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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Oldman' post='1197877' date='Apr 13 2011, 10:22 AM']I was more than happy to discover on Basschat 17th March both a Headlite and an Amplite punted out by Geester (AKA Mike Greenwood).[/quote] Thought I'd check out the original ad, but I can't seem to find either a FS post by Geester or a Wanted post by Oldman. Is it just me being an incompetent searcher or is it another mystery in which to wrap this enigma? The problem with a 'he said / I said' thread like this is that the innocent absence of tiny details can cast misleadingly long shadows in both directions. TBH, I'm not sure that such a thread helps resolve the situation any better than discreet back-channel arbitration by mod. Sells popcorn, though.
  2. Armchair generals. Law is an ass. My word is my bond. Customer is king. Take it on the chin. All friends round the maypole. Get it?
  3. Honest mistake. Many a slip. Smoke without fire. More in sorrow than in anger. Disproportionate response. Dead men tell no tales. At the end of the day. Let sleeping dogs lie. If you get my meaning.
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1197412' date='Apr 12 2011, 10:00 PM']Nice Gibson![/quote] Note the slimline singlecoil. It's a P45. Like a P90, but only half the output.
  5. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1197401' date='Apr 12 2011, 09:56 PM']Exactly, 52 members reading this thread as I type...[/quote] While this thread is still getting a huge audience, can I mention my mint vintage sunburst '62 P is up for sale. A beauty or what?
  6. Cock-up or conspiracy. sh*t happens. Hindsight is 20:20. Caveat emptor. People make mistakes. Give a dog a bad name. A mended relationship is stronger than a new one. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Everyone's a winner. If you see what I mean.
  7. [b]Onboard Compressor[/b] By placing my onboard Skank-Ompressor [i]before [/i]the initial cable run you enhance harmonic squishiness by an undetermined order of magnitude. Resistance from the waxed cable in the output section generates opto-isolinear bounce which is relayed via a negative feedback circuit to a hierarchically earlier insert point. Your tone will BLOOM FOREVER! Choice of modern ceramic or vintage alnico jacks.
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1197030' date='Apr 12 2011, 05:00 PM']Was that your reason to take up bass, and has it given you the power to pull?[/quote] Yes. And [i]magnificently[/i]. On every continent, women of all ages have turned to me in post-coital languor and murmured "That was unbelievable. But you're not a patch on Howard The Bass Dog."
  9. [quote name='ead' post='1196712' date='Apr 12 2011, 12:43 PM']Can you give me a few pointers please?[/quote] Burns Weill Superstreamline. What a beauty.
  10. IMO, there's nothing wrong with your approach to the bass here. You're experiencing difficulties because of a clash between your band's ambitions and the resources to hand. If you're going after a Black Spiders-type sound, it's worth remembering they have 3 guitarists. Their sort of sound is difficult to pull off with only one guitarist. AFAICS the bass's role in that band is to unison pretty much everything and throw in some embellishing fills when the guitars aren't going at it. And - shock, horror any number of three-pieces have had an offstage invisible gtr or keys. The three piece approach isn't always easy. So it depends what you want to do. Three alternatives: * Get a second guitarist to fill out the sound and pad under the solos. * Re-work the band sound to accomodate the line-up and direction- more fuzz, different arrangements, unison sections instead of solos etc * Keep jamming around some ideas until one approach sounds right then write material around that sound. Band chemistry is the thing that'll make you sound different. Some of the greatest bands ever are gtr / bs / drums. The Police, Hendrix, Zep, The Jam, Muse, Sabbath, Rush. But they all approached things in a different way and their bass parts / style / function reflects this. Keep experimenting.
  11. [b]An Open Letter To Clarky[/b] Dear Clarky, I have been experiencing a growing sense of unease. At first, it seemed like a good idea that you were out and gigging. But as you revealed more details about your so-called 'project' it has become clear to me that you have fallen in with a bad crowd. Fire-eaters, stilt-walkers, clowns? Foreign travel? Frolics fuelled by inebriation? You are associating - frankly - with a very louche set. To which ghastly crew you now propose to add American Television Executives. It is just not good enough. (Not that I'm jealous of your success. Oh no). Cast your mind back. Go on, do. Once you were content to trade excessive numbers of expensive bass guitars and chaff online with BC members. Now you don garish make-up and drink blood. Do you not see the inherent contradiction? For the sake of your soul, return to hunching over a keyboard, posting on topics such as string gauges and thumb-rests and Kit-Kats. Like the rest of us bedroom warriors. You will thank me for this in the long-term, but words of apologetic gratitude are not necessary. A simple early 60's P-bass will suffice. As the late Clare Rayner used to say - Do it for me, lovey. Yours, etc Skank
  12. [quote name='skej21' post='1194567' date='Apr 10 2011, 01:31 PM']My gear is like a beautiful lady. I want people to look and be jealous but if they touch, it's instant death.[/quote] I used to go out with a woman like that. She was a smallpox carrier
  13. [quote name='skej21' post='1194522' date='Apr 10 2011, 12:53 PM']So yes, people wanting to play my gear is the biggest downside of playing for me.[/quote] You adroitly swerved the guitard issue. Thought I wouldn't notice, eh? Let's not be too hard on Ross. Enthusiasm's a great thing, plus he might have some gooseberry wine on the go soon.
  14. [quote name='voxpop' post='1194517' date='Apr 10 2011, 12:47 PM']I work in the hifi industry a d without the Mark up we would have no staff or shop or dare I say make a profit.[/quote] Without a mark-up, every retailer would go bust. 40-50% doesn't seem unreasonable to me for an small-medium bricks and mortar establishment.
  15. [quote name='Ross' post='1194441' date='Apr 10 2011, 11:35 AM']Terrible for it, always asking to try other peoples basses. I swear sometimes I only play Bass for the delicious gear, then I remember the music side of it [/quote] Not at a gig, TBH. Declining eyesight and low lighting conditions invariably make it difficult for me to distinguish between a bass brother and a numpty punter. No probs with visits as long as the caller brings a packet of Bahlsen Choco Leibniz. Not that anyone would be too excited by my fairly pedestrian gear. [quote name='skej21' post='1194457' date='Apr 10 2011, 11:51 AM']This is the [b]biggest[/b] and only downside of playing bass for me.[/quote] Wot? More than playing Mustang Sally, being ignored by punters, dealing with guitards and humping a bass rig around. Surely not?
  16. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1194303' date='Apr 10 2011, 08:56 AM']hey ho, the crowd liked it![/quote] [/thread]
  17. Someone more knowledgeable than me will probably be along later, but my 2p. Spray can sanding sealer is useful to stick over the bare wood. Dries quickly, then you give it a quick sand to level off any minor imperfections. Primer over that. I wouldn't mix poly and nitro, unless the nitro's going over the poly. Nitro is a bitch anyway - very smelly in enclosed spaces and takes weeks to go off, IME. It also has a tendency to orange peel unless the temp and humidity are around the mfr's recommended tolerances. Check out this lot for nitro product and info [url="http://www.reranch.com/"]http://www.reranch.com/[/url] Low tack masking tape is best whether poly or nitro. I used the normal stuff on a nitro surface after 2 months and managed to peel off right down to the primer. If and when you need to sand, IMO wet and dry paper is best. The problem is that the DIY sheds like B&Q tend not to stock the finer grades you need for the later passes. For these, you need to go to a specialist DIY or woodworking shop. Finest grade wire wool is good for the very last pass. TBH, if you use poly and go the multiple light coats route, you shouldn't need to do too much sanding anyway. Lots and lots of info on all this stuff if you google it.
  18. Hi Graham and welcome Plenty of us fat old guys on here. We tend to regard ourselves as the well-appointed touring cars of the forum. Built for comfort not speed, though capable of short bursts of acceleration if required.
  19. Enchante, M. Bear. Lots of new people joining from France. A developing trend and entirely welcome.
  20. The problem with the whole 'excellent / not excellent' thing is that it is entirely subjective. The seller may well genuinely think it's an excellent bass, and proceeds to articulate their opinion in their post. The danger is that the buyer will almost certainly have a different definition of 'excellent'. The same applies to ' a few dings' For example, I saw the latter phrase applied to a Gretsch 6128 Pro Jet which looked as if someone had taken a huge, blunt chisel to the lower bout. Basically, anything beyond a bald description invites disaster. Perhaps we should follow the example of the advertising community and use words which, though 'golden', are actually quite meaningless. e.g: "Here is an [font="Arial Black"]exciting opportunity [/font]to take delivery of a previously [font="Arial Black"]cherished[/font] bass guitar by Sue Ryder, one of the UK's [font="Arial Black"]leading [/font]charity guitar purveyors. The body is made from 100% [font="Arial Black"]naturally-occurring [/font]tree-wood. A [font="Arial Black"]vibrant[/font] blue [font="Arial Black"]livery [/font]complements its [font="Arial Black"]full, creamy, wholesome tone[/font]. PM offers, etc" All legally unchallengeable.
  21. New Dr Parts P neck £56 from [url="http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk"]http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk[/url] Maybe there's a local Portuguese distributor. Failing that, call dangleberry and see if they'll ship.
  22. Everybody has the right to assign whatever price they like to their cherished inst. In the same way, everyone else has the right to shake one's head and move on. Deals succeed if both parties open with realistic offers and negotiate in small increments, providing reasonable justifications for their position. Overcooked opening prices and lowball offers are the mark of the tyro. Am I annoyed or offended by the chummy who's semi-spamming his bass around the forum at a price higher than new? Not at all. Though possibly unkind, it's fun to watch someone piss on their own chips.
  23. [quote name='Bankai' post='1186707' date='Apr 3 2011, 01:30 PM']The PG range are just a cheap range of brothers to the proper SM series.[/quote] I've got a PG57. Cost me £25 s/h, OK but a bit uninspiring.
  24. [quote name='Hamster' post='1191035' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:00 PM']If Southend is too far - this guy is in Nottingham - [url="http://www.chambonino.com/"]http://www.chambonino.com/[/url][/quote] +1 for this guy. He's lovably bonkers, but he knows his stuff.
  25. Cheap? You want cheap? £50-£75? Keep a daily eye on the BC 'basses for sale' section for Sue Ryder basses. There'll be a few coming on over the next few weeks, months, I'm sure...
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