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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Clarky' post='1166182' date='Mar 17 2011, 07:49 PM']Middlie-aged man gets to tour overseas, something he has dreamed of since being a teenager,. Will report back Sunday evening or Monday. Smiely face emoticons galore![/quote] Splendid. Really chuffed for you! Have a good gig - and bring us back a nice tin of Fado.
  2. We really should be careful not to prejudice the defendants' right to a fair trial. The Music Ground operation might be a byword for beady-eyed artfulness, slack disinterested arrogant salesmen and scrotum-popping prices. Whether they are sticky-fingered thieves or greedy, scumbag receivers who deserve to be passed round the inmates like a bag of sweeties is - however - a matter for the jury. OTOH an angry mob will do fine. Why should juries have all the fun?
  3. [quote name='redstriper' post='1166533' date='Mar 18 2011, 12:46 AM']Plastikote Krystal gloss for neck + [s]brush[/s] + wet&dry + time + effort etc. + delivery with no return option.[/quote] It's a spray can FWIW, my point was not the initial cost. I agree the HB's cheaper and probably a perfectly adequate bass. But it [i]will [/i]depreciate more, IMO. Buy a Squier off BC and you'd probably get your money back if you decide to chop it in. Just a thought.
  4. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1166913' date='Mar 18 2011, 11:53 AM']Which one has the minimum of ads?[/quote] The one about to go belly-up? As for the OP - well, frankly, I'd save my money. Basschat is the Nulli Secundus of bass-related media doo-dah.
  5. The amp techs are here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=198&st=60&start=60"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...60&start=60[/url] There's this thread which covers a related issue: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4116&st=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4116&st=20[/url]
  6. Solderless cable kits? GeorgeL's are the lad [url="http://www.georgels.co.uk/"]http://www.georgels.co.uk/[/url]
  7. Harley-Benton: £122 + £10 shipping. Depreciation? 25-50% S/H Squier VMJ from Basschat Marketplace? £180-200 + Plastikote Krystal gloss for neck @ £7. Depreciation - zero?
  8. Actually, 10,000 hours isn't that much. Just short of 5 years doing 40 hour Mon-Fri weeks. Virtuosos? Sponging lightweights, if you ask me. Think how good they'd be if they [i]really [/i]made an effort
  9. Those of us of advanced years will remember when bass was the instrument for duff guitarists. Nowadays it has a greater cachet and is adopted as a first choice by many who could probably play their guitarist under the table, should they so choose. So, yes, it is more cool than it was.
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1165052' date='Mar 16 2011, 10:00 PM']I wonder how many slappers believe that people only pretend to dislike it because they're jealous and they can't do it.[/quote] I wonder how many people who dislike slapping pretend they can't do it even though they can because people who can slap and aren't jealous are not the same people who won't.
  11. [quote name='Ben_55' post='1164340' date='Mar 16 2011, 12:59 PM']never played bass before and turned up to an audition as a drummer but they were wanting a bassist?! i offered to try and got it.[/quote] Which puts you considerably in advance of the thousands of us who've auditioned as bass players and [i]didn't [/i]get a gig Welcome - and enjoy the forum
  12. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1164203' date='Mar 16 2011, 11:13 AM']Your 3rd fret would be G C F A "Get Colonel For Attack"[/quote] GCFA# Get Colonel for attack sharpish?
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1163507' date='Mar 15 2011, 06:55 PM']Why is the D the luckiest note? Because it has a flat by the C[/quote] [/thread] Frankly, one can learn the notes or not. If one does, then one is a probably better player for the effort. If one doesn't, one [i]still [/i]might get a tongue in the ear from the plumpie that keeps staring at you during the 'Alright Now' bass solo. So it's all good.
  14. [quote name='silddx' post='1163705' date='Mar 15 2011, 09:05 PM']Perhaps it's time to leave the poor f***er alone.[/quote] Last posted in early Jan, last seen on Feb 17. I think he's long gone. But you never know
  15. And a positive response from my MP.
  16. [quote name='hellothere' post='1160715' date='Mar 13 2011, 05:15 PM']Really? I have used it quite often. I've never had a problem with viruses, what kind?[/quote] TBH, I can't recall which ones - it was about a year ago and again six months ago. One got caught, the other I had to get out with a penknife, so to speak. [quote name='hellothere' post='1160715' date='Mar 13 2011, 05:15 PM']And Doddy what makes tabs so evil?[/quote] Don't go there. More than enough threads on this issue.
  17. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1160517' date='Mar 13 2011, 02:51 PM']I didn't think I'd find the three stooges so early on in my membership. Keep up the good work lads...or is it girls? [/quote] Nice return, Sir and welcome. Thing is, we've just come off an extended and thread about the merits of tab vs reading. There may be some residual vibes hanging around. The only thing I'd say is avoid the bassmasta tab site. A number of us have found viruses on there.
  18. From HMRC - [url="http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/index.htm"]http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/index.htm[/url] [quote][b]2.2 Do I have to pay import duties and/or import VAT on goods sent to me?[/b] Most goods arriving in the UK from outside the EU are liable to any or all of the following taxes: ■customs duty ■excise duty ■import VAT and must be paid whether: ■you purchase the goods or receive them as a gift ■the goods are new or used (including antiques) ■the goods are for your private use or for re-sale. [b]2.3 What are the limits for customs duty and import VAT?[/b] ■Commercial consignments of £18 or less are free from customs duty and import VAT. For example, goods purchased over the internet with an intrinsic value not exceeding £18, will not be charged any duty or VAT but this does not include alcohol, tobacco products, perfume or toilet waters. See paragraph 2.5, 2.6 and section 3. ■If you are sent a gift with a value of £40 or less, and which complies with the rules shown in paragraph 2.4, it will be free from customs duty and import VAT, but this does not include alcohol, tobacco, perfumes and toilet waters. ■Customs duty becomes payable if the value of the goods is over £135 but duty is waived if the amount of duty calculated is less than £9. There are a number of other circumstances where relief from some or all customs charges may be available. If you think your goods may be eligible for a relief you should contact the Customs Helpline for further information.[/quote]
  19. Hi edr1958 and welcome Everything they [i]don't[/i] teach you at College can be found here on Basschat. Among many other topics: * How to deal with over-loud guitarists * What to do to other musos who want to borrow your amp at gigs * 10 good reasons for storming out of a rehearsal * How to smuggle newly acquired bass gear past one's spouse / significant other Hope you enjoy the forum
  20. Google is one's friend. From the website of the European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General: [quote][b]Mail order and distance purchasing [/b] [i]Goods[/i] The rules applicable to mail order and distance purchasing are identical whether goods are ordered by telephone, from a catalogue or via the internet. The general rule for supplies of goods to private individuals in the single market is the "origin" principle. This means that private individuals pay VAT in the Member State of purchase, and do not have additional VAT to pay on return to their own Member State. However, for "distance selling" (where the supplier and the customer are located in different Member States, and the goods are dispatched to the customer), there are a number of different possibilities, all related to the level of trade of the supplier, which determines whether the "origin" or "destination" principles apply. The general rule is that it is the VAT rate of the supplier which applies ("origin" principle). However, if the level of sales in any one Member State exceed a certain threshold (either €35.000 or €100.000 depending on the Member State)or if the supplier opts, then he must register for VAT and charge VAT at the rate applicable in that Member State ("destination" principle). This means that distance sellers must charge the VAT rate applicable in the Member State of the customer where the supplies to all customers in that Member State exceed the relevant threshold.[/quote] [url="http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/common/about/index_en.htm"]http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/commo...ut/index_en.htm[/url]
  21. [quote name='deepbass5' post='1158797' date='Mar 11 2011, 11:12 PM']I bought a load of music stand lights K&M but they came with Euro plugs[/quote] As was the case with the wireless I bought from Thomann. IIRC, others have had this issue. Not a dealbreaker when everything else is taken into account.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1157768' date='Mar 11 2011, 10:32 AM']A very vague article. Couldn't possibly comment until I see more details.[/quote] Here you go: The Bill: [url="http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201011/ldbills/012/2011012.pdf"]http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/l...012/2011012.pdf[/url] Debate on second reading: [url="http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201011/ldhansrd/text/110304-0001.htm#11030452000496"]http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/l...#11030452000496[/url] The bill is now on its second reading, so fairly early in its life. It will have to go through committee stages and then be presented to the commons. The good news is that the coalition is minded to support it. John Whittingdale's Early day Motion 1465: [quote]LIVE PERFORMANCES (No. 2) 16.02.2011 Whittingdale, John That this House notes that it is now more than 12 months since the Department for Culture, Media and Sport launched a consultation to exempt small live music events from the bureaucracy of the Licensing Act 2007; further notes that an exemption has not yet been granted despite the commitment to cut red tape to encourage the performance of more live music in the Coalition Agreement; and calls on the Government to introduce an exemption without delay.[/quote] Venues of under 200 capacity would exempted from the requirement to apply for a live music license as currently required by the Licensing Act 2007. And other stuff.
  23. Life's too short to make enemies of one's friends. Send 'em a rough mix and only comment on their playing if they [i]specifically[/i] ask you. Even then, keep it restrained, keep it positive and sandwich the criticism in between some praise. e.g. "Beppo's Les Paul looks gorgeous. Shame he plays it like a tw*t. Nice shoes, though".
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