they are playing. I am, however, disturbed by the OP's report that his bandmates substitute C5 for C9. The latter is a fine, plangent item popular among the discriminating. C5 is - by contrast - a Pot-Noodle chord.
  11. Bloodaxe has performed a valuable service in uncovering further details. Much thanks. Well, this puts a different complexion on matters. Old School record companies were notorious for their wily ways and I'm sure many would sympathise with Mr Higginbotham's predicament. Particularly if he is in dealings with Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG), a characteristically monolithic German operation. It is ironic that he finds himself on the opposite side of the table to Mr Eastman, whose relative by marriage - pussy-whipped national treasure Sir P Macca - famously spent so much time and money seeking to reacquire ownership of his own songs. Hi Heel Sneekers is a charming little song, replete with brio and Saturday night feel. Mr Higginbotham is the little guy in all of this. Subject to any deliberations from the MU, it might be worthwhile simply writing to explain that it's just a cover version, that UK law has been observed and that the OP is quite incidentally prepared to make a donation to a charity of choice as a (non-binding) token of respect for the deceased Mr Higginbotham Senior.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' post='1199644' date='Apr 14 2011, 05:24 PM']He is well thought of and a leading member of the Musical Green Movement and in this capacity done his best for recycling. [/quote] Considering 'Step Out', is it any Wonder?
  13. I suppose it's only fair that Mr Higginbotham protect his investment, however he may have erred on this occasion. For example, here's a tune supposedly penned by that notorous magpie Mr Noel Gallagher. I wonder whence he drew inspiration?
  14. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1199394' date='Apr 14 2011, 01:44 PM']I found two quick entries, one for a Rick Hick who was their CEO until 2008 and this Richard Higginbotham chap, who is now listed as a 'publisher' with said organisation.[/quote] It would defy belief that Mr Rick Hick and Mr Richard Higginbotham are in any way the same person. Or that DEPAG LLP does not occupy a sizeable operating footprint within Suite 133, Grayhill Apartments. For some reason I am reminded of 'Ozymandias' by Mr Percy Bysshe Shelley.
  15. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='1198894' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:19 PM']Exactly The Wilbury's and anything that Jeff Lynne has ever touched is total w***! [/quote] Though I used to enjoy ELO in my distant youth, I must concur. Every album he produces sounds like "a Jeff Lynne production". IMO, his work on Petty, Harrison and Orbison's solo efforts sucked everything good out of the room and shunted the artist to sideman status. Imagine my joy at the news of a new Joe Walsh album. And the sinking feeling when I read "to be produced by Jeff Lynne". God spare us. And don't even get me started on Dave Stewart's work on TP's Southern Accents. I'd still like a fireglo 650/12, though.
  16. I think BigRedX has nailed the point. The legal beagle obviously thinks you've ripped off the song to use it as the basis for an original. It strikes me as rather odd that in his view your version is - "essentially identical". Has he never heard of 'cover versions'? I think that this point should be put to him in a friendly sort of way, along with refs to UK law in re Promo CD's and an assurance that yours is in no way an original nor does it claim to be. Once he's accepted this, solicit his permission to use his observations as a testimonial - e.g. [quote][b]"Your version ... of Hi-Heel Sneakers ... is essentially identical"[/b] - Richard Higginbotham for the Tommy Tucker Estate[/quote] Everyone's a winner, baby!
  17. The important thing is that Bernmeister is alive and well. Let's not forget that, people.
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='1198615' date='Apr 13 2011, 07:57 PM']There goes our blockbuster/mini-series/video game though Skank?[/quote] Not quite. I'm brokering a deal with my old pal Max Clifford for Bernmeister's 'My Dungeon Ordeal' story. We'll clear 10% on that. Send your intern Carlo out for some "relaxants" and I'll call Bruckheimer.
  19. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='1198593' date='Apr 13 2011, 07:40 PM']Oh yes !!! I'm alive alright !!! [/quote] Thank God! Where were they keeping you? We'll all go round and kick the sh*t out of them.
  20. Saints be praised! He's alive! That's Ped off the hook for murder.
  21. What I want to know is which Mod / Admin offed Bernmeister? Kiwi's in the clear, being in NZ. Mrs T can supply an alibi for Mythste on the night in question. Ped's been keeping a low profile lately...
  22. [quote name='Beedster' post='1198231' date='Apr 13 2011, 02:55 PM']True Dave, but you can change the title and the text of all your own posts so that it becomes almost impossible to find.[/quote] True, Chris. But Bernmeister also posted in that FS thread. And his post has disappeared from his posting history. And he's not been seen on the forum since March. I fear the worst. [size=1]It's MURH-DHER! says fat, shouty Scotchman[/size]
  23. [quote name='Johnston' post='1198226' date='Apr 13 2011, 02:49 PM']Whats the betting they have a 50/50 split deal going on .*[/quote] Flirting with death again...
  24. [quote name='stevie' post='1198203' date='Apr 13 2011, 02:26 PM']You'll never get a job as a detective, skank.[/quote] That's weird. The original sale thread doesn't show up on a normal forum search, nor do geester's and oldman's posts in the thread show up in their posting history??? So it's cached in google but not viewable on the forum? Original sale thread deleted? When? And by whom? I'm really muddled now.
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