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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Squier Butterscotch CV P Thread bursting with surprise, excitement, swooning, GAS-ing here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128904"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128904[/url]
  2. [quote name='Johngh' post='1188897' date='Apr 5 2011, 12:40 PM']I've yet to see anywhere where there is such a large selection of used bass gear as good as you get on here.[/quote] Certainly there are no shops that fit the bill, IME. And if there were, we'd just be bitching about idiot, sniffy salespeople... Ain't BC grand? And the daffodils are out and the sun is shining. I shall skip naked through the top meadow in pagan celebration of all things good.
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='1188644' date='Apr 5 2011, 08:56 AM']Never tried an 18", perhaps I should?[/quote] Keep your fantasies to yourself, please. Well anyway ... I think the fat ol' cabs of the time definitely had an effect. I remember hearing a 4x10 with a horn (fnarr) for the first time and thinking "My God, it's so tinny!"
  4. [quote name='bobpalt' post='1188708' date='Apr 5 2011, 10:13 AM']Only minor hiccup was when I waited in all Saturday morning and afternoon for someone who was coming round to collect and pay for a bass, then he e mailed me in the evening to say sorry, but he had popped into PMT as he was passing it and spent all the money on another bass!![/quote] Less than ideal under the circumstances. Cause for serious frostiness, IMO. On the upside, Bob, I am loving your avatar. Entirely encapsulates that 'cornucopia of choice' moment that makes life worth living.
  5. Welcome Briggy Hope you enjoy the forum
  6. BC comprises a cross-section of people, a small percentage of whom lack the politeness gene. Unfortunate outcomes are therefore to be expected from time to time, whether buying or selling. Nevertheless the OP seems to have had a bit of a bad run recently, for which commiserations are in order.
  7. [quote name='ficelles' post='1187287' date='Apr 3 2011, 11:56 PM']anyone remember it?[/quote] Never bought anything there, but I certainly recall the name appearing in music publications of the period. Clearly, the - er - substances weren't [i]that [/i]good.
  8. Brandoni Jazz - did it about 10 yrs ago. The difficult bit for me was positioning the bridge. No screw holes. Otherwise a complete breeze.
  9. Never mind the miming, that's a spiffy little song. I shall have that.
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1183728' date='Mar 31 2011, 07:18 PM']Wouldn't that be Bob Glaub on bass?[/quote] Whoops! It is indeed Mr Glaub. Ta for that.
  11. [s]Leland Sklar.[/s] Bob Glaub. Beautiful tone. And check out his support for the vocals from 4:35 to 4:55
  12. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1179176' date='Mar 28 2011, 09:56 AM']I always think it's funny when pub bands do this and everyone has already gone.[/quote] And pretty pointless in pubs where 'leaving the stage' means moving 18" off to the left and standing around like a prize turnip. Worse still, I've actually witnessed a couple of pub bands play 'wild cheering' sound effects through their PA and come bounding back on, waving like idiots to the proverbial 2 men and a dog. It fairly makes your starfish pucker.
  13. My friend Ken Smith (not the bass Ken Smith, someone else entirely) once said that he thought he had the most boring name in the world. Perhaps this might account - in part - for the lack of sales lift-off.
  14. IIRC, the last time this topic came up, the consensus was mostly the other way - e.g. "Who [i]wouldn't [/i]use open strings? It's complete madness, I tells ya etc..." Weird.
  15. Close examination of the image reveals a Squier logo beneath the strings. If they do release this, then it's just going to fly out the door. Sign me up.
  16. Welcome fabinosto If you think your English is bad, you should hear my French. It's beyond atrocious... Enjoy the forum
  17. * Two bags of grass * Seventy-five pellets of mescaline * Five sheets of high-powered blotter acid * A saltshaker half-full of cocaine * A whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls.
  18. Depends how many gigs are involved and how much time they're spending on it. Couple of gigs a month and a few phone calls - no way. Tons of gigs and chasing - maybe... As for the issue of PA that someone else mentioned - well, if it's just for vocals, then it's for the singer to buy / tote around. If it's a big rig and a full band thing, then one shares the cost.
  19. [quote name='RockfordStone' post='1172111' date='Mar 22 2011, 02:05 PM']just need a drummer who can drum... in time preferably[/quote] Jesus, that's a bit ambitious.
  20. [quote name='alhbass' post='1171512' date='Mar 21 2011, 11:10 PM']I know other Danos come in both long and short scale versions (eg the 63 RI)[/quote] Not for much longer apparently. According to April's 'Guitarist' mag Danelectro are discontinuing all their basses bar the Longhorn and the 'dolphin nose' 56. Madness. [size=1]Totally wrong-looking Dan in black. [/size]
  21. Decent drummers have always been like gold dust. But finding [i]any[/i] kind of drummer seems to be an uphill slog these days, particularly if you're out in the boonies like me. Once you factor in transport, timekeeping of both kinds, mental stability, etc., you might as well be looking for a unicorn. It doesn't help that the fragmentation of musical genres has led to lots of silo thinking - i.e. "I'm a metal / punk / blues / jazz musician". Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, people would just get together, have a bash and see what happened. Only then would you decide what sort of band you were going to be.
  22. Welcome watchman ... from a fellow Oxonian who's about as far from Oxford as you can get without being in Warwickshire. It's grim up North. Enjoy the forum.
  23. I've only ever used an effect on my bass on one occasion. Someone insisted we try Blur Song 2. Set a cheapo Behringer gtr OD to full beanz and kicked it in on the whoo. Just [i]fantastic[/i]. Blew the guitard's nads right back up his throat. As the banshee feedback shrieked away, the little sh*t had his hands over his ears begging for mercy.
  24. Some great suggestions here, which mostly focus on [i]doing something[/i]. Perhaps you could try doing [i]nothing[/i]. Take the pressure off for a while. I regularly put the bass down for a couple of weeks and do other things - not necessarily musically related. When I come back, I quite often play some stuff and think "Blimey, I didn't know I could do that." It's like the brain's being mulling things over in the background. The other advantage to doing nothing is it involves absolutely no investment of time, effort or money.
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